[enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'int'), (, 'cgc_planetMenu ( pPlanet pl )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pPlanet, var = pl [type=] dec = ['pl'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pPlanet : pl sym_dict [pl] = pPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int choice'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [choice] = int var: choice (choice) = 0 var: int choice (choice) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char'), (, 'selection [ 30 ]'), (, ';')] [A-t-3] sym_dict [selection] = char * [C-t-3] sym_dict [selection [ 30 ]] = char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t length'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [length] = cgc_size_t var: length (length) = 0 var: cgc_size_t length (length) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pCountry pc'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [pc] = pCountry var: pc (pc) = NULL var: pCountry pc (pc) = NULL 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl == NULL [0] => pl [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => pl == NULL => ['pl', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl - [] ['pl'] -- [] ['pl'] --- [] ['pl'] ---- [] ['pl'] ----- [] ['pl'] ------ [] ['pl'] ------- [] ['pl'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return 0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl == NULL ) { return 0 ; } 0 : [ { return 0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv4'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv4] = void * var: tlv4 (tlv4) = selection var: void * tlv4 (tlv4) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv3'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv3] = cgc_size_t var: tlv3 (tlv3) = 30 var: cgc_size_t tlv3 (tlv3) = 30 Descendants of : { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv4', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv3', '', '30')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv5] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv5 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv5 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv6] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv6 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv6 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv7] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv7 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv7 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv8] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv8 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv8 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv9] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv9 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv9 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv10] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv10 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv10 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv11] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv11 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv11 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv12] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv12 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv12 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv13] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv13 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv13 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv14] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv14 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv14 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv15] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv15 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv15 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv16] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv16 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv16 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv17] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv17 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv17 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv18] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv18 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv18 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv19] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv19 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv19 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv22'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv22] = char * var: tlv22 (tlv22) = selection var: char * tlv22 (tlv22) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv21'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv21] = char var: tlv21 (tlv21) = '\n' var: char tlv21 (tlv21) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv20'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv20] = cgc_size_t var: tlv20 (tlv20) = 3 var: cgc_size_t tlv20 (tlv20) = 3 Descendants of : { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv22', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv21', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv20', '', '3')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv23 = selection'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv23] = const char * var: choice (choice) = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) var: int choice (choice) = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', 'cgc_atoi ( tlv23 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ switch ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ choice ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printPlanetInfo'), (, '( pl )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv75] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv75 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv75 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv26'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv26] = char * var: tlv26 (tlv26) = selection var: char * tlv26 (tlv26) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv25'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv25] = char var: tlv25 (tlv25) = '\n' var: char tlv25 (tlv25) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv24'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv24] = cgc_size_t var: tlv24 (tlv24) = 10 var: cgc_size_t tlv24 (tlv24) = 10 Descendants of : { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv26', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv25', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', '', '10')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv61 = selection'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv61] = const char * var: pl -> period (pl -> period) = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) var: UNDEF pl -> period (pl -> period) = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> period', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv61 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv76] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv76 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv76 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv29'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv29] = char * var: tlv29 (tlv29) = selection var: char * tlv29 (tlv29) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv28'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv28] = char var: tlv28 (tlv28) = '\n' var: char tlv28 (tlv28) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv27'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv27] = cgc_size_t var: tlv27 (tlv27) = 10 var: cgc_size_t tlv27 (tlv27) = 10 Descendants of : { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv29', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv28', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', '', '10')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv62 = selection'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv62] = const char * var: pl -> orbitspeed (pl -> orbitspeed) = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) var: UNDEF pl -> orbitspeed (pl -> orbitspeed) = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> orbitspeed', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv62 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv77] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv77 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv77 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv32'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv32] = char * var: tlv32 (tlv32) = selection var: char * tlv32 (tlv32) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv31'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv31] = char var: tlv31 (tlv31) = '\n' var: char tlv31 (tlv31) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv30'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv30] = cgc_size_t var: tlv30 (tlv30) = 10 var: cgc_size_t tlv30 (tlv30) = 10 Descendants of : { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv32', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv31', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', '', '10')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv63 = selection'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv63] = const char * var: pl -> aphelion (pl -> aphelion) = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) var: UNDEF pl -> aphelion (pl -> aphelion) = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> aphelion', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv63 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv78] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv78 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv78 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv35'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv35] = char * var: tlv35 (tlv35) = selection var: char * tlv35 (tlv35) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv34'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv34] = char var: tlv34 (tlv34) = '\n' var: char tlv34 (tlv34) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv33'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv33] = cgc_size_t var: tlv33 (tlv33) = 10 var: cgc_size_t tlv33 (tlv33) = 10 Descendants of : { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv35', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv34', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', '', '10')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv64 = selection'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv64] = const char * var: pl -> perihelion (pl -> perihelion) = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) var: UNDEF pl -> perihelion (pl -> perihelion) = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> perihelion', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv64 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv79] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv79 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv79 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv38'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv38] = char * var: tlv38 (tlv38) = selection var: char * tlv38 (tlv38) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv37'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv37] = char var: tlv37 (tlv37) = '\n' var: char tlv37 (tlv37) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv36'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv36] = cgc_size_t var: tlv36 (tlv36) = 10 var: cgc_size_t tlv36 (tlv36) = 10 Descendants of : { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv38', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv37', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', '', '10')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv65 = selection'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv65] = const char * var: pl -> radius (pl -> radius) = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) var: UNDEF pl -> radius (pl -> radius) = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> radius', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv65 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv80] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv80 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv80 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv41'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv41] = char * var: tlv41 (tlv41) = selection var: char * tlv41 (tlv41) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv40'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv40] = char var: tlv40 (tlv40) = '\n' var: char tlv40 (tlv40) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv39'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv39] = cgc_size_t var: tlv39 (tlv39) = 10 var: cgc_size_t tlv39 (tlv39) = 10 Descendants of : { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv41', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv40', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '10')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv66 = selection'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv66] = const char * var: pl -> eradius (pl -> eradius) = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) var: UNDEF pl -> eradius (pl -> eradius) = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> eradius', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv66 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv81] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv81 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv81 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv44'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv44] = char * var: tlv44 (tlv44) = selection var: char * tlv44 (tlv44) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv43'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv43] = char var: tlv43 (tlv43) = '\n' var: char tlv43 (tlv43) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv42'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv42] = cgc_size_t var: tlv42 (tlv42) = 10 var: cgc_size_t tlv42 (tlv42) = 10 Descendants of : { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv44', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv43', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', '', '10')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv67 = selection'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv67] = const char * var: pl -> mass (pl -> mass) = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) var: UNDEF pl -> mass (pl -> mass) = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> mass', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv67 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv82] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv82 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv82 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv47'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv47] = char * var: tlv47 (tlv47) = selection var: char * tlv47 (tlv47) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv46'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv46] = char var: tlv46 (tlv46) = '\n' var: char tlv46 (tlv46) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv45'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv45] = cgc_size_t var: tlv45 (tlv45) = 10 var: cgc_size_t tlv45 (tlv45) = 10 Descendants of : { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv46', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', '', '10')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv68 = selection'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv68] = const char * var: pl -> gravity (pl -> gravity) = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) var: UNDEF pl -> gravity (pl -> gravity) = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> gravity', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv68 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv83] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv83 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv83 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv50'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv50] = char * var: tlv50 (tlv50) = selection var: char * tlv50 (tlv50) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv49'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv49] = char var: tlv49 (tlv49) = '\n' var: char tlv49 (tlv49) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv48'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv48] = cgc_size_t var: tlv48 (tlv48) = 10 var: cgc_size_t tlv48 (tlv48) = 10 Descendants of : { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv50', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv49', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', '', '10')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv69 = selection'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv69] = const char * var: pl -> population (pl -> population) = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) var: UNDEF pl -> population (pl -> population) = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> population', '', 'cgc_atoi ( tlv69 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX [0] => pl -> country_count [2] => COUNTRYMAX [enterRelationalExpression] : => pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX => ['pl -> country_count', 'COUNTRYMAX'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> country_count - [] ['pl -> country_count'] -- [] ['pl -> country_count'] --- [] ['pl -> country_count'] ---- [] ['pl -> country_count'] ----- [] ['pl -> country_count'] ------ [, , ] ['pl', '->', 'country_count'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv89] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv89 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv89 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } ] Descendants of : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } 0 : [ if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv51] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv51 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv51 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv54'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv54] = char * var: tlv54 (tlv54) = selection var: char * tlv54 (tlv54) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv53'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv53] = char var: tlv53 (tlv53) = '\n' var: char tlv53 (tlv53) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv52'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv52] = cgc_size_t var: tlv52 (tlv52) = 19 var: cgc_size_t tlv52 (tlv52) = 19 Descendants of : { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv54', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv53', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', '', '19')] Compares = [] var: choice (choice) = 0 var: int choice (choice) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => choice < COUNTRYMAX [0] => choice [2] => COUNTRYMAX [enterRelationalExpression] : => choice < COUNTRYMAX => ['choice', 'COUNTRYMAX'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : choice - [] ['choice'] -- [] ['choice'] --- [] ['choice'] ---- [] ['choice'] ----- [] ['choice'] ------ [] ['choice'] FOUND IT! [1.2] int : choice Resolved type: [1.3] int : choice 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL [0] => pl -> countries [ choice ] [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL => ['pl -> countries [ choice ]', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> countries [ choice ] - [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] -- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] --- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] ---- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] ----- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] ------ [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] ------- [, , , , , ] ['pl', '->', 'countries', '[', 'choice', ']'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { break ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } 0 : [ { break ; } ] Descendants of : { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } 0 : [ if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } 0 : [ { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => choice == COUNTRYMAX [0] => choice [2] => COUNTRYMAX [enterEqualityExpression] : => choice == COUNTRYMAX => ['choice', 'COUNTRYMAX'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : choice - [] ['choice'] -- [] ['choice'] --- [] ['choice'] ---- [] ['choice'] ----- [] ['choice'] ------ [] ['choice'] ------- [] ['choice'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : choice Resolved type: [2.3] int : choice 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ choice == COUNTRYMAX ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv84] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv84 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv84 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv72'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv72] = cgc_size_t var: tlv72 (tlv72) = sizeof ( Country ) var: cgc_size_t tlv72 (tlv72) = sizeof ( Country ) [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv71'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv71] = int var: tlv71 (tlv71) = 0 var: int tlv71 (tlv71) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * * tlv70'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv70] = void * * var: tlv70 (tlv70) = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) var: void * * tlv70 (tlv70) = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) var: tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) var: int tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) Descendants of : { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } Assigns = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'sizeof ( Country )'), ('int', 'tlv71', '', '0'), ('void * *', 'tlv70', '', '( void * * ) ( & pc )'), ('int', 'tlv1', '', 'cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv1 != 0 [0] => tlv1 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv1 != 0 => ['tlv1', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv1 - [] ['tlv1'] -- [] ['tlv1'] --- [] ['tlv1'] ---- [] ['tlv1'] ----- [] ['tlv1'] ------ [] ['tlv1'] ------- [] ['tlv1'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv1 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv1 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv1 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv85] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv85 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv85 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_initCountry'), (, '( pc )'), (, ';')] var: pl -> countries (pl -> countries [ choice ]) = pc var: UNDEF pl -> countries (pl -> countries [ choice ]) = pc var: length (length) = 0 var: cgc_size_t length (length) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => var: pc -> name (pc -> name [ length ]) = selection [ length ] var: UNDEF pc -> name (pc -> name [ length ]) = selection [ length ] Descendants of : { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', 'selection [ length ]')] Compares = [] Descendants of : while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } 0 : [ { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } ] var: pc -> name (pc -> name [ length ]) = '\x00' var: UNDEF pc -> name (pc -> name [ length ]) = '\x00' 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv86] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv86 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv86 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => var: choice (choice) = 0 var: int choice (choice) = 0 [is_comparator] => choice < pl -> country_count [0] => choice [2] => pl -> country_count [enterRelationalExpression] : => choice < pl -> country_count => ['choice', 'pl -> country_count'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : choice - [] ['choice'] -- [] ['choice'] --- [] ['choice'] ---- [] ['choice'] ----- [] ['choice'] ------ [] ['choice'] FOUND IT! [1.2] int : choice Resolved type: [1.3] int : choice 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL [0] => pl -> countries [ choice ] [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL => ['pl -> countries [ choice ]', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> countries [ choice ] - [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] -- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] --- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] ---- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] ----- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] ------ [] ['pl -> countries [ choice ]'] ------- [, , , , , ] ['pl', '->', 'countries', '[', 'choice', ']'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } ] Descendants of : { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } 0 : [ if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } 0 : [ { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv56'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv56] = void * var: tlv56 (tlv56) = selection var: void * tlv56 (tlv56) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv55'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv55] = cgc_size_t var: tlv55 (tlv55) = 30 var: cgc_size_t tlv55 (tlv55) = 30 Descendants of : { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv56', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', '', '30')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> "'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv57 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv60'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv60] = char * var: tlv60 (tlv60) = selection var: char * tlv60 (tlv60) = selection [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv59'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv59] = char var: tlv59 (tlv59) = '\n' var: char tlv59 (tlv59) = '\n' [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv58'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv58] = cgc_size_t var: tlv58 (tlv58) = 3 var: cgc_size_t tlv58 (tlv58) = 3 Descendants of : { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv60', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv59', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', '3')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv73 = selection'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv73] = const char * var: choice (choice) = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) var: int choice (choice) = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', 'cgc_atoi ( tlv73 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => choice < 1 [0] => choice [2] => 1 [enterRelationalExpression] : => choice < 1 => ['choice', '1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : choice - [] ['choice'] -- [] ['choice'] --- [] ['choice'] ---- [] ['choice'] ----- [] ['choice'] ------ [] ['choice'] FOUND IT! [1.2] int : choice Resolved type: [1.3] int : choice [is_comparator] => choice > COUNTRYMAX [0] => choice [2] => COUNTRYMAX [enterRelationalExpression] : => choice > COUNTRYMAX => ['choice', 'COUNTRYMAX'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : choice - [] ['choice'] -- [] ['choice'] --- [] ['choice'] ---- [] ['choice'] ----- [] ['choice'] ------ [] ['choice'] FOUND IT! [1.2] int : choice Resolved type: [1.3] int : choice 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv87] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv87 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv87 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] sibling [4] : [ { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } ] sibling [5] : [ else ] In an else condition, don't capture 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL [0] => pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL => ['pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] - [] ['pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'] -- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'] --- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'] ---- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'] ----- [] ['pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'] ------ [] ['pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'] ------- [, , , , , ] ['pl', '->', 'countries', '[', 'choice - 1', ']'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv90] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv90 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv90 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } ] Descendants of : { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } 0 : [ if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } 0 : [ { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } ] 1 : [ { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pCountry tlv74'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv74] = pCountry var: tlv74 (tlv74) = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] var: pCountry tlv74 (tlv74) = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] var: tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) var: int tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) Descendants of : { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } Assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', '', 'pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'), ('int', 'tlv2', '', 'cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv2 == 0 [0] => tlv2 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv2 == 0 => ['tlv2', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv2 - [] ['tlv2'] -- [] ['tlv2'] --- [] ['tlv2'] ---- [] ['tlv2'] ----- [] ['tlv2'] ------ [] ['tlv2'] ------- [] ['tlv2'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv2 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv2 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv2 == 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => var: pl -> countries (pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]) = NULL var: UNDEF pl -> countries (pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]) = NULL Descendants of : { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice - 1 ]', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } 0 : [ { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_freePlanet'), (, '( pl )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return 1 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv88] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv88 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv88 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } ] 1 : [ { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } ] 2 : [ { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] 3 : [ { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } ] 4 : [ { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } ] 5 : [ { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ] 6 : [ { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } ] 7 : [ { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } ] 8 : [ { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] 9 : [ { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } ] 10 : [ { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } ] 11 : [ { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] 12 : [ { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } ] 13 : [ { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } ] 14 : [ { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } ] 15 : [ { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } ] 16 : [ { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } ] 17 : [ { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] 18 : [ { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } ] 19 : [ { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } ] 20 : [ { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ] 21 : [ { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } ] 22 : [ { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } ] 23 : [ { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } ] 24 : [ { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } ] 25 : [ { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } ] 26 : [ { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } ] 27 : [ { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } ] 28 : [ { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } ] 29 : [ { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } ] 30 : [ { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ] 31 : [ while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } ] 32 : [ if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } ] 33 : [ { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } ] 34 : [ if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } ] 35 : [ while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } ] 36 : [ { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } ] 37 : [ for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } ] 38 : [ { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } ] 39 : [ { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] 40 : [ { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } ] 41 : [ { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } ] 42 : [ if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } ] 43 : [ { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } ] 44 : [ if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } ] 45 : [ { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } ] 46 : [ { return 1 ; } ] 47 : [ { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } ] Assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] Compares = [] Descendants of : switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } 0 : [ { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ] Descendants of : { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } 0 : [ { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } ] 2 : [ { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } ] 3 : [ { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } ] 4 : [ { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } ] 5 : [ { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } ] 6 : [ { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } ] 7 : [ { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } ] 8 : [ { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } ] 9 : [ { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } ] 10 : [ { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } ] 11 : [ { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } ] 12 : [ { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } ] 13 : [ { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } ] 14 : [ { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } ] 15 : [ { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } ] 16 : [ { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } ] 17 : [ { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } ] 18 : [ switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : while ( 1 ) { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } 0 : [ { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } ] Descendants of : { int choice ; choice = 0 ; char selection [ 30 ] ; cgc_size_t length ; length = 0 ; pCountry pc ; pc = NULL ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return 0 ; } while ( 1 ) { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } end : return 1 ; } 0 : [ if ( pl == NULL ) { return 0 ; } ] 1 : [ while ( 1 ) { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } ] Assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : int cgc_planetMenu ( pPlanet pl ) { int choice ; choice = 0 ; char selection [ 30 ] ; cgc_size_t length ; length = 0 ; pCountry pc ; pc = NULL ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return 0 ; } while ( 1 ) { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } end : return 1 ; } 0 : [ { int choice ; choice = 0 ; char selection [ 30 ] ; cgc_size_t length ; length = 0 ; pCountry pc ; pc = NULL ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return 0 ; } while ( 1 ) { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } end : return 1 ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'void'), (, 'cgc_freePlanet ( pPlanet pl )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pPlanet, var = pl [type=] dec = ['pl'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pPlanet : pl sym_dict [pl] = pPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int index'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [index] = int var: index (index) = 0 var: int index (index) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl == NULL [0] => pl [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => pl == NULL => ['pl', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl - [] ['pl'] -- [] ['pl'] --- [] ['pl'] ---- [] ['pl'] ----- [] ['pl'] ------ [] ['pl'] ------- [] ['pl'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } 0 : [ { return ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => index < COUNTRYMAX [0] => index [2] => COUNTRYMAX [enterRelationalExpression] : => index < COUNTRYMAX => ['index', 'COUNTRYMAX'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : index - [] ['index'] -- [] ['index'] --- [] ['index'] ---- [] ['index'] ----- [] ['index'] ------ [] ['index'] FOUND IT! [1.2] int : index Resolved type: [1.3] int : index 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL [0] => pl -> countries [ index ] [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL => ['pl -> countries [ index ]', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> countries [ index ] - [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] -- [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] --- [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] ---- [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] ----- [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] ------ [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] ------- [, , , , , ] ['pl', '->', 'countries', '[', 'index', ']'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pCountry tlv3'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv3] = pCountry var: tlv3 (tlv3) = pl -> countries [ index ] var: pCountry tlv3 (tlv3) = pl -> countries [ index ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_freeCountry'), (, '( tlv3 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } Assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]')] Compares = [] var: pl -> countries (pl -> countries [ index ]) = NULL var: UNDEF pl -> countries (pl -> countries [ index ]) = NULL Descendants of : { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } 0 : [ { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } 0 : [ { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } ] Descendants of : { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } 0 : [ if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } 0 : [ { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = void * var: tlv2 (tlv2) = pl var: void * tlv2 (tlv2) = pl [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = cgc_size_t var: tlv1 (tlv1) = sizeof ( Planet ) var: cgc_size_t tlv1 (tlv1) = sizeof ( Planet ) Descendants of : { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv2', '', 'pl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', '', 'sizeof ( Planet )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } return ; } 0 : [ if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } ] 1 : [ while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } ] 2 : [ { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : void cgc_freePlanet ( pPlanet pl ) { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } return ; } 0 : [ { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } return ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'void'), (, 'cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pPlanet pl )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pPlanet, var = pl [type=] dec = ['pl'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pPlanet : pl sym_dict [pl] = pPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int index'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [index] = int var: index (index) = 0 var: int index (index) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl == NULL [0] => pl [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => pl == NULL => ['pl', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl - [] ['pl'] -- [] ['pl'] --- [] ['pl'] ---- [] ['pl'] ----- [] ['pl'] ------ [] ['pl'] ------- [] ['pl'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } 0 : [ { return ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' [0] => pl -> name [ 0 ] [2] => '\x00' [enterEqualityExpression] : => pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' => ['pl -> name [ 0 ]', "'\\x00'"] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> name [ 0 ] - [] ['pl -> name [ 0 ]'] -- [] ['pl -> name [ 0 ]'] --- [] ['pl -> name [ 0 ]'] ---- [] ['pl -> name [ 0 ]'] ----- [] ['pl -> name [ 0 ]'] ------ [] ['pl -> name [ 0 ]'] ------- [, , , , , ] ['pl', '->', 'name', '[', '0', ']'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv1] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv1 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv1 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } 0 : [ { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] sibling [4] : [ { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } ] sibling [5] : [ else ] In an else condition, don't capture 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' ) { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } else { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } ] 1 : [ { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> population >= 0 [0] => pl -> population [2] => 0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => pl -> population >= 0 => ['pl -> population', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> population - [] ['pl -> population'] -- [] ['pl -> population'] --- [] ['pl -> population'] ---- [] ['pl -> population'] ----- [] ['pl -> population'] ------ [, , ] ['pl', '->', 'population'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> population >= 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> period >= 0.0 [0] => pl -> period [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => pl -> period >= 0.0 => ['pl -> period', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> period - [] ['pl -> period'] -- [] ['pl -> period'] --- [] ['pl -> period'] ---- [] ['pl -> period'] ----- [] ['pl -> period'] ------ [, , ] ['pl', '->', 'period'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> period >= 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 [0] => pl -> orbitspeed [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 => ['pl -> orbitspeed', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> orbitspeed - [] ['pl -> orbitspeed'] -- [] ['pl -> orbitspeed'] --- [] ['pl -> orbitspeed'] ---- [] ['pl -> orbitspeed'] ----- [] ['pl -> orbitspeed'] ------ [, , ] ['pl', '->', 'orbitspeed'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 [0] => pl -> aphelion [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 => ['pl -> aphelion', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> aphelion - [] ['pl -> aphelion'] -- [] ['pl -> aphelion'] --- [] ['pl -> aphelion'] ---- [] ['pl -> aphelion'] ----- [] ['pl -> aphelion'] ------ [, , ] ['pl', '->', 'aphelion'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 [0] => pl -> perihelion [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 => ['pl -> perihelion', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> perihelion - [] ['pl -> perihelion'] -- [] ['pl -> perihelion'] --- [] ['pl -> perihelion'] ---- [] ['pl -> perihelion'] ----- [] ['pl -> perihelion'] ------ [, , ] ['pl', '->', 'perihelion'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> radius >= 0.0 [0] => pl -> radius [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => pl -> radius >= 0.0 => ['pl -> radius', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> radius - [] ['pl -> radius'] -- [] ['pl -> radius'] --- [] ['pl -> radius'] ---- [] ['pl -> radius'] ----- [] ['pl -> radius'] ------ [, , ] ['pl', '->', 'radius'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> radius >= 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> eradius >= 0.0 [0] => pl -> eradius [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => pl -> eradius >= 0.0 => ['pl -> eradius', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> eradius - [] ['pl -> eradius'] -- [] ['pl -> eradius'] --- [] ['pl -> eradius'] ---- [] ['pl -> eradius'] ----- [] ['pl -> eradius'] ------ [, , ] ['pl', '->', 'eradius'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> mass >= 0.0 [0] => pl -> mass [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => pl -> mass >= 0.0 => ['pl -> mass', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> mass - [] ['pl -> mass'] -- [] ['pl -> mass'] --- [] ['pl -> mass'] ---- [] ['pl -> mass'] ----- [] ['pl -> mass'] ------ [, , ] ['pl', '->', 'mass'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> mass >= 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> gravity >= 0.0 [0] => pl -> gravity [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => pl -> gravity >= 0.0 => ['pl -> gravity', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> gravity - [] ['pl -> gravity'] -- [] ['pl -> gravity'] --- [] ['pl -> gravity'] ---- [] ['pl -> gravity'] ----- [] ['pl -> gravity'] ------ [, , ] ['pl', '->', 'gravity'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => index < COUNTRYMAX [0] => index [2] => COUNTRYMAX [enterRelationalExpression] : => index < COUNTRYMAX => ['index', 'COUNTRYMAX'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : index - [] ['index'] -- [] ['index'] --- [] ['index'] ---- [] ['index'] ----- [] ['index'] ------ [] ['index'] FOUND IT! [1.2] int : index Resolved type: [1.3] int : index 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL [0] => pl -> countries [ index ] [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL => ['pl -> countries [ index ]', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl -> countries [ index ] - [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] -- [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] --- [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] ---- [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] ----- [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] ------ [] ['pl -> countries [ index ]'] ------- [, , , , , ] ['pl', '->', 'countries', '[', 'index', ']'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pCountry tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = pCountry var: tlv2 (tlv2) = pl -> countries [ index ] var: pCountry tlv2 (tlv2) = pl -> countries [ index ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printCountryInfo'), (, '( tlv2 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } Assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } 0 : [ { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } 0 : [ { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } ] Descendants of : { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } 0 : [ if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } 0 : [ { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } ] Descendants of : { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } if ( pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' ) { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } else { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } return ; } 0 : [ if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } ] 1 : [ if ( pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' ) { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } else { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } ] 2 : [ if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } ] 3 : [ if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } ] 4 : [ if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } ] 5 : [ if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } ] 6 : [ if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } ] 7 : [ if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } ] 8 : [ if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } ] 9 : [ if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } ] 10 : [ if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } ] 11 : [ while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } ] Assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : void cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pPlanet pl ) { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } if ( pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' ) { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } else { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } return ; } 0 : [ { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } if ( pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' ) { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } else { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } return ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'void'), (, 'cgc_initPlanet ( pPlanet pl )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pPlanet, var = pl [type=] dec = ['pl'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pPlanet : pl sym_dict [pl] = pPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'register int index'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [index] = register int var: index (index) = 0 var: register int index (index) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pl == NULL [0] => pl [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => pl == NULL => ['pl', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pl - [] ['pl'] -- [] ['pl'] --- [] ['pl'] ---- [] ['pl'] ----- [] ['pl'] ------ [] ['pl'] ------- [] ['pl'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : pl Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : pl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pl == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } 0 : [ { return ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = void * var: tlv2 (tlv2) = pl -> name var: void * tlv2 (tlv2) = pl -> name [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = cgc_size_t var: tlv1 (tlv1) = 20 var: cgc_size_t tlv1 (tlv1) = 20 Descendants of : { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv2', '', 'pl -> name'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', '', '20')] Compares = [] var: pl -> period (pl -> period) = - 1.0 var: UNDEF pl -> period (pl -> period) = - 1.0 var: pl -> orbitspeed (pl -> orbitspeed) = - 1.0 var: UNDEF pl -> orbitspeed (pl -> orbitspeed) = - 1.0 var: pl -> aphelion (pl -> aphelion) = - 1.0 var: UNDEF pl -> aphelion (pl -> aphelion) = - 1.0 var: pl -> perihelion (pl -> perihelion) = - 1.0 var: UNDEF pl -> perihelion (pl -> perihelion) = - 1.0 var: pl -> radius (pl -> radius) = - 1.0 var: UNDEF pl -> radius (pl -> radius) = - 1.0 var: pl -> eradius (pl -> eradius) = - 1.0 var: UNDEF pl -> eradius (pl -> eradius) = - 1.0 var: pl -> mass (pl -> mass) = - 1.0 var: UNDEF pl -> mass (pl -> mass) = - 1.0 var: pl -> gravity (pl -> gravity) = - 1.0 var: UNDEF pl -> gravity (pl -> gravity) = - 1.0 var: pl -> population (pl -> population) = - 1.0 var: UNDEF pl -> population (pl -> population) = - 1.0 var: pl -> country_count (pl -> country_count) = 0 var: UNDEF pl -> country_count (pl -> country_count) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => index < COUNTRYMAX [0] => index [2] => COUNTRYMAX [enterRelationalExpression] : => index < COUNTRYMAX => ['index', 'COUNTRYMAX'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : index - [] ['index'] -- [] ['index'] --- [] ['index'] ---- [] ['index'] ----- [] ['index'] ------ [] ['index'] FOUND IT! [1.2] register int : index Resolved type: [1.3] register int : index 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => var: pl -> countries (pl -> countries [ index ]) = NULL var: UNDEF pl -> countries (pl -> countries [ index ]) = NULL Descendants of : { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } Assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } 0 : [ { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } ] Descendants of : { register int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } pl -> period = - 1.0 ; pl -> orbitspeed = - 1.0 ; pl -> aphelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> perihelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> radius = - 1.0 ; pl -> eradius = - 1.0 ; pl -> mass = - 1.0 ; pl -> gravity = - 1.0 ; pl -> population = - 1.0 ; pl -> country_count = 0 ; while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } return ; } 0 : [ if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } ] 2 : [ while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } ] Assigns = [('register int', 'index', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> period', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> orbitspeed', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> population', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> country_count', '', '0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : void cgc_initPlanet ( pPlanet pl ) { register int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } pl -> period = - 1.0 ; pl -> orbitspeed = - 1.0 ; pl -> aphelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> perihelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> radius = - 1.0 ; pl -> eradius = - 1.0 ; pl -> mass = - 1.0 ; pl -> gravity = - 1.0 ; pl -> population = - 1.0 ; pl -> country_count = 0 ; while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } return ; } 0 : [ { register int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } pl -> period = - 1.0 ; pl -> orbitspeed = - 1.0 ; pl -> aphelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> perihelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> radius = - 1.0 ; pl -> eradius = - 1.0 ; pl -> mass = - 1.0 ; pl -> gravity = - 1.0 ; pl -> population = - 1.0 ; pl -> country_count = 0 ; while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } return ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'pPlanet'), (, 'cgc_planetTopLevel ( pstring topLevel )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pstring, var = topLevel [type=] dec = ['topLevel'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pstring : topLevel sym_dict [topLevel] = pstring 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int endIndex'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [endIndex] = int var: endIndex (endIndex) = 0 var: int endIndex (endIndex) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int temp_index'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [temp_index] = int var: temp_index (temp_index) = 0 var: int temp_index (temp_index) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pPlanet newPlanet'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [newPlanet] = pPlanet var: newPlanet (newPlanet) = NULL var: pPlanet newPlanet (newPlanet) = NULL [enterDeclaration] [(, 'element el'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [el] = element [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * fl'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [fl] = char * var: fl (fl) = NULL var: char * fl (fl) = NULL [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int lastGood'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [lastGood] = int var: lastGood (lastGood) = 0 var: int lastGood (lastGood) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => topLevel == NULL [0] => topLevel [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => topLevel == NULL => ['topLevel', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : topLevel - [] ['topLevel'] -- [] ['topLevel'] --- [] ['topLevel'] ---- [] ['topLevel'] ----- [] ['topLevel'] ------ [] ['topLevel'] ------- [] ['topLevel'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pstring : topLevel Resolved type: [2.3] pstring : topLevel 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ topLevel == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto end ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( topLevel == NULL ) { goto end ; } 0 : [ { goto end ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( topLevel )'), (, ';')] var: lastGood (lastGood) = topLevel -> index var: int lastGood (lastGood) = topLevel -> index 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => topLevel -> maxlength < 9 [0] => topLevel -> maxlength [2] => 9 [enterRelationalExpression] : => topLevel -> maxlength < 9 => ['topLevel -> maxlength', '9'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : topLevel -> maxlength - [] ['topLevel -> maxlength'] -- [] ['topLevel -> maxlength'] --- [] ['topLevel -> maxlength'] ---- [] ['topLevel -> maxlength'] ----- [] ['topLevel -> maxlength'] ------ [, , ] ['topLevel', '->', 'maxlength'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pstring : topLevel Resolved type: [1.3] pstring : topLevel 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ topLevel -> maxlength < 9 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto end ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( topLevel -> maxlength < 9 ) { goto end ; } 0 : [ { goto end ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char'), (, 'c [ ] = "{Planet}"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [c] = char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [c [ ]] = char 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterForDeclaration] [C-t-0] sym_dict [i] = int [is_comparator] => i < 8 [0] => i [2] => 8 [enterRelationalExpression] : => i < 8 => ['i', '8'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : i - [] ['i'] -- [] ['i'] --- [] ['i'] ---- [] ['i'] ----- [] ['i'] ------ [] ['i'] FOUND IT! [1.2] int : i Resolved type: [1.3] int : i 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] [0] => topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] [2] => c [ i ] [enterEqualityExpression] : => topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] => ['topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ]', 'c [ i ]'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] - [] ['topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ]'] -- [] ['topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ]'] --- [] ['topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ]'] ---- [] ['topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ]'] ----- [] ['topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ]'] ------ [] ['topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ]'] ------- [, , , , , ] ['topLevel', '->', 'buffer', '[', 'topLevel -> index + i', ']'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pstring : topLevel Resolved type: [2.3] pstring : topLevel 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto end ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } 0 : [ { goto end ; } ] Descendants of : { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } 0 : [ if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } 0 : [ { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } ] var: topLevel -> index (topLevel -> index) = 8 var: UNDEF topLevel -> index (topLevel -> index) = 8 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( topLevel )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv16'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv16] = cgc_size_t var: tlv16 (tlv16) = sizeof ( Planet ) var: cgc_size_t tlv16 (tlv16) = sizeof ( Planet ) [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv15'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv15] = int var: tlv15 (tlv15) = 0 var: int tlv15 (tlv15) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * * tlv14'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv14] = void * * var: tlv14 (tlv14) = ( void * * ) & newPlanet var: void * * tlv14 (tlv14) = ( void * * ) & newPlanet var: tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) var: int tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) Descendants of : { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } Assigns = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv16', '', 'sizeof ( Planet )'), ('int', 'tlv15', '', '0'), ('void * *', 'tlv14', '', '( void * * ) & newPlanet'), ('int', 'tlv1', '', 'cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv1 != 0 [0] => tlv1 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv1 != 0 => ['tlv1', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv1 - [] ['tlv1'] -- [] ['tlv1'] --- [] ['tlv1'] ---- [] ['tlv1'] ----- [] ['tlv1'] ------ [] ['tlv1'] ------- [] ['tlv1'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv1 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv1 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv1 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto end ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; } 0 : [ { goto end ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_initPlanet'), (, '( newPlanet )'), (, ';')] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv17'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv17] = pstring var: tlv17 (tlv17) = topLevel var: pstring tlv17 (tlv17) = topLevel var: fl (fl) = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) var: char * fl (fl) = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv17', '', 'topLevel'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv9'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv9] = pstring var: tlv9 (tlv9) = topLevel var: pstring tlv9 (tlv9) = topLevel [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int * tlv8'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv8] = int * var: tlv8 (tlv8) = & lastGood var: int * tlv8 (tlv8) = & lastGood Descendants of : { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv9', '', 'topLevel'), ('int *', 'tlv8', '', '& lastGood')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => fl != NULL [0] => fl [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => fl != NULL => ['fl', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : fl - [] ['fl'] -- [] ['fl'] --- [] ['fl'] ---- [] ['fl'] ----- [] ['fl'] ------ [] ['fl'] ------- [] ['fl'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : fl Resolved type: [2.3] char * : fl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv42'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv42] = char * var: tlv42 (tlv42) = fl var: char * tlv42 (tlv42) = fl var: el (el) = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) var: element el (el) = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) Descendants of : { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv42', '', 'fl'), ('element', 'el', '', 'cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv33'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv33] = void * var: tlv33 (tlv33) = fl var: void * tlv33 (tlv33) = fl [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv32'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv32] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv62'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv62] = char * var: tlv62 (tlv62) = fl var: char * tlv62 (tlv62) = fl var: tlv32 (tlv32) = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv32 (tlv32) = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv62', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv33', '', 'fl')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ switch ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ el ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv52'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv52] = pstring var: tlv52 (tlv52) = topLevel var: pstring tlv52 (tlv52) = topLevel var: fl (fl) = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) var: char * fl (fl) = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'topLevel'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'cgc_extractName ( tlv52 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } 0 : [ { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => fl == NULL [0] => fl [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => fl == NULL => ['fl', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : fl - [] ['fl'] -- [] ['fl'] --- [] ['fl'] ---- [] ['fl'] ----- [] ['fl'] ------ [] ['fl'] ------- [] ['fl'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : fl Resolved type: [2.3] char * : fl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ fl == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv45'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv45] = void * var: tlv45 (tlv45) = newPlanet -> name var: void * tlv45 (tlv45) = newPlanet -> name [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv44'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv44] = cgc_size_t var: tlv44 (tlv44) = 20 var: cgc_size_t tlv44 (tlv44) = 20 Descendants of : { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv45', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', '', '20')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv48'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv48] = char * var: tlv48 (tlv48) = newPlanet -> name var: char * tlv48 (tlv48) = newPlanet -> name [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv47'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv47] = char * var: tlv47 (tlv47) = fl var: char * tlv47 (tlv47) = fl [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv46'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv46] = cgc_size_t var: tlv46 (tlv46) = 19 var: cgc_size_t tlv46 (tlv46) = 19 Descendants of : { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv48', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', '', '19')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv50'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv50] = void * var: tlv50 (tlv50) = fl var: void * tlv50 (tlv50) = fl [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv49'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv49] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv63'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv63] = char * var: tlv63 (tlv63) = fl var: char * tlv63 (tlv63) = fl var: tlv49 (tlv49) = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv49 (tlv49) = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv63', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv50', '', 'fl')] Compares = [] var: fl (fl) = NULL var: char * fl (fl) = NULL 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv53'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv53] = pstring var: tlv53 (tlv53) = topLevel var: pstring tlv53 (tlv53) = topLevel var: newPlanet -> population (newPlanet -> population) = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) var: UNDEF newPlanet -> population (newPlanet -> population) = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv53', '', 'topLevel'), ('UNDEF', 'newPlanet -> population', '', 'cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } 0 : [ { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet -> population < 0 [0] => newPlanet -> population [2] => 0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => newPlanet -> population < 0 => ['newPlanet -> population', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet -> population - [] ['newPlanet -> population'] -- [] ['newPlanet -> population'] --- [] ['newPlanet -> population'] ---- [] ['newPlanet -> population'] ----- [] ['newPlanet -> population'] ------ [, , ] ['newPlanet', '->', 'population'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet -> population < 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv54'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv54] = pstring var: tlv54 (tlv54) = topLevel var: pstring tlv54 (tlv54) = topLevel var: newPlanet -> period (newPlanet -> period) = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) var: UNDEF newPlanet -> period (newPlanet -> period) = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv54', '', 'topLevel'), ('UNDEF', 'newPlanet -> period', '', 'cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } 0 : [ { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet -> period < 0.0 [0] => newPlanet -> period [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => newPlanet -> period < 0.0 => ['newPlanet -> period', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet -> period - [] ['newPlanet -> period'] -- [] ['newPlanet -> period'] --- [] ['newPlanet -> period'] ---- [] ['newPlanet -> period'] ----- [] ['newPlanet -> period'] ------ [, , ] ['newPlanet', '->', 'period'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv55'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv55] = pstring var: tlv55 (tlv55) = topLevel var: pstring tlv55 (tlv55) = topLevel var: newPlanet -> orbitspeed (newPlanet -> orbitspeed) = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) var: UNDEF newPlanet -> orbitspeed (newPlanet -> orbitspeed) = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'topLevel'), ('UNDEF', 'newPlanet -> orbitspeed', '', 'cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } 0 : [ { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 [0] => newPlanet -> orbitspeed [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 => ['newPlanet -> orbitspeed', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet -> orbitspeed - [] ['newPlanet -> orbitspeed'] -- [] ['newPlanet -> orbitspeed'] --- [] ['newPlanet -> orbitspeed'] ---- [] ['newPlanet -> orbitspeed'] ----- [] ['newPlanet -> orbitspeed'] ------ [, , ] ['newPlanet', '->', 'orbitspeed'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv56'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv56] = pstring var: tlv56 (tlv56) = topLevel var: pstring tlv56 (tlv56) = topLevel var: newPlanet -> aphelion (newPlanet -> aphelion) = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) var: UNDEF newPlanet -> aphelion (newPlanet -> aphelion) = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv56', '', 'topLevel'), ('UNDEF', 'newPlanet -> aphelion', '', 'cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } 0 : [ { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 [0] => newPlanet -> aphelion [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 => ['newPlanet -> aphelion', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet -> aphelion - [] ['newPlanet -> aphelion'] -- [] ['newPlanet -> aphelion'] --- [] ['newPlanet -> aphelion'] ---- [] ['newPlanet -> aphelion'] ----- [] ['newPlanet -> aphelion'] ------ [, , ] ['newPlanet', '->', 'aphelion'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv57'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv57] = pstring var: tlv57 (tlv57) = topLevel var: pstring tlv57 (tlv57) = topLevel var: newPlanet -> perihelion (newPlanet -> perihelion) = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) var: UNDEF newPlanet -> perihelion (newPlanet -> perihelion) = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv57', '', 'topLevel'), ('UNDEF', 'newPlanet -> perihelion', '', 'cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } 0 : [ { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 [0] => newPlanet -> perihelion [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 => ['newPlanet -> perihelion', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet -> perihelion - [] ['newPlanet -> perihelion'] -- [] ['newPlanet -> perihelion'] --- [] ['newPlanet -> perihelion'] ---- [] ['newPlanet -> perihelion'] ----- [] ['newPlanet -> perihelion'] ------ [, , ] ['newPlanet', '->', 'perihelion'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv58'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv58] = pstring var: tlv58 (tlv58) = topLevel var: pstring tlv58 (tlv58) = topLevel var: newPlanet -> radius (newPlanet -> radius) = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) var: UNDEF newPlanet -> radius (newPlanet -> radius) = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv58', '', 'topLevel'), ('UNDEF', 'newPlanet -> radius', '', 'cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } 0 : [ { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 [0] => newPlanet -> radius [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 => ['newPlanet -> radius', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet -> radius - [] ['newPlanet -> radius'] -- [] ['newPlanet -> radius'] --- [] ['newPlanet -> radius'] ---- [] ['newPlanet -> radius'] ----- [] ['newPlanet -> radius'] ------ [, , ] ['newPlanet', '->', 'radius'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv59'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv59] = pstring var: tlv59 (tlv59) = topLevel var: pstring tlv59 (tlv59) = topLevel var: newPlanet -> eradius (newPlanet -> eradius) = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) var: UNDEF newPlanet -> eradius (newPlanet -> eradius) = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv59', '', 'topLevel'), ('UNDEF', 'newPlanet -> eradius', '', 'cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } 0 : [ { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 [0] => newPlanet -> eradius [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 => ['newPlanet -> eradius', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet -> eradius - [] ['newPlanet -> eradius'] -- [] ['newPlanet -> eradius'] --- [] ['newPlanet -> eradius'] ---- [] ['newPlanet -> eradius'] ----- [] ['newPlanet -> eradius'] ------ [, , ] ['newPlanet', '->', 'eradius'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv60'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv60] = pstring var: tlv60 (tlv60) = topLevel var: pstring tlv60 (tlv60) = topLevel var: newPlanet -> mass (newPlanet -> mass) = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) var: UNDEF newPlanet -> mass (newPlanet -> mass) = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv60', '', 'topLevel'), ('UNDEF', 'newPlanet -> mass', '', 'cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } 0 : [ { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 [0] => newPlanet -> mass [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 => ['newPlanet -> mass', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet -> mass - [] ['newPlanet -> mass'] -- [] ['newPlanet -> mass'] --- [] ['newPlanet -> mass'] ---- [] ['newPlanet -> mass'] ----- [] ['newPlanet -> mass'] ------ [, , ] ['newPlanet', '->', 'mass'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv61'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv61] = pstring var: tlv61 (tlv61) = topLevel var: pstring tlv61 (tlv61) = topLevel var: newPlanet -> gravity (newPlanet -> gravity) = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) var: UNDEF newPlanet -> gravity (newPlanet -> gravity) = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv61', '', 'topLevel'), ('UNDEF', 'newPlanet -> gravity', '', 'cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } 0 : [ { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 [0] => newPlanet -> gravity [2] => 0.0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 => ['newPlanet -> gravity', '0.0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet -> gravity - [] ['newPlanet -> gravity'] -- [] ['newPlanet -> gravity'] --- [] ['newPlanet -> gravity'] ---- [] ['newPlanet -> gravity'] ----- [] ['newPlanet -> gravity'] ------ [, , ] ['newPlanet', '->', 'gravity'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX [0] => newPlanet -> country_count [2] => COUNTRYMAX [enterRelationalExpression] : => newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX => ['newPlanet -> country_count', 'COUNTRYMAX'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet -> country_count - [] ['newPlanet -> country_count'] -- [] ['newPlanet -> country_count'] --- [] ['newPlanet -> country_count'] ---- [] ['newPlanet -> country_count'] ----- [] ['newPlanet -> country_count'] ------ [, , ] ['newPlanet', '->', 'country_count'] FOUND IT! [1.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [1.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } ] Descendants of : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } 0 : [ if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv51'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv51] = pstring var: tlv51 (tlv51) = topLevel var: pstring tlv51 (tlv51) = topLevel var: newPlanet -> countries (newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ]) = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) var: UNDEF newPlanet -> countries (newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ]) = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv51', '', 'topLevel'), ('UNDEF', 'newPlanet -> countries ', '[ newPlanet -> country_count ]', 'cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL [0] => newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL => ['newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ]', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] - [] ['newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ]'] -- [] ['newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ]'] --- [] ['newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ]'] ---- [] ['newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ]'] ----- [] ['newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ]'] ------ [] ['newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ]'] ------- [, , , , , ] ['newPlanet', '->', 'countries', '[', 'newPlanet -> country_count', ']'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] 5 : [start? False] 6 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } 0 : [ { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } ] 1 : [ if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } ] 2 : [ { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ] 3 : [ { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] 4 : [ { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] 5 : [ { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } ] 6 : [ if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } ] 7 : [ { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } ] 8 : [ if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } ] 9 : [ { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } ] 10 : [ if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } ] 11 : [ { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } ] 12 : [ if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } ] 13 : [ { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } ] 14 : [ if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } ] 15 : [ { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } ] 16 : [ if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } ] 17 : [ { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } ] 18 : [ if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } ] 19 : [ { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } ] 20 : [ if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } ] 21 : [ { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } ] 22 : [ if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } ] 23 : [ { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } ] 24 : [ { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } ] 25 : [ if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } ] 26 : [ { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } 0 : [ { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv35'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv35] = pstring var: tlv35 (tlv35) = topLevel var: pstring tlv35 (tlv35) = topLevel [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int * tlv34'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv34] = int * var: tlv34 (tlv34) = & lastGood var: int * tlv34 (tlv34) = & lastGood Descendants of : { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv35', '', 'topLevel'), ('int *', 'tlv34', '', '& lastGood')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv43'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv43] = pstring var: tlv43 (tlv43) = topLevel var: pstring tlv43 (tlv43) = topLevel var: fl (fl) = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) var: char * fl (fl) = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv43', '', 'topLevel'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } 0 : [ { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ] 2 : [ switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ] 3 : [ { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } ] 4 : [ { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } 0 : [ { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( topLevel )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv19'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv19] = pstring var: tlv19 (tlv19) = topLevel var: pstring tlv19 (tlv19) = topLevel [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv18'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv18] = char var: tlv18 (tlv18) = '{' var: char tlv18 (tlv18) = '{' var: tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) var: int tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv19', '', 'topLevel'), ('char', 'tlv18', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv2', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv2 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv36] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv36 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv36 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv3'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv3] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv20'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv20] = pstring var: tlv20 (tlv20) = topLevel var: pstring tlv20 (tlv20) = topLevel var: tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) var: int tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv20', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'tlv3', '', 'cgc_incChar ( tlv20 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv3 < 0 [0] => tlv3 [2] => 0 [enterRelationalExpression] : => tlv3 < 0 => ['tlv3', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv3 - [] ['tlv3'] -- [] ['tlv3'] --- [] ['tlv3'] ---- [] ['tlv3'] ----- [] ['tlv3'] ------ [] ['tlv3'] FOUND IT! [1.2] int : tlv3 Resolved type: [1.3] int : tlv3 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv3 < 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( topLevel )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv4'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv4] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv22'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv22] = pstring var: tlv22 (tlv22) = topLevel var: pstring tlv22 (tlv22) = topLevel [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv21'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv21] = char var: tlv21 (tlv21) = '#' var: char tlv21 (tlv21) = '#' var: tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) var: int tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv22', '', 'topLevel'), ('char', 'tlv21', '', "'#'"), ('int', 'tlv4', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv4 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv37] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv37 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv37 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv5'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv5] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv23'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv23] = pstring var: tlv23 (tlv23) = topLevel var: pstring tlv23 (tlv23) = topLevel var: tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) var: int tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'tlv5', '', 'cgc_incChar ( tlv23 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv5 == - 1 [0] => tlv5 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv5 == - 1 => ['tlv5', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv5 - [] ['tlv5'] -- [] ['tlv5'] --- [] ['tlv5'] ---- [] ['tlv5'] ----- [] ['tlv5'] ------ [] ['tlv5'] ------- [] ['tlv5'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv5 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv5 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv5 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv11'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv11] = pstring var: tlv11 (tlv11) = topLevel var: pstring tlv11 (tlv11) = topLevel [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int * tlv10'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv10] = int * var: tlv10 (tlv10) = & temp_index var: int * tlv10 (tlv10) = & temp_index Descendants of : { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv11', '', 'topLevel'), ('int *', 'tlv10', '', '& temp_index')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv24'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv24] = pstring var: tlv24 (tlv24) = topLevel var: pstring tlv24 (tlv24) = topLevel var: endIndex (endIndex) = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) var: int endIndex (endIndex) = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv24', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', 'cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => endIndex == - 1 [0] => endIndex [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => endIndex == - 1 => ['endIndex', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : endIndex - [] ['endIndex'] -- [] ['endIndex'] --- [] ['endIndex'] ---- [] ['endIndex'] ----- [] ['endIndex'] ------ [] ['endIndex'] ------- [] ['endIndex'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : endIndex Resolved type: [2.3] int : endIndex 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ endIndex == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => var: endIndex (endIndex) = 0 var: int endIndex (endIndex) = 0 Descendants of : { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } Assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } 0 : [ { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp_index == endIndex [0] => temp_index [2] => endIndex [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp_index == endIndex => ['temp_index', 'endIndex'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp_index - [] ['temp_index'] -- [] ['temp_index'] --- [] ['temp_index'] ---- [] ['temp_index'] ----- [] ['temp_index'] ------ [] ['temp_index'] ------- [] ['temp_index'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : temp_index Resolved type: [2.3] int : temp_index 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp_index == endIndex ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv27'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv27] = pstring var: tlv27 (tlv27) = topLevel var: pstring tlv27 (tlv27) = topLevel [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv26'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv26] = int var: tlv26 (tlv26) = temp_index var: int tlv26 (tlv26) = temp_index [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv25'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv25] = int var: tlv25 (tlv25) = endIndex var: int tlv25 (tlv25) = endIndex var: fl (fl) = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) var: char * fl (fl) = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'tlv26', '', 'temp_index'), ('int', 'tlv25', '', 'endIndex'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => fl == NULL [0] => fl [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => fl == NULL => ['fl', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : fl - [] ['fl'] -- [] ['fl'] --- [] ['fl'] ---- [] ['fl'] ----- [] ['fl'] ------ [] ['fl'] ------- [] ['fl'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : fl Resolved type: [2.3] char * : fl 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ fl == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto error ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } 0 : [ { goto error ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv6'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv6] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv29 = fl'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv29] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv28 [ ] = "Planet"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv28] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv28 [ ]] = const char var: tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) var: int tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv6', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv6 != 0 [0] => tlv6 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv6 != 0 => ['tlv6', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv6 - [] ['tlv6'] -- [] ['tlv6'] --- [] ['tlv6'] ---- [] ['tlv6'] ----- [] ['tlv6'] ------ [] ['tlv6'] ------- [] ['tlv6'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv6 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv6 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv6 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv38] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv38 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv38 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv40'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv40] = void * var: tlv40 (tlv40) = fl var: void * tlv40 (tlv40) = fl [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv39'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv39] = cgc_size_t var: tlv39 (tlv39) = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv39 (tlv39) = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 Descendants of : { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv40', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv13'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv13] = void * var: tlv13 (tlv13) = fl var: void * tlv13 (tlv13) = fl [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv12'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv12] = cgc_size_t var: tlv12 (tlv12) = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv12 (tlv12) = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 Descendants of : { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv13', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv12', '', '( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( topLevel )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv7'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv7] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv31'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv31] = pstring var: tlv31 (tlv31) = topLevel var: pstring tlv31 (tlv31) = topLevel [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv30'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv30] = char var: tlv30 (tlv30) = '}' var: char tlv30 (tlv30) = '}' var: tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) var: int tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv31', '', 'topLevel'), ('char', 'tlv30', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv7', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv7 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv41] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv41 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv41 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_incChar'), (, '( topLevel )'), (, ';')] var: topLevel -> index (topLevel -> index) = lastGood var: UNDEF topLevel -> index (topLevel -> index) = lastGood 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => newPlanet != NULL [0] => newPlanet [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => newPlanet != NULL => ['newPlanet', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : newPlanet - [] ['newPlanet'] -- [] ['newPlanet'] --- [] ['newPlanet'] ---- [] ['newPlanet'] ----- [] ['newPlanet'] ------ [] ['newPlanet'] ------- [] ['newPlanet'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pPlanet : newPlanet Resolved type: [2.3] pPlanet : newPlanet 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ newPlanet != NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_freePlanet'), (, '( newPlanet )'), (, ';')] var: newPlanet (newPlanet) = NULL var: pPlanet newPlanet (newPlanet) = NULL Descendants of : { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } Assigns = [('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } 0 : [ { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } ] Descendants of : { int endIndex ; endIndex = 0 ; int temp_index ; temp_index = 0 ; pPlanet newPlanet ; newPlanet = NULL ; element el ; char * fl ; fl = NULL ; int lastGood ; lastGood = 0 ; if ( topLevel == NULL ) { goto end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; lastGood = topLevel -> index ; if ( topLevel -> maxlength < 9 ) { goto end ; } char c [ ] = "{Planet}" ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } topLevel -> index += 8 ; cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; } cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ; { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv3 ; { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } int tlv6 ; { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ; goto end ; error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ; cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ; if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } end : return newPlanet ; } 0 : [ if ( topLevel == NULL ) { goto end ; } ] 1 : [ if ( topLevel -> maxlength < 9 ) { goto end ; } ] 2 : [ for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } ] 3 : [ { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } ] 4 : [ if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; } ] 5 : [ { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } ] 6 : [ { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } ] 7 : [ while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } ] 8 : [ { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } ] 9 : [ if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } ] 10 : [ { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } ] 11 : [ if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; } ] 12 : [ { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ] 13 : [ if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } ] 14 : [ { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } ] 15 : [ if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; } ] 16 : [ { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } ] 17 : [ { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } ] 18 : [ if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } ] 19 : [ if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; } ] 20 : [ { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } ] 21 : [ if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } ] 22 : [ { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] 23 : [ if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } ] 24 : [ { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } ] 25 : [ { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] 26 : [ if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } ] 27 : [ if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } ] Assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', 'lastGood')] Compares = [] Descendants of : pPlanet cgc_planetTopLevel ( pstring topLevel ) { int endIndex ; endIndex = 0 ; int temp_index ; temp_index = 0 ; pPlanet newPlanet ; newPlanet = NULL ; element el ; char * fl ; fl = NULL ; int lastGood ; lastGood = 0 ; if ( topLevel == NULL ) { goto end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; lastGood = topLevel -> index ; if ( topLevel -> maxlength < 9 ) { goto end ; } char c [ ] = "{Planet}" ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } topLevel -> index += 8 ; cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; } cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ; { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv3 ; { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } int tlv6 ; { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ; goto end ; error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ; cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ; if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } end : return newPlanet ; } 0 : [ { int endIndex ; endIndex = 0 ; int temp_index ; temp_index = 0 ; pPlanet newPlanet ; newPlanet = NULL ; element el ; char * fl ; fl = NULL ; int lastGood ; lastGood = 0 ; if ( topLevel == NULL ) { goto end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; lastGood = topLevel -> index ; if ( topLevel -> maxlength < 9 ) { goto end ; } char c [ ] = "{Planet}" ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } topLevel -> index += 8 ; cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; } cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ; { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv3 ; { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } int tlv6 ; { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ; goto end ; error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ; cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ; if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } end : return newPlanet ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'double'), (, 'cgc_extractPeriod ( pstring str )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pstring, var = str [type=] dec = ['str'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pstring : str sym_dict [str] = pstring 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [temp] = char * var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL [enterDeclaration] [(, 'double period'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [period] = double var: period (period) = - 1.0 var: double period (period) = - 1.0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int start'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [start] = int var: start (start) = 0 var: int start (start) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int end'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [end] = int var: end (end) = 0 var: int end (end) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int ps'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [ps] = int var: ps (ps) = 0 var: int ps (ps) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int pe'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [pe] = int var: pe (pe) = 0 var: int pe (pe) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => str == NULL [0] => str [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => str == NULL => ['str', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : str - [] ['str'] -- [] ['str'] --- [] ['str'] ---- [] ['str'] ----- [] ['str'] ------ [] ['str'] ------- [] ['str'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pstring : str Resolved type: [2.3] pstring : str 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ str == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return period ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( str == NULL ) { return period ; } 0 : [ { return period ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv22'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv22] = pstring var: tlv22 (tlv22) = str var: pstring tlv22 (tlv22) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv21'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv21] = char var: tlv21 (tlv21) = '{' var: char tlv21 (tlv21) = '{' var: tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) var: int tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv22', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv21', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv1', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv57 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv24'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv24] = pstring var: tlv24 (tlv24) = str var: pstring tlv24 (tlv24) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv23'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv23] = int var: tlv23 (tlv23) = 1 var: int tlv23 (tlv23) = 1 var: tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) var: int tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv24', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv23', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv2', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv2 == - 1 [0] => tlv2 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv2 == - 1 => ['tlv2', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv2 - [] ['tlv2'] -- [] ['tlv2'] --- [] ['tlv2'] ---- [] ['tlv2'] ----- [] ['tlv2'] ------ [] ['tlv2'] ------- [] ['tlv2'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv2 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv2 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv2 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv58 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv25'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv25] = pstring var: tlv25 (tlv25) = str var: pstring tlv25 (tlv25) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv26'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv26] = pstring var: tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: pstring tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv59 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv29'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv29] = pstring var: tlv29 (tlv29) = str var: pstring tlv29 (tlv29) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv28'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv28] = int var: tlv28 (tlv28) = start var: int tlv28 (tlv28) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv27'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv27] = int var: tlv27 (tlv27) = end var: int tlv27 (tlv27) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv29', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv27', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv3'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv3] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv31 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv31] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv30 [ ] = "Period"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv30] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv30 [ ]] = const char var: tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) var: int tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv3', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv3 != 0 [0] => tlv3 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv3 != 0 => ['tlv3', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv3 - [] ['tlv3'] -- [] ['tlv3'] --- [] ['tlv3'] ---- [] ['tlv3'] ----- [] ['tlv3'] ------ [] ['tlv3'] ------- [] ['tlv3'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv3 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv3 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv3 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv60 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv62'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv62] = void * var: tlv62 (tlv62) = temp var: void * tlv62 (tlv62) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv61'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv61] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv78'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv78] = char * var: tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: char * tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: tlv61 (tlv61) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv61 (tlv61) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL Descendants of : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv12'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv12] = void * var: tlv12 (tlv12) = temp var: void * tlv12 (tlv12) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv11'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv11] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv75'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv75] = char * var: tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: char * tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv4'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv4] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv33'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv33] = pstring var: tlv33 (tlv33) = str var: pstring tlv33 (tlv33) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv32'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv32] = char var: tlv32 (tlv32) = '}' var: char tlv32 (tlv32) = '}' var: tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) var: int tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv33', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv32', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv4', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv4 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv63 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv5'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv5] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv35'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv35] = pstring var: tlv35 (tlv35) = str var: pstring tlv35 (tlv35) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv34'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv34] = int var: tlv34 (tlv34) = 1 var: int tlv34 (tlv34) = 1 var: tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) var: int tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv35', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv34', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv5', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv5 == - 1 [0] => tlv5 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv5 == - 1 => ['tlv5', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv5 - [] ['tlv5'] -- [] ['tlv5'] --- [] ['tlv5'] ---- [] ['tlv5'] ----- [] ['tlv5'] ------ [] ['tlv5'] ------- [] ['tlv5'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv5 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv5 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv5 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv64 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv14'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv14] = pstring var: tlv14 (tlv14) = str var: pstring tlv14 (tlv14) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int * tlv13'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv13] = int * var: tlv13 (tlv13) = & ps var: int * tlv13 (tlv13) = & ps Descendants of : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& ps')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv36'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv36] = pstring var: tlv36 (tlv36) = str var: pstring tlv36 (tlv36) = str var: pe (pe) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) var: int pe (pe) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'pe', '', 'cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pe == - 1 [0] => pe [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => pe == - 1 => ['pe', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pe - [] ['pe'] -- [] ['pe'] --- [] ['pe'] ---- [] ['pe'] ----- [] ['pe'] ------ [] ['pe'] ------- [] ['pe'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : pe Resolved type: [2.3] int : pe 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pe == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv65 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv6'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv6] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv38'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv38] = pstring var: tlv38 (tlv38) = str var: pstring tlv38 (tlv38) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv37'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv37] = char var: tlv37 (tlv37) = '{' var: char tlv37 (tlv37) = '{' var: tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) var: int tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv38', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv37', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv6', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv6 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv66 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv7'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv7] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv40'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv40] = pstring var: tlv40 (tlv40) = str var: pstring tlv40 (tlv40) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv39'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv39] = int var: tlv39 (tlv39) = 1 var: int tlv39 (tlv39) = 1 var: tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) var: int tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv39', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv7', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv7 == - 1 [0] => tlv7 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv7 == - 1 => ['tlv7', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv7 - [] ['tlv7'] -- [] ['tlv7'] --- [] ['tlv7'] ---- [] ['tlv7'] ----- [] ['tlv7'] ------ [] ['tlv7'] ------- [] ['tlv7'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv7 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv7 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv7 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv67 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv8'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv8] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv42'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv42] = pstring var: tlv42 (tlv42) = str var: pstring tlv42 (tlv42) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv41'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv41] = char var: tlv41 (tlv41) = '#' var: char tlv41 (tlv41) = '#' var: tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) var: int tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'"), ('int', 'tlv8', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv8 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv68 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv44'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv44] = pstring var: tlv44 (tlv44) = str var: pstring tlv44 (tlv44) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv43'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv43] = int var: tlv43 (tlv43) = 1 var: int tlv43 (tlv43) = 1 var: start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => start == - 1 [0] => start [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => start == - 1 => ['start', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : start - [] ['start'] -- [] ['start'] --- [] ['start'] ---- [] ['start'] ----- [] ['start'] ------ [] ['start'] ------- [] ['start'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : start Resolved type: [2.3] int : start 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ start == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv69 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv45'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv45] = pstring var: tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: pstring tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv70 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv48'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv48] = pstring var: tlv48 (tlv48) = str var: pstring tlv48 (tlv48) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv47'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv47] = int var: tlv47 (tlv47) = start var: int tlv47 (tlv47) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv46'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv46] = int var: tlv46 (tlv46) = end var: int tlv46 (tlv46) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv9'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv9] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv50 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv50] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv49 [ ] = "Period"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv49] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv49 [ ]] = const char var: tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) var: int tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv9', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv9 != 0 [0] => tlv9 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv9 != 0 => ['tlv9', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv9 - [] ['tlv9'] -- [] ['tlv9'] --- [] ['tlv9'] ---- [] ['tlv9'] ----- [] ['tlv9'] ------ [] ['tlv9'] ------- [] ['tlv9'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv9 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv9 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv9 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv72'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv72] = void * var: tlv72 (tlv72) = temp var: void * tlv72 (tlv72) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv71'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv71] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv79'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv79] = char * var: tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: char * tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: tlv71 (tlv71) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv71 (tlv71) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv16'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv16] = void * var: tlv16 (tlv16) = temp var: void * tlv16 (tlv16) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv15'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv15] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv76'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv76] = char * var: tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: char * tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv10'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv10] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv52'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv52] = pstring var: tlv52 (tlv52) = str var: pstring tlv52 (tlv52) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv51'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv51] = char var: tlv51 (tlv51) = '}' var: char tlv51 (tlv51) = '}' var: tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) var: int tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv10', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv10 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv73 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv18'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv18] = pstring var: tlv18 (tlv18) = str var: pstring tlv18 (tlv18) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv17'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv17] = int var: tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 var: int tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 Descendants of : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv55'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv55] = pstring var: tlv55 (tlv55) = str var: pstring tlv55 (tlv55) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv54'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv54] = int var: tlv54 (tlv54) = ps var: int tlv54 (tlv54) = ps [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv53'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv53] = int var: tlv53 (tlv53) = pe var: int tlv53 (tlv53) = pe var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'ps'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'pe'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv74 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv56 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv56] = const char * var: period (period) = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) var: double period (period) = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } Assigns = [('double', 'period', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv56 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv20'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv20] = void * var: tlv20 (tlv20) = temp var: void * tlv20 (tlv20) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv19'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv19] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv77'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv77] = char * var: tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: char * tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double period ; period = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ if ( str == NULL ) { return period ; } ] 1 : [ { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ] 2 : [ if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } ] 3 : [ { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } ] 4 : [ if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } ] 5 : [ { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } ] 6 : [ { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } ] 7 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } ] 8 : [ { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ] 9 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] 10 : [ { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] 11 : [ if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } ] 12 : [ { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] 13 : [ { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ] 14 : [ if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 15 : [ { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } ] 16 : [ if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } ] 17 : [ { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] 18 : [ { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } ] 19 : [ if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } ] 20 : [ { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } ] 21 : [ if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 22 : [ { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] 23 : [ if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } ] 24 : [ { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] 25 : [ if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 26 : [ { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] 27 : [ if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } ] 28 : [ { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] 29 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 30 : [ { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] 31 : [ { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] 32 : [ if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } ] 33 : [ { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] 34 : [ { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] 35 : [ if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 36 : [ { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] 37 : [ { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] 38 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 39 : [ { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] 40 : [ { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : double cgc_extractPeriod ( pstring str ) { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double period ; period = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return period ; } 0 : [ { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double period ; period = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return period ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'double'), (, 'cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( pstring str )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pstring, var = str [type=] dec = ['str'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pstring : str sym_dict [str] = pstring 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [temp] = char * var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL [enterDeclaration] [(, 'double speed'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [speed] = double var: speed (speed) = - 1.0 var: double speed (speed) = - 1.0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'register int start'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [start] = register int var: start (start) = 0 var: register int start (start) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'register int end'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [end] = register int var: end (end) = 0 var: register int end (end) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int ss'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [ss] = int var: ss (ss) = 0 var: int ss (ss) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int se'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [se] = int var: se (se) = 0 var: int se (se) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => str == NULL [0] => str [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => str == NULL => ['str', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : str - [] ['str'] -- [] ['str'] --- [] ['str'] ---- [] ['str'] ----- [] ['str'] ------ [] ['str'] ------- [] ['str'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pstring : str Resolved type: [2.3] pstring : str 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ str == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { goto reterrvalue ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( str == NULL ) { goto reterrvalue ; } 0 : [ { goto reterrvalue ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv23'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv23] = pstring var: tlv23 (tlv23) = str var: pstring tlv23 (tlv23) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) var: register int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('register int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv25'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv25] = pstring var: tlv25 (tlv25) = str var: pstring tlv25 (tlv25) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv24'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv24] = char var: tlv24 (tlv24) = '{' var: char tlv24 (tlv24) = '{' var: tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) var: int tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv24', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv1', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv60 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv27'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv27] = pstring var: tlv27 (tlv27) = str var: pstring tlv27 (tlv27) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv26'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv26] = int var: tlv26 (tlv26) = 1 var: int tlv26 (tlv26) = 1 var: tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) var: int tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv26', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv2', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv2 == - 1 [0] => tlv2 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv2 == - 1 => ['tlv2', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv2 - [] ['tlv2'] -- [] ['tlv2'] --- [] ['tlv2'] ---- [] ['tlv2'] ----- [] ['tlv2'] ------ [] ['tlv2'] ------- [] ['tlv2'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv2 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv2 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv2 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv61] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv61 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv61 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv28'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv28] = pstring var: tlv28 (tlv28) = str var: pstring tlv28 (tlv28) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) var: register int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv28', '', 'str'), ('register int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv29'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv29] = pstring var: tlv29 (tlv29) = str var: pstring tlv29 (tlv29) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) var: register int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv29', '', 'str'), ('register int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] register int : end Resolved type: [2.3] register int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv62] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv62 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv62 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv32'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv32] = pstring var: tlv32 (tlv32) = str var: pstring tlv32 (tlv32) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv31'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv31] = int var: tlv31 (tlv31) = start var: int tlv31 (tlv31) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv30'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv30] = int var: tlv30 (tlv30) = end var: int tlv30 (tlv30) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv32', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv31', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv30', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv3'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv3] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv34 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv34] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv33] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv33 [ ]] = const char var: tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) var: int tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv3', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv3 != 0 [0] => tlv3 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv3 != 0 => ['tlv3', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv3 - [] ['tlv3'] -- [] ['tlv3'] --- [] ['tlv3'] ---- [] ['tlv3'] ----- [] ['tlv3'] ------ [] ['tlv3'] ------- [] ['tlv3'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv3 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv3 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv3 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv63 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv65'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv65] = void * var: tlv65 (tlv65) = temp var: void * tlv65 (tlv65) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv64'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv64] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv87'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv87] = char * var: tlv87 (tlv87) = temp var: char * tlv87 (tlv87) = temp var: tlv64 (tlv64) = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) var: cgc_size_t tlv64 (tlv64) = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) Descendants of : { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv87', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv65', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv67'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv67] = void * var: tlv67 (tlv67) = temp var: void * tlv67 (tlv67) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv66'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv66] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv88'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv88] = char * var: tlv88 (tlv88) = temp var: char * tlv88 (tlv88) = temp var: tlv66 (tlv66) = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv66 (tlv66) = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv88', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv67', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL Descendants of : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } ] 2 : [ { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv12'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv12] = void * var: tlv12 (tlv12) = temp var: void * tlv12 (tlv12) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv11'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv11] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv82'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv82] = char * var: tlv82 (tlv82) = temp var: char * tlv82 (tlv82) = temp var: tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv82', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv14'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv14] = void * var: tlv14 (tlv14) = temp var: void * tlv14 (tlv14) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv13'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv13] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv83'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv83] = char * var: tlv83 (tlv83) = temp var: char * tlv83 (tlv83) = temp var: tlv13 (tlv13) = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv13 (tlv13) = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv83', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv13', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv14', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv4'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv4] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv36'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv36] = pstring var: tlv36 (tlv36) = str var: pstring tlv36 (tlv36) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv35'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv35] = char var: tlv35 (tlv35) = '}' var: char tlv35 (tlv35) = '}' var: tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) var: int tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv35', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv4', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv4 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv68 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv5'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv5] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv38'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv38] = pstring var: tlv38 (tlv38) = str var: pstring tlv38 (tlv38) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv37'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv37] = int var: tlv37 (tlv37) = 1 var: int tlv37 (tlv37) = 1 var: tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) var: int tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv38', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv37', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv5', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv5 == - 1 [0] => tlv5 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv5 == - 1 => ['tlv5', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv5 - [] ['tlv5'] -- [] ['tlv5'] --- [] ['tlv5'] ---- [] ['tlv5'] ----- [] ['tlv5'] ------ [] ['tlv5'] ------- [] ['tlv5'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv5 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv5 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv5 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv69 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] var: ss (ss) = str -> index var: int ss (ss) = str -> index 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv39'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv39] = pstring var: tlv39 (tlv39) = str var: pstring tlv39 (tlv39) = str var: se (se) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) var: int se (se) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('int', 'se', '', 'cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => se == - 1 [0] => se [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => se == - 1 => ['se', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : se - [] ['se'] -- [] ['se'] --- [] ['se'] ---- [] ['se'] ----- [] ['se'] ------ [] ['se'] ------- [] ['se'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : se Resolved type: [2.3] int : se 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ se == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv70 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv6'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv6] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv41'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv41] = pstring var: tlv41 (tlv41) = str var: pstring tlv41 (tlv41) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv40'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv40] = char var: tlv40 (tlv40) = '{' var: char tlv40 (tlv40) = '{' var: tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) var: int tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv41', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv40', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv6', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv6 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv71] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv71 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv71 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv7'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv7] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv43'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv43] = pstring var: tlv43 (tlv43) = str var: pstring tlv43 (tlv43) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv42'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv42] = int var: tlv42 (tlv42) = 1 var: int tlv42 (tlv42) = 1 var: tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) var: int tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv43', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv42', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv7', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv7 == - 1 [0] => tlv7 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv7 == - 1 => ['tlv7', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv7 - [] ['tlv7'] -- [] ['tlv7'] --- [] ['tlv7'] ---- [] ['tlv7'] ----- [] ['tlv7'] ------ [] ['tlv7'] ------- [] ['tlv7'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv7 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv7 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv7 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv72] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv72 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv72 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv8'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv8] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv45'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv45] = pstring var: tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: pstring tlv45 (tlv45) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv44'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv44] = char var: tlv44 (tlv44) = '#' var: char tlv44 (tlv44) = '#' var: tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) var: int tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv44', '', "'#'"), ('int', 'tlv8', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv8 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv73 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv47'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv47] = pstring var: tlv47 (tlv47) = str var: pstring tlv47 (tlv47) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv46'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv46] = int var: tlv46 (tlv46) = 1 var: int tlv46 (tlv46) = 1 var: start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) var: register int start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv47', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', '1'), ('register int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => start == - 1 [0] => start [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => start == - 1 => ['start', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : start - [] ['start'] -- [] ['start'] --- [] ['start'] ---- [] ['start'] ----- [] ['start'] ------ [] ['start'] ------- [] ['start'] FOUND IT! [2.2] register int : start Resolved type: [2.3] register int : start 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ start == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv74 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv48'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv48] = pstring var: tlv48 (tlv48) = str var: pstring tlv48 (tlv48) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) var: register int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('register int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] register int : end Resolved type: [2.3] register int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv75] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv75 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv75 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv51'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv51] = pstring var: tlv51 (tlv51) = str var: pstring tlv51 (tlv51) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv50'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv50] = int var: tlv50 (tlv50) = start var: int tlv50 (tlv50) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv49'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv49] = int var: tlv49 (tlv49) = end var: int tlv49 (tlv49) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv51', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv50', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv49', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv9'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv9] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv53 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv53] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv52] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv52 [ ]] = const char var: tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) var: int tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv9', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv9 != 0 [0] => tlv9 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv9 != 0 => ['tlv9', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv9 - [] ['tlv9'] -- [] ['tlv9'] --- [] ['tlv9'] ---- [] ['tlv9'] ----- [] ['tlv9'] ------ [] ['tlv9'] ------- [] ['tlv9'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv9 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv9 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv9 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv77'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv77] = void * var: tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: void * tlv77 (tlv77) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv76'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv76] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv89'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv89] = char * var: tlv89 (tlv89) = temp var: char * tlv89 (tlv89) = temp var: tlv76 (tlv76) = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv76 (tlv76) = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv89', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv79'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv79] = void * var: tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: void * tlv79 (tlv79) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv78'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv78] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv90'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv90] = char * var: tlv90 (tlv90) = temp var: char * tlv90 (tlv90) = temp var: tlv78 (tlv78) = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv78 (tlv78) = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv90', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv16'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv16] = void * var: tlv16 (tlv16) = temp var: void * tlv16 (tlv16) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv15'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv15] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv84'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv84] = char * var: tlv84 (tlv84) = temp var: char * tlv84 (tlv84) = temp var: tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv84', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv18'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv18] = void * var: tlv18 (tlv18) = temp var: void * tlv18 (tlv18) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv17'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv17] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv85'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv85] = char * var: tlv85 (tlv85) = temp var: char * tlv85 (tlv85) = temp var: tlv17 (tlv17) = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv17 (tlv17) = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv85', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv17', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv18', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv10'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv10] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv55'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv55] = pstring var: tlv55 (tlv55) = str var: pstring tlv55 (tlv55) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv54'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv54] = char var: tlv54 (tlv54) = '}' var: char tlv54 (tlv54) = '}' var: tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) var: int tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv54', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv10', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv10 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv80] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv80 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv80 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv20'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv20] = pstring var: tlv20 (tlv20) = str var: pstring tlv20 (tlv20) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv19'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv19] = int var: tlv19 (tlv19) = 1 var: int tlv19 (tlv19) = 1 Descendants of : { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv20', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv19', '', '1')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv58'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv58] = pstring var: tlv58 (tlv58) = str var: pstring tlv58 (tlv58) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv57'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv57] = int var: tlv57 (tlv57) = ss var: int tlv57 (tlv57) = ss [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv56'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv56] = int var: tlv56 (tlv56) = se var: int tlv56 (tlv56) = se var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv58', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv57', '', 'ss'), ('int', 'tlv56', '', 'se'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv81] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv81 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv81 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv59 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv59] = const char * var: speed (speed) = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) var: double speed (speed) = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } Assigns = [('double', 'speed', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv59 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv22'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv22] = void * var: tlv22 (tlv22) = temp var: void * tlv22 (tlv22) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv21'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv21] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv86'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv86] = char * var: tlv86 (tlv86) = temp var: char * tlv86 (tlv86) = temp var: tlv21 (tlv21) = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv21 (tlv21) = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv86', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv21', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv22', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] var: speed (speed) = - 1.0 var: double speed (speed) = - 1.0 Descendants of : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double speed ; speed = - 1.0 ; register int start ; start = 0 ; register int end ; end = 0 ; int ss ; ss = 0 ; int se ; se = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; ss = str -> index ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } goto retspeed ; reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ; reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ; return speed ; retspeed : return speed ; } 0 : [ if ( str == NULL ) { goto reterrvalue ; } ] 1 : [ { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } ] 2 : [ { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] 3 : [ if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] 4 : [ { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } ] 5 : [ if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } ] 6 : [ { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } ] 7 : [ { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } ] 8 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] 9 : [ { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] 10 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] 11 : [ { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] 12 : [ if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } ] 13 : [ { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] 14 : [ { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] 15 : [ { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] 16 : [ if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] 17 : [ { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } ] 18 : [ if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } ] 19 : [ { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } ] 20 : [ if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 21 : [ { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } ] 22 : [ if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] 23 : [ { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ] 24 : [ if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] 25 : [ { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ] 26 : [ if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 27 : [ { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] 28 : [ if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] 29 : [ { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } ] 30 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 31 : [ { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] 32 : [ { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ] 33 : [ if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 34 : [ { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] 35 : [ { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] 36 : [ { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } ] 37 : [ if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] 38 : [ { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] 39 : [ { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } ] 40 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } ] 41 : [ { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } ] 42 : [ { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : double cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( pstring str ) { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double speed ; speed = - 1.0 ; register int start ; start = 0 ; register int end ; end = 0 ; int ss ; ss = 0 ; int se ; se = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; ss = str -> index ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } goto retspeed ; reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ; reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ; return speed ; retspeed : return speed ; } 0 : [ { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double speed ; speed = - 1.0 ; register int start ; start = 0 ; register int end ; end = 0 ; int ss ; ss = 0 ; int se ; se = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; ss = str -> index ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } goto retspeed ; reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ; reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ; return speed ; retspeed : return speed ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'double'), (, 'cgc_extractAphelion ( pstring str )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pstring, var = str [type=] dec = ['str'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pstring : str sym_dict [str] = pstring 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [temp] = char * var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL [enterDeclaration] [(, 'double aphelion'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [aphelion] = double var: aphelion (aphelion) = - 1.0 var: double aphelion (aphelion) = - 1.0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int start'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [start] = int var: start (start) = 0 var: int start (start) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int end'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [end] = int var: end (end) = 0 var: int end (end) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int ps'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [ps] = int var: ps (ps) = 0 var: int ps (ps) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int pe'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [pe] = int var: pe (pe) = 0 var: int pe (pe) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => str == NULL [0] => str [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => str == NULL => ['str', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : str - [] ['str'] -- [] ['str'] --- [] ['str'] ---- [] ['str'] ----- [] ['str'] ------ [] ['str'] ------- [] ['str'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pstring : str Resolved type: [2.3] pstring : str 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ str == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv21'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv21] = pstring var: tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: pstring tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv23'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv23] = pstring var: tlv23 (tlv23) = str var: pstring tlv23 (tlv23) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv22'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv22] = char var: tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: char tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) var: int tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv1', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv58 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv25'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv25] = pstring var: tlv25 (tlv25) = str var: pstring tlv25 (tlv25) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv24'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv24] = int var: tlv24 (tlv24) = 1 var: int tlv24 (tlv24) = 1 var: tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) var: int tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv2', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv2 == - 1 [0] => tlv2 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv2 == - 1 => ['tlv2', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv2 - [] ['tlv2'] -- [] ['tlv2'] --- [] ['tlv2'] ---- [] ['tlv2'] ----- [] ['tlv2'] ------ [] ['tlv2'] ------- [] ['tlv2'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv2 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv2 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv2 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv59 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv26'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv26] = pstring var: tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: pstring tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv27'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv27] = pstring var: tlv27 (tlv27) = str var: pstring tlv27 (tlv27) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv60 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv30'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv30] = pstring var: tlv30 (tlv30) = str var: pstring tlv30 (tlv30) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv29'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv29] = int var: tlv29 (tlv29) = start var: int tlv29 (tlv29) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv28'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv28] = int var: tlv28 (tlv28) = end var: int tlv28 (tlv28) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv3'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv3] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv32 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv32] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv31] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv31 [ ]] = const char var: tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) var: int tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv3', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv3 != 0 [0] => tlv3 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv3 != 0 => ['tlv3', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv3 - [] ['tlv3'] -- [] ['tlv3'] --- [] ['tlv3'] ---- [] ['tlv3'] ----- [] ['tlv3'] ------ [] ['tlv3'] ------- [] ['tlv3'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv3 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv3 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv3 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv61] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv61 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv61 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv63'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv63] = void * var: tlv63 (tlv63) = temp var: void * tlv63 (tlv63) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv62'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv62] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv79'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv79] = char * var: tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: char * tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: tlv62 (tlv62) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv62 (tlv62) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv63', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL Descendants of : { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv12'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv12] = void * var: tlv12 (tlv12) = temp var: void * tlv12 (tlv12) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv11'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv11] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv76'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv76] = char * var: tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: char * tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv4'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv4] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv34'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv34] = pstring var: tlv34 (tlv34) = str var: pstring tlv34 (tlv34) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv33'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv33] = char var: tlv33 (tlv33) = '}' var: char tlv33 (tlv33) = '}' var: tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) var: int tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv4', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv4 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv64 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv5'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv5] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv36'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv36] = pstring var: tlv36 (tlv36) = str var: pstring tlv36 (tlv36) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv35'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv35] = int var: tlv35 (tlv35) = 1 var: int tlv35 (tlv35) = 1 var: tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) var: int tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv5', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv5 == - 1 [0] => tlv5 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv5 == - 1 => ['tlv5', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv5 - [] ['tlv5'] -- [] ['tlv5'] --- [] ['tlv5'] ---- [] ['tlv5'] ----- [] ['tlv5'] ------ [] ['tlv5'] ------- [] ['tlv5'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv5 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv5 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv5 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv65 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv14'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv14] = pstring var: tlv14 (tlv14) = str var: pstring tlv14 (tlv14) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int * tlv13'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv13] = int * var: tlv13 (tlv13) = & ps var: int * tlv13 (tlv13) = & ps Descendants of : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& ps')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv37'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv37] = pstring var: tlv37 (tlv37) = str var: pstring tlv37 (tlv37) = str var: pe (pe) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) var: int pe (pe) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('int', 'pe', '', 'cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pe == - 1 [0] => pe [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => pe == - 1 => ['pe', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pe - [] ['pe'] -- [] ['pe'] --- [] ['pe'] ---- [] ['pe'] ----- [] ['pe'] ------ [] ['pe'] ------- [] ['pe'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : pe Resolved type: [2.3] int : pe 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pe == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv66 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv6'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv6] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv39'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv39] = pstring var: tlv39 (tlv39) = str var: pstring tlv39 (tlv39) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv38'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv38] = char var: tlv38 (tlv38) = '{' var: char tlv38 (tlv38) = '{' var: tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) var: int tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv6', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv6 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv67 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv7'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv7] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv41'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv41] = pstring var: tlv41 (tlv41) = str var: pstring tlv41 (tlv41) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv40'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv40] = int var: tlv40 (tlv40) = 1 var: int tlv40 (tlv40) = 1 var: tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) var: int tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv41', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv40', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv7', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv7 == - 1 [0] => tlv7 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv7 == - 1 => ['tlv7', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv7 - [] ['tlv7'] -- [] ['tlv7'] --- [] ['tlv7'] ---- [] ['tlv7'] ----- [] ['tlv7'] ------ [] ['tlv7'] ------- [] ['tlv7'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv7 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv7 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv7 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv68 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv8'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv8] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv43'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv43] = pstring var: tlv43 (tlv43) = str var: pstring tlv43 (tlv43) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv42'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv42] = char var: tlv42 (tlv42) = '#' var: char tlv42 (tlv42) = '#' var: tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) var: int tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv43', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv42', '', "'#'"), ('int', 'tlv8', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv8 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv69 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv45'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv45] = pstring var: tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: pstring tlv45 (tlv45) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv44'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv44] = int var: tlv44 (tlv44) = 1 var: int tlv44 (tlv44) = 1 var: start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv44', '', '1'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => start == - 1 [0] => start [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => start == - 1 => ['start', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : start - [] ['start'] -- [] ['start'] --- [] ['start'] ---- [] ['start'] ----- [] ['start'] ------ [] ['start'] ------- [] ['start'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : start Resolved type: [2.3] int : start 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ start == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv70 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv46'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv46] = pstring var: tlv46 (tlv46) = str var: pstring tlv46 (tlv46) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv46', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv71] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv71 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv71 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv49'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv49] = pstring var: tlv49 (tlv49) = str var: pstring tlv49 (tlv49) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv48'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv48] = int var: tlv48 (tlv48) = start var: int tlv48 (tlv48) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv47'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv47] = int var: tlv47 (tlv47) = end var: int tlv47 (tlv47) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv49', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv48', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv9'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv9] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv51 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv51] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv50] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv50 [ ]] = const char var: tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) var: int tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv9', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv9 != 0 [0] => tlv9 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv9 != 0 => ['tlv9', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv9 - [] ['tlv9'] -- [] ['tlv9'] --- [] ['tlv9'] ---- [] ['tlv9'] ----- [] ['tlv9'] ------ [] ['tlv9'] ------- [] ['tlv9'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv9 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv9 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv9 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv73'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv73] = void * var: tlv73 (tlv73) = temp var: void * tlv73 (tlv73) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv72'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv72] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv80'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv80] = char * var: tlv80 (tlv80) = temp var: char * tlv80 (tlv80) = temp var: tlv72 (tlv72) = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv72 (tlv72) = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv80', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv73', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv16'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv16] = void * var: tlv16 (tlv16) = temp var: void * tlv16 (tlv16) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv15'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv15] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv77'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv77] = char * var: tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: char * tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv10'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv10] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv53'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv53] = pstring var: tlv53 (tlv53) = str var: pstring tlv53 (tlv53) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv52'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv52] = char var: tlv52 (tlv52) = '}' var: char tlv52 (tlv52) = '}' var: tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) var: int tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv53', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv52', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv10', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv10 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv74 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv18'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv18] = pstring var: tlv18 (tlv18) = str var: pstring tlv18 (tlv18) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv17'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv17] = int var: tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 var: int tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 Descendants of : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv56'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv56] = pstring var: tlv56 (tlv56) = str var: pstring tlv56 (tlv56) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv55'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv55] = int var: tlv55 (tlv55) = ps var: int tlv55 (tlv55) = ps [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv54'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv54] = int var: tlv54 (tlv54) = pe var: int tlv54 (tlv54) = pe var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv56', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv55', '', 'ps'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'pe'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv75] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv75 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv75 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv57 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv57] = const char * var: aphelion (aphelion) = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) var: double aphelion (aphelion) = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } Assigns = [('double', 'aphelion', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv57 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv20'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv20] = void * var: tlv20 (tlv20) = temp var: void * tlv20 (tlv20) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv19'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv19] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv78'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv78] = char * var: tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: char * tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double aphelion ; aphelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } ] 1 : [ { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] 2 : [ { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] 3 : [ if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 4 : [ { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] 5 : [ if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 6 : [ { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] 7 : [ { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] 8 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 9 : [ { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] 10 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] 11 : [ { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] 12 : [ if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } ] 13 : [ { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] 14 : [ { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] 15 : [ if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 16 : [ { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] 17 : [ if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 18 : [ { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] 19 : [ { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] 20 : [ if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 21 : [ { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] 22 : [ if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 23 : [ { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } ] 24 : [ if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 25 : [ { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ] 26 : [ if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 27 : [ { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ] 28 : [ if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 29 : [ { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } ] 30 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 31 : [ { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } ] 32 : [ { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } ] 33 : [ if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] 34 : [ { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] 35 : [ { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ] 36 : [ if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 37 : [ { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] 38 : [ { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } ] 39 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 40 : [ { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } ] 41 : [ { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : double cgc_extractAphelion ( pstring str ) { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double aphelion ; aphelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return aphelion ; } 0 : [ { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double aphelion ; aphelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'double'), (, 'cgc_extractPerihelion ( pstring str )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pstring, var = str [type=] dec = ['str'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pstring : str sym_dict [str] = pstring 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [temp] = char * var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL [enterDeclaration] [(, 'double perihelion'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [perihelion] = double var: perihelion (perihelion) = - 1.0 var: double perihelion (perihelion) = - 1.0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int start'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [start] = int var: start (start) = 0 var: int start (start) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int end'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [end] = int var: end (end) = 0 var: int end (end) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int ps'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [ps] = int var: ps (ps) = 0 var: int ps (ps) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int pe'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [pe] = int var: pe (pe) = 0 var: int pe (pe) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => str == NULL [0] => str [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => str == NULL => ['str', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : str - [] ['str'] -- [] ['str'] --- [] ['str'] ---- [] ['str'] ----- [] ['str'] ------ [] ['str'] ------- [] ['str'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pstring : str Resolved type: [2.3] pstring : str 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ str == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv21'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv21] = pstring var: tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: pstring tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv23'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv23] = pstring var: tlv23 (tlv23) = str var: pstring tlv23 (tlv23) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv22'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv22] = char var: tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: char tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) var: int tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv1', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv57 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv25'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv25] = pstring var: tlv25 (tlv25) = str var: pstring tlv25 (tlv25) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv24'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv24] = int var: tlv24 (tlv24) = 1 var: int tlv24 (tlv24) = 1 var: tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) var: int tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv2', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv2 == - 1 [0] => tlv2 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv2 == - 1 => ['tlv2', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv2 - [] ['tlv2'] -- [] ['tlv2'] --- [] ['tlv2'] ---- [] ['tlv2'] ----- [] ['tlv2'] ------ [] ['tlv2'] ------- [] ['tlv2'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv2 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv2 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv2 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv58 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv26'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv26] = pstring var: tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: pstring tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv27'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv27] = pstring var: tlv27 (tlv27) = str var: pstring tlv27 (tlv27) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv59 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv30'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv30] = pstring var: tlv30 (tlv30) = str var: pstring tlv30 (tlv30) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv29'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv29] = int var: tlv29 (tlv29) = start var: int tlv29 (tlv29) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv28'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv28] = int var: tlv28 (tlv28) = end var: int tlv28 (tlv28) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv3'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv3] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv32 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv32] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv31] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv31 [ ]] = const char var: tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) var: int tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv3', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv3 != 0 [0] => tlv3 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv3 != 0 => ['tlv3', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv3 - [] ['tlv3'] -- [] ['tlv3'] --- [] ['tlv3'] ---- [] ['tlv3'] ----- [] ['tlv3'] ------ [] ['tlv3'] ------- [] ['tlv3'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv3 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv3 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv3 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv60 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv62'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv62] = void * var: tlv62 (tlv62) = temp var: void * tlv62 (tlv62) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv61'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv61] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv78'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv78] = char * var: tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: char * tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: tlv61 (tlv61) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv61 (tlv61) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL Descendants of : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv12'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv12] = void * var: tlv12 (tlv12) = temp var: void * tlv12 (tlv12) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv11'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv11] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv75'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv75] = char * var: tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: char * tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv4'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv4] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv34'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv34] = pstring var: tlv34 (tlv34) = str var: pstring tlv34 (tlv34) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv33'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv33] = char var: tlv33 (tlv33) = '}' var: char tlv33 (tlv33) = '}' var: tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) var: int tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv4', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv4 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv63 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv5'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv5] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv36'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv36] = pstring var: tlv36 (tlv36) = str var: pstring tlv36 (tlv36) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv35'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv35] = int var: tlv35 (tlv35) = 1 var: int tlv35 (tlv35) = 1 var: tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) var: int tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv5', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv5 == - 1 [0] => tlv5 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv5 == - 1 => ['tlv5', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv5 - [] ['tlv5'] -- [] ['tlv5'] --- [] ['tlv5'] ---- [] ['tlv5'] ----- [] ['tlv5'] ------ [] ['tlv5'] ------- [] ['tlv5'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv5 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv5 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv5 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv64 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv14'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv14] = pstring var: tlv14 (tlv14) = str var: pstring tlv14 (tlv14) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int * tlv13'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv13] = int * var: tlv13 (tlv13) = & ps var: int * tlv13 (tlv13) = & ps Descendants of : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& ps')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv37'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv37] = pstring var: tlv37 (tlv37) = str var: pstring tlv37 (tlv37) = str var: pe (pe) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) var: int pe (pe) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('int', 'pe', '', 'cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => pe == - 1 [0] => pe [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => pe == - 1 => ['pe', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : pe - [] ['pe'] -- [] ['pe'] --- [] ['pe'] ---- [] ['pe'] ----- [] ['pe'] ------ [] ['pe'] ------- [] ['pe'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : pe Resolved type: [2.3] int : pe 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ pe == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv65 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv6'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv6] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv39'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv39] = pstring var: tlv39 (tlv39) = str var: pstring tlv39 (tlv39) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv38'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv38] = char var: tlv38 (tlv38) = '{' var: char tlv38 (tlv38) = '{' var: tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) var: int tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv6', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv6 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv66 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv7'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv7] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv40'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv40] = pstring var: tlv40 (tlv40) = str var: pstring tlv40 (tlv40) = str var: tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) var: int tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv7', '', 'cgc_incChar ( tlv40 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv7 == - 1 [0] => tlv7 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv7 == - 1 => ['tlv7', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv7 - [] ['tlv7'] -- [] ['tlv7'] --- [] ['tlv7'] ---- [] ['tlv7'] ----- [] ['tlv7'] ------ [] ['tlv7'] ------- [] ['tlv7'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv7 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv7 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv7 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv67 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv8'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv8] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv42'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv42] = pstring var: tlv42 (tlv42) = str var: pstring tlv42 (tlv42) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv41'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv41] = char var: tlv41 (tlv41) = '#' var: char tlv41 (tlv41) = '#' var: tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) var: int tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'"), ('int', 'tlv8', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv8 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv68 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv44'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv44] = pstring var: tlv44 (tlv44) = str var: pstring tlv44 (tlv44) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv43'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv43] = int var: tlv43 (tlv43) = 1 var: int tlv43 (tlv43) = 1 var: start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => start == - 1 [0] => start [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => start == - 1 => ['start', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : start - [] ['start'] -- [] ['start'] --- [] ['start'] ---- [] ['start'] ----- [] ['start'] ------ [] ['start'] ------- [] ['start'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : start Resolved type: [2.3] int : start 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ start == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv69 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv45'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv45] = pstring var: tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: pstring tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv70 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv48'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv48] = pstring var: tlv48 (tlv48) = str var: pstring tlv48 (tlv48) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv47'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv47] = int var: tlv47 (tlv47) = start var: int tlv47 (tlv47) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv46'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv46] = int var: tlv46 (tlv46) = end var: int tlv46 (tlv46) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv9'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv9] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv50 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv50] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv49] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv49 [ ]] = const char var: tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) var: int tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv9', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv9 != 0 [0] => tlv9 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv9 != 0 => ['tlv9', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv9 - [] ['tlv9'] -- [] ['tlv9'] --- [] ['tlv9'] ---- [] ['tlv9'] ----- [] ['tlv9'] ------ [] ['tlv9'] ------- [] ['tlv9'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv9 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv9 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv9 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv72'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv72] = void * var: tlv72 (tlv72) = temp var: void * tlv72 (tlv72) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv71'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv71] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv79'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv79] = char * var: tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: char * tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: tlv71 (tlv71) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv71 (tlv71) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv16'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv16] = void * var: tlv16 (tlv16) = temp var: void * tlv16 (tlv16) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv15'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv15] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv76'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv76] = char * var: tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: char * tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv10'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv10] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv52'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv52] = pstring var: tlv52 (tlv52) = str var: pstring tlv52 (tlv52) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv51'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv51] = char var: tlv51 (tlv51) = '}' var: char tlv51 (tlv51) = '}' var: tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) var: int tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv10', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv10 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv73 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv18'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv18] = pstring var: tlv18 (tlv18) = str var: pstring tlv18 (tlv18) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv17'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv17] = int var: tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 var: int tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 Descendants of : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv55'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv55] = pstring var: tlv55 (tlv55) = str var: pstring tlv55 (tlv55) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv54'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv54] = int var: tlv54 (tlv54) = ps var: int tlv54 (tlv54) = ps [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv53'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv53] = int var: tlv53 (tlv53) = pe var: int tlv53 (tlv53) = pe var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'ps'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'pe'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv74 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv56 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv56] = const char * var: perihelion (perihelion) = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) var: double perihelion (perihelion) = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } Assigns = [('double', 'perihelion', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv56 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv20'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv20] = void * var: tlv20 (tlv20) = temp var: void * tlv20 (tlv20) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv19'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv19] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv77'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv77] = char * var: tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: char * tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double perihelion ; perihelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } ] 1 : [ { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] 2 : [ { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] 3 : [ if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 4 : [ { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] 5 : [ if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 6 : [ { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] 7 : [ { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] 8 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 9 : [ { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] 10 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] 11 : [ { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] 12 : [ if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } ] 13 : [ { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] 14 : [ { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] 15 : [ if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 16 : [ { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] 17 : [ if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 18 : [ { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] 19 : [ { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] 20 : [ if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 21 : [ { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] 22 : [ if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 23 : [ { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] 24 : [ if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 25 : [ { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] 26 : [ if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 27 : [ { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] 28 : [ if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 29 : [ { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] 30 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 31 : [ { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] 32 : [ { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] 33 : [ if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] 34 : [ { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] 35 : [ { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] 36 : [ if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 37 : [ { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] 38 : [ { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] 39 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 40 : [ { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] 41 : [ { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : double cgc_extractPerihelion ( pstring str ) { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double perihelion ; perihelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return perihelion ; } 0 : [ { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double perihelion ; perihelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'double'), (, 'cgc_extractRadius ( pstring str )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pstring, var = str [type=] dec = ['str'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pstring : str sym_dict [str] = pstring 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [temp] = char * var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL [enterDeclaration] [(, 'double radius'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [radius] = double var: radius (radius) = - 1.0 var: double radius (radius) = - 1.0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int start'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [start] = int var: start (start) = 0 var: int start (start) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int end'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [end] = int var: end (end) = 0 var: int end (end) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int rs'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [rs] = int var: rs (rs) = 0 var: int rs (rs) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int re'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [re] = int var: re (re) = 0 var: int re (re) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => str == NULL [0] => str [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => str == NULL => ['str', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : str - [] ['str'] -- [] ['str'] --- [] ['str'] ---- [] ['str'] ----- [] ['str'] ------ [] ['str'] ------- [] ['str'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pstring : str Resolved type: [2.3] pstring : str 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ str == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv21'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv21] = pstring var: tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: pstring tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv23'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv23] = pstring var: tlv23 (tlv23) = str var: pstring tlv23 (tlv23) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv22'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv22] = char var: tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: char tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) var: int tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv1', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv54] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv54 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv54 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv24'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv24] = pstring var: tlv24 (tlv24) = str var: pstring tlv24 (tlv24) = str var: tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) var: int tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv24', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv2', '', 'cgc_incChar ( tlv24 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv2 == - 1 [0] => tlv2 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv2 == - 1 => ['tlv2', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv2 - [] ['tlv2'] -- [] ['tlv2'] --- [] ['tlv2'] ---- [] ['tlv2'] ----- [] ['tlv2'] ------ [] ['tlv2'] ------- [] ['tlv2'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv2 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv2 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv2 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv55] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv55 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv55 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv25'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv25] = pstring var: tlv25 (tlv25) = str var: pstring tlv25 (tlv25) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv26'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv26] = pstring var: tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: pstring tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv56] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv56 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv56 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv29'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv29] = pstring var: tlv29 (tlv29) = str var: pstring tlv29 (tlv29) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv28'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv28] = int var: tlv28 (tlv28) = start var: int tlv28 (tlv28) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv27'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv27] = int var: tlv27 (tlv27) = end var: int tlv27 (tlv27) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv29', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv27', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv3'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv3] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv31 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv31] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv30 [ ] = "Radius"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv30] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv30 [ ]] = const char var: tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) var: int tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv3', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv3 != 0 [0] => tlv3 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv3 != 0 => ['tlv3', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv3 - [] ['tlv3'] -- [] ['tlv3'] --- [] ['tlv3'] ---- [] ['tlv3'] ----- [] ['tlv3'] ------ [] ['tlv3'] ------- [] ['tlv3'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv3 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv3 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv3 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv57 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv59'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv59] = void * var: tlv59 (tlv59) = temp var: void * tlv59 (tlv59) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv58'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv58] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv75'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv75] = char * var: tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: char * tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: tlv58 (tlv58) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv58 (tlv58) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv59', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL Descendants of : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv12'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv12] = void * var: tlv12 (tlv12) = temp var: void * tlv12 (tlv12) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv11'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv11] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv72'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv72] = char * var: tlv72 (tlv72) = temp var: char * tlv72 (tlv72) = temp var: tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv4'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv4] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv33'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv33] = pstring var: tlv33 (tlv33) = str var: pstring tlv33 (tlv33) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv32'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv32] = char var: tlv32 (tlv32) = '}' var: char tlv32 (tlv32) = '}' var: tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) var: int tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv33', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv32', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv4', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv4 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv60 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv5'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv5] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv34'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv34] = pstring var: tlv34 (tlv34) = str var: pstring tlv34 (tlv34) = str var: tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) var: int tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv5', '', 'cgc_incChar ( tlv34 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv5 == - 1 [0] => tlv5 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv5 == - 1 => ['tlv5', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv5 - [] ['tlv5'] -- [] ['tlv5'] --- [] ['tlv5'] ---- [] ['tlv5'] ----- [] ['tlv5'] ------ [] ['tlv5'] ------- [] ['tlv5'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv5 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv5 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv5 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv61] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv61 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv61 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv14'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv14] = pstring var: tlv14 (tlv14) = str var: pstring tlv14 (tlv14) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int * tlv13'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv13] = int * var: tlv13 (tlv13) = & rs var: int * tlv13 (tlv13) = & rs Descendants of : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& rs')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv35'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv35] = pstring var: tlv35 (tlv35) = str var: pstring tlv35 (tlv35) = str var: re (re) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) var: int re (re) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv35', '', 'str'), ('int', 're', '', 'cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => re == - 1 [0] => re [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => re == - 1 => ['re', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : re - [] ['re'] -- [] ['re'] --- [] ['re'] ---- [] ['re'] ----- [] ['re'] ------ [] ['re'] ------- [] ['re'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : re Resolved type: [2.3] int : re 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ re == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv62] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv62 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv62 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv6'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv6] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv37'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv37] = pstring var: tlv37 (tlv37) = str var: pstring tlv37 (tlv37) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv36'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv36] = char var: tlv36 (tlv36) = '{' var: char tlv36 (tlv36) = '{' var: tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) var: int tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv36', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv6', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv6 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv63 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv7'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv7] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv38'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv38] = pstring var: tlv38 (tlv38) = str var: pstring tlv38 (tlv38) = str var: tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) var: int tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv38', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv7', '', 'cgc_incChar ( tlv38 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv7 == - 1 [0] => tlv7 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv7 == - 1 => ['tlv7', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv7 - [] ['tlv7'] -- [] ['tlv7'] --- [] ['tlv7'] ---- [] ['tlv7'] ----- [] ['tlv7'] ------ [] ['tlv7'] ------- [] ['tlv7'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv7 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv7 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv7 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv64 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv8'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv8] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv40'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv40] = pstring var: tlv40 (tlv40) = str var: pstring tlv40 (tlv40) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv39'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv39] = char var: tlv39 (tlv39) = '#' var: char tlv39 (tlv39) = '#' var: tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) var: int tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv39', '', "'#'"), ('int', 'tlv8', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv8 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv65 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv41'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv41] = pstring var: tlv41 (tlv41) = str var: pstring tlv41 (tlv41) = str var: start (start) = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv41', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_incChar ( tlv41 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => start == - 1 [0] => start [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => start == - 1 => ['start', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : start - [] ['start'] -- [] ['start'] --- [] ['start'] ---- [] ['start'] ----- [] ['start'] ------ [] ['start'] ------- [] ['start'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : start Resolved type: [2.3] int : start 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ start == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv66 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv42'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv42] = pstring var: tlv42 (tlv42) = str var: pstring tlv42 (tlv42) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv67 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv45'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv45] = pstring var: tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: pstring tlv45 (tlv45) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv44'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv44] = int var: tlv44 (tlv44) = start var: int tlv44 (tlv44) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv43'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv43] = int var: tlv43 (tlv43) = end var: int tlv43 (tlv43) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv44', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv9'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv9] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv47 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv47] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv46 [ ] = "Radius"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv46] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv46 [ ]] = const char var: tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) var: int tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv9', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv9 != 0 [0] => tlv9 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv9 != 0 => ['tlv9', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv9 - [] ['tlv9'] -- [] ['tlv9'] --- [] ['tlv9'] ---- [] ['tlv9'] ----- [] ['tlv9'] ------ [] ['tlv9'] ------- [] ['tlv9'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv9 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv9 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv9 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv69'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv69] = void * var: tlv69 (tlv69) = temp var: void * tlv69 (tlv69) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv68'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv68] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv76'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv76] = char * var: tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: char * tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: tlv68 (tlv68) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv68 (tlv68) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv69', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv16'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv16] = void * var: tlv16 (tlv16) = temp var: void * tlv16 (tlv16) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv15'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv15] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv73'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv73] = char * var: tlv73 (tlv73) = temp var: char * tlv73 (tlv73) = temp var: tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv73', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv10'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv10] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv49'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv49] = pstring var: tlv49 (tlv49) = str var: pstring tlv49 (tlv49) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv48'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv48] = char var: tlv48 (tlv48) = '}' var: char tlv48 (tlv48) = '}' var: tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) var: int tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv49', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv48', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv10', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv10 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv70 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv18'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv18] = pstring var: tlv18 (tlv18) = str var: pstring tlv18 (tlv18) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv17'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv17] = int var: tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 var: int tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 Descendants of : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv52'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv52] = pstring var: tlv52 (tlv52) = str var: pstring tlv52 (tlv52) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv51'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv51] = int var: tlv51 (tlv51) = rs var: int tlv51 (tlv51) = rs [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv50'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv50] = int var: tlv50 (tlv50) = re var: int tlv50 (tlv50) = re var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv51', '', 'rs'), ('int', 'tlv50', '', 're'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv71] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv71 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv71 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv53 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv53] = const char * var: radius (radius) = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) var: double radius (radius) = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } Assigns = [('double', 'radius', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv53 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv20'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv20] = void * var: tlv20 (tlv20) = temp var: void * tlv20 (tlv20) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv19'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv19] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv74'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv74] = char * var: tlv74 (tlv74) = temp var: char * tlv74 (tlv74) = temp var: tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv74', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double radius ; radius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int rs ; rs = 0 ; int re ; re = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } ] 1 : [ { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] 2 : [ { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] 3 : [ if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 4 : [ { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } ] 5 : [ if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 6 : [ { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } ] 7 : [ { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } ] 8 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 9 : [ { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ] 10 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] 11 : [ { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] 12 : [ if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } ] 13 : [ { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] 14 : [ { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ] 15 : [ if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 16 : [ { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } ] 17 : [ if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 18 : [ { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] 19 : [ { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } ] 20 : [ if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 21 : [ { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } ] 22 : [ if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 23 : [ { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } ] 24 : [ if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 25 : [ { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] 26 : [ if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 27 : [ { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } ] 28 : [ if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 29 : [ { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } ] 30 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 31 : [ { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] 32 : [ { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] 33 : [ if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } ] 34 : [ { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] 35 : [ { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } ] 36 : [ if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 37 : [ { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] 38 : [ { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } ] 39 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 40 : [ { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } ] 41 : [ { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : double cgc_extractRadius ( pstring str ) { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double radius ; radius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int rs ; rs = 0 ; int re ; re = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return radius ; } 0 : [ { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double radius ; radius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int rs ; rs = 0 ; int re ; re = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return radius ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'double'), (, 'cgc_extractERadius ( pstring str )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pstring, var = str [type=] dec = ['str'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pstring : str sym_dict [str] = pstring 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [temp] = char * var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL [enterDeclaration] [(, 'double eradius'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [eradius] = double var: eradius (eradius) = - 1.0 var: double eradius (eradius) = - 1.0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int start'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [start] = int var: start (start) = 0 var: int start (start) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int end'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [end] = int var: end (end) = 0 var: int end (end) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int es'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [es] = int var: es (es) = 0 var: int es (es) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int ee'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [ee] = int var: ee (ee) = 0 var: int ee (ee) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => str == NULL [0] => str [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => str == NULL => ['str', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : str - [] ['str'] -- [] ['str'] --- [] ['str'] ---- [] ['str'] ----- [] ['str'] ------ [] ['str'] ------- [] ['str'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pstring : str Resolved type: [2.3] pstring : str 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ str == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv21'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv21] = pstring var: tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: pstring tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv23'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv23] = pstring var: tlv23 (tlv23) = str var: pstring tlv23 (tlv23) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv22'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv22] = char var: tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: char tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) var: int tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv1', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv57 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv25'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv25] = pstring var: tlv25 (tlv25) = str var: pstring tlv25 (tlv25) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv24'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv24] = int var: tlv24 (tlv24) = 1 var: int tlv24 (tlv24) = 1 var: tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) var: int tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv2', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv2 == - 1 [0] => tlv2 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv2 == - 1 => ['tlv2', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv2 - [] ['tlv2'] -- [] ['tlv2'] --- [] ['tlv2'] ---- [] ['tlv2'] ----- [] ['tlv2'] ------ [] ['tlv2'] ------- [] ['tlv2'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv2 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv2 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv2 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv58 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv26'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv26] = pstring var: tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: pstring tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv27'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv27] = pstring var: tlv27 (tlv27) = str var: pstring tlv27 (tlv27) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv59 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv30'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv30] = pstring var: tlv30 (tlv30) = str var: pstring tlv30 (tlv30) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv29'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv29] = int var: tlv29 (tlv29) = start var: int tlv29 (tlv29) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv28'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv28] = int var: tlv28 (tlv28) = end var: int tlv28 (tlv28) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv3'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv3] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv32 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv32] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv31] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv31 [ ]] = const char var: tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) var: int tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv3', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv3 != 0 [0] => tlv3 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv3 != 0 => ['tlv3', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv3 - [] ['tlv3'] -- [] ['tlv3'] --- [] ['tlv3'] ---- [] ['tlv3'] ----- [] ['tlv3'] ------ [] ['tlv3'] ------- [] ['tlv3'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv3 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv3 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv3 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv60 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv62'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv62] = void * var: tlv62 (tlv62) = temp var: void * tlv62 (tlv62) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv61'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv61] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv78'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv78] = char * var: tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: char * tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: tlv61 (tlv61) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv61 (tlv61) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL Descendants of : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv12'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv12] = void * var: tlv12 (tlv12) = temp var: void * tlv12 (tlv12) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv11'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv11] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv75'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv75] = char * var: tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: char * tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv4'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv4] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv34'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv34] = pstring var: tlv34 (tlv34) = str var: pstring tlv34 (tlv34) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv33'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv33] = char var: tlv33 (tlv33) = '}' var: char tlv33 (tlv33) = '}' var: tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) var: int tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv4', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv4 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv63 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv5'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv5] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv36'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv36] = pstring var: tlv36 (tlv36) = str var: pstring tlv36 (tlv36) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv35'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv35] = int var: tlv35 (tlv35) = 1 var: int tlv35 (tlv35) = 1 var: tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) var: int tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv5', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv5 == - 1 [0] => tlv5 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv5 == - 1 => ['tlv5', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv5 - [] ['tlv5'] -- [] ['tlv5'] --- [] ['tlv5'] ---- [] ['tlv5'] ----- [] ['tlv5'] ------ [] ['tlv5'] ------- [] ['tlv5'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv5 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv5 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv5 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv64 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv14'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv14] = pstring var: tlv14 (tlv14) = str var: pstring tlv14 (tlv14) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int * tlv13'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv13] = int * var: tlv13 (tlv13) = & es var: int * tlv13 (tlv13) = & es Descendants of : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& es')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv37'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv37] = pstring var: tlv37 (tlv37) = str var: pstring tlv37 (tlv37) = str var: ee (ee) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) var: int ee (ee) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('int', 'ee', '', 'cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => ee == - 1 [0] => ee [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => ee == - 1 => ['ee', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : ee - [] ['ee'] -- [] ['ee'] --- [] ['ee'] ---- [] ['ee'] ----- [] ['ee'] ------ [] ['ee'] ------- [] ['ee'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : ee Resolved type: [2.3] int : ee 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ee == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv65 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv6'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv6] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv39'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv39] = pstring var: tlv39 (tlv39) = str var: pstring tlv39 (tlv39) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv38'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv38] = char var: tlv38 (tlv38) = '{' var: char tlv38 (tlv38) = '{' var: tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) var: int tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv6', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv6 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv66 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv7'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv7] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv40'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv40] = pstring var: tlv40 (tlv40) = str var: pstring tlv40 (tlv40) = str var: tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) var: int tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv7', '', 'cgc_incChar ( tlv40 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv7 == - 1 [0] => tlv7 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv7 == - 1 => ['tlv7', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv7 - [] ['tlv7'] -- [] ['tlv7'] --- [] ['tlv7'] ---- [] ['tlv7'] ----- [] ['tlv7'] ------ [] ['tlv7'] ------- [] ['tlv7'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv7 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv7 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv7 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv67 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv8'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv8] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv42'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv42] = pstring var: tlv42 (tlv42) = str var: pstring tlv42 (tlv42) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv41'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv41] = char var: tlv41 (tlv41) = '#' var: char tlv41 (tlv41) = '#' var: tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) var: int tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'"), ('int', 'tlv8', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv8 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv68 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv44'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv44] = pstring var: tlv44 (tlv44) = str var: pstring tlv44 (tlv44) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv43'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv43] = int var: tlv43 (tlv43) = 1 var: int tlv43 (tlv43) = 1 var: start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => start == - 1 [0] => start [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => start == - 1 => ['start', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : start - [] ['start'] -- [] ['start'] --- [] ['start'] ---- [] ['start'] ----- [] ['start'] ------ [] ['start'] ------- [] ['start'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : start Resolved type: [2.3] int : start 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ start == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv69 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv45'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv45] = pstring var: tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: pstring tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv70 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv48'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv48] = pstring var: tlv48 (tlv48) = str var: pstring tlv48 (tlv48) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv47'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv47] = int var: tlv47 (tlv47) = start var: int tlv47 (tlv47) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv46'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv46] = int var: tlv46 (tlv46) = end var: int tlv46 (tlv46) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv9'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv9] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv50 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv50] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv49] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv49 [ ]] = const char var: tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) var: int tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv9', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv9 != 0 [0] => tlv9 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv9 != 0 => ['tlv9', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv9 - [] ['tlv9'] -- [] ['tlv9'] --- [] ['tlv9'] ---- [] ['tlv9'] ----- [] ['tlv9'] ------ [] ['tlv9'] ------- [] ['tlv9'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv9 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv9 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv9 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv72'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv72] = void * var: tlv72 (tlv72) = temp var: void * tlv72 (tlv72) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv71'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv71] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv79'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv79] = char * var: tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: char * tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: tlv71 (tlv71) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv71 (tlv71) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv16'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv16] = void * var: tlv16 (tlv16) = temp var: void * tlv16 (tlv16) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv15'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv15] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv76'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv76] = char * var: tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: char * tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv10'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv10] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv52'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv52] = pstring var: tlv52 (tlv52) = str var: pstring tlv52 (tlv52) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv51'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv51] = char var: tlv51 (tlv51) = '}' var: char tlv51 (tlv51) = '}' var: tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) var: int tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv10', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv10 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv73 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv18'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv18] = pstring var: tlv18 (tlv18) = str var: pstring tlv18 (tlv18) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv17'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv17] = int var: tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 var: int tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 Descendants of : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv55'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv55] = pstring var: tlv55 (tlv55) = str var: pstring tlv55 (tlv55) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv54'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv54] = int var: tlv54 (tlv54) = es var: int tlv54 (tlv54) = es [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv53'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv53] = int var: tlv53 (tlv53) = ee var: int tlv53 (tlv53) = ee var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'es'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'ee'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv74 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv56 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv56] = const char * var: eradius (eradius) = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) var: double eradius (eradius) = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } Assigns = [('double', 'eradius', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv56 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv20'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv20] = void * var: tlv20 (tlv20) = temp var: void * tlv20 (tlv20) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv19'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv19] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv77'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv77] = char * var: tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: char * tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double eradius ; eradius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } ] 1 : [ { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] 2 : [ { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] 3 : [ if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 4 : [ { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] 5 : [ if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 6 : [ { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] 7 : [ { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] 8 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 9 : [ { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] 10 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] 11 : [ { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] 12 : [ if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } ] 13 : [ { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] 14 : [ { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] 15 : [ if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 16 : [ { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] 17 : [ if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 18 : [ { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] 19 : [ { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] 20 : [ if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 21 : [ { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] 22 : [ if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 23 : [ { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] 24 : [ if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 25 : [ { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] 26 : [ if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 27 : [ { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] 28 : [ if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 29 : [ { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] 30 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 31 : [ { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] 32 : [ { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] 33 : [ if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] 34 : [ { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] 35 : [ { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] 36 : [ if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 37 : [ { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] 38 : [ { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] 39 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 40 : [ { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] 41 : [ { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : double cgc_extractERadius ( pstring str ) { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double eradius ; eradius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return eradius ; } 0 : [ { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double eradius ; eradius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'double'), (, 'cgc_extractMass ( pstring str )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pstring, var = str [type=] dec = ['str'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pstring : str sym_dict [str] = pstring 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [temp] = char * var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL [enterDeclaration] [(, 'double mass'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [mass] = double var: mass (mass) = - 1.0 var: double mass (mass) = - 1.0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int start'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [start] = int var: start (start) = 0 var: int start (start) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int end'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [end] = int var: end (end) = 0 var: int end (end) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int es'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [es] = int var: es (es) = 0 var: int es (es) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int ee'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [ee] = int var: ee (ee) = 0 var: int ee (ee) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => str == NULL [0] => str [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => str == NULL => ['str', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : str - [] ['str'] -- [] ['str'] --- [] ['str'] ---- [] ['str'] ----- [] ['str'] ------ [] ['str'] ------- [] ['str'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pstring : str Resolved type: [2.3] pstring : str 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ str == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv21'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv21] = pstring var: tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: pstring tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv23'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv23] = pstring var: tlv23 (tlv23) = str var: pstring tlv23 (tlv23) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv22'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv22] = char var: tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: char tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) var: int tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv1', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv57 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv25'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv25] = pstring var: tlv25 (tlv25) = str var: pstring tlv25 (tlv25) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv24'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv24] = int var: tlv24 (tlv24) = 1 var: int tlv24 (tlv24) = 1 var: tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) var: int tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv2', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv2 == - 1 [0] => tlv2 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv2 == - 1 => ['tlv2', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv2 - [] ['tlv2'] -- [] ['tlv2'] --- [] ['tlv2'] ---- [] ['tlv2'] ----- [] ['tlv2'] ------ [] ['tlv2'] ------- [] ['tlv2'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv2 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv2 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv2 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv58 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv26'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv26] = pstring var: tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: pstring tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv27'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv27] = pstring var: tlv27 (tlv27) = str var: pstring tlv27 (tlv27) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv59 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv30'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv30] = pstring var: tlv30 (tlv30) = str var: pstring tlv30 (tlv30) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv29'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv29] = int var: tlv29 (tlv29) = start var: int tlv29 (tlv29) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv28'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv28] = int var: tlv28 (tlv28) = end var: int tlv28 (tlv28) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv3'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv3] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv32 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv32] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv31 [ ] = "Mass"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv31] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv31 [ ]] = const char var: tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) var: int tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv3', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv3 != 0 [0] => tlv3 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv3 != 0 => ['tlv3', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv3 - [] ['tlv3'] -- [] ['tlv3'] --- [] ['tlv3'] ---- [] ['tlv3'] ----- [] ['tlv3'] ------ [] ['tlv3'] ------- [] ['tlv3'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv3 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv3 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv3 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv60 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv62'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv62] = void * var: tlv62 (tlv62) = temp var: void * tlv62 (tlv62) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv61'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv61] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv78'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv78] = char * var: tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: char * tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: tlv61 (tlv61) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv61 (tlv61) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL Descendants of : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv12'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv12] = void * var: tlv12 (tlv12) = temp var: void * tlv12 (tlv12) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv11'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv11] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv75'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv75] = char * var: tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: char * tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv4'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv4] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv34'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv34] = pstring var: tlv34 (tlv34) = str var: pstring tlv34 (tlv34) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv33'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv33] = char var: tlv33 (tlv33) = '}' var: char tlv33 (tlv33) = '}' var: tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) var: int tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv4', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv4 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv63 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv5'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv5] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv36'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv36] = pstring var: tlv36 (tlv36) = str var: pstring tlv36 (tlv36) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv35'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv35] = int var: tlv35 (tlv35) = 1 var: int tlv35 (tlv35) = 1 var: tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) var: int tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv5', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv5 == - 1 [0] => tlv5 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv5 == - 1 => ['tlv5', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv5 - [] ['tlv5'] -- [] ['tlv5'] --- [] ['tlv5'] ---- [] ['tlv5'] ----- [] ['tlv5'] ------ [] ['tlv5'] ------- [] ['tlv5'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv5 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv5 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv5 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv64 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv14'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv14] = pstring var: tlv14 (tlv14) = str var: pstring tlv14 (tlv14) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int * tlv13'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv13] = int * var: tlv13 (tlv13) = & es var: int * tlv13 (tlv13) = & es Descendants of : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& es')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv37'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv37] = pstring var: tlv37 (tlv37) = str var: pstring tlv37 (tlv37) = str var: ee (ee) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) var: int ee (ee) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('int', 'ee', '', 'cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => ee == - 1 [0] => ee [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => ee == - 1 => ['ee', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : ee - [] ['ee'] -- [] ['ee'] --- [] ['ee'] ---- [] ['ee'] ----- [] ['ee'] ------ [] ['ee'] ------- [] ['ee'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : ee Resolved type: [2.3] int : ee 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ee == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv65 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv6'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv6] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv39'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv39] = pstring var: tlv39 (tlv39) = str var: pstring tlv39 (tlv39) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv38'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv38] = char var: tlv38 (tlv38) = '{' var: char tlv38 (tlv38) = '{' var: tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) var: int tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv6', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv6 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv66 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv7'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv7] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv40'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv40] = pstring var: tlv40 (tlv40) = str var: pstring tlv40 (tlv40) = str var: tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) var: int tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv7', '', 'cgc_incChar ( tlv40 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv7 == - 1 [0] => tlv7 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv7 == - 1 => ['tlv7', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv7 - [] ['tlv7'] -- [] ['tlv7'] --- [] ['tlv7'] ---- [] ['tlv7'] ----- [] ['tlv7'] ------ [] ['tlv7'] ------- [] ['tlv7'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv7 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv7 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv7 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv67 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv8'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv8] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv42'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv42] = pstring var: tlv42 (tlv42) = str var: pstring tlv42 (tlv42) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv41'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv41] = char var: tlv41 (tlv41) = '#' var: char tlv41 (tlv41) = '#' var: tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) var: int tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'"), ('int', 'tlv8', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv8 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv68 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv44'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv44] = pstring var: tlv44 (tlv44) = str var: pstring tlv44 (tlv44) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv43'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv43] = int var: tlv43 (tlv43) = 1 var: int tlv43 (tlv43) = 1 var: start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => start == - 1 [0] => start [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => start == - 1 => ['start', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : start - [] ['start'] -- [] ['start'] --- [] ['start'] ---- [] ['start'] ----- [] ['start'] ------ [] ['start'] ------- [] ['start'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : start Resolved type: [2.3] int : start 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ start == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv69 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv45'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv45] = pstring var: tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: pstring tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv70 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv48'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv48] = pstring var: tlv48 (tlv48) = str var: pstring tlv48 (tlv48) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv47'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv47] = int var: tlv47 (tlv47) = start var: int tlv47 (tlv47) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv46'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv46] = int var: tlv46 (tlv46) = end var: int tlv46 (tlv46) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv9'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv9] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv50 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv50] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv49 [ ] = "Mass"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv49] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv49 [ ]] = const char var: tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) var: int tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv9', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv9 != 0 [0] => tlv9 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv9 != 0 => ['tlv9', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv9 - [] ['tlv9'] -- [] ['tlv9'] --- [] ['tlv9'] ---- [] ['tlv9'] ----- [] ['tlv9'] ------ [] ['tlv9'] ------- [] ['tlv9'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv9 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv9 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv9 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv72'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv72] = void * var: tlv72 (tlv72) = temp var: void * tlv72 (tlv72) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv71'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv71] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv79'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv79] = char * var: tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: char * tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: tlv71 (tlv71) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv71 (tlv71) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv16'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv16] = void * var: tlv16 (tlv16) = temp var: void * tlv16 (tlv16) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv15'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv15] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv76'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv76] = char * var: tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: char * tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv10'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv10] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv52'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv52] = pstring var: tlv52 (tlv52) = str var: pstring tlv52 (tlv52) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv51'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv51] = char var: tlv51 (tlv51) = '}' var: char tlv51 (tlv51) = '}' var: tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) var: int tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv10', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv10 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv73 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv18'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv18] = pstring var: tlv18 (tlv18) = str var: pstring tlv18 (tlv18) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv17'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv17] = int var: tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 var: int tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 Descendants of : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv55'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv55] = pstring var: tlv55 (tlv55) = str var: pstring tlv55 (tlv55) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv54'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv54] = int var: tlv54 (tlv54) = es var: int tlv54 (tlv54) = es [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv53'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv53] = int var: tlv53 (tlv53) = ee var: int tlv53 (tlv53) = ee var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'es'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'ee'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv74 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv56 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv56] = const char * var: mass (mass) = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) var: double mass (mass) = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } Assigns = [('double', 'mass', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv56 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv20'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv20] = void * var: tlv20 (tlv20) = temp var: void * tlv20 (tlv20) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv19'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv19] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv77'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv77] = char * var: tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: char * tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double mass ; mass = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } ] 1 : [ { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] 2 : [ { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] 3 : [ if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 4 : [ { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] 5 : [ if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 6 : [ { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] 7 : [ { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] 8 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 9 : [ { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] 10 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] 11 : [ { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] 12 : [ if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } ] 13 : [ { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] 14 : [ { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] 15 : [ if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 16 : [ { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] 17 : [ if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 18 : [ { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] 19 : [ { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] 20 : [ if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 21 : [ { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] 22 : [ if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 23 : [ { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] 24 : [ if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 25 : [ { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] 26 : [ if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 27 : [ { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] 28 : [ if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 29 : [ { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] 30 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 31 : [ { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] 32 : [ { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] 33 : [ if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } ] 34 : [ { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] 35 : [ { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] 36 : [ if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 37 : [ { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] 38 : [ { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] 39 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 40 : [ { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] 41 : [ { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : double cgc_extractMass ( pstring str ) { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double mass ; mass = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return mass ; } 0 : [ { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double mass ; mass = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return mass ; } ] [enterFunctionDefinition] [(, 'double'), (, 'cgc_extractGravity ( pstring str )')] ParameterDeclaration : type = pstring, var = str [type=] dec = ['str'] [enterParameterDeclaration] pstring : str sym_dict [str] = pstring 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 2 parents! [0] : [1] : RESOLVED : => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [temp] = char * var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL [enterDeclaration] [(, 'double gravity'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [gravity] = double var: gravity (gravity) = - 1.0 var: double gravity (gravity) = - 1.0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int start'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [start] = int var: start (start) = 0 var: int start (start) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int end'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [end] = int var: end (end) = 0 var: int end (end) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int es'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [es] = int var: es (es) = 0 var: int es (es) = 0 [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int ee'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [ee] = int var: ee (ee) = 0 var: int ee (ee) = 0 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => str == NULL [0] => str [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => str == NULL => ['str', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : str - [] ['str'] -- [] ['str'] --- [] ['str'] ---- [] ['str'] ----- [] ['str'] ------ [] ['str'] ------- [] ['str'] FOUND IT! [2.2] pstring : str Resolved type: [2.3] pstring : str 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ str == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv21'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv21] = pstring var: tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: pstring tlv21 (tlv21) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv1'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv1] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv23'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv23] = pstring var: tlv23 (tlv23) = str var: pstring tlv23 (tlv23) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv22'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv22] = char var: tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: char tlv22 (tlv22) = '{' var: tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) var: int tlv1 (tlv1) = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv1', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv57 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv57 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv2'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv2] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv25'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv25] = pstring var: tlv25 (tlv25) = str var: pstring tlv25 (tlv25) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv24'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv24] = int var: tlv24 (tlv24) = 1 var: int tlv24 (tlv24) = 1 var: tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) var: int tlv2 (tlv2) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv2', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv2 == - 1 [0] => tlv2 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv2 == - 1 => ['tlv2', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv2 - [] ['tlv2'] -- [] ['tlv2'] --- [] ['tlv2'] ---- [] ['tlv2'] ----- [] ['tlv2'] ------ [] ['tlv2'] ------- [] ['tlv2'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv2 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv2 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv2 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv58 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv58 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv26'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv26] = pstring var: tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: pstring tlv26 (tlv26) = str var: start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv27'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv27] = pstring var: tlv27 (tlv27) = str var: pstring tlv27 (tlv27) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv59 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv59 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv30'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv30] = pstring var: tlv30 (tlv30) = str var: pstring tlv30 (tlv30) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv29'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv29] = int var: tlv29 (tlv29) = start var: int tlv29 (tlv29) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv28'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv28] = int var: tlv28 (tlv28) = end var: int tlv28 (tlv28) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv3'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv3] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv32 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv32] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv31] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv31 [ ]] = const char var: tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) var: int tlv3 (tlv3) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv3', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv3 != 0 [0] => tlv3 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv3 != 0 => ['tlv3', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv3 - [] ['tlv3'] -- [] ['tlv3'] --- [] ['tlv3'] ---- [] ['tlv3'] ----- [] ['tlv3'] ------ [] ['tlv3'] ------- [] ['tlv3'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv3 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv3 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv3 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv60 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv60 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv62'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv62] = void * var: tlv62 (tlv62) = temp var: void * tlv62 (tlv62) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv61'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv61] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv78'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv78] = char * var: tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: char * tlv78 (tlv78) = temp var: tlv61 (tlv61) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv61 (tlv61) = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] var: temp (temp) = NULL var: char * temp (temp) = NULL Descendants of : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] 1 : [ { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv12'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv12] = void * var: tlv12 (tlv12) = temp var: void * tlv12 (tlv12) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv11'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv11] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv75'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv75] = char * var: tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: char * tlv75 (tlv75) = temp var: tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv11 (tlv11) = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv4'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv4] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv34'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv34] = pstring var: tlv34 (tlv34) = str var: pstring tlv34 (tlv34) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv33'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv33] = char var: tlv33 (tlv33) = '}' var: char tlv33 (tlv33) = '}' var: tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) var: int tlv4 (tlv4) = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv4', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv4 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv63 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv63 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv5'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv5] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv36'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv36] = pstring var: tlv36 (tlv36) = str var: pstring tlv36 (tlv36) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv35'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv35] = int var: tlv35 (tlv35) = 1 var: int tlv35 (tlv35) = 1 var: tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) var: int tlv5 (tlv5) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1'), ('int', 'tlv5', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv5 == - 1 [0] => tlv5 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv5 == - 1 => ['tlv5', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv5 - [] ['tlv5'] -- [] ['tlv5'] --- [] ['tlv5'] ---- [] ['tlv5'] ----- [] ['tlv5'] ------ [] ['tlv5'] ------- [] ['tlv5'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv5 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv5 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv5 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv64 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv64 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv14'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv14] = pstring var: tlv14 (tlv14) = str var: pstring tlv14 (tlv14) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int * tlv13'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv13] = int * var: tlv13 (tlv13) = & es var: int * tlv13 (tlv13) = & es Descendants of : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& es')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv37'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv37] = pstring var: tlv37 (tlv37) = str var: pstring tlv37 (tlv37) = str var: ee (ee) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) var: int ee (ee) = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('int', 'ee', '', 'cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => ee == - 1 [0] => ee [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => ee == - 1 => ['ee', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : ee - [] ['ee'] -- [] ['ee'] --- [] ['ee'] ---- [] ['ee'] ----- [] ['ee'] ------ [] ['ee'] ------- [] ['ee'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : ee Resolved type: [2.3] int : ee 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ee == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv65 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv65 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv6'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv6] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv39'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv39] = pstring var: tlv39 (tlv39) = str var: pstring tlv39 (tlv39) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv38'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv38] = char var: tlv38 (tlv38) = '{' var: char tlv38 (tlv38) = '{' var: tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) var: int tlv6 (tlv6) = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'tlv6', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv6 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv66 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv66 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv7'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv7] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv40'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv40] = pstring var: tlv40 (tlv40) = str var: pstring tlv40 (tlv40) = str var: tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) var: int tlv7 (tlv7) = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv7', '', 'cgc_incChar ( tlv40 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv7 == - 1 [0] => tlv7 [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv7 == - 1 => ['tlv7', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv7 - [] ['tlv7'] -- [] ['tlv7'] --- [] ['tlv7'] ---- [] ['tlv7'] ----- [] ['tlv7'] ------ [] ['tlv7'] ------- [] ['tlv7'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv7 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv7 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv7 == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv67 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv67 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv8'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv8] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv42'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv42] = pstring var: tlv42 (tlv42) = str var: pstring tlv42 (tlv42) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv41'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv41] = char var: tlv41 (tlv41) = '#' var: char tlv41 (tlv41) = '#' var: tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) var: int tlv8 (tlv8) = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'"), ('int', 'tlv8', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv8 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv68 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv68 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv44'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv44] = pstring var: tlv44 (tlv44) = str var: pstring tlv44 (tlv44) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv43'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv43] = int var: tlv43 (tlv43) = 1 var: int tlv43 (tlv43) = 1 var: start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) var: int start (start) = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1'), ('int', 'start', '', 'cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => start == - 1 [0] => start [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => start == - 1 => ['start', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : start - [] ['start'] -- [] ['start'] --- [] ['start'] ---- [] ['start'] ----- [] ['start'] ------ [] ['start'] ------- [] ['start'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : start Resolved type: [2.3] int : start 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ start == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv69 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv69 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv45'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv45] = pstring var: tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: pstring tlv45 (tlv45) = str var: end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) var: int end (end) = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('int', 'end', '', 'cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => end == - 1 [0] => end [2] => - 1 [enterEqualityExpression] : => end == - 1 => ['end', '- 1'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : end - [] ['end'] -- [] ['end'] --- [] ['end'] ---- [] ['end'] ----- [] ['end'] ------ [] ['end'] ------- [] ['end'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : end Resolved type: [2.3] int : end 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ end == - 1 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv70 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv70 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv48'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv48] = pstring var: tlv48 (tlv48) = str var: pstring tlv48 (tlv48) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv47'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv47] = int var: tlv47 (tlv47) = start var: int tlv47 (tlv47) = start [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv46'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv46] = int var: tlv46 (tlv46) = end var: int tlv46 (tlv46) = end var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 )')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv9'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv9] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv50 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv50] = const char * [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv49] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv49 [ ]] = const char var: tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) var: int tlv9 (tlv9) = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } Assigns = [('int', 'tlv9', '', 'cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => tlv9 != 0 [0] => tlv9 [2] => 0 [enterEqualityExpression] : => tlv9 != 0 => ['tlv9', '0'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : tlv9 - [] ['tlv9'] -- [] ['tlv9'] --- [] ['tlv9'] ---- [] ['tlv9'] ----- [] ['tlv9'] ------ [] ['tlv9'] ------- [] ['tlv9'] FOUND IT! [2.2] int : tlv9 Resolved type: [2.3] int : tlv9 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ tlv9 != 0 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv72'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv72] = void * var: tlv72 (tlv72) = temp var: void * tlv72 (tlv72) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv71'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv71] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv79'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv79] = char * var: tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: char * tlv79 (tlv79) = temp var: tlv71 (tlv71) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv71 (tlv71) = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv16'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv16] = void * var: tlv16 (tlv16) = temp var: void * tlv16 (tlv16) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv15'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv15] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv76'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv76] = char * var: tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: char * tlv76 (tlv76) = temp var: tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv15 (tlv15) = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace'), (, '( str )'), (, ';')] [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv10'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv10] = int 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv52'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv52] = pstring var: tlv52 (tlv52) = str var: pstring tlv52 (tlv52) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char tlv51'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv51] = char var: tlv51 (tlv51) = '}' var: char tlv51 (tlv51) = '}' var: tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) var: int tlv10 (tlv10) = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'tlv10', '', 'cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ ! tlv10 ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv73 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv73 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv18'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv18] = pstring var: tlv18 (tlv18) = str var: pstring tlv18 (tlv18) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv17'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv17] = int var: tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 var: int tlv17 (tlv17) = 1 Descendants of : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'pstring tlv55'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv55] = pstring var: tlv55 (tlv55) = str var: pstring tlv55 (tlv55) = str [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv54'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv54] = int var: tlv54 (tlv54) = es var: int tlv54 (tlv54) = es [enterDeclaration] [(, 'int tlv53'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv53] = int var: tlv53 (tlv53) = ee var: int tlv53 (tlv53) = ee var: temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) var: char * temp (temp) = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) Descendants of : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } Assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'es'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'ee'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [is_comparator] => temp == NULL [0] => temp [2] => NULL [enterEqualityExpression] : => temp == NULL => ['temp', 'NULL'] [get_basic_type_or_expression] : temp - [] ['temp'] -- [] ['temp'] --- [] ['temp'] ---- [] ['temp'] ----- [] ['temp'] ------ [] ['temp'] ------- [] ['temp'] FOUND IT! [2.2] char * : temp Resolved type: [2.3] char * : temp 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 3 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : sibling [0] : [ if ] sibling [1] : [ ( ] sibling [2] : [ temp == NULL ] sibling [3] : [ ) ] RESOLVED : => converged parent => 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char'), (, 'tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n"'), (, ';')] [A-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74] = const char * [C-t-2] sym_dict [tlv74 [ ]] = const char [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_printf'), (, '( tlv74 )'), (, ';')] Descendants of : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] Assigns = [] Compares = [] Descendants of : if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } 0 : [ { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'const char *'), (, 'tlv56 = temp'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv56] = const char * var: gravity (gravity) = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) var: double gravity (gravity) = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) Descendants of : { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } Assigns = [('double', 'gravity', '', 'cgc_atof ( tlv56 )')] Compares = [] 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'void * tlv20'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv20] = void * var: tlv20 (tlv20) = temp var: void * tlv20 (tlv20) = temp [enterDeclaration] [(, 'cgc_size_t tlv19'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv19] = cgc_size_t 0 : [start? True] 1 : [start? False] 2 : [start? False] 3 : [start? False] 4 : [start? False] Valid scope parent: ===> Last 5 parents! [0] : [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : RESOLVED : => converged parent => [enterDeclaration] [(, 'char * tlv77'), (, ';')] [C-t-0] sym_dict [tlv77] = char * var: tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: char * tlv77 (tlv77) = temp var: tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 var: cgc_size_t tlv19 (tlv19) = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 Descendants of : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } Assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } 0 : [ { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] Assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] Compares = [] Descendants of : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double gravity ; gravity = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } ] 1 : [ { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] 2 : [ { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] 3 : [ if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 4 : [ { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] 5 : [ if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 6 : [ { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] 7 : [ { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] 8 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 9 : [ { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] 10 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] 11 : [ { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] 12 : [ if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } ] 13 : [ { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] 14 : [ { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] 15 : [ if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 16 : [ { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] 17 : [ if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 18 : [ { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] 19 : [ { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] 20 : [ if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 21 : [ { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] 22 : [ if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 23 : [ { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] 24 : [ if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 25 : [ { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] 26 : [ if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 27 : [ { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] 28 : [ if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 29 : [ { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] 30 : [ if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 31 : [ { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] 32 : [ { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] 33 : [ if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] 34 : [ { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] 35 : [ { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] 36 : [ if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] 37 : [ { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] 38 : [ { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] 39 : [ if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] 40 : [ { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] 41 : [ { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] Assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] Compares = [] Descendants of : double cgc_extractGravity ( pstring str ) { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double gravity ; gravity = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return gravity ; } 0 : [ { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double gravity ; gravity = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] compound scope 0 : { int choice ; choice = 0 ; char selection [ 30 ] ; cgc_size_t length ; length = 0 ; pCountry pc ; pc = NULL ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return 0 ; } while ( 1 ) { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } end : return 1 ; } compound scope 1 : { return 0 ; } compound scope 2 : { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } compound scope 3 : { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } compound scope 4 : { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } compound scope 5 : { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } compound scope 6 : { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } compound scope 7 : { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } compound scope 8 : { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } compound scope 9 : { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } compound scope 10 : { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } compound scope 11 : { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } compound scope 12 : { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } compound scope 13 : { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } compound scope 14 : { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } compound scope 15 : { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } compound scope 16 : { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } compound scope 17 : { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } compound scope 18 : { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } compound scope 19 : { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } compound scope 20 : { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } compound scope 21 : { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } compound scope 22 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } compound scope 23 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } compound scope 24 : { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } compound scope 25 : { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } compound scope 26 : { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } compound scope 27 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } compound scope 28 : { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } compound scope 29 : { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } compound scope 30 : { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } compound scope 31 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } compound scope 32 : { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } compound scope 33 : { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } compound scope 34 : { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } compound scope 35 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } compound scope 36 : { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } compound scope 37 : { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } compound scope 38 : { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } compound scope 39 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } compound scope 40 : { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } compound scope 41 : { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } compound scope 42 : { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } compound scope 43 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } compound scope 44 : { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } compound scope 45 : { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } compound scope 46 : { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } compound scope 47 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } compound scope 48 : { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } compound scope 49 : { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } compound scope 50 : { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } compound scope 51 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } compound scope 52 : { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } compound scope 53 : { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } compound scope 54 : { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } compound scope 55 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } compound scope 56 : { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } compound scope 57 : { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } compound scope 58 : { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } compound scope 59 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } compound scope 60 : { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } compound scope 61 : { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } compound scope 62 : { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } compound scope 63 : { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } compound scope 64 : { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } compound scope 65 : { break ; } compound scope 66 : { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } compound scope 67 : { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } compound scope 68 : { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } compound scope 69 : { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } compound scope 70 : { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } compound scope 71 : { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } compound scope 72 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } compound scope 73 : { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } compound scope 74 : { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } compound scope 75 : { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } compound scope 76 : { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } compound scope 77 : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } compound scope 78 : { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } compound scope 79 : { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } compound scope 80 : { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } compound scope 81 : { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } compound scope 82 : { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } compound scope 83 : { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } compound scope 84 : { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } compound scope 85 : { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } compound scope 86 : { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } compound scope 87 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } compound scope 88 : { return 1 ; } compound scope 89 : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } compound scope 90 : { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } len(compound_scope) : 91 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { int choice ; choice = 0 ; char selection [ 30 ] ; cgc_size_t length ; length = 0 ; pCountry pc ; pc = NULL ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return 0 ; } while ( 1 ) { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } end : return 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { int choice ; choice = 0 ; char selection [ 30 ] ; cgc_size_t length ; length = 0 ; pCountry pc ; pc = NULL ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return 0 ; } while ( 1 ) { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } end : return 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { int choice ; choice = 0 ; char selection [ 30 ] ; cgc_size_t length ; length = 0 ; pCountry pc ; pc = NULL ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return 0 ; } while ( 1 ) { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } end : return 1 ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 2 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 4 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return 0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return 0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { return 0 ; } ignore sibs: ['while ( 1 ) { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\\nPlanet: @s\\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; }', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } cgc_printf ( "\nPlanet: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ; } ignore sibs: ['end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv4', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv3', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv4', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv3', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv4', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv3', '', '30')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv4', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv3', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv4', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv3', '', '30'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv4', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv3', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv4', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv3', '', '30'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv4', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv3', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv4', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv3', '', '30'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv4 ; tlv4 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv3 ; tlv3 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv4 , tlv3 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_printf ( "\\nPlanet: @s\\n" , pl -> name ) ;', '{ const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv4 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv3 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 30 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv5', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv5 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv5', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv5 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv5', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv5 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv5', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv5 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv5', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv5 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv5 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv5 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv6', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv6 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv6', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv6 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv6', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv6 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv6', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv6 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv6', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv6 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv6 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv6 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv7', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv7 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv7', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv7 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv7', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv7 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv7', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv7 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv7', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv7 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv7 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv7 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv8', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv8 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv8', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv8 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv8', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv8 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv8', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv8 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv8', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv8 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv8 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv8 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv9', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv9 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv9', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv9 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv9', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv9 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv9', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv9 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv9', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv9 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv9 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv9 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv10', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv10 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv10', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv10 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv10', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv10 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv10', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv10 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv10', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv10 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv10 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv10 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv11', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv11 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv11', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv11 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv11', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv11 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv11', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv11 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv11', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv11 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv11 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv11 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv12', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv12 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv12', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv12 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv12', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv12 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv12', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv12 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv12', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv12 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv12 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv12 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv13', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv13 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv13', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv13 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv13', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv13 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv13', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv13 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv13', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv13 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv13 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv13 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv14', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv14 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv14', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv14 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv14', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv14 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv14', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv14 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv14', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv14 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv14 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv14 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv15', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv15 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv15', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv15 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv15', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv15 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv15', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv15 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv15', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv15 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv15 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv15 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv16', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv16 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv16', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv16 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv16', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv16 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv16', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv16 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv16', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv16 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv16 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv16 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv17', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv17 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv17', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv17 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv17', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv17 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv17', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv17 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv17', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv17 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv17 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv17 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv18', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv18 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv18', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv18 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv18', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv18 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv18', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv18 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv18', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv18 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv18 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv18 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv19', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv19 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv19', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv19 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv19', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv19 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv19', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv19 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv19', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv19 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv19 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv19 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv22', None), ('char', 'tlv21', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv20', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv22', None), ('char', 'tlv21', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv20', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv22', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv21', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv20', '', '3')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv22', None), ('char', 'tlv21', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv20', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv22', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv21', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv20', '', '3'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv22', None), ('char', 'tlv21', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv20', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv22', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv21', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv20', '', '3'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv22', None), ('char', 'tlv21', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv20', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv22', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv21', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv20', '', '3'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv22 ; tlv22 = selection ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv20 ; tlv20 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv22 , tlv21 , tlv20 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv22 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv21 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv20 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 3 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv23', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv23', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv23', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv23', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv23', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv23 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv23 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['switch ( choice ) { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = \'\\x00\' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = \'\\n\' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; }', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv23 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ] p_decls = [('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'"), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'"), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'"), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'"), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { case 1 : { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } break ; case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } break ; case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } break ; case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } break ; case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } break ; case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } break ; case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } break ; case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } break ; case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } break ; case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } break ; case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } choice = 0 ; while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ; length = 0 ; while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } pc -> name [ length ] = '\x00' ; pl -> country_count ++ ; break ; case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } int tlv2 ; { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } break ; case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } return 0 ; break ; case 14 : { return 1 ; } break ; default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } break ; } ignore sibs: [';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case 2 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', "{ char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv75 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv75 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv26', None), ('char', 'tlv25', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv26', None), ('char', 'tlv25', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv26', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv25', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', '', '10')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv26', None), ('char', 'tlv25', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv26', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv25', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv26', None), ('char', 'tlv25', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv26', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv25', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv26', None), ('char', 'tlv25', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv26', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv25', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv26', None), ('char', 'tlv25', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv26', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv25', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv26', None), ('char', 'tlv25', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv26', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv25', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv26 ; tlv26 = selection ; char tlv25 ; tlv25 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv24 ; tlv24 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv26 , tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv26 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv25 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv24 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 10 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv61 = selection ; pl -> period = cgc_atof ( tlv61 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case 3 : { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv61 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv76', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv76 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv76', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv76 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv76', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv76 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv76', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv76 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv76', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv76 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv76', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv76 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv76', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv76 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv76', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv76 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', "{ char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv76 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv76 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv29', None), ('char', 'tlv28', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv29', None), ('char', 'tlv28', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv29', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv28', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', '', '10')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv29', None), ('char', 'tlv28', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv29', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv28', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv29', None), ('char', 'tlv28', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv29', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv28', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv29', None), ('char', 'tlv28', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv29', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv28', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv29', None), ('char', 'tlv28', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv29', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv28', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv29', None), ('char', 'tlv28', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv29', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv28', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv29 ; tlv29 = selection ; char tlv28 ; tlv28 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv27 ; tlv27 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv29 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv28 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv27 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 10 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv62 = selection ; pl -> orbitspeed = cgc_atof ( tlv62 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case 4 : { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv62 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv77', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv77 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv77', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv77 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv77', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv77 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv77', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv77 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv77', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv77 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv77', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv77 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv77', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv77 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv77', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv77 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', "{ char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv77 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv77 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv32', None), ('char', 'tlv31', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv32', None), ('char', 'tlv31', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv32', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv31', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', '', '10')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv32', None), ('char', 'tlv31', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv32', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv31', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv32', None), ('char', 'tlv31', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv32', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv31', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv32', None), ('char', 'tlv31', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv32', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv31', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv32', None), ('char', 'tlv31', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv32', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv31', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv32', None), ('char', 'tlv31', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv32', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv31', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv32 ; tlv32 = selection ; char tlv31 ; tlv31 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv30 ; tlv30 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv32 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv31 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv30 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 10 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv63 = selection ; pl -> aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv63 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case 5 : { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv63 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv78', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv78 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv78', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv78 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv78', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv78 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv78', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv78 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv78', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv78 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv78', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv78 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv78', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv78 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv78', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv78 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', "{ char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv78 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv78 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv35', None), ('char', 'tlv34', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv35', None), ('char', 'tlv34', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv35', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv34', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', '', '10')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv35', None), ('char', 'tlv34', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv35', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv34', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv35', None), ('char', 'tlv34', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv35', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv34', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv35', None), ('char', 'tlv34', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv35', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv34', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv35', None), ('char', 'tlv34', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv35', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv34', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv35', None), ('char', 'tlv34', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv35', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv34', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv35 ; tlv35 = selection ; char tlv34 ; tlv34 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv33 ; tlv33 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv35 , tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv35 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv34 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv33 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 10 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv64 = selection ; pl -> perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv64 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case 6 : { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv64 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv79', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv79 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv79', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv79 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv79', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv79 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv79', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv79 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv79', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv79 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv79', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv79 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv79', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv79 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv79', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv79 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', "{ char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv79 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv79 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv38', None), ('char', 'tlv37', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv38', None), ('char', 'tlv37', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv38', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv37', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', '', '10')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv38', None), ('char', 'tlv37', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv38', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv37', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv38', None), ('char', 'tlv37', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv38', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv37', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv38', None), ('char', 'tlv37', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv38', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv37', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv38', None), ('char', 'tlv37', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv38', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv37', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv38', None), ('char', 'tlv37', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv38', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv37', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv38 ; tlv38 = selection ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv36 ; tlv36 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv38 , tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv38 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv37 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv36 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 10 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv65 = selection ; pl -> radius = cgc_atof ( tlv65 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case 7 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv65 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', "{ char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv80 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv80 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv41', None), ('char', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv41', None), ('char', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv41', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv40', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '10')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv41', None), ('char', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv41', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv40', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv41', None), ('char', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv41', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv40', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv41', None), ('char', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv41', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv40', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv41', None), ('char', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv41', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv40', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv41', None), ('char', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv41', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv40', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv41 ; tlv41 = selection ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv41 , tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv41 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv40 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv39 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 10 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv66 = selection ; pl -> eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv66 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case 8 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv66 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', "{ char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv81 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv81 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv44', None), ('char', 'tlv43', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv44', None), ('char', 'tlv43', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv44', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv43', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', '', '10')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv44', None), ('char', 'tlv43', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv44', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv43', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv44', None), ('char', 'tlv43', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv44', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv43', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv44', None), ('char', 'tlv43', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv44', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv43', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv44', None), ('char', 'tlv43', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv44', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv43', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv44', None), ('char', 'tlv43', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv44', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv43', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv44 ; tlv44 = selection ; char tlv43 ; tlv43 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv42 ; tlv42 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv44 , tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv44 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv43 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv42 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 10 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv67 = selection ; pl -> mass = cgc_atof ( tlv67 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case 9 : { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv67 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv82', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv82 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv82', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv82 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv82', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv82 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv82', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv82 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv82', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv82 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv82', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv82 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv82', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv82 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv82', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv82 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', "{ char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv82 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv82 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('char', 'tlv46', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('char', 'tlv46', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv46', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', '', '10')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('char', 'tlv46', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv46', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('char', 'tlv46', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv46', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('char', 'tlv46', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv46', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('char', 'tlv46', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv46', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('char', 'tlv46', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv46', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = selection ; char tlv46 ; tlv46 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv45 ; tlv45 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv47 , tlv46 , tlv45 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv47 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv46 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv45 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 10 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv68 = selection ; pl -> gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv68 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case 10 : { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } }', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv68 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv83', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv83 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv83', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv83 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv83', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv83 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv83', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv83 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv83', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv83 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv83', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv83 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv83', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv83 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv83', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv83 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', "{ char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv83 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv83 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv50', None), ('char', 'tlv49', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv50', None), ('char', 'tlv49', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv50', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv49', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', '', '10')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv50', None), ('char', 'tlv49', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv50', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv49', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv50', None), ('char', 'tlv49', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv50', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv49', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv50', None), ('char', 'tlv49', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv50', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv49', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv50', None), ('char', 'tlv49', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv50', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv49', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv50', None), ('char', 'tlv49', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv50', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv49', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', '', '10'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv50 ; tlv50 = selection ; char tlv49 ; tlv49 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv48 ; tlv48 = 10 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv50 , tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; }', 'break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv50 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv49 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv48 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 10 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv69 = selection ; pl -> population = cgc_atoi ( tlv69 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case 11 : { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } }', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv69 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { if ( pl -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : scope [7] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } continue ; } ignore sibs: ['}', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> country_count 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: COUNTRYMAX =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv89', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv89 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : scope [7] : scope [8] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv89', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv89 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv89', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv89 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv89', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv89 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv89', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv89 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv89', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv89 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv89', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv89 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv89', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv89 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv89', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv89 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv89', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv89 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['continue ;', '}', '}', '{ const char tlv51 [ ] = "\\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv89 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv89 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> country_count 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: COUNTRYMAX =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv51', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv51 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv51', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv51 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv51', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv51 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv51', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv51 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv51', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv51 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv51', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv51 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv51', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv51 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv51 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv51 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv54', None), ('char', 'tlv53', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv54', None), ('char', 'tlv53', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv54', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv53', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', '', '19')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv54', None), ('char', 'tlv53', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv54', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv53', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', '', '19'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv54', None), ('char', 'tlv53', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv54', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv53', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', '', '19'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv54', None), ('char', 'tlv53', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv54', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv53', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', '', '19'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv54', None), ('char', 'tlv53', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv54', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv53', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', '', '19'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv54', None), ('char', 'tlv53', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv54', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv53', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', '', '19'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv54 ; tlv54 = selection ; char tlv53 ; tlv53 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv52 ; tlv52 = 19 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv54 , tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['choice = 0 ;', 'while ( choice < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; }', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv54 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv53 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv52 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 19 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] == NULL ) { break ; } choice ++ ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: choice 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { break ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { break ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : scope [7] : scope [8] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { break ; } ignore sibs: ['choice ++ ;', '}', 'if ( choice == COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: choice 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> countries [ choice ] 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } continue ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: choice 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv84', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv84 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : scope [7] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv84', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv84 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv84', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv84 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv84', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv84 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv84', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv84 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv84', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv84 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv84', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv84 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv84', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv84 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv84', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv84 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['continue ;', '}', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv84 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv84 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: choice 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None), ('int', 'tlv71', None), ('void * *', 'tlv70', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None), ('int', 'tlv71', None), ('void * *', 'tlv70', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'sizeof ( Country )'), ('int', 'tlv71', '', '0'), ('void * *', 'tlv70', '', '( void * * ) ( & pc )')] compares = [] decls = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None), ('int', 'tlv71', None), ('void * *', 'tlv70', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'sizeof ( Country )'), ('int', 'tlv71', '', '0'), ('void * *', 'tlv70', '', '( void * * ) ( & pc )'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None), ('int', 'tlv71', None), ('void * *', 'tlv70', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'sizeof ( Country )'), ('int', 'tlv71', '', '0'), ('void * *', 'tlv70', '', '( void * * ) ( & pc )'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None), ('int', 'tlv71', None), ('void * *', 'tlv70', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'sizeof ( Country )'), ('int', 'tlv71', '', '0'), ('void * *', 'tlv70', '', '( void * * ) ( & pc )'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None), ('int', 'tlv71', None), ('void * *', 'tlv70', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'sizeof ( Country )'), ('int', 'tlv71', '', '0'), ('void * *', 'tlv70', '', '( void * * ) ( & pc )'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None), ('int', 'tlv71', None), ('void * *', 'tlv70', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'sizeof ( Country )'), ('int', 'tlv71', '', '0'), ('void * *', 'tlv70', '', '( void * * ) ( & pc )'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { cgc_size_t tlv72 ; tlv72 = sizeof ( Country ) ; int tlv71 ; tlv71 = 0 ; void * * tlv70 ; tlv70 = ( void * * ) ( & pc ) ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 , tlv70 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; }', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv72 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv71 2 : | decl_scope | type: void * *, var: tlv70 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: sizeof ( Country ) 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: void * *, value: ( void * * ) ( & pc ) 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } continue ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv1 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv85', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv85 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : scope [7] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv85', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv85 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv85', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv85 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv85', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv85 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv85', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv85 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv85', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv85 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv85', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv85 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv85', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv85 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv85', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv85 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['continue ;', '}', 'cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ;', 'pl -> countries [ choice ] = pc ;', 'length = 0 ;', 'while ( cgc_isalnum ( selection [ length ] ) ) { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; }', "pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv85 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv85 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv1 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', 'selection [ length ]')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', 'selection [ length ]'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', 'selection [ length ]'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', 'selection [ length ]'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', 'selection [ length ]'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', 'selection [ length ]'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', 'selection [ length ]'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pc -> name [ length ] = selection [ length ] ; length ++ ; } ignore sibs: ["pc -> name [ length ] = '\\x00' ;", 'pl -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'case 12 : { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\\nCountries:\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } }', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: selection [ length ] 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 6 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv86', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv86 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv86', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv86 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv86', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv86 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv86', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv86 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv86', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv86 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv86', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv86 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv86', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv86 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv86', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv86 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'for ( choice = 0 ; choice < pl -> country_count ; choice ++ ) { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } }', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv86 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv86 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'"), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { if ( pl -> countries [ choice ] != NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: choice 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: pl -> country_count =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : scope [7] : scope [8] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'"), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'"), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'"), ('int', 'choice', '', '0')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "@d) @s\n" , choice + 1 , pl -> countries [ choice ] ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', '{ void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; }', '{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: choice 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: pl -> country_count 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> countries [ choice ] 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv56', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv56', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv56', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', '', '30')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv56', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv56', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', '', '30'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv56', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv56', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', '', '30'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv56', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv56', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', '', '30'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv56', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv56', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', '', '30'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv56', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv56', '', 'selection'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', '', '30'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv56 ; tlv56 = selection ; cgc_size_t tlv55 ; tlv55 = 30 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv56 , tlv55 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char tlv57 [ ] = "\\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; }', "{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv56 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv55 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 30 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 7 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ignore sibs: ["{ char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }", '{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv57 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv57 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv60', None), ('char', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv60', None), ('char', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv60', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv59', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', '3')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv60', None), ('char', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv60', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv59', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', '3'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv60', None), ('char', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv60', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv59', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', '3'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv60', None), ('char', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv60', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv59', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', '3'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv60', None), ('char', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv60', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv59', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', '3'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv60', None), ('char', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv60', '', 'selection'), ('char', 'tlv59', '', "'\\n'"), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', '3'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv60 ; tlv60 = selection ; char tlv59 ; tlv59 = '\n' ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; tlv58 = 3 ; cgc_receive_until ( tlv60 , tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; }', 'if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv60 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv59 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv58 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 6 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 7 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 8 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: selection 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '\n' 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 3 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 8 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 9 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv73 = selection ; choice = cgc_atoi ( tlv73 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( choice < 1 || choice > COUNTRYMAX ) { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } else { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv73 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } continue ; } ignore sibs: ['else', '{ if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: choice 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 1 2 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: choice 3 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv87', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv87 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : scope [7] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv87', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv87 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv87', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv87 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv87', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv87 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv87', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv87 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv87', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv87 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv87', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv87 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv87', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv87 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = ['', '', '', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv87', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv87 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['continue ;', '}', 'else', '{ if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv87 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv87 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: choice 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 1 2 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: choice 3 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { if ( pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] == NULL ) { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } } ignore sibs: ['int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : scope [7] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } continue ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv90', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv90 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : scope [7] : scope [8] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv90', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv90 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv90', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv90 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv90', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv90 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv90', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv90 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv90', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv90 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv90', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv90 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv90', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv90 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv90', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv90 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv90', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv90 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['continue ;', '}', '}', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv90 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv90 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', '', 'pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]')] compares = [] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', '', 'pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', '', 'pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', '', 'pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', '', 'pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv74', '', 'pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ]'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { pCountry tlv74 ; tlv74 = pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] ; tlv2 = cgc_countryMenu ( tlv74 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv2 == 0 ) { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; }', 'break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: tlv74 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 4 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 5 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 6 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 6 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice - 1 ]', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice - 1 ]', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice - 1 ]', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice - 1 ]', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice - 1 ]', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice - 1 ]', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice - 1 ]', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pl -> countries [ choice - 1 ] = NULL ; pl -> country_count -- ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case 13 : { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; }', 'return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 6 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return 0 ;', 'break ;', 'case 14 : { return 1 ; }', 'break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return 1 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { return 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'default : { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } }', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 3 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 4 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 5 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv88', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv88 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv88', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv88 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv88', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv88 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv88', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv88 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv88', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv88 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv88', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv88 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv88', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv88 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv88', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv88 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'choice', None), ('char *', 'selection', ' [ 30 ]'), ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', None), ('pCountry', 'pc', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'choice', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', 'pc'), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', "'\\x00'")] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'break ;', '}', ';', '}', 'end : return 1 ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv88 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv88 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: choice 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: selection 5 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: selection [ 30 ] 6 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: length 7 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: pc 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: pc 5 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: '\x00' =======END======= compound scope 0 : { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } return ; } compound scope 1 : { return ; } compound scope 2 : { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } compound scope 3 : { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } compound scope 4 : { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } compound scope 5 : { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } len(compound_scope) : 6 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } return ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } return ; } ] p_decls = [('int', 'index', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('int', 'index', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } return ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { return ; } ignore sibs: ['while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; }', '{ void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } index ++ ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: index 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', 'NULL'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', 'NULL'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', 'NULL'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', 'NULL'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; } ignore sibs: ['index ++ ;', '}', '{ void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: index 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> countries [ index ] 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]')] compares = [] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv3', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { pCountry tlv3 ; tlv3 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ;', '}', 'index ++ ;', '}', '{ void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: tlv3 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: pl -> countries [ index ] 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: index 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> countries [ index ] 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv2', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv2', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv2', '', 'pl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', '', 'sizeof ( Planet )')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv2', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv2', '', 'pl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', '', 'sizeof ( Planet )'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv2 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv1 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: pl 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: sizeof ( Planet ) 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= compound scope 0 : { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } if ( pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' ) { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } else { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } return ; } compound scope 1 : { return ; } compound scope 2 : { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } compound scope 3 : { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } compound scope 4 : { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } compound scope 5 : { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } compound scope 6 : { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } compound scope 7 : { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } compound scope 8 : { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } compound scope 9 : { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } compound scope 10 : { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } compound scope 11 : { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } compound scope 12 : { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } compound scope 13 : { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } compound scope 14 : { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } compound scope 15 : { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } compound scope 16 : { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } len(compound_scope) : 17 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } if ( pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' ) { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } else { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } return ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } if ( pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' ) { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } else { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } return ; } ] p_decls = [('int', 'index', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('int', 'index', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } if ( pl -> name [ 0 ] == '\x00' ) { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } else { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } return ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { return ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pl -> name [ 0 ] == \'\\x00\' ) { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } else { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\\n" , pl -> name ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPopulation: @d\\n" , pl -> population ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPeriod: @f\\n" , pl -> period ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tOrbit Speed: @f\\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tAphelion: @f\\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPerihelion: @f\\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tRadius: @f\\n" , pl -> radius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tERadius: @f\\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tMass: @f\\n" , pl -> mass ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['else', '{ cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\\n" , pl -> name ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPopulation: @d\\n" , pl -> population ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPeriod: @f\\n" , pl -> period ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tOrbit Speed: @f\\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tAphelion: @f\\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPerihelion: @f\\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tRadius: @f\\n" , pl -> radius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tERadius: @f\\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tMass: @f\\n" , pl -> mass ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> name [ 0 ] 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv1', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv1 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv1', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv1 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv1', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv1 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv1', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv1 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv1', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv1 [ ]', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'else', '{ cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\\n" , pl -> name ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPopulation: @d\\n" , pl -> population ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPeriod: @f\\n" , pl -> period ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tOrbit Speed: @f\\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tAphelion: @f\\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPerihelion: @f\\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tRadius: @f\\n" , pl -> radius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tERadius: @f\\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tMass: @f\\n" , pl -> mass ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv1 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv1 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> name [ 0 ] 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: '\x00' =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "Name: @s\n" , pl -> name ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pl -> population >= 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPopulation: @d\\n" , pl -> population ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPeriod: @f\\n" , pl -> period ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tOrbit Speed: @f\\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tAphelion: @f\\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPerihelion: @f\\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tRadius: @f\\n" , pl -> radius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tERadius: @f\\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tMass: @f\\n" , pl -> mass ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "\tPopulation: @d\n" , pl -> population ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pl -> period >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPeriod: @f\\n" , pl -> period ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tOrbit Speed: @f\\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tAphelion: @f\\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPerihelion: @f\\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tRadius: @f\\n" , pl -> radius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tERadius: @f\\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tMass: @f\\n" , pl -> mass ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> population 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "\tPeriod: @f\n" , pl -> period ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pl -> orbitspeed >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tOrbit Speed: @f\\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tAphelion: @f\\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPerihelion: @f\\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tRadius: @f\\n" , pl -> radius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tERadius: @f\\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tMass: @f\\n" , pl -> mass ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> period 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "\tOrbit Speed: @f\n" , pl -> orbitspeed ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pl -> aphelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tAphelion: @f\\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPerihelion: @f\\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tRadius: @f\\n" , pl -> radius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tERadius: @f\\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tMass: @f\\n" , pl -> mass ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> orbitspeed 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "\tAphelion: @f\n" , pl -> aphelion ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pl -> perihelion >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tPerihelion: @f\\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tRadius: @f\\n" , pl -> radius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tERadius: @f\\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tMass: @f\\n" , pl -> mass ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> aphelion 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "\tPerihelion: @f\n" , pl -> perihelion ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pl -> radius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tRadius: @f\\n" , pl -> radius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tERadius: @f\\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tMass: @f\\n" , pl -> mass ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> perihelion 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "\tRadius: @f\n" , pl -> radius ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pl -> eradius >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tERadius: @f\\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tMass: @f\\n" , pl -> mass ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> radius 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "\tERadius: @f\n" , pl -> eradius ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pl -> mass >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tMass: @f\\n" , pl -> mass ) ; }', 'if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> eradius 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "\tMass: @f\n" , pl -> mass ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pl -> gravity >= 0.0 ) { cgc_printf ( "\\tGravity: @f\\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; }', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> mass 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "\tGravity: @f\n" , pl -> gravity ) ; } ignore sibs: ['while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> gravity 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { if ( pl -> countries [ index ] != NULL ) { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } index ++ ; } ignore sibs: ['return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: index 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['index ++ ;', '}', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: index 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> countries [ index ] 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]')] compares = [] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] decls = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('pCountry', 'tlv2', '', 'pl -> countries [ index ]'), ('int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { pCountry tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> countries [ index ] ; cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'index ++ ;', '}', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pCountry, var: tlv2 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: pCountry, value: pl -> countries [ index ] 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: index 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: COUNTRYMAX 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl -> countries [ index ] 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= compound scope 0 : { register int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } pl -> period = - 1.0 ; pl -> orbitspeed = - 1.0 ; pl -> aphelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> perihelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> radius = - 1.0 ; pl -> eradius = - 1.0 ; pl -> mass = - 1.0 ; pl -> gravity = - 1.0 ; pl -> population = - 1.0 ; pl -> country_count = 0 ; while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } return ; } compound scope 1 : { return ; } compound scope 2 : { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } compound scope 3 : { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } len(compound_scope) : 4 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { register int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } pl -> period = - 1.0 ; pl -> orbitspeed = - 1.0 ; pl -> aphelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> perihelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> radius = - 1.0 ; pl -> eradius = - 1.0 ; pl -> mass = - 1.0 ; pl -> gravity = - 1.0 ; pl -> population = - 1.0 ; pl -> country_count = 0 ; while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } return ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { register int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } pl -> period = - 1.0 ; pl -> orbitspeed = - 1.0 ; pl -> aphelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> perihelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> radius = - 1.0 ; pl -> eradius = - 1.0 ; pl -> mass = - 1.0 ; pl -> gravity = - 1.0 ; pl -> population = - 1.0 ; pl -> country_count = 0 ; while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } return ; } ] p_decls = [('register int', 'index', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('register int', 'index', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('register int', 'index', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> period', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> orbitspeed', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> population', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> country_count', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { register int index ; index = 0 ; if ( pl == NULL ) { return ; } { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } pl -> period = - 1.0 ; pl -> orbitspeed = - 1.0 ; pl -> aphelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> perihelion = - 1.0 ; pl -> radius = - 1.0 ; pl -> eradius = - 1.0 ; pl -> mass = - 1.0 ; pl -> gravity = - 1.0 ; pl -> population = - 1.0 ; pl -> country_count = 0 ; while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } return ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: index 1 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 0 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 9 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 10 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('register int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('register int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('register int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('register int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { return ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; }', 'pl -> period = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> orbitspeed = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> aphelion = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> perihelion = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> radius = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> eradius = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> mass = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> gravity = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> population = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> country_count = 0 ;', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: pl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv2', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv2', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv2', '', 'pl -> name'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', '', '20')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv2', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', None), ('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('register int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv2', '', 'pl -> name'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', '', '20'), ('register int', 'index', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv2 ; tlv2 = pl -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv1 ; tlv1 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv2 , tlv1 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['pl -> period = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> orbitspeed = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> aphelion = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> perihelion = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> radius = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> eradius = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> mass = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> gravity = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> population = - 1.0 ;', 'pl -> country_count = 0 ;', 'while ( index < COUNTRYMAX ) { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; }', 'return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv2 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv1 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: pl -> name 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 20 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('register int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', 'NULL'), ('register int', 'index', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> period', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> orbitspeed', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> population', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> country_count', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pPlanet', 'pl', None), ('register int', 'index', None)] assigns = [('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', 'NULL'), ('register int', 'index', '', '0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> period', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> orbitspeed', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> population', '', '- 1.0'), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> country_count', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pl -> countries [ index ] = NULL ; index ++ ; } ignore sibs: ['return ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: pl 1 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: index 0 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 9 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 10 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: - 1.0 11 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: index 1 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: COUNTRYMAX =======END======= compound scope 0 : { int endIndex ; endIndex = 0 ; int temp_index ; temp_index = 0 ; pPlanet newPlanet ; newPlanet = NULL ; element el ; char * fl ; fl = NULL ; int lastGood ; lastGood = 0 ; if ( topLevel == NULL ) { goto end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; lastGood = topLevel -> index ; if ( topLevel -> maxlength < 9 ) { goto end ; } char c [ ] = "{Planet}" ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } topLevel -> index += 8 ; cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; } cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ; { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv3 ; { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } int tlv6 ; { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ; goto end ; error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ; cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ; if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } end : return newPlanet ; } compound scope 1 : { goto end ; } compound scope 2 : { goto end ; } compound scope 3 : { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } compound scope 4 : { goto end ; } compound scope 5 : { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } compound scope 6 : { goto end ; } compound scope 7 : { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } compound scope 8 : { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } compound scope 9 : { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } compound scope 10 : { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } compound scope 11 : { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } compound scope 12 : { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 13 : { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } compound scope 14 : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } compound scope 15 : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } compound scope 16 : { goto error ; } compound scope 17 : { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } compound scope 18 : { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } compound scope 19 : { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } compound scope 20 : { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 21 : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } compound scope 22 : { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } compound scope 23 : { goto error ; } compound scope 24 : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } compound scope 25 : { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } compound scope 26 : { goto error ; } compound scope 27 : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } compound scope 28 : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } compound scope 29 : { goto error ; } compound scope 30 : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } compound scope 31 : { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } compound scope 32 : { goto error ; } compound scope 33 : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } compound scope 34 : { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } compound scope 35 : { goto error ; } compound scope 36 : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } compound scope 37 : { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } compound scope 38 : { goto error ; } compound scope 39 : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } compound scope 40 : { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } compound scope 41 : { goto error ; } compound scope 42 : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } compound scope 43 : { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } compound scope 44 : { goto error ; } compound scope 45 : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } compound scope 46 : { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } compound scope 47 : { goto error ; } compound scope 48 : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } compound scope 49 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } compound scope 50 : { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } compound scope 51 : { goto error ; } compound scope 52 : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } compound scope 53 : { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } compound scope 54 : { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } compound scope 55 : { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } compound scope 56 : { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } compound scope 57 : { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } compound scope 58 : { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } compound scope 59 : { goto error ; } compound scope 60 : { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } compound scope 61 : { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } compound scope 62 : { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } compound scope 63 : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } compound scope 64 : { goto error ; } compound scope 65 : { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } compound scope 66 : { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } compound scope 67 : { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } compound scope 68 : { goto error ; } compound scope 69 : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } compound scope 70 : { goto error ; } compound scope 71 : { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } compound scope 72 : { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } compound scope 73 : { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } compound scope 74 : { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } compound scope 75 : { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } compound scope 76 : { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } compound scope 77 : { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } compound scope 78 : { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } compound scope 79 : { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } len(compound_scope) : 80 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { int endIndex ; endIndex = 0 ; int temp_index ; temp_index = 0 ; pPlanet newPlanet ; newPlanet = NULL ; element el ; char * fl ; fl = NULL ; int lastGood ; lastGood = 0 ; if ( topLevel == NULL ) { goto end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; lastGood = topLevel -> index ; if ( topLevel -> maxlength < 9 ) { goto end ; } char c [ ] = "{Planet}" ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } topLevel -> index += 8 ; cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; } cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ; { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv3 ; { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } int tlv6 ; { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ; goto end ; error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ; cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ; if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } end : return newPlanet ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { int endIndex ; endIndex = 0 ; int temp_index ; temp_index = 0 ; pPlanet newPlanet ; newPlanet = NULL ; element el ; char * fl ; fl = NULL ; int lastGood ; lastGood = 0 ; if ( topLevel == NULL ) { goto end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; lastGood = topLevel -> index ; if ( topLevel -> maxlength < 9 ) { goto end ; } char c [ ] = "{Planet}" ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } topLevel -> index += 8 ; cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; } cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ; { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv3 ; { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } int tlv6 ; { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ; goto end ; error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ; cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ; if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } end : return newPlanet ; } ] p_decls = [('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', 'lastGood')] compares = [] ===> context { int endIndex ; endIndex = 0 ; int temp_index ; temp_index = 0 ; pPlanet newPlanet ; newPlanet = NULL ; element el ; char * fl ; fl = NULL ; int lastGood ; lastGood = 0 ; if ( topLevel == NULL ) { goto end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; lastGood = topLevel -> index ; if ( topLevel -> maxlength < 9 ) { goto end ; } char c [ ] = "{Planet}" ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } topLevel -> index += 8 ; cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv1 ; { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; } cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ; { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv3 ; { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } int tlv6 ; { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ; goto end ; error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ; cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ; if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } end : return newPlanet ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 2 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 3 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 7 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: lastGood =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto end ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto end ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { goto end ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'lastGood = topLevel -> index ;', 'if ( topLevel -> maxlength < 9 ) { goto end ; }', 'char c [ ] = "{Planet}" ;', 'for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } }', 'topLevel -> index += 8 ;', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; }', 'cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ;', '{ pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; }', 'while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto end ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto end ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { goto end ; } ignore sibs: ['char c [ ] = "{Planet}" ;', 'for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } }', 'topLevel -> index += 8 ;', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; }', 'cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ;', '{ pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; }', 'while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: topLevel -> maxlength 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: 9 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'i', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { if ( topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] != c [ i ] ) { goto end ; } } ignore sibs: ['topLevel -> index += 8 ;', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; }', 'cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ;', '{ pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; }', 'while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: i 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: i 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto end ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto end ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'i', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'i', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'i', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto end ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'topLevel -> index += 8 ;', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv1 ;', '{ cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; }', 'cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ;', '{ pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; }', 'while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: i 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: i 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 8 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: topLevel -> buffer [ topLevel -> index + i ] 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: c [ i ] =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv16', None), ('int', 'tlv15', None), ('void * *', 'tlv14', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv16', None), ('int', 'tlv15', None), ('void * *', 'tlv14', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv16', '', 'sizeof ( Planet )'), ('int', 'tlv15', '', '0'), ('void * *', 'tlv14', '', '( void * * ) & newPlanet')] compares = [] decls = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv16', None), ('int', 'tlv15', None), ('void * *', 'tlv14', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('cgc_size_t', 'tlv16', '', 'sizeof ( Planet )'), ('int', 'tlv15', '', '0'), ('void * *', 'tlv14', '', '( void * * ) & newPlanet'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { cgc_size_t tlv16 ; tlv16 = sizeof ( Planet ) ; int tlv15 ; tlv15 = 0 ; void * * tlv14 ; tlv14 = ( void * * ) & newPlanet ; tlv1 = cgc_allocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 , tlv14 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv1 != 0 ) { goto end ; }', 'cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ;', '{ pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; }', 'while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv16 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv15 2 : | decl_scope | type: void * *, var: tlv14 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 6 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 7 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 10 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 11 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: sizeof ( Planet ) 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: void * *, value: ( void * * ) & newPlanet 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 9 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto end ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto end ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { goto end ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ;', '{ pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; }', 'while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv1 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv17', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv17', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv17', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv17 ; tlv17 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv17 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; }', 'while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv17 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv9', None), ('int *', 'tlv8', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv9', None), ('int *', 'tlv8', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv9', '', 'topLevel'), ('int *', 'tlv8', '', '& lastGood')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv9', None), ('int *', 'tlv8', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv9', '', 'topLevel'), ('int *', 'tlv8', '', '& lastGood'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv9 ; tlv9 = topLevel ; int * tlv8 ; tlv8 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv9 , tlv8 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['while ( fl != NULL ) { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv9 1 : | decl_scope | type: int *, var: tlv8 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int *, value: & lastGood 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv42', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv42', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv42', '', 'fl')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv42', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv42', '', 'fl'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv42', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv42', '', 'fl'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv42', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv42', '', 'fl'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv42 ; tlv42 = fl ; el = cgc_elementNameToEnum ( tlv42 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }', 'switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; }', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv42 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: fl 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv33', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv33', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv33', '', 'fl')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv33', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv33', '', 'fl'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv33', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv33', '', 'fl'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv33', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv33', '', 'fl'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv33 ; tlv33 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv32 ; { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; }', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv33 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv32 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: fl 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv62', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv62', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv62', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv62', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv62', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv62', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv62', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv62', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv62', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv62', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('void *', 'tlv33', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv62', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('void *', 'tlv33', '', 'fl')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv62 ; tlv62 = fl ; tlv32 = cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ;', '}', 'switch ( el ) { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; }', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv62 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv33 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv32 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: fl 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 9 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: fl 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { case name : { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; } { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } fl = NULL ; break ; case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; } break ; case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; } newPlanet -> country_count ++ ; break ; default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } goto error ; break ; } ignore sibs: [';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', '{ char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'fl = NULL ;', 'break ;', 'case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_extractName ( tlv52 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', '{ char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'fl = NULL ;', 'break ;', 'case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv52 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', '{ char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'fl = NULL ;', 'break ;', 'case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 3 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv45', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv45', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv45', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', '', '20')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv45', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv45', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', '', '20'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv45', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv45', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', '', '20'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv45', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv45', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', '', '20'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv45', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv45', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', '', '20'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv45', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv45', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', '', '20'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv45 ; tlv45 = newPlanet -> name ; cgc_size_t tlv44 ; tlv44 = 20 ; cgc_bzero ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'fl = NULL ;', 'break ;', 'case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv45 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv44 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: newPlanet -> name 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 20 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv48', None), ('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv48', None), ('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv48', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', '', '19')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv48', None), ('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv48', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', '', '19'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv48', None), ('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv48', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', '', '19'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv48', None), ('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv48', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', '', '19'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv48', None), ('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv48', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', '', '19'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv48', None), ('char *', 'tlv47', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv48', '', 'newPlanet -> name'), ('char *', 'tlv47', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', '', '19'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv48 ; tlv48 = newPlanet -> name ; char * tlv47 ; tlv47 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv46 ; tlv46 = 19 ; cgc_strncpy ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'fl = NULL ;', 'break ;', 'case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv48 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv47 2 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv46 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 6 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 7 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 10 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 11 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: newPlanet -> name 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: fl 2 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: 19 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 9 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv50', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv50', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv50', '', 'fl')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv50', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv50', '', 'fl'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv50', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv50', '', 'fl'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv50', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv50', '', 'fl'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv50', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv50', '', 'fl'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv50', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv50', '', 'fl'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv50 ; tlv50 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv49 ; { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['fl = NULL ;', 'break ;', 'case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv50 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv49 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: fl 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv63', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv63', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv63', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv63', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv63', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv63', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv63', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv63', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('void *', 'tlv50', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv63', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('void *', 'tlv50', '', 'fl')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv63 ; tlv63 = fl ; tlv49 = cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ;', '}', 'fl = NULL ;', 'break ;', 'case population : { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv63 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv50 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv49 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: fl 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 9 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: fl 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv53', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv53', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv53', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv53', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv53', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv53', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv53', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv53', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> population = cgc_extractPopulation ( tlv53 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'if ( newPlanet -> population < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv53 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 8 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case period : { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet -> population 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv54', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv54', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv54', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv54', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv54', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv54', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv54', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv54', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv54', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv54', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv54', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv54', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv54', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv54', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv54', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv54 ; tlv54 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> period = cgc_extractPeriod ( tlv54 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'if ( newPlanet -> period < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv54 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 8 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case orbitspeed : { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet -> period 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> orbitspeed = cgc_extractOrbitSpeed ( tlv55 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'if ( newPlanet -> orbitspeed < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv55 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 8 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case aphelion : { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet -> orbitspeed 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv56', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv56', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv56', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv56', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv56', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv56', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv56', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv56', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> aphelion = cgc_extractAphelion ( tlv56 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'if ( newPlanet -> aphelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv56 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 8 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case perihelion : { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet -> aphelion 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv57', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv57', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv57', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv57', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv57', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv57', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv57', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv57', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv57', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv57', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv57', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv57', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv57', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv57', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv57', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv57 ; tlv57 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> perihelion = cgc_extractPerihelion ( tlv57 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'if ( newPlanet -> perihelion < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv57 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 8 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case radius : { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet -> perihelion 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv58', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv58', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv58', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv58', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv58', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv58', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv58', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv58', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv58', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv58', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv58', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv58', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv58', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv58', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv58', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> radius = cgc_extractRadius ( tlv58 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'if ( newPlanet -> radius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv58 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 8 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case eradius : { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet -> radius 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv59', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv59', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv59', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv59', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv59', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv59', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv59', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv59', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv59', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv59', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv59', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv59', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv59', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv59', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv59', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv59 ; tlv59 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> eradius = cgc_extractERadius ( tlv59 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'if ( newPlanet -> eradius < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv59 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 8 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case mass : { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet -> eradius 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv60', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv60', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv60', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv60', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv60', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv60', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv60', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv60', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv60', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv60', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv60', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv60', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv60', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv60', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv60', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv60 ; tlv60 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> mass = cgc_extractMass ( tlv60 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'if ( newPlanet -> mass < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv60 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 8 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case gravity : { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } }', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet -> mass 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } } ignore sibs: ['if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv61', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv61', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv61', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv61', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv61', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv61', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv61', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv61', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv61 ; tlv61 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> gravity = cgc_extractGravity ( tlv61 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'if ( newPlanet -> gravity < 0.0 ) { goto error ; }', 'break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv61 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 8 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['break ;', 'case country : { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet -> gravity 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: 0.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } ] END SCOPE : [ => { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { if ( newPlanet -> country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : scope [7] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Only @d countries allowed\n" , COUNTRYMAX ) ; goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['}', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; }', 'if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet -> country_count 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: COUNTRYMAX =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv51', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv51', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv51', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv51', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv51', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv51', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv51', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = topLevel ; newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] = cgc_countryTopLevel ( tlv51 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv51 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 8 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : scope [6] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', '', '', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['newPlanet -> country_count ++ ;', 'break ;', 'default : { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\\n" , fl ) ; }', 'goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL 2 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet -> countries [ newPlanet -> country_count ] 3 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : scope [5] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "Not allowed under Planet\n" , fl ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto error ;', 'break ;', '}', ';', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 7 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv35', None), ('int *', 'tlv34', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv35', None), ('int *', 'tlv34', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv35', '', 'topLevel'), ('int *', 'tlv34', '', '& lastGood')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv35', None), ('int *', 'tlv34', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv35', '', 'topLevel'), ('int *', 'tlv34', '', '& lastGood'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv35', None), ('int *', 'tlv34', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv35', '', 'topLevel'), ('int *', 'tlv34', '', '& lastGood'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv35', None), ('int *', 'tlv34', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv35', '', 'topLevel'), ('int *', 'tlv34', '', '& lastGood'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = topLevel ; int * tlv34 ; tlv34 = & lastGood ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; }', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv35 1 : | decl_scope | type: int *, var: tlv34 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int *, value: & lastGood 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv43', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv43', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv43', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv43', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv43', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = topLevel ; fl = cgc_pullNextElementName ( tlv43 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv2 ;', "{ pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv43 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv19', None), ('char', 'tlv18', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv19', None), ('char', 'tlv18', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv19', '', 'topLevel'), ('char', 'tlv18', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv19', None), ('char', 'tlv18', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv19', '', 'topLevel'), ('char', 'tlv18', '', "'{'"), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv19 ; tlv19 = topLevel ; char tlv18 ; tlv18 = '{' ; tlv2 = cgc_atChar ( tlv19 , tlv18 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv2 ) { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv19 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv18 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv36', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv36 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv36', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv36 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv36', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv36 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv36', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv36 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv36', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv36 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto error ;', '}', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv36 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv36 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv20', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv20', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv20', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv20', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv20', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = topLevel ; tlv3 = cgc_incChar ( tlv20 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv3 < 0 ) { goto error ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv20 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv22', None), ('char', 'tlv21', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv22', None), ('char', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv22', '', 'topLevel'), ('char', 'tlv21', '', "'#'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv22', None), ('char', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv22', '', 'topLevel'), ('char', 'tlv21', '', "'#'"), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = topLevel ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '#' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv22 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv21 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '#' 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv37', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv37 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv37', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv37 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv37', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv37 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv37', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv37 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv37', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv37 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto error ;', '}', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv37 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv37 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = topLevel ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv23 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv23 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv11', None), ('int *', 'tlv10', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv11', None), ('int *', 'tlv10', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv11', '', 'topLevel'), ('int *', 'tlv10', '', '& temp_index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv11', None), ('int *', 'tlv10', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv11', '', 'topLevel'), ('int *', 'tlv10', '', '& temp_index'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv11 ; tlv11 = topLevel ; int * tlv10 ; tlv10 = & temp_index ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv11 , tlv10 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv11 1 : | decl_scope | type: int *, var: tlv10 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int *, value: & temp_index 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv24', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv24', '', 'topLevel')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv24', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = topLevel ; endIndex = cgc_skipAlpha ( tlv24 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( endIndex == - 1 ) { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; }', 'if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv24 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 4 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 5 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 6 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 9 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { endIndex = 0 ; goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp_index == endIndex ) { goto error ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: endIndex 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; }', 'if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: temp_index 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: endIndex =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('int', 'tlv26', None), ('int', 'tlv25', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('int', 'tlv26', None), ('int', 'tlv25', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'tlv26', '', 'temp_index'), ('int', 'tlv25', '', 'endIndex')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('int', 'tlv26', None), ('int', 'tlv25', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'topLevel'), ('int', 'tlv26', '', 'temp_index'), ('int', 'tlv25', '', 'endIndex'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = topLevel ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = temp_index ; int tlv25 ; tlv25 = endIndex ; fl = cgc_copyData ( tlv27 , tlv26 , tlv25 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( fl == NULL ) { goto error ; }', 'int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv27 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv26 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv25 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 6 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 7 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 10 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 11 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: temp_index 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: endIndex 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 9 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv6 ;', '{ const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: fl 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv29', None), ('const char *', 'tlv28', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv28 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv29', None), ('const char *', 'tlv28', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv28 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv29', None), ('const char *', 'tlv28', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv28 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv29 = fl ; const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; tlv6 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv6 != 0 ) { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; }', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv29 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv28 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv28 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 6 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 7 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 8 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 10 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 11 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv6 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv38', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv38 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv38', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv38 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv38', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv38 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv38', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv38 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv38', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv38 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'goto error ;', '}', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv38 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv38 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv6 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv40', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv40', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv40', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv40', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv40', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', '( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv40 ; tlv40 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv39 ; tlv39 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto error ;', '}', '{ void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv40 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv39 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: fl 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv6 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv13', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv12', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv13', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv12', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv13', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv12', '', '( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv13', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv12', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv13', '', 'fl'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv12', '', '( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv13 ; tlv13 = fl ; cgc_size_t tlv12 ; tlv12 = ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 ; cgc_deallocate ( tlv13 , tlv12 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ;', 'int tlv7 ;', "{ pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv13 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv12 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: fl 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv31', None), ('char', 'tlv30', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv31', None), ('char', 'tlv30', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv31', '', 'topLevel'), ('char', 'tlv30', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv31', None), ('char', 'tlv30', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv31', '', 'topLevel'), ('char', 'tlv30', '', "'}'"), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv31 ; tlv31 = topLevel ; char tlv30 ; tlv30 = '}' ; tlv7 = cgc_atChar ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv7 ) { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; }', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv31 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv30 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: topLevel 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } goto error ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv41', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv41 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv41', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv41 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv41', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv41 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv41', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv41 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv41', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv41 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto error ;', '}', 'cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ;', 'goto end ;', 'error : topLevel -> index = lastGood ;', 'cgc_printf ( "!!Error at: @s\\n" , topLevel -> buffer + topLevel -> index ) ;', 'if ( newPlanet != NULL ) { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; }', 'end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv41 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv41 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 5 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 6 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 9 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 10 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 6 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None)] assigns = [('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', 'lastGood')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'topLevel', None), ('int', 'endIndex', None), ('int', 'temp_index', None), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None), ('element', 'el', None), ('char *', 'fl', None), ('int', 'lastGood', None), ('char *', 'c', ' [ ]'), ('char', 'c [ ]', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'endIndex', '', '0'), ('int', 'temp_index', '', '0'), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'fl', '', 'NULL'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', '0'), ('int', 'lastGood', '', 'topLevel -> index'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', '8'), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', 'lastGood')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; newPlanet = NULL ; } ignore sibs: ['end : return newPlanet ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: topLevel 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: endIndex 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: temp_index 3 : | decl_scope | type: pPlanet, var: newPlanet 4 : | decl_scope | type: element, var: el 5 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: fl 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: lastGood 7 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: c 8 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: c [ ] 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: pPlanet, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: topLevel -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: 8 8 : | assign_scope | type: UNDEF, value: lastGood 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: newPlanet 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pPlanet, value: NULL =======END======= compound scope 0 : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double period ; period = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return period ; } compound scope 1 : { return period ; } compound scope 2 : { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } compound scope 3 : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } compound scope 4 : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } compound scope 5 : { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } compound scope 6 : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } compound scope 7 : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } compound scope 8 : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } compound scope 9 : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } compound scope 10 : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } compound scope 11 : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } compound scope 12 : { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } compound scope 13 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 14 : { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } compound scope 15 : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } compound scope 16 : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } compound scope 17 : { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } compound scope 18 : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 19 : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } compound scope 20 : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 21 : { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } compound scope 22 : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 23 : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } compound scope 24 : { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } compound scope 25 : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } compound scope 26 : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } compound scope 27 : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } compound scope 28 : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } compound scope 29 : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } compound scope 30 : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } compound scope 31 : { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } compound scope 32 : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 33 : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } compound scope 34 : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } compound scope 35 : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } compound scope 36 : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } compound scope 37 : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } compound scope 38 : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 39 : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } compound scope 40 : { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } compound scope 41 : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } compound scope 42 : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } compound scope 43 : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } compound scope 44 : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 45 : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } compound scope 46 : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } compound scope 47 : { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } compound scope 48 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } compound scope 49 : { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } compound scope 50 : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 51 : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } compound scope 52 : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 53 : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } compound scope 54 : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 55 : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } compound scope 56 : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } compound scope 57 : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } compound scope 58 : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } compound scope 59 : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } compound scope 60 : { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } compound scope 61 : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } compound scope 62 : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } len(compound_scope) : 63 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double period ; period = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return period ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double period ; period = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return period ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double period ; period = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return period ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 1 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 16 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return period ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return period ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { return period ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: str 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv22', None), ('char', 'tlv21', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv22', None), ('char', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv22', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv21', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv22', None), ('char', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv22', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv21', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv22 ; tlv22 = str ; char tlv21 ; tlv21 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv22 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv21 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return period ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return period ;', '}', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv57 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv57 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv24', None), ('int', 'tlv23', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv24', None), ('int', 'tlv23', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv24', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv23', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv24', None), ('int', 'tlv23', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv24', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv23', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; int tlv23 ; tlv23 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv24 , tlv23 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv24 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv23 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return period ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return period ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv58 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv58 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv25 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv26 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return period ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return period ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv59 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv59 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('int', 'tlv27', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('int', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv29', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv27', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('int', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv29', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv27', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv29 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv28 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv27 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv31', None), ('const char *', 'tlv30', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv30 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv31', None), ('const char *', 'tlv30', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv30 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv31', None), ('const char *', 'tlv30', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv30 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Period\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv31 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv30 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv30 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return period ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; }', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return period ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv60 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv60 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['temp = NULL ;', 'return period ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv62 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv61 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ;', '}', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return period ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv78 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv62 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv61 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv75 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv33', None), ('char', 'tlv32', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv33', None), ('char', 'tlv32', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv33', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv32', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv33', None), ('char', 'tlv32', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv33', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv32', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv33 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv32 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv63 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv63 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv35', None), ('int', 'tlv34', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv35', None), ('int', 'tlv34', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv35', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv34', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv35', None), ('int', 'tlv34', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv35', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv34', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; int tlv34 ; tlv34 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv35 , tlv34 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv35 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv34 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return period ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return period ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv64 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv64 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& ps')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& ps'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv14 1 : | decl_scope | type: int *, var: tlv13 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int *, value: & ps 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv36 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv36 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return end ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: pe 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return end ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv65 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv65 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: pe 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv38', None), ('char', 'tlv37', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv38', None), ('char', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv38', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv37', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv38', None), ('char', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv38', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv37', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; char tlv37 ; tlv37 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv38 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv37 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv66 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv66 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('int', 'tlv39', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('int', 'tlv39', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv39', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('int', 'tlv39', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv39', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; int tlv39 ; tlv39 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv40 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv39 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return period ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return period ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv67 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv67 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv42 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv41 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '#' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv68 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv68 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv44 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv43 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return period ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return period ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv69 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv69 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv45 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv70 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv70 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv48 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv47 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv46 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv50 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv49 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv49 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return period ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return period ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv72 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv71 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ;', '}', 'return period ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv79 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv72 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv71 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv76 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv52 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv51 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv73 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv73 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv18 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv17 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'ps'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'pe')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'ps'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'pe'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv55 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv54 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv53 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 19 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: ps 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: pe 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1 ;', '}', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv74 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv74 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv56 = temp ; period = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv56 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'period', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'period', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ;', '}', 'return period ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv77 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: period 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 18 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 19 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= compound scope 0 : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double speed ; speed = - 1.0 ; register int start ; start = 0 ; register int end ; end = 0 ; int ss ; ss = 0 ; int se ; se = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; ss = str -> index ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } goto retspeed ; reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ; reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ; return speed ; retspeed : return speed ; } compound scope 1 : { goto reterrvalue ; } compound scope 2 : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } compound scope 3 : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } compound scope 4 : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } compound scope 5 : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } compound scope 6 : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } compound scope 7 : { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } compound scope 8 : { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } compound scope 9 : { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } compound scope 10 : { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } compound scope 11 : { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } compound scope 12 : { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } compound scope 13 : { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } compound scope 14 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 15 : { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } compound scope 16 : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } compound scope 17 : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } compound scope 18 : { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } compound scope 19 : { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } compound scope 20 : { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } compound scope 21 : { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 22 : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } compound scope 23 : { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 24 : { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } compound scope 25 : { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 26 : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } compound scope 27 : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } compound scope 28 : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } compound scope 29 : { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } compound scope 30 : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } compound scope 31 : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } compound scope 32 : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } compound scope 33 : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 34 : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } compound scope 35 : { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } compound scope 36 : { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } compound scope 37 : { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } compound scope 38 : { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } compound scope 39 : { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } compound scope 40 : { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } compound scope 41 : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } compound scope 42 : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 43 : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } compound scope 44 : { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } compound scope 45 : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } compound scope 46 : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } compound scope 47 : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } compound scope 48 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 49 : { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } compound scope 50 : { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } compound scope 51 : { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } compound scope 52 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 53 : { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } compound scope 54 : { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 55 : { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } compound scope 56 : { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 57 : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } compound scope 58 : { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 59 : { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } compound scope 60 : { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 61 : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } compound scope 62 : { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } compound scope 63 : { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } compound scope 64 : { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } compound scope 65 : { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } compound scope 66 : { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } compound scope 67 : { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } compound scope 68 : { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } compound scope 69 : { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } compound scope 70 : { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } len(compound_scope) : 71 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double speed ; speed = - 1.0 ; register int start ; start = 0 ; register int end ; end = 0 ; int ss ; ss = 0 ; int se ; se = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; ss = str -> index ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } goto retspeed ; reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ; reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ; return speed ; retspeed : return speed ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double speed ; speed = - 1.0 ; register int start ; start = 0 ; register int end ; end = 0 ; int ss ; ss = 0 ; int se ; se = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; ss = str -> index ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } goto retspeed ; reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ; reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ; return speed ; retspeed : return speed ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0')] compares = [] ===> context { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double speed ; speed = - 1.0 ; register int start ; start = 0 ; register int end ; end = 0 ; int ss ; ss = 0 ; int se ; se = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; ss = str -> index ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } goto retspeed ; reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ; reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ; return speed ; retspeed : return speed ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 1 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 2 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 16 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 7 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { goto reterrvalue ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { goto reterrvalue ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { goto reterrvalue ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }", 'if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; }', '{ pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: str 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv23 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }", 'if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; }', '{ pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv23 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('char', 'tlv24', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('char', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv24', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('char', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv24', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; char tlv24 ; tlv24 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! ( tlv1 & 1 ) ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; }', '{ pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv25 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv24 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; }', '{ pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto reterrspeed ;', '}', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; }', '{ pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv60 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv60 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('int', 'tlv26', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('int', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv26', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('int', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv26', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; int tlv26 ; tlv26 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv27 , tlv26 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; }', '{ pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv27 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv26 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return speed ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return speed ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv61 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv61 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv28', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv28', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv28', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv28 ; tlv28 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv28 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv28 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv29', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv29', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv29', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv29', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv29', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv29 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv29 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv62 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv62 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv62 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv62 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv62 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto reterrvalue ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv62 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv62 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv32', None), ('int', 'tlv31', None), ('int', 'tlv30', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv32', None), ('int', 'tlv31', None), ('int', 'tlv30', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv32', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv31', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv30', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv32', None), ('int', 'tlv31', None), ('int', 'tlv30', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv32', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv31', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv30', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv32 ; tlv32 = str ; int tlv31 ; tlv31 = start ; int tlv30 ; tlv30 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv32 , tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv32 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv31 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv30 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv34', None), ('const char *', 'tlv33', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv33 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv34', None), ('const char *', 'tlv33', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv33 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv34', None), ('const char *', 'tlv33', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv33 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv34 = temp ; const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"OrbitSpeed\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv34 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv33 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv33 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } temp = NULL ; goto reterrvalue ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; }', 'temp = NULL ;', 'goto reterrvalue ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv63 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv63 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv65', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv65', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv65', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv65', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv65', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv65', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv65', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv65', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv65', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv65 ; tlv65 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv64 ; { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; }', 'temp = NULL ;', 'goto reterrvalue ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv65 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv64 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv87', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv87', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv87', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv87', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv87', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv87', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv87', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv87', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv87', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv87', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv65', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv87', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv65', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv87 ; tlv87 = temp ; tlv64 = cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_bzero ( tlv65 , tlv64 ) ;', '}', '{ void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; }', 'temp = NULL ;', 'goto reterrvalue ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv87 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv65 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv64 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv67', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv67', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv67', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv67', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv67', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv67', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv67', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv67', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv67', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv67 ; tlv67 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv66 ; { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['temp = NULL ;', 'goto reterrvalue ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv67 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv66 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv88', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv88', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv88', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv88', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv88', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv88', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv88', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv88', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv88', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv88', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv67', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv88', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv67', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv88 ; tlv88 = temp ; tlv66 = cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv67 , tlv66 ) ;', '}', 'temp = NULL ;', 'goto reterrvalue ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv88 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv67 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv66 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv82', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv82', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv82', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv82', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv82', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv82', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv82', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv82 ; tlv82 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_bzero ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ;', '}', '{ void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv82 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv14', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv13', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv14', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv14', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv14', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv14', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv14 ; tlv14 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv13 ; { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv14 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv13 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv83', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv83', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv83', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv13', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv83', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv83', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv13', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv83', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv14', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv13', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv83', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv13', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv14', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv83 ; tlv83 = temp ; tlv13 = cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv83 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv14 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv13 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('char', 'tlv35', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('char', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv35', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('char', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv35', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; char tlv35 ; tlv35 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv36 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv35 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto reterrspeed ;', '}', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv68 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv68 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv38', None), ('int', 'tlv37', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv38', None), ('int', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv38', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv37', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv38', None), ('int', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv38', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv37', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; int tlv37 ; tlv37 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv38 , tlv37 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv38 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv37 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto retspeed ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'ss = str -> index ;', '{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; }', 'if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv69 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv69 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; se = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv39 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( se == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv39 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: se 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv70 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv70 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: se 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv41', None), ('char', 'tlv40', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv41', None), ('char', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv41', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv40', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv41', None), ('char', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv41', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv40', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; char tlv40 ; tlv40 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv41 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv40 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto reterrvalue ;', '}', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv71 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv71 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv43', None), ('int', 'tlv42', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv43', None), ('int', 'tlv42', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv43', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv42', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv43', None), ('int', 'tlv42', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv43', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv42', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; int tlv42 ; tlv42 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv43 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv42 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv72', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv72 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv72', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv72 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv72', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv72 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv72', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv72 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv72', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv72 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto reterrspeed ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv72 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv72 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('char', 'tlv44', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('char', 'tlv44', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv44', '', "'#'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('char', 'tlv44', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv44', '', "'#'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; char tlv44 ; tlv44 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv45 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv44 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '#' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv73 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv73 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv47', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv47', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv47 ; tlv47 = str ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv47 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv46 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } goto reterrvalue ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto reterrvalue ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv74 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv74 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv48 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv48 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv75 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv75 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: register int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv51', None), ('int', 'tlv50', None), ('int', 'tlv49', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv51', None), ('int', 'tlv50', None), ('int', 'tlv49', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv51', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv50', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv49', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv51', None), ('int', 'tlv50', None), ('int', 'tlv49', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv51', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv50', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv49', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv51 ; tlv51 = str ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = start ; int tlv49 ; tlv49 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv51 , tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv51 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv50 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv49 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 9 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv53', None), ('const char *', 'tlv52', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv52 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv53', None), ('const char *', 'tlv52', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv52 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv53', None), ('const char *', 'tlv52', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv52 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv53 = temp ; const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv53 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv52 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv52 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv77', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv77', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv77', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv77', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv77', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv76 ; { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; }', 'return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv77 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv76 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv89', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv89', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv89', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv89', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv89', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv89', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv89', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv89', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv89', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv89', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv77', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv89', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index'), ('void *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv89 ; tlv89 = temp ; tlv76 = cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_bzero ( tlv77 , tlv76 ) ;', '}', '{ void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; }', 'return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv89 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv77 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv76 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 9 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv79', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv79', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv79', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv79', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv79', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv78 ; { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv79 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv78 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv90', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv90', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv90', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv90', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv90', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv90', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv90', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv90', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv90', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv90', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv79', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv90', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index'), ('void *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv90 ; tlv90 = temp ; tlv78 = cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv79 , tlv78 ) ;', '}', 'return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv90 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv79 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv78 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 9 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv84', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv84', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv84', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv84', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv84', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv84', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv84', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index'), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv84 ; tlv84 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_bzero ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ;', '}', '{ void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv84 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 9 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv18', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv17', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv18', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv18', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv18', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv18', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv18 ; tlv18 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv17 ; { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv18 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv17 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv85', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv85', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv85', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv17', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv85', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv85', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv17', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv85', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv18', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv17', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv85', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv17', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index'), ('void *', 'tlv18', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv85 ; tlv85 = temp ; tlv17 = cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv85 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv18 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv17 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 9 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('char', 'tlv54', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('char', 'tlv54', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv54', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('char', 'tlv54', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv54', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; char tlv54 ; tlv54 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; }', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv55 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv54 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } goto reterrspeed ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv80', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv80 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto reterrspeed ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv80 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv80 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv20', None), ('int', 'tlv19', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv20', None), ('int', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv20', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv19', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv20', None), ('int', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv20', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv19', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv20 ; tlv20 = str ; int tlv19 ; tlv19 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv20 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv19 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv58', None), ('int', 'tlv57', None), ('int', 'tlv56', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv58', None), ('int', 'tlv57', None), ('int', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv58', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv57', '', 'ss'), ('int', 'tlv56', '', 'se')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv58', None), ('int', 'tlv57', None), ('int', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv58', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv57', '', 'ss'), ('int', 'tlv56', '', 'se'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv58 ; tlv58 = str ; int tlv57 ; tlv57 = ss ; int tlv56 ; tlv56 = se ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv58 , tlv57 , tlv56 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; }', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv58 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv57 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv56 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 19 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: ss 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: se 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 9 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } goto retspeed ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 3 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv81', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv81 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto retspeed ;', '}', '{ const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv81 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv81 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv59 = temp ; speed = cgc_atof ( tlv59 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; }', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv59 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv22', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv21', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv22', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv22', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv22', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv22', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv22 ; tlv22 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv21 ; { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv22 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv21 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv86', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv86', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv86', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv21', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv86', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv86', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv21', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv86', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'speed', None), ('register int', 'start', None), ('register int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ss', None), ('int', 'se', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('void *', 'tlv22', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv21', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv86', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv21', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'speed', '', '- 1.0'), ('register int', 'start', '', '0'), ('register int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', '0'), ('int', 'se', '', '0'), ('int', 'ss', '', 'str -> index'), ('void *', 'tlv22', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv86 ; tlv86 = temp ; tlv21 = cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv22 , tlv21 ) ;', '}', 'goto retspeed ;', 'reterrvalue : return - 1.0 ;', 'reterrspeed : speed = - 1.0 ;', 'return speed ;', 'retspeed : return speed ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv86 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: speed 4 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: register int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ss 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: se 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 18 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv22 19 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv21 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: register int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: str -> index 9 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= compound scope 0 : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double aphelion ; aphelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return aphelion ; } compound scope 1 : { return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 2 : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } compound scope 3 : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } compound scope 4 : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } compound scope 5 : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } compound scope 6 : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } compound scope 7 : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } compound scope 8 : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } compound scope 9 : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } compound scope 10 : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } compound scope 11 : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } compound scope 12 : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } compound scope 13 : { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } compound scope 14 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 15 : { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } compound scope 16 : { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } compound scope 17 : { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } compound scope 18 : { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } compound scope 19 : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 20 : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } compound scope 21 : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 22 : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } compound scope 23 : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 24 : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } compound scope 25 : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } compound scope 26 : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } compound scope 27 : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } compound scope 28 : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } compound scope 29 : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } compound scope 30 : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } compound scope 31 : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } compound scope 32 : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } compound scope 33 : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 34 : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } compound scope 35 : { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } compound scope 36 : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } compound scope 37 : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } compound scope 38 : { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } compound scope 39 : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 40 : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } compound scope 41 : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } compound scope 42 : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } compound scope 43 : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } compound scope 44 : { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } compound scope 45 : { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 46 : { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } compound scope 47 : { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } compound scope 48 : { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } compound scope 49 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } compound scope 50 : { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } compound scope 51 : { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 52 : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } compound scope 53 : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 54 : { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } compound scope 55 : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 56 : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } compound scope 57 : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } compound scope 58 : { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } compound scope 59 : { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } compound scope 60 : { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } compound scope 61 : { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } compound scope 62 : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } compound scope 63 : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } len(compound_scope) : 64 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double aphelion ; aphelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double aphelion ; aphelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double aphelion ; aphelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 1 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 16 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: str 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv21 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv23 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv22 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return aphelion ;', '}', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv58 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv58 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv25 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv24 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return aphelion ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv59 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv59 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv26 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv27 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return aphelion ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv60 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv60 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv30 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv29 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv28 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Aphelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv32 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv31 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv31 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return aphelion ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; }', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return aphelion ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv61 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv61 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv63', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv63', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv63', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv63', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv63', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv63', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv63', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv63', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv63', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv63 ; tlv63 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv62 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['temp = NULL ;', 'return aphelion ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv63 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv62 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv63', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv63', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv62 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv63 , tlv62 ) ;', '}', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return aphelion ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv79 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv63 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv62 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv76 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv34 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv33 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv64 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv64 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv36 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv35 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return aphelion ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv65 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv65 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& ps')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& ps'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv14 1 : | decl_scope | type: int *, var: tlv13 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int *, value: & ps 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv37 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: pe 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return aphelion ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv66 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv66 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: pe 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv39 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv38 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv67 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv67 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv41', None), ('int', 'tlv40', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv41', None), ('int', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv41', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv40', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv41', None), ('int', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv41', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv40', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; int tlv40 ; tlv40 = 1 ; tlv7 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv41 , tlv40 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv41 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv40 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return aphelion ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv68 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv68 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv43', None), ('char', 'tlv42', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv43', None), ('char', 'tlv42', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv43', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv42', '', "'#'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv43', None), ('char', 'tlv42', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv43', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv42', '', "'#'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv43 ; tlv43 = str ; char tlv42 ; tlv42 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv43 , tlv42 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv43 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv42 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '#' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv69 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv69 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('int', 'tlv44', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('int', 'tlv44', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv44', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('int', 'tlv44', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv44', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv45 , tlv44 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv45 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv44 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return aphelion ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv70 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv70 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv46', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv46', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv46', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv46 ; tlv46 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv46 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv46 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv71 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv71 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv49', None), ('int', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv49', None), ('int', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv49', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv48', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv49', None), ('int', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv49', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv48', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; int tlv48 ; tlv48 = start ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv49 , tlv48 , tlv47 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv49 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv48 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv47 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv51', None), ('const char *', 'tlv50', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv50 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv51', None), ('const char *', 'tlv50', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv50 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv51', None), ('const char *', 'tlv50', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv50 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv51 = temp ; const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv51 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv50 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv50 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } return aphelion ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv73', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv73', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv73', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv73', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv73', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv73', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv73', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv73', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv73', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv72 ; { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return aphelion ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv73 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv72 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv80', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv80', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv80', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv80', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv80', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv80', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv80', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv80', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv80', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv80', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv73', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv80', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv73', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv80 ; tlv80 = temp ; tlv72 = cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv73 , tlv72 ) ;', '}', 'return aphelion ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv80 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv73 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv72 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv77 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv53', None), ('char', 'tlv52', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv53', None), ('char', 'tlv52', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv53', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv52', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv53', None), ('char', 'tlv52', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv53', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv52', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv53 ; tlv53 = str ; char tlv52 ; tlv52 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv53 , tlv52 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv53 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv52 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv74 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv74 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv18 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv17 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv56', None), ('int', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv56', None), ('int', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv56', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv55', '', 'ps'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'pe')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv56', None), ('int', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv56', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv55', '', 'ps'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'pe'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv56 ; tlv56 = str ; int tlv55 ; tlv55 = ps ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv56 , tlv55 , tlv54 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv56 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv55 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv54 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 19 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: ps 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: pe 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv75', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv75 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1 ;', '}', '{ const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv75 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv75 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv57 = temp ; aphelion = cgc_atof ( tlv57 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv57 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'aphelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'aphelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ;', '}', 'return aphelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv78 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: aphelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 18 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 19 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= compound scope 0 : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double perihelion ; perihelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return perihelion ; } compound scope 1 : { return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 2 : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } compound scope 3 : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } compound scope 4 : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } compound scope 5 : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } compound scope 6 : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } compound scope 7 : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } compound scope 8 : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } compound scope 9 : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } compound scope 10 : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } compound scope 11 : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } compound scope 12 : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } compound scope 13 : { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } compound scope 14 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 15 : { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } compound scope 16 : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } compound scope 17 : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } compound scope 18 : { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } compound scope 19 : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 20 : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } compound scope 21 : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 22 : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } compound scope 23 : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 24 : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } compound scope 25 : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } compound scope 26 : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } compound scope 27 : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } compound scope 28 : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } compound scope 29 : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } compound scope 30 : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } compound scope 31 : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } compound scope 32 : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } compound scope 33 : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 34 : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } compound scope 35 : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } compound scope 36 : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } compound scope 37 : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } compound scope 38 : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } compound scope 39 : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 40 : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } compound scope 41 : { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } compound scope 42 : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } compound scope 43 : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } compound scope 44 : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } compound scope 45 : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 46 : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } compound scope 47 : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } compound scope 48 : { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } compound scope 49 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } compound scope 50 : { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } compound scope 51 : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 52 : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } compound scope 53 : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 54 : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } compound scope 55 : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 56 : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } compound scope 57 : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } compound scope 58 : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } compound scope 59 : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } compound scope 60 : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } compound scope 61 : { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } compound scope 62 : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } compound scope 63 : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } len(compound_scope) : 64 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double perihelion ; perihelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double perihelion ; perihelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double perihelion ; perihelion = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int ps ; ps = 0 ; int pe ; pe = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 1 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 16 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: str 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv21 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv23 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv22 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return perihelion ;', '}', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv57 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv57 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv25 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv24 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return perihelion ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv58 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv58 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv26 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv27 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return perihelion ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv59 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv59 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv30 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv29 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv28 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Perihelion\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv32 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv31 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv31 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return perihelion ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; }', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return perihelion ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv60 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv60 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['temp = NULL ;', 'return perihelion ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv62 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv61 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ;', '}', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return perihelion ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv78 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv62 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv61 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv75 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv34 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv33 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv63 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv63 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv36 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv35 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return perihelion ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv64 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv64 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& ps')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& ps'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & ps ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv14 1 : | decl_scope | type: int *, var: tlv13 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int *, value: & ps 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; pe = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( pe == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv37 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: pe 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return perihelion ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv65 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv65 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: pe 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv39 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv38 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv66 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv66 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv40 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return perihelion ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv67 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv67 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv42 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv41 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '#' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv68 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv68 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv44 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv43 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return perihelion ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv69 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv69 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv45 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv70 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv70 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv48 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv47 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv46 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv50 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv49 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv49 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return perihelion ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return perihelion ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv72 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv71 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ;', '}', 'return perihelion ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv79 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv72 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv71 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv76 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv52 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv51 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv73 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv73 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv18 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv17 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'ps'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'pe')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'ps'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'pe'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = ps ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = pe ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv55 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv54 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv53 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 19 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: ps 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: pe 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1 ;', '}', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv74 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv74 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv56 = temp ; perihelion = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv56 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'perihelion', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'ps', None), ('int', 'pe', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'perihelion', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'ps', '', '0'), ('int', 'pe', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ;', '}', 'return perihelion ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv77 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: perihelion 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ps 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: pe 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 18 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 19 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= compound scope 0 : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double radius ; radius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int rs ; rs = 0 ; int re ; re = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return radius ; } compound scope 1 : { return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 2 : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } compound scope 3 : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } compound scope 4 : { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } compound scope 5 : { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } compound scope 6 : { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } compound scope 7 : { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } compound scope 8 : { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } compound scope 9 : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } compound scope 10 : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } compound scope 11 : { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } compound scope 12 : { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } compound scope 13 : { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } compound scope 14 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 15 : { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } compound scope 16 : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } compound scope 17 : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } compound scope 18 : { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } compound scope 19 : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 20 : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } compound scope 21 : { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 22 : { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } compound scope 23 : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 24 : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } compound scope 25 : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } compound scope 26 : { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } compound scope 27 : { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } compound scope 28 : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } compound scope 29 : { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } compound scope 30 : { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } compound scope 31 : { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } compound scope 32 : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } compound scope 33 : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 34 : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } compound scope 35 : { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } compound scope 36 : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } compound scope 37 : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } compound scope 38 : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } compound scope 39 : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 40 : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } compound scope 41 : { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } compound scope 42 : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } compound scope 43 : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } compound scope 44 : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } compound scope 45 : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 46 : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } compound scope 47 : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } compound scope 48 : { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } compound scope 49 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } compound scope 50 : { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } compound scope 51 : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 52 : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } compound scope 53 : { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 54 : { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } compound scope 55 : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 56 : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } compound scope 57 : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } compound scope 58 : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } compound scope 59 : { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 60 : { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } compound scope 61 : { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } compound scope 62 : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } compound scope 63 : { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } len(compound_scope) : 64 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double radius ; radius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int rs ; rs = 0 ; int re ; re = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return radius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double radius ; radius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int rs ; rs = 0 ; int re ; re = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return radius ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double radius ; radius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int rs ; rs = 0 ; int re ; re = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return radius ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 1 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 16 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: str 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv21 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv23 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv22 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } return radius ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv54', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv54 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv54', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv54 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv54', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv54 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv54', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv54 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv54', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv54 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return radius ;', '}', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv54 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv54 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv24', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv24', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv24', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv24 ; tlv24 = str ; tlv2 = cgc_incChar ( tlv24 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv24 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } return radius ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv55', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv55 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv55', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv55 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv55', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv55 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv55', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv55 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv55', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv55 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return radius ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv55 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv55 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv25 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv25 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv26 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv26 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } return radius ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv56 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv56 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv56 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv56 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv56 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return radius ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv56 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv56 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('int', 'tlv27', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('int', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv29', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv27', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('int', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv29', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv27', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv29 ; tlv29 = str ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = start ; int tlv27 ; tlv27 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv29 , tlv28 , tlv27 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv29 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv28 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv27 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv31', None), ('const char *', 'tlv30', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv30 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv31', None), ('const char *', 'tlv30', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv30 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv31', None), ('const char *', 'tlv30', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv30 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv31 = temp ; const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv31 , tlv30 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Radius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv31 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv30 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv30 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return radius ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; }', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return radius ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv57 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv57 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv59', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv59', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv59', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv59', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv59 ; tlv59 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv58 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['temp = NULL ;', 'return radius ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv59 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv58 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv59', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv59', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv58 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv59 , tlv58 ) ;', '}', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return radius ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv75 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv59 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv58 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv72', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv72', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv72', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv72', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv72 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv33', None), ('char', 'tlv32', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv33', None), ('char', 'tlv32', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv33', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv32', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv33', None), ('char', 'tlv32', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv33', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv32', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv33 ; tlv33 = str ; char tlv32 ; tlv32 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv33 , tlv32 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv33 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv32 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv60 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv60 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; tlv5 = cgc_incChar ( tlv34 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv34 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } return radius ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv61', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv61 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return radius ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv61 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv61 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& rs')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& rs'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & rs ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv14 1 : | decl_scope | type: int *, var: tlv13 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int *, value: & rs 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv35', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv35', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv35', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv35 ; tlv35 = str ; re = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv35 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( re == - 1 ) { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv35 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } return radius ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: re 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv62 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv62 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv62 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv62 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv62', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv62 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return radius ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv62 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv62 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: re 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('char', 'tlv36', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('char', 'tlv36', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv36', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('char', 'tlv36', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv36', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; char tlv36 ; tlv36 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv37 , tlv36 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv37 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv36 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv63 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv63 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv38', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv38', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv38', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv38 ; tlv38 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv38 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv38 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return radius ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return radius ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv64 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv64 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('char', 'tlv39', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('char', 'tlv39', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv39', '', "'#'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('char', 'tlv39', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv39', '', "'#'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; char tlv39 ; tlv39 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv40 , tlv39 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv40 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv39 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '#' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv65 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv65 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv41', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv41', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv41', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv41 ; tlv41 = str ; start = cgc_incChar ( tlv41 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv41 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return radius ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return radius ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv66 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv66 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv42 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv42 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv67 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv67 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('int', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('int', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv44', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('int', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv44', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; int tlv44 ; tlv44 = start ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv45 , tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv45 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv44 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv43 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv47', None), ('const char *', 'tlv46', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv46 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv47', None), ('const char *', 'tlv46', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv46 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv47', None), ('const char *', 'tlv46', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv46 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv47 = temp ; const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv47 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv46 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv46 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } return radius ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv69', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv69', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv69', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv69', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv69', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv69', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv69', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv69', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv69', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv69 ; tlv69 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv68 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return radius ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv69 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv68 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv69', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv69', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv68 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv69 , tlv68 ) ;', '}', 'return radius ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv76 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv69 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv68 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv73', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv73', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv73', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv73', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv73', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv73', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv73', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv73 ; tlv73 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv73 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv49', None), ('char', 'tlv48', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv49', None), ('char', 'tlv48', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv49', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv48', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv49', None), ('char', 'tlv48', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv49', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv48', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv49 ; tlv49 = str ; char tlv48 ; tlv48 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv49 , tlv48 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv49 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv48 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv70 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv70 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv18 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv17 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('int', 'tlv51', None), ('int', 'tlv50', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('int', 'tlv51', None), ('int', 'tlv50', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv51', '', 'rs'), ('int', 'tlv50', '', 're')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('int', 'tlv51', None), ('int', 'tlv50', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv51', '', 'rs'), ('int', 'tlv50', '', 're'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; int tlv51 ; tlv51 = rs ; int tlv50 ; tlv50 = re ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv52 , tlv51 , tlv50 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv52 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv51 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv50 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 19 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: rs 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: re 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv71', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv71 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv71 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv71 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv53', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv53 = temp ; radius = cgc_atof ( tlv53 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv53 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv74', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv74', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv74', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv74', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv74', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv74', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'radius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'rs', None), ('int', 're', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv74', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'radius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'rs', '', '0'), ('int', 're', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv74 ; tlv74 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ;', '}', 'return radius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv74 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: radius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: rs 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: re 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 18 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 19 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= compound scope 0 : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double eradius ; eradius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return eradius ; } compound scope 1 : { return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 2 : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } compound scope 3 : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } compound scope 4 : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } compound scope 5 : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } compound scope 6 : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } compound scope 7 : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } compound scope 8 : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } compound scope 9 : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } compound scope 10 : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } compound scope 11 : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } compound scope 12 : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } compound scope 13 : { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } compound scope 14 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 15 : { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } compound scope 16 : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } compound scope 17 : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } compound scope 18 : { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } compound scope 19 : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 20 : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } compound scope 21 : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 22 : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } compound scope 23 : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 24 : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } compound scope 25 : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } compound scope 26 : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } compound scope 27 : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } compound scope 28 : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } compound scope 29 : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } compound scope 30 : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } compound scope 31 : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } compound scope 32 : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } compound scope 33 : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 34 : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } compound scope 35 : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } compound scope 36 : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } compound scope 37 : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } compound scope 38 : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } compound scope 39 : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 40 : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } compound scope 41 : { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } compound scope 42 : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } compound scope 43 : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } compound scope 44 : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } compound scope 45 : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 46 : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } compound scope 47 : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } compound scope 48 : { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } compound scope 49 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } compound scope 50 : { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } compound scope 51 : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 52 : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } compound scope 53 : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 54 : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } compound scope 55 : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 56 : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } compound scope 57 : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } compound scope 58 : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } compound scope 59 : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } compound scope 60 : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } compound scope 61 : { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } compound scope 62 : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } compound scope 63 : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } len(compound_scope) : 64 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double eradius ; eradius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double eradius ; eradius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double eradius ; eradius = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return eradius ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 1 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 16 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: str 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv21 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv23 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv22 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return eradius ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return eradius ;', '}', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv57 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv57 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv25 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv24 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return eradius ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return eradius ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv58 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv58 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv26 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv27 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return eradius ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return eradius ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv59 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv59 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv30 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv29 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv28 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"ERadius\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv32 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv31 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv31 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return eradius ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; }', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return eradius ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv60 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv60 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['temp = NULL ;', 'return eradius ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv62 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv61 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ;', '}', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return eradius ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv78 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv62 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv61 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv75 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv34 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv33 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv63 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv63 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv36 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv35 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return eradius ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return eradius ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv64 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv64 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& es')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& es'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv14 1 : | decl_scope | type: int *, var: tlv13 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int *, value: & es 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv37 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return eradius ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: ee 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return eradius ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv65 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv65 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: ee 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv39 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv38 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv66 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv66 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv40 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return eradius ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return eradius ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv67 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv67 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv42 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv41 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '#' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv68 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv68 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv44 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv43 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return eradius ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return eradius ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv69 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv69 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv45 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv70 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv70 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv48 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv47 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv46 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv50 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv49 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv49 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return eradius ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return eradius ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv72 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv71 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ;', '}', 'return eradius ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv79 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv72 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv71 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv76 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv52 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv51 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv73 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv73 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv18 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv17 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'es'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'ee')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'es'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'ee'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv55 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv54 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv53 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 19 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: es 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: ee 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1 ;', '}', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv74 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv74 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv56 = temp ; eradius = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv56 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'eradius', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'eradius', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ;', '}', 'return eradius ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv77 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: eradius 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 18 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 19 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= compound scope 0 : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double mass ; mass = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return mass ; } compound scope 1 : { return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 2 : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } compound scope 3 : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } compound scope 4 : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } compound scope 5 : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } compound scope 6 : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } compound scope 7 : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } compound scope 8 : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } compound scope 9 : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } compound scope 10 : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } compound scope 11 : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } compound scope 12 : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } compound scope 13 : { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } compound scope 14 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 15 : { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } compound scope 16 : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } compound scope 17 : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } compound scope 18 : { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } compound scope 19 : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 20 : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } compound scope 21 : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 22 : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } compound scope 23 : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 24 : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } compound scope 25 : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } compound scope 26 : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } compound scope 27 : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } compound scope 28 : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } compound scope 29 : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } compound scope 30 : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } compound scope 31 : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } compound scope 32 : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } compound scope 33 : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 34 : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } compound scope 35 : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } compound scope 36 : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } compound scope 37 : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } compound scope 38 : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } compound scope 39 : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 40 : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } compound scope 41 : { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } compound scope 42 : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } compound scope 43 : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } compound scope 44 : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } compound scope 45 : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 46 : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } compound scope 47 : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } compound scope 48 : { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } compound scope 49 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } compound scope 50 : { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } compound scope 51 : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 52 : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } compound scope 53 : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 54 : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } compound scope 55 : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 56 : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } compound scope 57 : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } compound scope 58 : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } compound scope 59 : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } compound scope 60 : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } compound scope 61 : { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } compound scope 62 : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } compound scope 63 : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } len(compound_scope) : 64 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double mass ; mass = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return mass ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double mass ; mass = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return mass ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double mass ; mass = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return mass ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 1 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 16 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: str 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv21 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv23 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv22 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return mass ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return mass ;', '}', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv57 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv57 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv25 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv24 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return mass ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return mass ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv58 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv58 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv26 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv27 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return mass ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return mass ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv59 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv59 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv30 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv29 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv28 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Mass\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv32 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv31 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv31 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return mass ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; }', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return mass ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv60 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv60 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['temp = NULL ;', 'return mass ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv62 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv61 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ;', '}', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return mass ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv78 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv62 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv61 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv75 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv34 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv33 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv63 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv63 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv36 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv35 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return mass ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return mass ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv64 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv64 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& es')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& es'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv14 1 : | decl_scope | type: int *, var: tlv13 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int *, value: & es 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv37 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return mass ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: ee 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return mass ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv65 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv65 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: ee 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv39 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv38 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv66 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv66 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv40 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return mass ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return mass ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv67 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv67 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv42 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv41 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '#' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv68 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv68 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv44 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv43 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return mass ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return mass ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv69 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv69 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv45 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv70 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv70 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv48 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv47 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv46 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv50 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv49 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv49 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return mass ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return mass ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv72 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv71 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ;', '}', 'return mass ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv79 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv72 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv71 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv76 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv52 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv51 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv73 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv73 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv18 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv17 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'es'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'ee')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'es'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'ee'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv55 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv54 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv53 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 19 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: es 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: ee 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1 ;', '}', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv74 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv74 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv56 = temp ; mass = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv56 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'mass', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'mass', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ;', '}', 'return mass ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv77 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: mass 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 18 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 19 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= compound scope 0 : { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double gravity ; gravity = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return gravity ; } compound scope 1 : { return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 2 : { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } compound scope 3 : { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } compound scope 4 : { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } compound scope 5 : { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } compound scope 6 : { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } compound scope 7 : { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } compound scope 8 : { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } compound scope 9 : { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } compound scope 10 : { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } compound scope 11 : { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } compound scope 12 : { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } compound scope 13 : { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } compound scope 14 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 15 : { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } compound scope 16 : { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } compound scope 17 : { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } compound scope 18 : { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } compound scope 19 : { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 20 : { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } compound scope 21 : { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 22 : { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } compound scope 23 : { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 24 : { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } compound scope 25 : { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } compound scope 26 : { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } compound scope 27 : { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } compound scope 28 : { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } compound scope 29 : { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } compound scope 30 : { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } compound scope 31 : { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } compound scope 32 : { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } compound scope 33 : { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 34 : { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } compound scope 35 : { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } compound scope 36 : { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } compound scope 37 : { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } compound scope 38 : { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } compound scope 39 : { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 40 : { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } compound scope 41 : { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } compound scope 42 : { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } compound scope 43 : { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } compound scope 44 : { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } compound scope 45 : { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 46 : { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } compound scope 47 : { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } compound scope 48 : { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } compound scope 49 : { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } compound scope 50 : { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } compound scope 51 : { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 52 : { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } compound scope 53 : { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } compound scope 54 : { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } compound scope 55 : { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } compound scope 56 : { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } compound scope 57 : { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } compound scope 58 : { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } compound scope 59 : { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } compound scope 60 : { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } compound scope 61 : { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } compound scope 62 : { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } compound scope 63 : { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } len(compound_scope) : 64 =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double gravity ; gravity = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double gravity ; gravity = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] scope [0] : decls = [('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { char * temp ; temp = NULL ; double gravity ; gravity = - 1.0 ; int start ; start = 0 ; int end ; end = 0 ; int es ; es = 0 ; int ee ; ee = 0 ; if ( str == NULL ) { return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } int tlv1 ; { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } int tlv2 ; { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } int tlv3 ; { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv4 ; { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv5 ; { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv6 ; { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } int tlv7 ; { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv8 ; { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } int tlv9 ; { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; int tlv10 ; { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } return gravity ; } ignore sibs: [] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 1 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 16 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; }', 'int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: str 1 : |compare_scopes| type: pstring, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv21', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv21', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv21 ; tlv21 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv21 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv1 ;', "{ pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv21 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv23', None), ('char', 'tlv22', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv23', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv22', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv23 ; tlv23 = str ; char tlv22 ; tlv22 = '{' ; tlv1 = cgc_atChar ( tlv23 , tlv22 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv1 ) { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv23 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv22 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } return gravity ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv57', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv57 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return gravity ;', '}', 'int tlv2 ;', '{ pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv57 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv57 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv25', None), ('int', 'tlv24', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv25', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv24', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv25 ; tlv25 = str ; int tlv24 ; tlv24 = 1 ; tlv2 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv25 , tlv24 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv2 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv25 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv24 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } return gravity ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv58', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv58 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return gravity ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv58 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv58 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv2 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv26', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv26', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv26 ; tlv26 = str ; start = cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( tlv26 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv26 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv27', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv27', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv27 ; tlv27 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv27 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv27 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } return gravity ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv59', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv59 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return gravity ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv59 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv59 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv30', None), ('int', 'tlv29', None), ('int', 'tlv28', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv30', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv29', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv28', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv30 ; tlv30 = str ; int tlv29 ; tlv29 = start ; int tlv28 ; tlv28 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv30 , tlv29 , tlv28 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv30 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv29 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv28 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n" , start , end ) ; return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv3 ;', '{ const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv32', None), ('const char *', 'tlv31', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv31 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv32 = temp ; const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv3 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv32 , tlv31 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv3 != 0 ) { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \\"Gravity\\"\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv32 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv31 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv31 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } temp = NULL ; return gravity ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv60', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv60 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; }', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return gravity ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv60 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv60 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv62 ; tlv62 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv61 ; { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['temp = NULL ;', 'return gravity ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv62 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv61 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv78', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv62', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv78', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv62', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv78 ; tlv78 = temp ; tlv61 = cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv62 , tlv61 ) ;', '}', 'temp = NULL ;', 'return gravity ;', '}', '{ void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv78 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv62 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv61 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv3 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv12 ; tlv12 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv11 ; { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv75', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('void *', 'tlv12', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv75', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv75 ; tlv75 = temp ; tlv11 = cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv12 , tlv11 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv4 ;', "{ pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv75 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv12 12 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv11 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv34', None), ('char', 'tlv33', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv34', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv33', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv34 ; tlv34 = str ; char tlv33 ; tlv33 = '}' ; tlv4 = cgc_atChar ( tlv34 , tlv33 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv4 ) { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv34 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv33 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv63', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv63 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv5 ;', '{ pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv63 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv63 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv36', None), ('int', 'tlv35', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv36', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv35', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv36 ; tlv36 = str ; int tlv35 ; tlv35 = 1 ; tlv5 = cgc_skipLength ( tlv36 , tlv35 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv5 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv36 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv35 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } return gravity ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv64', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv64 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return gravity ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', '{ pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv64 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv64 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv5 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& es')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv14', None), ('int *', 'tlv13', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv14', '', 'str'), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', '& es'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv14 ; tlv14 = str ; int * tlv13 ; tlv13 = & es ; cgc_getIndex ( tlv14 , tlv13 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; }', 'if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv14 1 : | decl_scope | type: int *, var: tlv13 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int *, value: & es 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv37', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv37', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv37 ; tlv37 = str ; ee = cgc_skipFloat ( tlv37 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ee == - 1 ) { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv37 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } return gravity ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: ee 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv65', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv65 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return gravity ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv6 ;', "{ pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv65 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv65 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: ee 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv39', None), ('char', 'tlv38', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv39', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv38', '', "'{'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv39 ; tlv39 = str ; char tlv38 ; tlv38 = '{' ; tlv6 = cgc_atChar ( tlv39 , tlv38 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv6 ) { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv39 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv38 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '{' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv66', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv66 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', 'int tlv7 ;', '{ pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv66 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv66 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv40', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv40', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv40 ; tlv40 = str ; tlv7 = cgc_incChar ( tlv40 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv7 == - 1 ) { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv40 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } return gravity ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv67', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv67 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return gravity ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv8 ;', "{ pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv67 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv67 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv7 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv42', None), ('char', 'tlv41', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv42', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv41', '', "'#'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv42 ; tlv42 = str ; char tlv41 ; tlv41 = '#' ; tlv8 = cgc_atChar ( tlv42 , tlv41 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv8 ) { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv42 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv41 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '#' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv68', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv68 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; }', 'if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv68 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv68 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv44', None), ('int', 'tlv43', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv44', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv43', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv44 ; tlv44 = str ; int tlv43 ; tlv43 = 1 ; start = cgc_skipLength ( tlv44 , tlv43 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( start == - 1 ) { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv44 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv43 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } return gravity ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv69', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv69 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return gravity ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; }', 'if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv69 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv69 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: start 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv45', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv45', '', 'str'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv45 ; tlv45 = str ; end = cgc_skipToNonAlphaNum ( tlv45 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( end == - 1 ) { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv45 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv70', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv70 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; }', 'int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv70 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv70 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: end 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: - 1 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv48', None), ('int', 'tlv47', None), ('int', 'tlv46', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv48', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv47', '', 'start'), ('int', 'tlv46', '', 'end'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv48 ; tlv48 = str ; int tlv47 ; tlv47 = start ; int tlv46 ; tlv46 = end ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv48 , tlv47 , tlv46 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['int tlv9 ;', '{ const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; }', 'if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv48 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv47 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv46 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: start 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: end 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv50', None), ('const char *', 'tlv49', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv49 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv50 = temp ; const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; tlv9 = cgc_strcmp ( tlv50 , tlv49 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( tlv9 != 0 ) { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; }', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv50 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv49 2 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv49 [ ] 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { cgc_printf ( "!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n" , temp ) ; { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } return gravity ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { void * tlv72 ; tlv72 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv71 ; { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return gravity ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv72 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv71 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : scope [4] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('char *', 'tlv79', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv72', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv79', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv72', '', 'temp')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { char * tlv79 ; tlv79 = temp ; tlv71 = cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv72 , tlv71 ) ;', '}', 'return gravity ;', '}', '{ void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; }', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv79 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv72 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv71 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 0 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: tlv9 1 : |compare_scopes| type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv16 ; tlv16 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv15 ; { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv76', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('void *', 'tlv16', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv76', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv76 ; tlv76 = temp ; tlv15 = cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv16 , tlv15 ) ;', '}', 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ;', 'int tlv10 ;', "{ pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; }", 'if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv76 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv16 18 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv15 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'")] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv52', None), ('char', 'tlv51', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv52', '', 'str'), ('char', 'tlv51', '', "'}'"), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv52 ; tlv52 = str ; char tlv51 ; tlv51 = '}' ; tlv10 = cgc_atChar ( tlv52 , tlv51 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( ! tlv10 ) { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; }', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv52 1 : | decl_scope | type: char, var: tlv51 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: char, value: '}' 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } return - 1.0 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv73', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv73 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1.0 ;', '}', '{ pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; }', '{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv73 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv73 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv18', None), ('int', 'tlv17', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv18', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv17', '', '1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv18 ; tlv18 = str ; int tlv17 ; tlv17 = 1 ; cgc_skipLength ( tlv18 , tlv17 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; }', 'if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv18 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv17 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'es'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'ee')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'tlv55', None), ('int', 'tlv54', None), ('int', 'tlv53', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('pstring', 'tlv55', '', 'str'), ('int', 'tlv54', '', 'es'), ('int', 'tlv53', '', 'ee'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { pstring tlv55 ; tlv55 = str ; int tlv54 ; tlv54 = es ; int tlv53 ; tlv53 = ee ; temp = cgc_copyData ( tlv55 , tlv54 , tlv53 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['if ( temp == NULL ) { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; }', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: tlv55 1 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv54 2 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv53 3 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 4 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 5 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 19 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: pstring, value: str 1 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: es 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: ee 3 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 4 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ] p_decls = [] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } return - 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 1 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 2 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 3 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : scope [3] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv74', ' [ ]'), ('const char', 'tlv74 [ ]', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = ['', ''] ===> context { const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return - 1 ;', '}', '{ const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; }', '{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv74 1 : | decl_scope | type: const char, var: tlv74 [ ] 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 0 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: temp 1 : |compare_scopes| type: char *, value: NULL =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [] compares = [] decls = [('const char *', 'tlv56', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { const char * tlv56 = temp ; gravity = cgc_atof ( tlv56 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['{ void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; }', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: const char *, var: tlv56 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 1 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 2 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ] p_decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] decls = [('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] ===> context { void * tlv20 ; tlv20 = temp ; cgc_size_t tlv19 ; { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ; } ignore sibs: ['return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 1 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 2 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 3 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 4 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 18 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 0 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 2 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 3 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 =======END======= =======START======= SCOPE STACK : False START SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] END SCOPE : [ => { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ] p_decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None)] scope [0] : scope [1] : scope [2] : decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0')] compares = [] decls = [('char *', 'tlv77', None), ('pstring', 'str', None), ('char *', 'temp', None), ('double', 'gravity', None), ('int', 'start', None), ('int', 'end', None), ('int', 'es', None), ('int', 'ee', None), ('int', 'tlv1', None), ('int', 'tlv2', None), ('int', 'tlv3', None), ('int', 'tlv4', None), ('int', 'tlv5', None), ('int', 'tlv6', None), ('int', 'tlv7', None), ('int', 'tlv8', None), ('int', 'tlv9', None), ('int', 'tlv10', None), ('void *', 'tlv20', None), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', None)] assigns = [('char *', 'tlv77', '', 'temp'), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', 'cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1'), ('char *', 'temp', '', 'NULL'), ('double', 'gravity', '', '- 1.0'), ('int', 'start', '', '0'), ('int', 'end', '', '0'), ('int', 'es', '', '0'), ('int', 'ee', '', '0'), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', 'temp')] compares = [] ===> context { char * tlv77 ; tlv77 = temp ; tlv19 = cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 ; } ignore sibs: ['cgc_deallocate ( tlv20 , tlv19 ) ;', '}', 'return gravity ;', '}'] 0 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: tlv77 1 : | decl_scope | type: pstring, var: str 2 : | decl_scope | type: char *, var: temp 3 : | decl_scope | type: double, var: gravity 4 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: start 5 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: end 6 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: es 7 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: ee 8 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv1 9 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv2 10 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv3 11 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv4 12 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv5 13 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv6 14 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv7 15 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv8 16 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv9 17 : | decl_scope | type: int, var: tlv10 18 : | decl_scope | type: void *, var: tlv20 19 : | decl_scope | type: cgc_size_t, var: tlv19 0 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: temp 1 : | assign_scope | type: cgc_size_t, value: cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 2 : | assign_scope | type: char *, value: NULL 3 : | assign_scope | type: double, value: - 1.0 4 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 5 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 6 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 7 : | assign_scope | type: int, value: 0 8 : | assign_scope | type: void *, value: temp =======END======= def_vars[0]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : int choice ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char selection [ 30 ] ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t length ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : pCountry pc ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : void * tlv4 ; def_vars[5]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv3 ; def_vars[6]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv5 [ ] = "1) Display planet information\n" ; def_vars[7]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv5 ) ; def_vars[8]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv6 [ ] = "2) Set Period\n" ; def_vars[9]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv6 ) ; def_vars[10]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv7 [ ] = "3) Set Orbit Speed\n" ; def_vars[11]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv7 ) ; def_vars[12]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv8 [ ] = "4) Set Aphelion\n" ; def_vars[13]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv8 ) ; def_vars[14]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv9 [ ] = "5) Set Perihelion\n" ; def_vars[15]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv9 ) ; def_vars[16]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv10 [ ] = "6) Set Mean Radius\n" ; def_vars[17]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv10 ) ; def_vars[18]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv11 [ ] = "7) Set Equatorial Radius\n" ; def_vars[19]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv11 ) ; def_vars[20]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv12 [ ] = "8) Set Mass\n" ; def_vars[21]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv12 ) ; def_vars[22]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv13 [ ] = "9) Set Gravity\n" ; def_vars[23]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv13 ) ; def_vars[24]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv14 [ ] = "10) Set population\n" ; def_vars[25]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv14 ) ; def_vars[26]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv15 [ ] = "11) Add Country\n" ; def_vars[27]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv15 ) ; def_vars[28]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv16 [ ] = "12) Select country\n" ; def_vars[29]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv16 ) ; def_vars[30]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv17 [ ] = "13) Delete Planet and exit menu\n" ; def_vars[31]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv17 ) ; def_vars[32]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv18 [ ] = "14) Exit menu\n" ; def_vars[33]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv18 ) ; def_vars[34]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv19 [ ] = "Selection: " ; def_vars[35]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv19 ) ; def_vars[36]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv22 ; def_vars[37]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv21 ; def_vars[38]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv20 ; def_vars[39]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char * tlv23 = selection ; def_vars[40]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : int tlv1 ; def_vars[41]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_initCountry ( pc ) ; def_vars[42]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : int tlv2 ; def_vars[43]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv26 ; def_vars[44]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv25 ; def_vars[45]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv24 ; def_vars[46]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char * tlv61 = selection ; def_vars[47]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv29 ; def_vars[48]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv28 ; def_vars[49]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv27 ; def_vars[50]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char * tlv62 = selection ; def_vars[51]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv32 ; def_vars[52]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv31 ; def_vars[53]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv30 ; def_vars[54]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char * tlv63 = selection ; def_vars[55]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv35 ; def_vars[56]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv34 ; def_vars[57]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv33 ; def_vars[58]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char * tlv64 = selection ; def_vars[59]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv38 ; def_vars[60]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv37 ; def_vars[61]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv36 ; def_vars[62]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char * tlv65 = selection ; def_vars[63]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv41 ; def_vars[64]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv40 ; def_vars[65]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv39 ; def_vars[66]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char * tlv66 = selection ; def_vars[67]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv44 ; def_vars[68]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv43 ; def_vars[69]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv42 ; def_vars[70]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char * tlv67 = selection ; def_vars[71]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv47 ; def_vars[72]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv46 ; def_vars[73]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv45 ; def_vars[74]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char * tlv68 = selection ; def_vars[75]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv50 ; def_vars[76]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv49 ; def_vars[77]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv48 ; def_vars[78]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char * tlv69 = selection ; def_vars[79]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv51 [ ] = "\nNew Name: " ; def_vars[80]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv51 ) ; def_vars[81]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv54 ; def_vars[82]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv53 ; def_vars[83]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv52 ; def_vars[84]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv72 ; def_vars[85]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : int tlv71 ; def_vars[86]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : void * * tlv70 ; def_vars[87]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : void * tlv56 ; def_vars[88]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv55 ; def_vars[89]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv57 [ ] = "\n-> " ; def_vars[90]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; def_vars[91]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char * tlv60 ; def_vars[92]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : char tlv59 ; def_vars[93]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_size_t tlv58 ; def_vars[94]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char * tlv73 = selection ; def_vars[95]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : pCountry tlv74 ; def_vars[96]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printPlanetInfo ( pl ) ; def_vars[97]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_freePlanet ( pl ) ; def_vars[98]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv75 [ ] = "\n-> " ; def_vars[99]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; def_vars[100]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv76 [ ] = "\n-> " ; def_vars[101]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv76 ) ; def_vars[102]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv77 [ ] = "\n-> " ; def_vars[103]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv77 ) ; def_vars[104]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv78 [ ] = "\n-> " ; def_vars[105]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv78 ) ; def_vars[106]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv79 [ ] = "\n-> " ; def_vars[107]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv79 ) ; def_vars[108]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv80 [ ] = "\n-> " ; def_vars[109]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; def_vars[110]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv81 [ ] = "\n-> " ; def_vars[111]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; def_vars[112]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv82 [ ] = "\n-> " ; def_vars[113]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv82 ) ; def_vars[114]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv83 [ ] = "\n-> " ; def_vars[115]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv83 ) ; def_vars[116]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv84 [ ] = "!!No country slots\n" ; def_vars[117]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv84 ) ; def_vars[118]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv85 [ ] = "!!Failed to allocate structure\n" ; def_vars[119]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv85 ) ; def_vars[120]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv86 [ ] = "\nCountries:\n" ; def_vars[121]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv86 ) ; def_vars[122]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv87 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; def_vars[123]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv87 ) ; def_vars[124]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv88 [ ] = "Invalid...\n" ; def_vars[125]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv88 ) ; def_vars[126]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv89 [ ] = "Too many countries\n" ; def_vars[127]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv89 ) ; def_vars[128]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : const char tlv90 [ ] = "Invalid choice...\n" ; def_vars[129]: [cgc_planetMenu] : : cgc_printf ( tlv90 ) ; sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=0/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=0/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=1/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=1/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=2/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=2/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=4/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=4/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=5/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=5/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=21/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=21/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=22/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=22/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=23/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=23/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=25/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=25/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=26/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=26/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=27/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=27/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=28/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=28/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=29/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=29/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=31/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=31/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=32/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=32/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=33/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=33/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=35/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=35/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=36/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=36/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=37/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=37/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=39/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=39/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=40/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=40/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=41/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=41/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=43/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=43/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=44/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=44/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=45/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=45/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=47/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=47/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=48/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=48/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=49/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=49/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=51/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=51/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=52/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=52/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=53/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=53/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=55/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=55/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=56/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=56/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=57/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=57/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=59/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=59/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=60/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=60/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=61/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=61/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=64/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=64/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=65/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=65/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=66/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=66/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=67/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=67/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=68/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=68/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=70/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=70/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=71/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=71/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=73/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=73/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=74/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=74/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=75/130][k=0/3] | type: int ; var : choice ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=0/91][dd=75/130][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : length ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 ---- ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_0(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(0); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(0); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(0); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_1(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(0); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(0); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(0); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv4', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv3', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=0/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] unique : ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=0/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=1/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=1/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=2/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=2/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=4/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=4/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=5/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=5/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=21/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=21/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=22/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=22/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=23/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=23/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=25/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=25/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=26/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=26/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=27/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=27/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=28/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=28/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=29/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=29/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=31/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=31/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=32/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=32/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=33/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=33/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=35/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=35/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=36/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=36/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=37/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=37/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=39/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=39/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=40/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=40/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=41/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=41/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=43/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=43/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=44/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=44/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=45/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=45/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=47/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=47/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=48/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=48/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=49/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=49/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=51/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=51/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=52/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=52/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=53/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=53/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=55/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=55/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=56/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=56/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=57/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=57/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=59/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=59/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=60/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=60/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=61/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=61/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=64/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=64/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=65/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=65/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=66/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=66/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=67/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=67/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=68/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=68/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=70/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=70/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=71/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=71/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=73/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=73/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=74/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=74/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=75/130][k=0/5] | type: void * ; var : tlv4 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '30' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=3/91][dd=75/130][k=1/5] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv3 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 30 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 30 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 30 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char','selection [ 30 ]','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char','selection [ 30 ]','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_0(){ char selection [ 30 ]; bzero(&selection,( 30 *sizeof(char) ) ); {int choice; choice = (int)(selection); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(selection); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(selection); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(selection); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_1(){ char selection [ 30 ]; bzero(&selection,( 30 *sizeof(char) ) ); {int choice; choice = (int)(30); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(30); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(30); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(30); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv22', '', ), ('char', 'tlv21', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv20', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=0/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] unique : ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=0/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=0/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=1/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=1/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=1/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=2/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=2/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=2/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=4/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=4/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=4/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=5/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=5/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=5/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=21/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=21/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=21/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=22/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=22/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=22/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=23/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=23/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=23/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=25/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=25/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=25/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=26/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=26/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=26/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=27/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=27/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=27/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=28/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=28/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=28/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=29/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=29/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=29/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=31/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=31/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=31/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=32/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=32/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=32/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=33/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=33/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=33/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=35/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=35/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=35/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=36/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=36/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=36/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=37/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=37/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=37/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=39/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=39/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=39/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=40/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=40/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=40/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=41/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=41/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=41/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=43/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=43/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=43/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=44/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=44/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=44/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=45/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=45/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=45/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=47/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=47/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=47/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=48/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=48/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=48/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=49/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=49/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=49/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=51/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=51/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=51/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=52/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=52/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=52/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=53/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=53/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=53/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=55/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=55/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=55/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=56/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=56/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=56/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=57/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=57/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=57/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=59/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=59/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=59/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=60/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=60/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=60/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=61/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=61/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=61/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=64/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=64/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=64/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=65/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=65/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=65/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=66/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=66/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=66/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=67/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=67/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=67/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=68/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=68/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=68/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=70/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=70/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=70/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=71/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=71/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=71/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=73/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=73/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=73/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=74/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=74/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=74/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'selection' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=75/130][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : selection (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : selection => is literal (False) | is operator (False) selection [vtype=char *] BEFORE => literal (False) selection => char * AFTER => literal (False) selection [ 30 ] => char [size=30] not unique: ('char', 'selection [ 30 ]', None) ... continue! is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''\n'' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=75/130][k=1/6] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '\n' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '\n' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '\n' [vtype=None] is_func_ [3] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '3' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=19/91][dd=75/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv20 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 3 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 3 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char','selection [ 30 ]','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char','selection [ 30 ]','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char','selection [ 30 ]','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_0(){ char selection [ 30 ]; bzero(&selection,( 30 *sizeof(char) ) ); {int choice; choice = (int)(selection); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(selection); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(selection); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(selection); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_1(){ char selection [ 30 ]; bzero(&selection,( 30 *sizeof(char) ) ); {int choice; choice = (int)('\n'); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)('\n'); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)('\n'); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)('\n'); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_2(){ char selection [ 30 ]; bzero(&selection,( 30 *sizeof(char) ) ); {int choice; choice = (int)(3); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(3); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(3); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(3); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_2(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv75': 'const char *', 'tlv75 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv26', '', ), ('char', 'tlv25', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv24', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=0/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=1/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=2/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=4/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=5/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=21/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=22/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=23/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=25/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=26/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=27/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=28/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=29/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=31/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=32/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=33/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=35/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=36/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=37/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=39/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=40/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=41/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=43/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=44/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=45/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=47/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=48/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=49/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=51/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=52/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=53/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=55/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=56/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=57/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=59/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=60/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=61/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=64/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=65/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=66/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=67/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=68/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=70/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=71/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=73/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=74/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '10' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=25/91][dd=75/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 10 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 10 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 10 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_25_2(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(10); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(10); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(10); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(10); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_25(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_25_2(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv76': 'const char *', 'tlv76 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv29', '', ), ('char', 'tlv28', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv27', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv77': 'const char *', 'tlv77 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv32', '', ), ('char', 'tlv31', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv30', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv78': 'const char *', 'tlv78 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv35', '', ), ('char', 'tlv34', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv33', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv79': 'const char *', 'tlv79 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv38', '', ), ('char', 'tlv37', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv36', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv80': 'const char *', 'tlv80 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv41', '', ), ('char', 'tlv40', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv81': 'const char *', 'tlv81 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv44', '', ), ('char', 'tlv43', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv42', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv82': 'const char *', 'tlv82 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv47', '', ), ('char', 'tlv46', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv45', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv83': 'const char *', 'tlv83 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv50', '', ), ('char', 'tlv49', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv48', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv89': 'const char *', 'tlv89 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv54', '', ), ('char', 'tlv53', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv52', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=0/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=1/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=2/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=4/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=5/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=21/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=22/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=23/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=25/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=26/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=27/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=28/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=29/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=31/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=32/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=33/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=35/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=36/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=37/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=39/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=40/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=41/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=43/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=44/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=45/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=47/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=48/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=49/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=51/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=52/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=53/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=55/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=56/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=57/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=59/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=60/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=61/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=64/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=65/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=66/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=67/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=68/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=70/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=71/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=73/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=74/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=63/91][dd=75/130][k=2/6] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv52 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_63_2(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(19); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(19); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(19); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(19); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_63(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_63_2(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=0/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'choice', None) is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=0/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=1/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=1/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=2/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=2/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=4/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=4/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=5/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=5/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=21/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=21/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=22/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=22/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=23/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=23/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=25/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=25/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=26/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=26/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=27/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=27/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=28/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=28/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=29/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=29/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=31/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=31/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=32/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=32/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=33/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=33/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=35/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=35/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=36/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=36/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=37/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=37/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=39/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=39/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=40/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=40/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=41/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=41/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=43/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=43/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=44/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=44/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=45/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=45/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=47/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=47/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=48/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=48/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=49/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=49/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=51/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=51/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=52/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=52/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=53/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=53/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=55/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=55/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=56/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=56/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=57/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=57/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=59/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=59/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=60/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=60/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=61/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=61/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=64/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=64/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=65/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=65/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=66/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=66/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=67/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=67/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=68/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=68/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=70/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=70/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=71/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=71/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=73/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=73/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=74/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=74/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [c] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'choice' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=75/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : choice (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : choice => is literal (False) | is operator (False) choice [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'choice', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=64/91][dd=75/130][k=5/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] not valid - int choice; choice = ((int)choice); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','choice','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','choice','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_4(){ int choice; bzero(&choice,sizeof(int)); {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(choice); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(choice); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(choice); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_5(){ int choice; bzero(&choice,sizeof(int)); {int choice; choice = (int)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(COUNTRYMAX); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(COUNTRYMAX); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_4(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_5(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv84': 'const char *', 'tlv84 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *'}' val_s=>'[('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', ), ('int', 'tlv71', '', ), ('void * *', 'tlv70', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=0/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=1/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=2/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=4/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=5/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=21/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=22/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=23/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=25/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=26/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=27/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=28/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=29/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=31/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=32/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=33/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=35/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=36/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=37/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=39/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=40/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=41/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=43/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=44/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=45/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=47/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=48/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=49/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=51/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=52/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=53/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=55/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=56/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=57/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=59/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=60/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=61/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=64/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=65/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=66/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=67/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=68/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=70/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=71/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=73/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=74/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Country)' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=68/91][dd=75/130][k=0/7] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Country ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Country,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Country [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_68_0(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(sizeof ( Country )); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(sizeof ( Country )); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_68(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_68_0(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=0/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv1', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=1/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=2/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=4/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=5/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=21/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=22/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=23/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=25/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=26/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=27/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=28/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=29/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=31/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=32/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=33/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=35/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=36/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=37/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=39/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=40/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=41/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=43/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=44/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=45/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=47/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=48/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=49/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=51/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=52/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=53/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=55/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=56/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=57/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=59/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=60/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=61/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=64/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=65/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=66/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=67/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=68/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=70/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=71/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=73/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=74/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=69/91][dd=75/130][k=4/6] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! not valid - int tlv1; tlv1 = ((int)tlv1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv1','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_69_4(){ int tlv1; bzero(&tlv1,sizeof(int)); {int choice; choice = (int)(tlv1); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv1); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(tlv1); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_69(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_69_4(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv85': 'const char *', 'tlv85 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *'}' val_s=>'[('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv86': 'const char *', 'tlv86 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', ), ('int', 'choice', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=0/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] unique : ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=1/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=2/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=4/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=5/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=21/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=22/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=23/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=25/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=26/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=27/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=28/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=29/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=31/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=32/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=33/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=35/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=36/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=37/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=39/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=40/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=41/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=43/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=44/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=45/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=47/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=48/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=49/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=51/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=52/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=53/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=55/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=56/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=57/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=59/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=60/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=61/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=64/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=65/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=66/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=67/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=68/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=70/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=71/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=73/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=74/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->country_count' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=74/91][dd=75/130][k=9/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> country_count (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,country_count => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) country_count [vtype=None] ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pPlanet','pl','None','None'); ptr_t: pPlanet, base(ptr_t): Planet ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_74_9(){ Planet pl_ref; bzero(&pl_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet pl = &pl_ref; {int choice; choice = (int)(pl -> country_count); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(pl -> country_count); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(pl -> country_count); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_74(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_74_9(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', ), ('int', 'choice', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv56', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv55', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv60', '', ), ('char', 'tlv59', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=0/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=1/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=2/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=4/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=5/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=21/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=22/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=23/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=25/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=26/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=27/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=28/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=29/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=31/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=32/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=33/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=35/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=36/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=37/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=39/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=40/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=41/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=43/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=44/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=45/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=47/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=48/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=49/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=51/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=52/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=53/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=55/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=56/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=57/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=59/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=60/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=61/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=64/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=65/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=66/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=67/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=68/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=70/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=71/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=73/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=74/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=80/91][dd=75/130][k=8/11] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_80_8(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(1); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(1); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_80(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_80_8(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv87': 'const char *', 'tlv87 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv90': 'const char *', 'tlv90 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv74': 'pCountry'}' val_s=>'[('pCountry', 'tlv74', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv74': 'pCountry'}' val_s=>'[('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice - 1 ]', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=0/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv2', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=1/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=2/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=4/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=5/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=21/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=22/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=23/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=25/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=26/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=27/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=28/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=29/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=31/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=32/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=33/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=35/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=36/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=37/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=39/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=40/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=41/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=43/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=44/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=45/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=47/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=48/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=49/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=51/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=52/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=53/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=55/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=56/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=57/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=59/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=60/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=61/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=64/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=65/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=66/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=67/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=68/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=70/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=71/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=73/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=74/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=0/13][j=86/91][dd=75/130][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! not valid - int tlv2; tlv2 = ((int)tlv2); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv2','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_86_8(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int choice; choice = (int)(tlv2); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv2); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_86(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_86_8(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv74': 'pCountry'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv74': 'pCountry'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv74': 'pCountry'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'choice': 'int', 'selection': 'char *', 'selection [ 30 ]': 'char', 'length': 'cgc_size_t', 'pc': 'pCountry', 'tlv4': 'void *', 'tlv3': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv5': 'const char *', 'tlv5 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv6': 'const char *', 'tlv6 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv7': 'const char *', 'tlv7 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv8': 'const char *', 'tlv8 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv9': 'const char *', 'tlv9 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv10': 'const char *', 'tlv10 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv11': 'const char *', 'tlv11 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'const char *', 'tlv12 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'const char *', 'tlv13 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv14': 'const char *', 'tlv14 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv15': 'const char *', 'tlv15 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'const char *', 'tlv16 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv17': 'const char *', 'tlv17 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv18': 'const char *', 'tlv18 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv19': 'const char *', 'tlv19 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv22': 'char *', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv20': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv23': 'const char *', 'tlv26': 'char *', 'tlv25': 'char', 'tlv24': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv29': 'char *', 'tlv28': 'char', 'tlv27': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv32': 'char *', 'tlv31': 'char', 'tlv30': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv35': 'char *', 'tlv34': 'char', 'tlv33': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv38': 'char *', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv36': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv41': 'char *', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv44': 'char *', 'tlv43': 'char', 'tlv42': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'char', 'tlv45': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'char *', 'tlv49': 'char', 'tlv48': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv51 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv54': 'char *', 'tlv53': 'char', 'tlv52': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv71': 'int', 'tlv70': 'void * *', 'tlv56': 'void *', 'tlv55': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'char *', 'tlv59': 'char', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv74': 'pCountry', 'tlv88': 'const char *', 'tlv88 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'choice', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('pCountry', 'pc', '', ), ('int', 'choice', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ choice ]', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'length', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pc -> name ', '[ length ]', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv5 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv5 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv6 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv6 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv7 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv7 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv8 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv8 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv9 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv9 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv10 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv10 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv11 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv11 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv12 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv12 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv13 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv13 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv14 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv14 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv15 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv15 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv16 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv16 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv17 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv17 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv18 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv18 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv19 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv19 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initCountry( pc )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initCountry( pc ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv51 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv51 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printPlanetInfo( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( pl )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( pl ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv76 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv76 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv77 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv77 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv78 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv78 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv79 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv79 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv82 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv82 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv83 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv83 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv84 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv84 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv85 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv85 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv86 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv86 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv87 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv87 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv88 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv88 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv89 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv89 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv90 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv90 ) is a function. Skipping. ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_0(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(0); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(0); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(0); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_1(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(0); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(0); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(0); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(0); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_0(){ char selection [ 30 ]; bzero(&selection,( 30 *sizeof(char) ) ); {int choice; choice = (int)(selection); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(selection); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(selection); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(selection); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_1(){ char selection [ 30 ]; bzero(&selection,( 30 *sizeof(char) ) ); {int choice; choice = (int)(30); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(30); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(30); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(30); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(30); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(30); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(30); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_0(){ char selection [ 30 ]; bzero(&selection,( 30 *sizeof(char) ) ); {int choice; choice = (int)(selection); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(selection); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(selection); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(selection); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(selection); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(selection); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(selection); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_1(){ char selection [ 30 ]; bzero(&selection,( 30 *sizeof(char) ) ); {int choice; choice = (int)('\n'); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)('\n'); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)('\n'); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)('\n'); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)('\n'); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)('\n'); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)('\n'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_2(){ char selection [ 30 ]; bzero(&selection,( 30 *sizeof(char) ) ); {int choice; choice = (int)(3); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(3); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(3); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(3); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(3); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(3); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_2(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_25_2(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(10); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(10); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(10); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(10); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(10); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(10); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(10); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_25(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_25_2(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_63_2(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(19); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(19); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(19); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(19); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(19); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_63(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_63_2(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_4(){ int choice; bzero(&choice,sizeof(int)); {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(choice); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(choice); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(choice); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(choice); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(choice); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(choice); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_5(){ int choice; bzero(&choice,sizeof(int)); {int choice; choice = (int)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(COUNTRYMAX); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(COUNTRYMAX); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_4(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_5(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_68_0(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(sizeof ( Country )); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(sizeof ( Country )); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(sizeof ( Country )); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(sizeof ( Country )); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Country )); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_68(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_68_0(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_69_4(){ int tlv1; bzero(&tlv1,sizeof(int)); {int choice; choice = (int)(tlv1); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv1); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(tlv1); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(tlv1); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_69(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_69_4(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_74_9(){ Planet pl_ref; bzero(&pl_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet pl = &pl_ref; {int choice; choice = (int)(pl -> country_count); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(pl -> country_count); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(pl -> country_count); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(pl -> country_count); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(pl -> country_count); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> country_count); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_74(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_74_9(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_80_8(){ {int choice; choice = (int)(1); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(1); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(1); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_80(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_80_8(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_86_8(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int choice; choice = (int)(tlv2); } {char selection [ 30 ]; selection [ ( 30 )-1 ] = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t length; length = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv4; tlv4 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv3; tlv3 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv22; tlv22 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv20; tlv20 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv2); } {char * tlv26; tlv26 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv25; tlv25 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv24; tlv24 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv29; tlv29 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv28; tlv28 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv27; tlv27 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv32; tlv32 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv31; tlv31 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv30; tlv30 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv35; tlv35 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv34; tlv34 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv33; tlv33 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv38; tlv38 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv36; tlv36 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv41; tlv41 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv44; tlv44 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv43; tlv43 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv42; tlv42 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv46; tlv46 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv45; tlv45 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv50; tlv50 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv49; tlv49 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv48; tlv48 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv54; tlv54 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv53; tlv53 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv52; tlv52 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {int tlv71; tlv71 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv56; tlv56 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv55; tlv55 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv60; tlv60 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char tlv59; tlv59 = (char)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_86(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_86_8(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_25(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_63(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_68(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_69(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_74(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_80(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_86(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- #ifndef FIX_INGREDIENT_CONTENT #define FIX_INGREDIENT_CONTENT #define FIX_INGREDIENT_CONTENT_VAR static int fix_ingred_enable=0; static void __attribute((constructor)) fix_ingred_enable_init(){ char* tmp=getenv("ENABLE_FIXES"); if (tmp) { fix_ingred_enable=1; } } #else #ifndef FIX_INGREDIENT_CONTENT_VAR #define FIX_INGREDIENT_CONTENT_VAR static int fix_ingred_enable=0; #endif #endif void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_25_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_25(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_63_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_63(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_4(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_5(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_68_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_68(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_69_4(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_69(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_74_9(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_74(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_80_8(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_80(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_86_8(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_86(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_0(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_freePlanet] : : int index ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_freePlanet] : : void * tlv2 ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_freePlanet] : : cgc_size_t tlv1 ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_freePlanet] : : pCountry tlv3 ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_freePlanet] : : cgc_freeCountry ( tlv3 ) ; sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=0/6][dd=0/5][k=0/1] | type: int ; var : index ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=0/6][dd=1/5][k=0/1] | type: int ; var : index ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=0/6][dd=2/5][k=0/1] | type: int ; var : index ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_0_0(){ {int index; index = (int)(0); } {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_0_0(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'index' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=2/6][dd=0/5][k=1/3] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'index', None) is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=2/6][dd=0/5][k=2/3] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'index' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=2/6][dd=1/5][k=1/3] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=2/6][dd=1/5][k=2/3] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'index' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=2/6][dd=2/5][k=1/3] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [C] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'COUNTRYMAX' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=2/6][dd=2/5][k=2/3] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : COUNTRYMAX (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : COUNTRYMAX => is literal (False) | is operator (False) COUNTRYMAX [vtype=None] not valid - int index; index = ((int)index); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','index','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','index','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_1(){ int index; bzero(&index,sizeof(int)); {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(index); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(index); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_2(){ int index; bzero(&index,sizeof(int)); {int index; index = (int)(COUNTRYMAX); } {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_2(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', ), ('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int', 'tlv3': 'pCountry'}' val_s=>'[('pCountry', 'tlv3', '', ), ('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int', 'tlv2': 'void *', 'tlv1': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv2', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', '', ), ('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freeCountry( tlv3 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=5/6][dd=0/5][k=0/3] | type: void * ; var : tlv2 ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] unique : ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=5/6][dd=0/5][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv1 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=5/6][dd=1/5][k=0/3] | type: void * ; var : tlv2 ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=5/6][dd=1/5][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv1 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=5/6][dd=2/5][k=0/3] | type: void * ; var : tlv2 ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=1/13][j=5/6][dd=2/5][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv1 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pPlanet','pl','None','None'); ptr_t: pPlanet, base(ptr_t): Planet ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pPlanet','pl','None','None'); ptr_t: pPlanet, base(ptr_t): Planet ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_0(){ Planet pl_ref; bzero(&pl_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet pl = &pl_ref; {int index; index = (int)(pl); } {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(pl); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(pl); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_1(){ Planet pl_ref; bzero(&pl_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet pl = &pl_ref; {int index; index = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_1(); } ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_0_0(){ {int index; index = (int)(0); } {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_0_0(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_1(){ int index; bzero(&index,sizeof(int)); {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(index); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(index); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_2(){ int index; bzero(&index,sizeof(int)); {int index; index = (int)(COUNTRYMAX); } {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(COUNTRYMAX); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(COUNTRYMAX); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_2(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_0(){ Planet pl_ref; bzero(&pl_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet pl = &pl_ref; {int index; index = (int)(pl); } {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(pl); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(pl); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_1(){ Planet pl_ref; bzero(&pl_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet pl = &pl_ref; {int index; index = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_0_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_1(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_printPlanetInfo] : : int index ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_printPlanetInfo] : : const char tlv1 [ ] = "Name: Unknown\n" ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_printPlanetInfo] : : cgc_printf ( tlv1 ) ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_printPlanetInfo] : : pCountry tlv2 ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_printPlanetInfo] : : cgc_printCountryInfo ( tlv2 ) ; sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int', 'tlv1': 'const char *', 'tlv1 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'int', 'tlv2': 'pCountry'}' val_s=>'[('pCountry', 'tlv2', '', ), ('int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv1 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv1 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printCountryInfo( tlv2 ) is a function. Skipping. ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_2(){ } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_2(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_initPlanet] : : register int index ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_initPlanet] : : void * tlv2 ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_initPlanet] : : cgc_size_t tlv1 ; sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'register int'}' val_s=>'[('register int', 'index', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> period', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> orbitspeed', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> aphelion', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> perihelion', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> radius', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> eradius', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> mass', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> gravity', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> population', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> country_count', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'register int'}' val_s=>'[('register int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'register int', 'tlv2': 'void *', 'tlv1': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv2', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv1', '', ), ('register int', 'index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->name' - False OR False [i=3/13][j=2/4][dd=1/3][k=0/3] | type: void * ; var : tlv2 ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] unique : ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=3/13][j=2/4][dd=1/3][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv1 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pl->name' - False OR False [i=3/13][j=2/4][dd=2/3][k=0/3] | type: void * ; var : tlv2 ; varinfo : ; value_node : pl -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pl,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pl [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'pl', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=3/13][j=2/4][dd=2/3][k=1/3] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv1 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pPlanet','pl','None','None'); ptr_t: pPlanet, base(ptr_t): Planet ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pPlanet','pl','None','None'); ptr_t: pPlanet, base(ptr_t): Planet ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_0(){ Planet pl_ref; bzero(&pl_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet pl = &pl_ref; {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(pl -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> name); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_1(){ Planet pl_ref; bzero(&pl_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet pl = &pl_ref; {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'pl': 'pPlanet', 'index': 'register int', 'tlv2': 'void *', 'tlv1': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('UNDEF', 'pl -> countries ', '[ index ]', ), ('register int', 'index', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> period', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> orbitspeed', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> aphelion', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> perihelion', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> radius', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> eradius', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> mass', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> gravity', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> population', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'pl -> country_count', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('register int', '', '', ), ('register int', '', '', )]' ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_0(){ Planet pl_ref; bzero(&pl_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet pl = &pl_ref; {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(pl -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(pl -> name); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_1(){ Planet pl_ref; bzero(&pl_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet pl = &pl_ref; {void * tlv2; tlv2 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv1; tlv1 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_3(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int endIndex ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int temp_index ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pPlanet newPlanet ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : element el ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : char * fl ; def_vars[5]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int lastGood ; def_vars[6]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( topLevel ) ; def_vars[7]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : char c [ ] = "{Planet}" ; def_vars[8]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int tlv1 ; def_vars[9]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_initPlanet ( newPlanet ) ; def_vars[10]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int tlv2 ; def_vars[11]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int tlv3 ; def_vars[12]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int tlv4 ; def_vars[13]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int tlv5 ; def_vars[14]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int tlv6 ; def_vars[15]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int tlv7 ; def_vars[16]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_incChar ( topLevel ) ; def_vars[17]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_size_t tlv16 ; def_vars[18]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int tlv15 ; def_vars[19]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : void * * tlv14 ; def_vars[20]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv17 ; def_vars[21]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv9 ; def_vars[22]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int * tlv8 ; def_vars[23]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv19 ; def_vars[24]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : char tlv18 ; def_vars[25]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv20 ; def_vars[26]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv22 ; def_vars[27]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : char tlv21 ; def_vars[28]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv23 ; def_vars[29]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv11 ; def_vars[30]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int * tlv10 ; def_vars[31]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv24 ; def_vars[32]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv27 ; def_vars[33]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int tlv26 ; def_vars[34]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int tlv25 ; def_vars[35]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : const char * tlv29 = fl ; def_vars[36]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : const char tlv28 [ ] = "Planet" ; def_vars[37]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : void * tlv13 ; def_vars[38]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_size_t tlv12 ; def_vars[39]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv31 ; def_vars[40]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : char tlv30 ; def_vars[41]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_freePlanet ( newPlanet ) ; def_vars[42]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : char * tlv42 ; def_vars[43]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : void * tlv33 ; def_vars[44]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_size_t tlv32 ; def_vars[45]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv35 ; def_vars[46]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : int * tlv34 ; def_vars[47]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv43 ; def_vars[48]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : const char tlv36 [ ] = "!!Closing value failed for Planet\n" ; def_vars[49]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_printf ( tlv36 ) ; def_vars[50]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : const char tlv37 [ ] = "!!Malformed closing element\n" ; def_vars[51]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_printf ( tlv37 ) ; def_vars[52]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : const char tlv38 [ ] = "!!Closing element malformed\n" ; def_vars[53]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_printf ( tlv38 ) ; def_vars[54]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : void * tlv40 ; def_vars[55]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_size_t tlv39 ; def_vars[56]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : const char tlv41 [ ] = "!!Failed to find final closing brace\n" ; def_vars[57]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_printf ( tlv41 ) ; def_vars[58]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : char * tlv62 ; def_vars[59]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : void * tlv45 ; def_vars[60]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_size_t tlv44 ; def_vars[61]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : char * tlv48 ; def_vars[62]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : char * tlv47 ; def_vars[63]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_size_t tlv46 ; def_vars[64]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : void * tlv50 ; def_vars[65]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : cgc_size_t tlv49 ; def_vars[66]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv51 ; def_vars[67]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : char * tlv63 ; def_vars[68]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv52 ; def_vars[69]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv53 ; def_vars[70]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv54 ; def_vars[71]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv55 ; def_vars[72]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv56 ; def_vars[73]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv57 ; def_vars[74]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv58 ; def_vars[75]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv59 ; def_vars[76]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv60 ; def_vars[77]: [cgc_planetTopLevel] : : pstring tlv61 ; sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=0/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=0/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=0/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] unique : ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=1/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=1/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=1/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=4/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=4/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=4/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=5/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=5/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=5/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=6/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=6/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=6/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=7/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=7/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=8/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=8/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=9/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=9/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=9/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=10/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=10/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=10/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=11/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=11/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=11/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=12/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=12/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=12/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=13/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=13/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=13/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=14/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=14/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=14/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=15/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=15/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=15/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=19/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=19/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=19/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=21/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=21/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=21/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=24/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=24/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=27/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=27/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=27/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=30/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=30/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=30/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=31/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=31/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=31/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=34/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=34/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=34/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=35/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=35/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=35/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=37/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=37/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=37/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=38/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=38/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=38/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=39/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=39/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=39/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=40/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=40/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=40/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=42/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=42/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=42/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=47/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=47/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=47/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=48/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=48/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=50/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=50/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=50/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=51/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=51/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=51/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=52/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=52/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=52/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=53/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=53/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=53/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=54/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=54/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=55/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=55/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=55/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=56/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=56/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=56/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=57/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=57/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=57/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=59/78][k=0/8] | type: int ; var : endIndex ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=59/78][k=3/8] | type: char * ; var : fl ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'topLevel->index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=0/80][dd=59/78][k=5/8] | type: int ; var : lastGood ; varinfo : ; value_node : topLevel -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : topLevel,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) topLevel [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'topLevel', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pstring','topLevel','None','None'); ptr_t: pstring, base(ptr_t): string ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pstring','topLevel','None','None'); ptr_t: pstring, base(ptr_t): string ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pstring','topLevel','None','None'); ptr_t: pstring, base(ptr_t): string ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_0(){ string topLevel_ref; bzero(&topLevel_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring topLevel = &topLevel_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(0); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(0); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(0); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(0); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(0); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(0); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(0); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(0); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(0); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(0); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(0); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(0); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(0); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(0); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(0); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(0); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(0); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(0); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(0); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_3(){ string topLevel_ref; bzero(&topLevel_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring topLevel = &topLevel_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(NULL); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(NULL); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(NULL); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(NULL); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(NULL); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(NULL); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(NULL); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(NULL); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(NULL); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(NULL); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(NULL); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(NULL); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(NULL); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(NULL); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_5(){ string topLevel_ref; bzero(&topLevel_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring topLevel = &topLevel_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(topLevel -> index); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(topLevel -> index); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(topLevel -> index); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(topLevel -> index); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(topLevel -> index); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_3(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_5(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pstring', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pstring', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=0/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'i', None) is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=0/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=1/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=1/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=4/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=4/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=5/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=5/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=6/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=6/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=7/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=7/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=8/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=8/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=9/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=9/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=10/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=10/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=11/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=11/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=12/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=12/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=13/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=13/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=14/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=14/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=15/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=15/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=19/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=19/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=21/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=21/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=24/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=24/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=27/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=27/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=30/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=30/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=31/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=31/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=34/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=34/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=35/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=35/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=37/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=37/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=38/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=38/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=39/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=39/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=40/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=40/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=42/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=42/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=47/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=47/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=48/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=48/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=50/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=50/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=51/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=51/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=52/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=52/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=53/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=53/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=54/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=54/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=55/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=55/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=56/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=56/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=57/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=57/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 is_func_ [i] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'i' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=59/78][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : i (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : i => is literal (False) | is operator (False) i [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'i', None) ... continue! is_func_ [8] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '8' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=3/80][dd=59/78][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : 8 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 8 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 8 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','i','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','i','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_6(){ int i; bzero(&i,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(i); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(i); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(i); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(i); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(i); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(i); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(i); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(i); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(i); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(i); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(i); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(i); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(i); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(i); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(i); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(i); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(i); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(i); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(i); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(i); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(i); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(i); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(i); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(i); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_7(){ int i; bzero(&i,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(8); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(8); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(8); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(8); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(8); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(8); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(8); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(8); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(8); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(8); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(8); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(8); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(8); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(8); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(8); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(8); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(8); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(8); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(8); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(8); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(8); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(8); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(8); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(8); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *'}' val_s=>'[('cgc_size_t', 'tlv16', '', ), ('int', 'tlv15', '', ), ('void * *', 'tlv14', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=0/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=1/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=4/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=5/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=6/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=7/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=8/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=9/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=10/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=11/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=12/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=13/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=14/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=15/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=19/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=21/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=24/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=27/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=30/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=31/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=34/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=35/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=37/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=38/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=39/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=40/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=42/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=47/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=48/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=50/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=51/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=52/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=53/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=54/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=55/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=56/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=57/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [s] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'sizeof(Planet)' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=5/80][dd=59/78][k=0/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv16 ; varinfo : ; value_node : sizeof ( Planet ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : sizeof,(,Planet,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) sizeof [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) Planet [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_5_0(){ {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_5(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_5_0(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=0/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv1', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=1/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=4/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=5/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=6/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=9/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=10/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=11/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=12/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=13/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=14/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=15/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=19/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=21/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=27/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=30/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=31/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=34/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=35/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=37/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=38/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=39/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=40/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=42/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=47/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=50/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=51/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=52/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=53/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=55/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=56/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=57/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=6/80][dd=59/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv1 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv1', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv1','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_6_7(){ int tlv1; bzero(&tlv1,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(tlv1); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(tlv1); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(tlv1); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(tlv1); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(tlv1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(tlv1); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(tlv1); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(tlv1); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(tlv1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv1); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(tlv1); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(tlv1); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(tlv1); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(tlv1); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(tlv1); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(tlv1); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(tlv1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_6(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_6_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv17', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv9', '', ), ('int *', 'tlv8', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=0/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'lastGood', None) is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=1/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=4/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=5/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=6/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=7/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=8/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=9/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=10/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=11/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=12/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=13/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=14/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=15/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=19/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=21/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=24/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=27/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=30/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=31/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=34/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=35/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=37/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=38/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=39/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=40/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=42/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=47/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=48/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=50/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=51/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=52/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=53/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=54/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=55/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=56/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=57/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&lastGood' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=8/80][dd=59/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv8 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & lastGood (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,lastGood => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) lastGood [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'lastGood', None) ... continue! not valid - int lastGood; lastGood = ((int)& lastGood); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','lastGood','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_8_1(){ int lastGood; bzero(&lastGood,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(& lastGood); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(& lastGood); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(& lastGood); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(& lastGood); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(& lastGood); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(& lastGood); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(& lastGood); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(& lastGood); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(& lastGood); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(& lastGood); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(& lastGood); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(& lastGood); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(& lastGood); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(& lastGood); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(& lastGood); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_8(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_8_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=0/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'fl', None) is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=1/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=4/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=5/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=6/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=7/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=8/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=9/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=10/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=11/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=12/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=13/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=14/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=15/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=19/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=21/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=24/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=27/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=30/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=31/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=34/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=35/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=37/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=38/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=39/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=40/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=42/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=47/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=48/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=50/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=51/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=52/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=53/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=54/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=55/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=56/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=57/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=9/80][dd=59/78][k=7/9] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! not valid - char * fl; fl = ((char *)fl); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','fl','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_9_7(){ char fl_ref; bzero(&fl_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * fl = &fl_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(fl); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(fl); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(fl); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(fl); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(fl); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(fl); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(fl); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(fl); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(fl); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(fl); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(fl); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(fl); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(fl); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(fl); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(fl); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(fl); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_9(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_9_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv42', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv33', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=0/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'fl', None) is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=1/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=4/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=5/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=6/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=7/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=8/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=9/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=10/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=11/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=12/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=13/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=14/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=15/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=19/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=21/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=24/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=27/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=30/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=31/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=34/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=35/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=37/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=38/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=39/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=40/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=42/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=47/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=48/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=50/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=51/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=52/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=53/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=54/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=55/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=56/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=57/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! is_func_ [f] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'fl' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=11/80][dd=59/78][k=0/10] | type: void * ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : fl (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : fl => is literal (False) | is operator (False) fl [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'fl', None) ... continue! not valid - char * fl; fl = ((char *)fl); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','fl','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_11_0(){ char fl_ref; bzero(&fl_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * fl = &fl_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(fl); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(fl); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(fl); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(fl); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(fl); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(fl); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(fl); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(fl); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(fl); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(fl); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(fl); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(fl); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(fl); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(fl); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(fl); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(fl); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_11(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_11_0(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv62': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv62', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv32', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv33', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=0/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv62', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=1/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=4/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=5/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=6/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=7/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=8/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=9/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=10/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=11/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=12/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=13/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=14/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=15/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=19/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=21/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=24/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=27/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=30/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=31/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=34/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=35/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=37/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=38/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=39/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=40/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=42/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=47/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=48/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=50/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=51/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=52/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=53/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=54/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=55/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=56/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=57/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv62)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=12/80][dd=59/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv62,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv62 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv62', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv62; tlv62 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv62','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_12_1(){ char tlv62_ref; bzero(&tlv62_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv62 = &tlv62_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_12(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_12_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv52': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv52', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv45', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv44', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=0/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] unique : ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=0/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=1/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=1/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=4/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=4/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=5/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=5/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=6/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=6/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=7/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=7/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=8/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=8/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=9/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=9/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=10/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=10/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=11/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=11/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=12/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=12/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=13/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=13/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=14/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=14/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=15/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=15/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=19/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=19/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=21/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=21/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=24/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=24/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=27/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=27/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=30/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=30/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=31/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=31/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=34/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=34/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=35/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=35/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=37/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=37/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=38/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=38/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=39/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=39/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=40/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=40/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=42/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=42/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=47/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=47/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=48/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=48/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=50/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=50/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=51/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=51/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=52/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=52/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=53/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=53/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=54/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=54/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=55/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=55/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=56/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=56/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=57/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=57/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=59/78][k=0/11] | type: void * ; var : tlv45 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [2] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '20' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=17/80][dd=59/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 20 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 20 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 20 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pPlanet','newPlanet','None','None'); ptr_t: pPlanet, base(ptr_t): Planet ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pPlanet','newPlanet','None','None'); ptr_t: pPlanet, base(ptr_t): Planet ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_0(){ Planet newPlanet_ref; bzero(&newPlanet_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet newPlanet = &newPlanet_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_1(){ Planet newPlanet_ref; bzero(&newPlanet_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet newPlanet = &newPlanet_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(20); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(20); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(20); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(20); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(20); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(20); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(20); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(20); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(20); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(20); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(20); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(20); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(20); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(20); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(20); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(20); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(20); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(20); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(20); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(20); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(20); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(20); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(20); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(20); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv48', '', ), ('char *', 'tlv47', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv46', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=0/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] unique : ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=0/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=1/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=1/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=4/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=4/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=5/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=5/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=6/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=6/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=7/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=8/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=9/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=9/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=10/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=10/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=11/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=11/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=12/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=12/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=13/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=13/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=14/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=14/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=15/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=15/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=19/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=19/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=21/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=21/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=24/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=27/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=27/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=30/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=30/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=31/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=31/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=34/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=34/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=35/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=35/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=37/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=37/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=38/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=38/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=39/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=39/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=40/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=40/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=42/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=42/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=47/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=47/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=48/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=50/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=50/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=51/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=51/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=52/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=52/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=53/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=53/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=54/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=55/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=55/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=56/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=56/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=57/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=57/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 is_func_ [n] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'newPlanet->name' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=59/78][k=0/12] | type: char * ; var : tlv48 ; varinfo : ; value_node : newPlanet -> name (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : newPlanet,->,name => is literal (False) | is operator (False) newPlanet [vtype=pPlanet] not unique: ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) name [vtype=None] is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '19' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=18/80][dd=59/78][k=2/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv46 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 19 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 19 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 19 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pPlanet','newPlanet','None','None'); ptr_t: pPlanet, base(ptr_t): Planet ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pPlanet','newPlanet','None','None'); ptr_t: pPlanet, base(ptr_t): Planet ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_0(){ Planet newPlanet_ref; bzero(&newPlanet_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet newPlanet = &newPlanet_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_2(){ Planet newPlanet_ref; bzero(&newPlanet_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet newPlanet = &newPlanet_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(19); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(19); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(19); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(19); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(19); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(19); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(19); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(19); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(19); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(19); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(19); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(19); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(19); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(19); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(19); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(19); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(19); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(19); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(19); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(19); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(19); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_2(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv50', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv63': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv63', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv49', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv50', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=0/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv63', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=1/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=4/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=5/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=6/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=7/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=8/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=9/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=10/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=11/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=12/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=13/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=14/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=15/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=19/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=21/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=24/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=27/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=30/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=31/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=34/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=35/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=37/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=38/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=39/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=40/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=42/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=47/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=48/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=50/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=51/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=52/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=53/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=54/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=55/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=56/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=57/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv63)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=20/80][dd=59/78][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv49 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv63,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv63 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv63', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv63; tlv63 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv63','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_20_1(){ char tlv63_ref; bzero(&tlv63_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv63 = &tlv63_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_20(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_20_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv53': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv53', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv54': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv54', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv55': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv55', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv56': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv56', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv57': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv57', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv58': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv58', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv59': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv59', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv60': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv60', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv61': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv61', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv51': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv51', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv51': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv45': 'void *', 'tlv44': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv48': 'char *', 'tlv47': 'char *', 'tlv46': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv50': 'void *', 'tlv49': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv51': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int *'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv35', '', ), ('int *', 'tlv34', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv42': 'char *', 'tlv33': 'void *', 'tlv32': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int *', 'tlv43': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv43', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv19', '', ), ('char', 'tlv18', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=0/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=1/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=4/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=5/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=6/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=7/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=8/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=9/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=10/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=11/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=12/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=13/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=14/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=15/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=19/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=21/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=24/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=27/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=30/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=31/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=34/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=35/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=37/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=38/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=39/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=40/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=42/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=47/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=48/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=50/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=51/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=52/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=53/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=54/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=55/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=56/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=57/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=55/80][dd=59/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv18 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_55_1(){ {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)('{'); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)('{'); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)('{'); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)('{'); } {char* c ; c = (char*)('{'); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)('{'); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)('{'); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)('{'); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)('{'); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)('{'); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)('{'); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)('{'); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)('{'); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)('{'); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_55(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_55_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv36': 'const char *', 'tlv36 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv20', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=0/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv3', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=1/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=4/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=5/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=6/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=7/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=8/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=9/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=10/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=11/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=12/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=13/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=14/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=15/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=19/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=21/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=24/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=27/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=30/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=31/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=34/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=35/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=37/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=38/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=39/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=40/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=42/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=47/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=48/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=50/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=51/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=52/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=53/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=54/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=55/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=56/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=57/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=59/80][dd=59/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! not valid - int tlv3; tlv3 = ((int)tlv3); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv3','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_59_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(tlv3); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(tlv3); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(tlv3); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(tlv3); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(tlv3); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(tlv3); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(tlv3); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(tlv3); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv3); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(tlv3); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(tlv3); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_59(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_59_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv22', '', ), ('char', 'tlv21', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=0/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=1/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=4/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=5/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=6/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=7/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=8/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=9/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=10/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=11/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=12/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=13/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=14/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=15/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=19/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=21/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=24/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=27/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=30/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=31/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=34/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=35/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=37/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=38/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=39/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=40/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=42/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=47/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=48/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=50/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=51/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=52/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=53/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=54/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=55/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=56/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=57/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=60/80][dd=59/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_60_1(){ {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)('#'); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)('#'); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)('#'); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)('#'); } {char* c ; c = (char*)('#'); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)('#'); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)('#'); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)('#'); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)('#'); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)('#'); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)('#'); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)('#'); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)('#'); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)('#'); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_60(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_60_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv37': 'const char *', 'tlv37 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv23', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=0/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv5', None) is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=0/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=1/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=1/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=4/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=4/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=5/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=5/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=6/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=6/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=7/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=7/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=8/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=8/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=9/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=9/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=10/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=10/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=11/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=11/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=12/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=12/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=13/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=13/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=14/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=14/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=15/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=15/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=19/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=19/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=21/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=21/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=24/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=24/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=27/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=27/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=30/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=30/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=31/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=31/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=34/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=34/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=35/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=35/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=37/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=37/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=38/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=38/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=39/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=39/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=40/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=40/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=42/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=42/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=47/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=47/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=48/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=48/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=50/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=50/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=51/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=51/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=52/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=52/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=53/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=53/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=54/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=54/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=55/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=55/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=56/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=56/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=57/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=57/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=59/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=64/80][dd=59/78][k=8/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - int tlv5; tlv5 = ((int)tlv5); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv5','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv5','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_7(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(tlv5); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(tlv5); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(tlv5); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(tlv5); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(tlv5); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(tlv5); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(tlv5); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(tlv5); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv5); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(tlv5); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(tlv5); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_8(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(- 1); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(- 1); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(- 1); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(- 1); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(- 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(- 1); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(- 1); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(- 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(- 1); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(- 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(- 1); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(- 1); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(- 1); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(- 1); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_7(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_8(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv11', '', ), ('int *', 'tlv10', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=0/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'temp_index', None) is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=1/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=4/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=5/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=6/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=7/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=8/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=9/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=10/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=11/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=12/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=13/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=14/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=15/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=19/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=21/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=24/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=27/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=30/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=31/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=34/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=35/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=37/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=38/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=39/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=40/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=42/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=47/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=48/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=50/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=51/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=52/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=53/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=54/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=55/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=56/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=57/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=65/80][dd=59/78][k=1/9] | type: int * ; var : tlv10 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! not valid - int temp_index; temp_index = ((int)& temp_index); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','temp_index','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_65_1(){ int temp_index; bzero(&temp_index,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(& temp_index); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(& temp_index); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(& temp_index); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(& temp_index); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(& temp_index); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(& temp_index); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(& temp_index); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(& temp_index); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(& temp_index); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(& temp_index); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(& temp_index); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(& temp_index); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(& temp_index); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(& temp_index); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(& temp_index); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_65(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_65_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv24', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=0/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'endIndex', None) is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=1/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=4/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=5/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=6/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=7/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=8/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=9/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=10/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=11/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=12/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=13/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=14/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=15/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=19/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=21/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=24/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=27/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=30/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=31/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=34/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=35/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=37/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=38/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=39/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=40/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=42/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=47/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=48/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=50/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=51/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=52/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=53/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=54/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=55/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=56/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=57/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'endIndex' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=67/80][dd=59/78][k=8/10] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : endIndex (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : endIndex => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! not valid - int endIndex; endIndex = ((int)endIndex); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','endIndex','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_67_8(){ int endIndex; bzero(&endIndex,sizeof(int)); {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(endIndex); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(endIndex); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(endIndex); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(endIndex); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(endIndex); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(endIndex); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(endIndex); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(endIndex); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(endIndex); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(endIndex); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(endIndex); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(endIndex); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(endIndex); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(endIndex); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(endIndex); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(endIndex); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_67(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_67_8(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=0/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'temp_index', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=1/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=4/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=5/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=6/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=7/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=8/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=9/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=10/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=11/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=12/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=13/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=14/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=15/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=19/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=21/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=24/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=27/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=30/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=31/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=34/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=35/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=37/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=38/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=39/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=40/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=42/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=47/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=48/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=50/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=51/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=52/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=53/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=54/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=55/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=56/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=57/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp_index' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=68/80][dd=59/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp_index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp_index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! not valid - int temp_index; temp_index = ((int)temp_index); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','temp_index','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_68_7(){ int temp_index; bzero(&temp_index,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(temp_index); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(temp_index); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(temp_index); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(temp_index); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(temp_index); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(temp_index); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(temp_index); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(temp_index); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(temp_index); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(temp_index); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(temp_index); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(temp_index); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(temp_index); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(temp_index); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(temp_index); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(temp_index); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_68(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_68_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv25': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv27', '', ), ('int', 'tlv26', '', ), ('int', 'tlv25', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv25': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv25': 'int', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv29': 'const char *', 'tlv28': 'const char *', 'tlv28 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv25': 'int', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv29': 'const char *', 'tlv28': 'const char *', 'tlv28 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=0/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv6', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=1/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=4/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=5/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=6/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=7/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=8/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=9/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=10/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=11/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=12/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=13/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=14/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=15/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=19/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=21/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=24/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=27/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=30/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=31/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=34/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=35/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=37/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=38/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=39/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=40/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=42/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=47/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=48/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=50/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=51/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=52/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=53/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=54/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=55/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=56/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=57/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv6' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=72/80][dd=59/78][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv6 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv6 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv6 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv6', None) ... continue! not valid - int tlv6; tlv6 = ((int)tlv6); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv6','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_72_7(){ int tlv6; bzero(&tlv6,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(tlv6); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(tlv6); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(tlv6); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(tlv6); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(tlv6); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(tlv6); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(tlv6); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(tlv6); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv6); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(tlv6); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(tlv6); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(tlv6); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(tlv6); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(tlv6); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(tlv6); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(tlv6); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(tlv6); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_72(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_72_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv25': 'int', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv29': 'const char *', 'tlv28': 'const char *', 'tlv28 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv38': 'const char *', 'tlv38 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv25': 'int', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv29': 'const char *', 'tlv28': 'const char *', 'tlv28 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv38': 'const char *', 'tlv38 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv40': 'void *', 'tlv39': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv40', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv39', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=0/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'endIndex', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'temp_index', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=1/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=4/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=5/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=6/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=7/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=8/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=9/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=10/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=11/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=12/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=13/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=14/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=15/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=19/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=21/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=24/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=27/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=30/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=31/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=34/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=35/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=37/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=38/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=39/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=40/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=42/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=47/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=48/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=50/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=51/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=52/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=53/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=54/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=55/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=56/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=57/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [(] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '(endIndex-temp_index)+1' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=74/80][dd=59/78][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : (,endIndex,-,temp_index,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) endIndex [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'endIndex', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp_index [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'temp_index', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - int endIndex; endIndex = ((int)( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); not valid - int temp_index; temp_index = ((int)( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','endIndex','None','None'); UNIQ_INIT: ('int','temp_index','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_74_1(){ int endIndex; bzero(&endIndex,sizeof(int)); int temp_index; bzero(&temp_index,sizeof(int)); {char * fl; fl = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_74(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_74_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv25': 'int', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv29': 'const char *', 'tlv28': 'const char *', 'tlv28 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'void *', 'tlv12': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv13', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv12', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv25': 'int', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv29': 'const char *', 'tlv28': 'const char *', 'tlv28 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'void *', 'tlv12': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv31': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv31', '', ), ('char', 'tlv30', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=0/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=1/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=4/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=5/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=6/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=7/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=8/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=9/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=10/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=11/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=12/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=13/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=14/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=15/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=19/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=21/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=24/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=27/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=30/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=31/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=34/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=35/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=37/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=38/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=39/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=40/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=42/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=47/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=48/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=50/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=51/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=52/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=53/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=54/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=55/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=56/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=57/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=4/13][j=76/80][dd=59/78][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_76_1(){ {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)('}'); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)('}'); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)('}'); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)('}'); } {char* c ; c = (char*)('}'); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)('}'); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)('}'); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)('}'); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)('}'); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)('}'); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)('}'); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)('}'); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)('}'); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)('}'); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_76(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_76_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv25': 'int', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv29': 'const char *', 'tlv28': 'const char *', 'tlv28 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'void *', 'tlv12': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv31': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv25': 'int', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv29': 'const char *', 'tlv28': 'const char *', 'tlv28 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'void *', 'tlv12': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv31': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'char', 'tlv41': 'const char *', 'tlv41 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'topLevel': 'pstring', 'endIndex': 'int', 'temp_index': 'int', 'newPlanet': 'pPlanet', 'el': 'element', 'fl': 'char *', 'lastGood': 'int', 'c': 'char *', 'c [ ]': 'char', 'i': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv16': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv15': 'int', 'tlv14': 'void * *', 'tlv17': 'pstring', 'tlv9': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int *', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv19': 'pstring', 'tlv18': 'char', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv11': 'pstring', 'tlv10': 'int *', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv25': 'int', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv29': 'const char *', 'tlv28': 'const char *', 'tlv28 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv13': 'void *', 'tlv12': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv31': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('int', 'endIndex', '', ), ('int', 'temp_index', '', ), ('pPlanet', 'newPlanet', '', ), ('char *', 'fl', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('int', 'lastGood', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', ), ('UNDEF', 'topLevel -> index', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pPlanet', '', '', ), ('pPlanet', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_initPlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_incChar( topLevel )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_incChar( topLevel ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_freePlanet( newPlanet ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv36 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv36 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv37 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv37 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv38 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv38 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv41 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv41 ) is a function. Skipping. ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_0(){ string topLevel_ref; bzero(&topLevel_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring topLevel = &topLevel_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(0); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(0); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(0); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(0); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(0); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(0); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(0); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(0); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(0); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(0); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(0); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(0); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(0); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(0); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(0); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(0); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(0); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(0); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(0); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_3(){ string topLevel_ref; bzero(&topLevel_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring topLevel = &topLevel_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(NULL); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(NULL); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(NULL); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(NULL); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(NULL); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(NULL); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(NULL); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(NULL); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(NULL); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(NULL); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(NULL); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(NULL); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(NULL); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(NULL); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_5(){ string topLevel_ref; bzero(&topLevel_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring topLevel = &topLevel_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(topLevel -> index); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(topLevel -> index); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(topLevel -> index); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(topLevel -> index); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(topLevel -> index); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(topLevel -> index); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(topLevel -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(topLevel -> index); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(topLevel -> index); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_3(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_5(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_6(){ int i; bzero(&i,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(i); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(i); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(i); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(i); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(i); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(i); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(i); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(i); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(i); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(i); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(i); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(i); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(i); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(i); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(i); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(i); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(i); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(i); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(i); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(i); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(i); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(i); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(i); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(i); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(i); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(i); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_7(){ int i; bzero(&i,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(8); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(8); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(8); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(8); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(8); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(8); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(8); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(8); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(8); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(8); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(8); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(8); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(8); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(8); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(8); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(8); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(8); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(8); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(8); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(8); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(8); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(8); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(8); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(8); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(8); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(8); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_5_0(){ {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(sizeof ( Planet )); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(sizeof ( Planet )); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_5(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_5_0(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_6_7(){ int tlv1; bzero(&tlv1,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(tlv1); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(tlv1); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(tlv1); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(tlv1); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(tlv1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(tlv1); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(tlv1); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(tlv1); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(tlv1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv1); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(tlv1); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(tlv1); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(tlv1); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(tlv1); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(tlv1); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(tlv1); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(tlv1); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv1); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(tlv1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_6(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_6_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_8_1(){ int lastGood; bzero(&lastGood,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(& lastGood); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(& lastGood); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(& lastGood); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(& lastGood); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(& lastGood); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(& lastGood); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(& lastGood); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(& lastGood); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(& lastGood); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(& lastGood); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(& lastGood); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(& lastGood); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(& lastGood); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(& lastGood); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(& lastGood); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(& lastGood); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(& lastGood); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(& lastGood); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_8(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_8_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_9_7(){ char fl_ref; bzero(&fl_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * fl = &fl_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(fl); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(fl); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(fl); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(fl); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(fl); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(fl); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(fl); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(fl); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(fl); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(fl); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(fl); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(fl); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(fl); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(fl); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(fl); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(fl); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_9(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_9_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_11_0(){ char fl_ref; bzero(&fl_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * fl = &fl_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(fl); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(fl); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(fl); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(fl); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(fl); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(fl); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(fl); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(fl); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(fl); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(fl); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(fl); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(fl); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(fl); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(fl); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(fl); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(fl); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(fl); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(fl); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(fl); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_11(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_11_0(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_12_1(){ char tlv62_ref; bzero(&tlv62_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv62 = &tlv62_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv62 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_12(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_12_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_0(){ Planet newPlanet_ref; bzero(&newPlanet_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet newPlanet = &newPlanet_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_1(){ Planet newPlanet_ref; bzero(&newPlanet_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet newPlanet = &newPlanet_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(20); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(20); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(20); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(20); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(20); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(20); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(20); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(20); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(20); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(20); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(20); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(20); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(20); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(20); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(20); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(20); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(20); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(20); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(20); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(20); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(20); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(20); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(20); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(20); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(20); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(20); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_0(){ Planet newPlanet_ref; bzero(&newPlanet_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet newPlanet = &newPlanet_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(newPlanet -> name); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(newPlanet -> name); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(newPlanet -> name); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_2(){ Planet newPlanet_ref; bzero(&newPlanet_ref,1*sizeof(Planet)); pPlanet newPlanet = &newPlanet_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(19); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(19); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(19); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(19); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(19); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(19); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(19); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(19); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(19); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(19); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(19); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(19); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(19); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(19); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(19); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(19); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(19); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(19); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(19); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(19); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(19); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(19); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(19); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_2(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_20_1(){ char tlv63_ref; bzero(&tlv63_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv63 = &tlv63_ref; {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv63 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_20(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_20_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_55_1(){ {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)('{'); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)('{'); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)('{'); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)('{'); } {char* c ; c = (char*)('{'); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)('{'); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)('{'); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)('{'); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)('{'); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)('{'); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)('{'); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)('{'); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)('{'); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)('{'); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_55(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_55_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_59_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(tlv3); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(tlv3); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(tlv3); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(tlv3); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(tlv3); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(tlv3); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(tlv3); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(tlv3); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv3); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(tlv3); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(tlv3); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_59(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_59_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_60_1(){ {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)('#'); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)('#'); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)('#'); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)('#'); } {char* c ; c = (char*)('#'); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)('#'); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)('#'); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)('#'); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)('#'); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)('#'); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)('#'); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)('#'); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)('#'); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)('#'); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_60(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_60_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_7(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(tlv5); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(tlv5); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(tlv5); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(tlv5); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(tlv5); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(tlv5); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(tlv5); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(tlv5); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv5); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(tlv5); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(tlv5); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_8(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(- 1); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(- 1); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(- 1); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(- 1); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(- 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(- 1); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(- 1); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(- 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(- 1); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(- 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(- 1); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(- 1); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(- 1); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(- 1); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_7(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_8(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_65_1(){ int temp_index; bzero(&temp_index,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(& temp_index); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(& temp_index); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(& temp_index); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(& temp_index); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(& temp_index); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(& temp_index); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(& temp_index); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(& temp_index); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(& temp_index); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(& temp_index); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(& temp_index); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(& temp_index); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(& temp_index); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(& temp_index); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(& temp_index); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(& temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(& temp_index); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(& temp_index); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_65(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_65_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_67_8(){ int endIndex; bzero(&endIndex,sizeof(int)); {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(endIndex); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(endIndex); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(endIndex); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(endIndex); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(endIndex); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(endIndex); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(endIndex); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(endIndex); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(endIndex); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(endIndex); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(endIndex); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(endIndex); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(endIndex); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(endIndex); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(endIndex); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(endIndex); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(endIndex); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(endIndex); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(endIndex); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_67(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_67_8(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_68_7(){ int temp_index; bzero(&temp_index,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(temp_index); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(temp_index); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(temp_index); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(temp_index); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(temp_index); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(temp_index); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(temp_index); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(temp_index); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(temp_index); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(temp_index); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(temp_index); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(temp_index); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(temp_index); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(temp_index); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(temp_index); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(temp_index); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(temp_index); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(temp_index); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(temp_index); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_68(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_68_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_72_7(){ int tlv6; bzero(&tlv6,sizeof(int)); {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)(tlv6); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)(tlv6); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)(tlv6); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(tlv6); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(tlv6); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(tlv6); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(tlv6); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(tlv6); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv6); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(tlv6); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv6); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(tlv6); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(tlv6); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(tlv6); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(tlv6); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(tlv6); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(tlv6); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(tlv6); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv6); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(tlv6); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_72(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_72_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_74_1(){ int endIndex; bzero(&endIndex,sizeof(int)); int temp_index; bzero(&temp_index,sizeof(int)); {char * fl; fl = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char* c ; c = (char*)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)(( endIndex - temp_index ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_74(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_74_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_76_1(){ {int endIndex; endIndex = (int)('}'); } {int temp_index; temp_index = (int)('}'); } {char * fl; fl = (char *)('}'); } {int lastGood; lastGood = (int)('}'); } {char* c ; c = (char*)('}'); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv16; tlv16 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {int tlv15; tlv15 = (int)('}'); } {int * tlv8; tlv8 = (int *)('}'); } {char tlv18; tlv18 = (char)('}'); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)('}'); } {int * tlv10; tlv10 = (int *)('}'); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv25; tlv25 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv13; tlv13 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv12; tlv12 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char tlv30; tlv30 = (char)('}'); } {char * tlv42; tlv42 = (char *)('}'); } {void * tlv33; tlv33 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv32; tlv32 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {int * tlv34; tlv34 = (int *)('}'); } {void * tlv40; tlv40 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv39; tlv39 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv62; tlv62 = (char *)('}'); } {void * tlv45; tlv45 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv44; tlv44 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv48; tlv48 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv47; tlv47 = (char *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv46; tlv46 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv50; tlv50 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv49; tlv49 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv63; tlv63 = (char *)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_76(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_76_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_5(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_8(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_9(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_11(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_12(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_20(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_55(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_59(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_60(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_65(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_67(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_68(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_72(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_74(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_76(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_3(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_5(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_5_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_5(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_6_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_8_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_8(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_9_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_9(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_11_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_11(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_12_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_12(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_20_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_20(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_55_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_55(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_59_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_59(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_60_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_60(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_8(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_65_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_65(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_67_8(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_67(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_68_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_68(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_72_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_72(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_74_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_74(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_76_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_76(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_4(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : char * temp ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : double period ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int start ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int end ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int ps ; def_vars[5]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int pe ; def_vars[6]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; def_vars[7]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv1 ; def_vars[8]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv2 ; def_vars[9]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv3 ; def_vars[10]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv4 ; def_vars[11]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv5 ; def_vars[12]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv6 ; def_vars[13]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv7 ; def_vars[14]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv8 ; def_vars[15]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv9 ; def_vars[16]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv10 ; def_vars[17]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv22 ; def_vars[18]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : char tlv21 ; def_vars[19]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv24 ; def_vars[20]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv23 ; def_vars[21]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv25 ; def_vars[22]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv26 ; def_vars[23]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv29 ; def_vars[24]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv28 ; def_vars[25]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv27 ; def_vars[26]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char * tlv31 = temp ; def_vars[27]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv30 [ ] = "Period" ; def_vars[28]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : void * tlv12 ; def_vars[29]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_size_t tlv11 ; def_vars[30]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv33 ; def_vars[31]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : char tlv32 ; def_vars[32]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv35 ; def_vars[33]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv34 ; def_vars[34]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv14 ; def_vars[35]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int * tlv13 ; def_vars[36]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv36 ; def_vars[37]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv38 ; def_vars[38]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : char tlv37 ; def_vars[39]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv40 ; def_vars[40]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv39 ; def_vars[41]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv42 ; def_vars[42]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : char tlv41 ; def_vars[43]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv44 ; def_vars[44]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv43 ; def_vars[45]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv45 ; def_vars[46]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv48 ; def_vars[47]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv47 ; def_vars[48]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv46 ; def_vars[49]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char * tlv50 = temp ; def_vars[50]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv49 [ ] = "Period" ; def_vars[51]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : void * tlv16 ; def_vars[52]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_size_t tlv15 ; def_vars[53]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv52 ; def_vars[54]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : char tlv51 ; def_vars[55]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv18 ; def_vars[56]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv17 ; def_vars[57]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : pstring tlv55 ; def_vars[58]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv54 ; def_vars[59]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : int tlv53 ; def_vars[60]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char * tlv56 = temp ; def_vars[61]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : void * tlv20 ; def_vars[62]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_size_t tlv19 ; def_vars[63]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : char * tlv75 ; def_vars[64]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : char * tlv76 ; def_vars[65]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : char * tlv77 ; def_vars[66]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; def_vars[67]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; def_vars[68]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; def_vars[69]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; def_vars[70]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; def_vars[71]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; def_vars[72]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Period\"\n" ; def_vars[73]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; def_vars[74]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : void * tlv62 ; def_vars[75]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_size_t tlv61 ; def_vars[76]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[77]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; def_vars[78]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[79]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; def_vars[80]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; def_vars[81]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; def_vars[82]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[83]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; def_vars[84]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[85]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; def_vars[86]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; def_vars[87]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; def_vars[88]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; def_vars[89]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; def_vars[90]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; def_vars[91]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; def_vars[92]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : void * tlv72 ; def_vars[93]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_size_t tlv71 ; def_vars[94]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; def_vars[95]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; def_vars[96]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; def_vars[97]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; def_vars[98]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : char * tlv78 ; def_vars[99]: [cgc_extractPeriod] : : char * tlv79 ; sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=0/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=0/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1.0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=1/100][k=1/6] | type: double ; var : period ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1.0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1.0 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1.0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=2/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=2/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=3/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=3/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=4/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=4/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=5/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=5/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=13/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=13/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=14/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=14/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=15/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=15/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=19/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=19/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=23/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=23/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=24/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=24/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=27/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=27/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=28/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=28/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=30/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=30/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=32/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=32/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=34/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=34/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=37/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=39/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=39/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=41/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=41/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=43/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=43/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=46/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=46/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=47/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=47/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=50/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=50/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=51/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=51/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=53/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=53/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=55/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=55/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=57/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=57/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=58/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=58/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=60/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=60/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=61/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=61/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=62/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=62/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=63/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=63/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=64/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=64/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=69/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=69/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=70/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=70/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=79/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=79/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=80/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=80/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=83/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=83/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=84/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=0/63][dd=84/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 ---- ---- ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_0(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)(NULL); } {int start; start = (int)(NULL); } {int end; end = (int)(NULL); } {int ps; ps = (int)(NULL); } {int pe; pe = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(NULL); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(NULL); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(NULL); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_1(){ {double period; period = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_2(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)(0); } {int start; start = (int)(0); } {int end; end = (int)(0); } {int ps; ps = (int)(0); } {int pe; pe = (int)(0); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(0); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(0); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(0); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(0); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(0); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(0); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(0); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(0); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(0); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(0); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(0); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(0); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(0); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(0); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(0); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(0); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_2(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pstring', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv22', '', ), ('char', 'tlv21', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=0/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=2/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=3/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=4/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=5/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=13/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=14/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=15/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=19/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=23/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=24/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=27/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=28/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=30/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=32/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=34/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=37/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=39/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=41/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=43/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=46/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=47/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=50/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=51/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=53/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=55/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=57/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=58/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=60/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=61/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=62/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=63/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=64/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=69/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=70/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=79/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=80/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=83/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=2/63][dd=84/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_2_1(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)('{'); } {int start; start = (int)('{'); } {int end; end = (int)('{'); } {int ps; ps = (int)('{'); } {int pe; pe = (int)('{'); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)('{'); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)('{'); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)('{'); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_2(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_2_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv24', '', ), ('int', 'tlv23', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=0/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=2/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=3/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=4/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=5/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=8/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=9/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=10/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=11/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=12/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=13/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=14/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=15/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=19/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=23/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=24/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=27/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=28/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=30/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=32/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=34/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=39/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=41/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=43/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=46/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=47/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=50/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=51/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=53/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=55/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=57/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=58/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=60/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=61/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=62/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=63/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=64/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=69/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=70/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=79/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=80/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=83/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=5/63][dd=84/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv23 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_5_1(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)(1); } {int start; start = (int)(1); } {int end; end = (int)(1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_5(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_5_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=0/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv2', None) is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=0/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=2/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=2/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=3/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=3/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=4/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=5/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=8/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=9/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=10/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=11/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=12/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=13/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=13/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=14/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=14/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=15/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=15/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=19/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=19/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=23/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=23/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=24/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=24/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=27/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=27/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=28/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=28/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=30/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=30/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=32/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=32/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=34/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=34/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=37/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=39/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=39/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=41/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=41/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=43/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=43/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=46/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=46/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=47/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=47/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=50/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=50/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=51/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=51/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=53/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=53/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=55/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=55/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=57/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=57/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=58/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=58/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=60/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=60/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=61/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=61/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=62/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=62/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=63/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=63/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=64/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=64/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=69/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=69/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=70/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=70/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=79/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=79/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=80/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=80/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=83/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=83/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=84/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=6/63][dd=84/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv2','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv2','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_6(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(tlv2); } {int start; start = (int)(tlv2); } {int end; end = (int)(tlv2); } {int ps; ps = (int)(tlv2); } {int pe; pe = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(tlv2); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(tlv2); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(tlv2); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_7(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(- 1); } {int start; start = (int)(- 1); } {int end; end = (int)(- 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(- 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(- 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(- 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(- 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv58': 'const char *', 'tlv58 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv25', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv26', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=0/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'end', None) is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=2/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=3/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=6/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=7/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=8/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=9/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=10/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=11/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=12/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=13/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=14/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=15/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=17/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=19/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=23/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=24/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=27/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=28/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=30/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=32/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=34/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=37/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=39/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=41/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=43/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=46/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=47/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=50/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=51/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=53/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=55/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=57/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=58/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=60/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=61/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=62/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=63/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=64/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=69/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=70/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=79/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=80/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=83/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=10/63][dd=84/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! not valid - int end; end = ((int)end); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','end','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_10_6(){ int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(end); } {int start; start = (int)(end); } {int ps; ps = (int)(end); } {int pe; pe = (int)(end); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(end); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(end); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(end); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(end); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(end); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(end); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(end); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(end); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(end); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(end); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(end); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(end); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(end); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(end); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(end); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(end); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(end); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(end); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(end); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(end); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(end); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(end); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(end); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(end); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(end); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(end); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_10(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_10_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv59': 'const char *', 'tlv59 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv29', '', ), ('int', 'tlv28', '', ), ('int', 'tlv27', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=0/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'start', None) is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=2/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=3/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=4/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=5/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=6/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=7/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=8/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=9/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=10/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=11/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=12/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=13/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=14/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=15/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=17/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=19/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=23/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=24/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=27/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=28/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=30/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=32/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=34/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=37/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=39/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=41/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=43/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=46/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=47/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=50/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=51/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=53/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=55/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=57/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=58/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=60/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=61/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=62/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=63/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=64/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=69/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=70/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=79/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=80/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=83/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=12/63][dd=84/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! not valid - int start; start = ((int)start); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','start','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_12_1(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(start); } {int end; end = (int)(start); } {int ps; ps = (int)(start); } {int pe; pe = (int)(start); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(start); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(start); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(start); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(start); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(start); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(start); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(start); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(start); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(start); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(start); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(start); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(start); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(start); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(start); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(start); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(start); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(start); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(start); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(start); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(start); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(start); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(start); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(start); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(start); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(start); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(start); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_12(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_12_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=0/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'temp', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=2/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=3/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=6/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=7/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=8/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=9/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=10/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=11/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=12/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=13/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=14/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=15/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=17/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=19/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=23/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=24/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=27/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=28/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=30/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=32/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=34/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=37/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=39/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=41/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=43/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=46/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=47/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=50/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=51/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=53/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=55/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=57/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=58/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=60/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=61/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=62/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=63/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=64/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=69/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=70/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=79/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=80/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=83/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=13/63][dd=84/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! not valid - char * temp; temp = ((char *)temp); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','temp','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_13_6(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int start; start = (int)(temp); } {int end; end = (int)(temp); } {int ps; ps = (int)(temp); } {int pe; pe = (int)(temp); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(temp); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(temp); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_13(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_13_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=0/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv3', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=2/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=3/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=4/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=5/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=13/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=14/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=15/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=19/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=23/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=24/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=27/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=28/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=30/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=32/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=34/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=37/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=39/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=41/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=43/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=46/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=47/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=50/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=51/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=53/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=55/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=57/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=58/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=60/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=61/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=62/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=63/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=64/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=69/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=70/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=79/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=80/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=83/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=15/63][dd=84/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv3','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_15_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(tlv3); } {int start; start = (int)(tlv3); } {int end; end = (int)(tlv3); } {int ps; ps = (int)(tlv3); } {int pe; pe = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(tlv3); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(tlv3); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_15(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_15_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv62': 'void *', 'tlv61': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv62', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=0/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'temp', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=2/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=3/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=4/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=5/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=6/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=7/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=8/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=9/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=10/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=11/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=12/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=13/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=14/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=15/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=17/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=19/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=23/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=24/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=27/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=28/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=30/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=32/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=34/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=37/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=39/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=41/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=43/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=46/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=47/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=50/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=51/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=53/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=55/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=57/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=58/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=60/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=61/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=62/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=63/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=64/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=69/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=70/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=79/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=80/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=83/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=17/63][dd=84/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! not valid - char * temp; temp = ((char *)temp); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','temp','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_17_0(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int start; start = (int)(temp); } {int end; end = (int)(temp); } {int ps; ps = (int)(temp); } {int pe; pe = (int)(temp); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(temp); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(temp); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_17(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_17_0(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv62': 'void *', 'tlv61': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv78': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv78', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv62', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=0/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv78', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=2/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=3/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=4/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=5/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=6/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=7/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=8/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=9/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=10/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=11/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=12/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=13/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=14/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=15/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=17/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=19/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=23/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=24/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=27/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=28/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=30/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=32/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=34/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=37/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=39/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=41/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=43/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=46/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=47/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=50/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=51/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=53/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=55/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=57/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=58/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=60/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=61/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=62/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=63/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=64/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=69/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=70/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=79/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=80/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=83/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=18/63][dd=84/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv78; tlv78 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv78','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_18_1(){ char tlv78_ref; bzero(&tlv78_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv78 = &tlv78_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_18_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv12', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv75': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv75', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=0/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv75', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=2/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=3/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=4/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=5/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=6/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=7/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=8/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=9/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=10/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=11/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=12/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=13/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=14/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=15/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=17/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=19/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=23/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=24/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=27/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=28/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=30/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=32/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=34/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=37/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=39/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=41/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=43/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=46/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=47/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=50/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=51/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=53/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=55/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=57/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=58/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=60/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=61/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=62/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=63/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=64/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=69/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=70/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=79/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=80/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=83/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=20/63][dd=84/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv75; tlv75 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv75','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_20_1(){ char tlv75_ref; bzero(&tlv75_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv75 = &tlv75_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_20(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_20_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv33', '', ), ('char', 'tlv32', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=0/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=2/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=3/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=4/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=5/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=13/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=14/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=15/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=19/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=23/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=24/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=27/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=28/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=30/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=32/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=34/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=37/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=39/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=41/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=43/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=46/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=47/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=50/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=51/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=53/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=55/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=57/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=58/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=60/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=61/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=62/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=63/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=64/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=69/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=70/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=79/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=80/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=83/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=21/63][dd=84/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_21_1(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)('}'); } {int start; start = (int)('}'); } {int end; end = (int)('}'); } {int ps; ps = (int)('}'); } {int pe; pe = (int)('}'); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)('}'); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)('}'); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)('}'); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_21_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv63 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv35', '', ), ('int', 'tlv34', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=0/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv5', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=2/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=3/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=13/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=14/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=15/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=19/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=23/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=24/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=27/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=28/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=30/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=32/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=34/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=37/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=39/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=41/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=43/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=46/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=47/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=50/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=51/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=53/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=55/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=57/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=58/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=60/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=61/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=62/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=63/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=64/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=69/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=70/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=79/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=80/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=83/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=25/63][dd=84/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv5','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_25_6(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(tlv5); } {int start; start = (int)(tlv5); } {int end; end = (int)(tlv5); } {int ps; ps = (int)(tlv5); } {int pe; pe = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(tlv5); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(tlv5); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_25(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_25_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv64 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv14', '', ), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=0/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'ps', None) is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=2/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=3/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=4/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=5/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=6/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=7/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=8/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=9/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=10/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=11/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=12/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=13/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=14/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=15/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=17/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=19/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=23/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=24/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=27/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=28/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=30/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=32/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=34/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=37/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=39/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=41/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=43/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=46/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=47/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=50/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=51/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=53/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=55/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=57/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=58/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=60/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=61/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=62/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=63/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=64/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=69/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=70/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=79/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=80/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=83/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=27/63][dd=84/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! not valid - int ps; ps = ((int)& ps); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','ps','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_27_1(){ int ps; bzero(&ps,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(& ps); } {int start; start = (int)(& ps); } {int end; end = (int)(& ps); } {int pe; pe = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(& ps); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(& ps); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(& ps); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(& ps); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(& ps); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(& ps); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(& ps); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(& ps); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(& ps); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(& ps); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_27(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_27_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv36', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=0/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'pe', None) is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=2/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=3/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=6/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=7/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=8/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=9/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=10/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=11/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=12/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=13/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=14/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=15/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=17/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=19/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=23/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=24/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=27/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=28/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=30/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=32/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=34/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=37/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=39/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=41/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=43/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=46/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=47/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=50/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=51/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=53/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=55/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=57/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=58/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=60/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=61/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=62/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=63/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=64/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=69/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=70/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=79/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=80/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=83/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=29/63][dd=84/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! not valid - int pe; pe = ((int)pe); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','pe','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_29_6(){ int pe; bzero(&pe,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(pe); } {int start; start = (int)(pe); } {int end; end = (int)(pe); } {int ps; ps = (int)(pe); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(pe); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(pe); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(pe); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(pe); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(pe); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(pe); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(pe); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(pe); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(pe); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(pe); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_29(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_29_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv65 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv38', '', ), ('char', 'tlv37', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv66 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv40', '', ), ('int', 'tlv39', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=0/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv7', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=2/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=3/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=6/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=7/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=8/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=9/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=10/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=11/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=12/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=13/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=14/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=15/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=17/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=19/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=23/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=24/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=27/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=28/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=30/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=32/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=34/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=37/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=39/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=41/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=43/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=46/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=47/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=50/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=51/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=53/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=55/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=57/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=58/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=60/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=61/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=62/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=63/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=64/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=69/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=70/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=79/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=80/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=83/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=35/63][dd=84/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! not valid - int tlv7; tlv7 = ((int)tlv7); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv7','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_35_6(){ int tlv7; bzero(&tlv7,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(tlv7); } {int start; start = (int)(tlv7); } {int end; end = (int)(tlv7); } {int ps; ps = (int)(tlv7); } {int pe; pe = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(tlv7); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(tlv7); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(tlv7); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(tlv7); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_35(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_35_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv67 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv42', '', ), ('char', 'tlv41', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=0/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=2/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=3/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=4/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=5/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=13/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=14/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=15/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=19/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=23/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=24/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=27/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=28/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=30/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=32/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=34/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=37/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=39/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=41/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=43/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=46/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=47/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=50/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=51/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=53/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=55/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=57/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=58/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=60/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=61/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=62/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=63/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=64/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=69/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=70/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=79/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=80/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=83/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=37/63][dd=84/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_37_1(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)('#'); } {int start; start = (int)('#'); } {int end; end = (int)('#'); } {int ps; ps = (int)('#'); } {int pe; pe = (int)('#'); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)('#'); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)('#'); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)('#'); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_37(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_37_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv68 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv44', '', ), ('int', 'tlv43', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv69 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv45', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv70': 'const char *', 'tlv70 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv48', '', ), ('int', 'tlv47', '', ), ('int', 'tlv46', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=0/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv9', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=2/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=3/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=6/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=7/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=8/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=9/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=10/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=11/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=12/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=13/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=14/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=15/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=17/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=19/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=23/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=24/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=27/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=28/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=30/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=32/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=34/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=37/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=39/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=41/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=43/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=46/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=47/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=50/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=51/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=53/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=55/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=57/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=58/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=60/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=61/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=62/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=63/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=64/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=69/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=70/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=79/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=80/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=83/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=48/63][dd=84/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! not valid - int tlv9; tlv9 = ((int)tlv9); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv9','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_48_6(){ int tlv9; bzero(&tlv9,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(tlv9); } {int start; start = (int)(tlv9); } {int end; end = (int)(tlv9); } {int ps; ps = (int)(tlv9); } {int pe; pe = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(tlv9); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(tlv9); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(tlv9); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(tlv9); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_48(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_48_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv72': 'void *', 'tlv71': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv72', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv72': 'void *', 'tlv71': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv79': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv79', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv72', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=0/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv79', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=2/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=3/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=4/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=5/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=6/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=7/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=8/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=9/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=10/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=11/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=12/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=13/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=14/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=15/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=17/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=19/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=23/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=24/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=27/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=28/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=30/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=32/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=34/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=37/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=39/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=41/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=43/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=46/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=47/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=50/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=51/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=53/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=55/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=57/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=58/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=60/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=61/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=62/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=63/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=64/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=69/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=70/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=79/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=80/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=83/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=50/63][dd=84/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv79; tlv79 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv79','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_50_1(){ char tlv79_ref; bzero(&tlv79_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv79 = &tlv79_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_50(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_50_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv16', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv76': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv76', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=0/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv76', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=2/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=3/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=4/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=5/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=6/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=7/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=8/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=9/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=10/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=11/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=12/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=13/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=14/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=15/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=17/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=19/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=23/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=24/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=27/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=28/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=30/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=32/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=34/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=37/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=39/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=41/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=43/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=46/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=47/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=50/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=51/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=53/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=55/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=57/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=58/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=60/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=61/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=62/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=63/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=64/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=69/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=70/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=79/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=80/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=83/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=52/63][dd=84/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv76; tlv76 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv76','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_52_1(){ char tlv76_ref; bzero(&tlv76_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv76 = &tlv76_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_52(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_52_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv52', '', ), ('char', 'tlv51', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv73 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv18', '', ), ('int', 'tlv17', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv55', '', ), ('int', 'tlv54', '', ), ('int', 'tlv53', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=0/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'ps', None) is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=2/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=3/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=4/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=5/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=6/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=7/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=8/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=9/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=10/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=11/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=12/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=13/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=14/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=15/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=17/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=19/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=23/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=24/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=27/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=28/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=30/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=32/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=34/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=37/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=39/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=41/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=43/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=46/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=47/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=50/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=51/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=53/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=55/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=57/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=58/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=60/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=61/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=62/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=63/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=64/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=69/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=70/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=79/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=80/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=83/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=57/63][dd=84/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! not valid - int ps; ps = ((int)ps); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','ps','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_57_1(){ int ps; bzero(&ps,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(ps); } {int start; start = (int)(ps); } {int end; end = (int)(ps); } {int pe; pe = (int)(ps); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(ps); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(ps); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(ps); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(ps); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(ps); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(ps); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(ps); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(ps); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(ps); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(ps); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_57(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_57_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv74': 'const char *', 'tlv74 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv20', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'period': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv22': 'pstring', 'tlv21': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv23': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv34': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv77': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv77', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'period', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=0/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv77', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=2/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=3/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=4/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=5/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=6/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=7/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=8/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=9/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=10/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=11/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=12/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=13/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=14/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=15/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=17/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=19/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=23/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=24/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=27/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=28/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=30/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=32/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=34/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=37/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=39/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=41/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=43/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=46/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=47/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=50/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=51/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=53/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=55/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=57/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=58/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=60/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=61/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=62/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=63/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=64/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=69/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=70/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=79/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=80/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=83/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=5/13][j=62/63][dd=84/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv77; tlv77 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv77','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_62_1(){ char tlv77_ref; bzero(&tlv77_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv77 = &tlv77_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_62(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_62_1(); } ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_0(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)(NULL); } {int start; start = (int)(NULL); } {int end; end = (int)(NULL); } {int ps; ps = (int)(NULL); } {int pe; pe = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(NULL); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(NULL); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(NULL); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_1(){ {double period; period = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_2(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)(0); } {int start; start = (int)(0); } {int end; end = (int)(0); } {int ps; ps = (int)(0); } {int pe; pe = (int)(0); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(0); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(0); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(0); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(0); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(0); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(0); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(0); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(0); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(0); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(0); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(0); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(0); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(0); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(0); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(0); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(0); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_2(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_2_1(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)('{'); } {int start; start = (int)('{'); } {int end; end = (int)('{'); } {int ps; ps = (int)('{'); } {int pe; pe = (int)('{'); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)('{'); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)('{'); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)('{'); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_2(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_2_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_5_1(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)(1); } {int start; start = (int)(1); } {int end; end = (int)(1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_5(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_5_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_6(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(tlv2); } {int start; start = (int)(tlv2); } {int end; end = (int)(tlv2); } {int ps; ps = (int)(tlv2); } {int pe; pe = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(tlv2); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(tlv2); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(tlv2); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_7(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(- 1); } {int start; start = (int)(- 1); } {int end; end = (int)(- 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(- 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(- 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(- 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(- 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_10_6(){ int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(end); } {int start; start = (int)(end); } {int ps; ps = (int)(end); } {int pe; pe = (int)(end); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(end); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(end); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(end); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(end); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(end); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(end); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(end); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(end); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(end); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(end); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(end); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(end); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(end); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(end); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(end); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(end); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(end); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(end); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(end); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(end); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(end); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(end); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(end); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(end); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(end); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(end); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_10(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_10_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_12_1(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(start); } {int end; end = (int)(start); } {int ps; ps = (int)(start); } {int pe; pe = (int)(start); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(start); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(start); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(start); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(start); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(start); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(start); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(start); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(start); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(start); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(start); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(start); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(start); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(start); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(start); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(start); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(start); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(start); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(start); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(start); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(start); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(start); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(start); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(start); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(start); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(start); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(start); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_12(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_12_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_13_6(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int start; start = (int)(temp); } {int end; end = (int)(temp); } {int ps; ps = (int)(temp); } {int pe; pe = (int)(temp); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(temp); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(temp); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_13(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_13_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_15_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(tlv3); } {int start; start = (int)(tlv3); } {int end; end = (int)(tlv3); } {int ps; ps = (int)(tlv3); } {int pe; pe = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(tlv3); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(tlv3); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_15(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_15_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_17_0(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int start; start = (int)(temp); } {int end; end = (int)(temp); } {int ps; ps = (int)(temp); } {int pe; pe = (int)(temp); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(temp); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(temp); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_17(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_17_0(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_18_1(){ char tlv78_ref; bzero(&tlv78_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv78 = &tlv78_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_18_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_20_1(){ char tlv75_ref; bzero(&tlv75_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv75 = &tlv75_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_20(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_20_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_21_1(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)('}'); } {int start; start = (int)('}'); } {int end; end = (int)('}'); } {int ps; ps = (int)('}'); } {int pe; pe = (int)('}'); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)('}'); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)('}'); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)('}'); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_21_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_25_6(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(tlv5); } {int start; start = (int)(tlv5); } {int end; end = (int)(tlv5); } {int ps; ps = (int)(tlv5); } {int pe; pe = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(tlv5); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(tlv5); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_25(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_25_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_27_1(){ int ps; bzero(&ps,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(& ps); } {int start; start = (int)(& ps); } {int end; end = (int)(& ps); } {int pe; pe = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(& ps); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(& ps); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(& ps); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(& ps); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(& ps); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(& ps); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(& ps); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(& ps); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(& ps); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(& ps); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_27(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_27_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_29_6(){ int pe; bzero(&pe,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(pe); } {int start; start = (int)(pe); } {int end; end = (int)(pe); } {int ps; ps = (int)(pe); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(pe); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(pe); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(pe); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(pe); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(pe); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(pe); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(pe); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(pe); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(pe); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(pe); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_29(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_29_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_35_6(){ int tlv7; bzero(&tlv7,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(tlv7); } {int start; start = (int)(tlv7); } {int end; end = (int)(tlv7); } {int ps; ps = (int)(tlv7); } {int pe; pe = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(tlv7); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(tlv7); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(tlv7); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(tlv7); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_35(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_35_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_37_1(){ {char * temp; temp = (char *)('#'); } {int start; start = (int)('#'); } {int end; end = (int)('#'); } {int ps; ps = (int)('#'); } {int pe; pe = (int)('#'); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)('#'); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)('#'); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)('#'); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_37(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_37_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_48_6(){ int tlv9; bzero(&tlv9,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(tlv9); } {int start; start = (int)(tlv9); } {int end; end = (int)(tlv9); } {int ps; ps = (int)(tlv9); } {int pe; pe = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(tlv9); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(tlv9); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(tlv9); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(tlv9); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_48(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_48_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_50_1(){ char tlv79_ref; bzero(&tlv79_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv79 = &tlv79_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_50(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_50_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_52_1(){ char tlv76_ref; bzero(&tlv76_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv76 = &tlv76_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_52(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_52_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_57_1(){ int ps; bzero(&ps,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(ps); } {int start; start = (int)(ps); } {int end; end = (int)(ps); } {int pe; pe = (int)(ps); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(ps); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(ps); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(ps); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(ps); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(ps); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(ps); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(ps); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(ps); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(ps); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(ps); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_57(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_57_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_62_1(){ char tlv77_ref; bzero(&tlv77_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv77 = &tlv77_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv21; tlv21 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv23; tlv23 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv34; tlv34 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv37; tlv37 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv39; tlv39 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_62(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_62_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_2(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_5(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_10(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_12(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_13(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_15(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_17(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_18(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_20(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_21(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_25(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_27(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_29(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_35(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_37(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_48(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_50(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_52(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_57(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_62(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_2_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_5_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_5(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_10_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_10(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_12_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_12(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_13_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_13(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_15_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_15(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_17_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_17(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_18_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_18(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_20_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_20(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_21_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_21(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_25_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_25(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_27_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_27(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_29_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_29(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_35_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_35(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_37_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_37(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_48_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_48(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_50_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_50(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_52_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_52(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_57_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_57(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_62_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_62(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_5(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char * temp ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : double speed ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : register int start ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : register int end ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int ss ; def_vars[5]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int se ; def_vars[6]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv1 ; def_vars[7]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv2 ; def_vars[8]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv3 ; def_vars[9]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; def_vars[10]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv4 ; def_vars[11]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv5 ; def_vars[12]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv6 ; def_vars[13]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv7 ; def_vars[14]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv8 ; def_vars[15]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv9 ; def_vars[16]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv10 ; def_vars[17]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv23 ; def_vars[18]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv25 ; def_vars[19]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char tlv24 ; def_vars[20]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv27 ; def_vars[21]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv26 ; def_vars[22]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv28 ; def_vars[23]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv29 ; def_vars[24]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv32 ; def_vars[25]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv31 ; def_vars[26]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv30 ; def_vars[27]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char * tlv34 = temp ; def_vars[28]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv33 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; def_vars[29]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : void * tlv12 ; def_vars[30]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_size_t tlv11 ; def_vars[31]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : void * tlv14 ; def_vars[32]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_size_t tlv13 ; def_vars[33]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv36 ; def_vars[34]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char tlv35 ; def_vars[35]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv38 ; def_vars[36]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv37 ; def_vars[37]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv39 ; def_vars[38]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv41 ; def_vars[39]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char tlv40 ; def_vars[40]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv43 ; def_vars[41]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv42 ; def_vars[42]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv45 ; def_vars[43]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char tlv44 ; def_vars[44]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv47 ; def_vars[45]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv46 ; def_vars[46]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv48 ; def_vars[47]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv51 ; def_vars[48]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv50 ; def_vars[49]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv49 ; def_vars[50]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char * tlv53 = temp ; def_vars[51]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv52 [ ] = "OrbitSpeed" ; def_vars[52]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : void * tlv16 ; def_vars[53]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_size_t tlv15 ; def_vars[54]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : void * tlv18 ; def_vars[55]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_size_t tlv17 ; def_vars[56]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv55 ; def_vars[57]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char tlv54 ; def_vars[58]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv20 ; def_vars[59]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv19 ; def_vars[60]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : pstring tlv58 ; def_vars[61]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv57 ; def_vars[62]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : int tlv56 ; def_vars[63]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char * tlv59 = temp ; def_vars[64]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : void * tlv22 ; def_vars[65]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_size_t tlv21 ; def_vars[66]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char * tlv82 ; def_vars[67]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char * tlv83 ; def_vars[68]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char * tlv84 ; def_vars[69]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char * tlv85 ; def_vars[70]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char * tlv86 ; def_vars[71]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; def_vars[72]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; def_vars[73]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; def_vars[74]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; def_vars[75]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; def_vars[76]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; def_vars[77]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"OrbitSpeed\"\n" ; def_vars[78]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; def_vars[79]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : void * tlv65 ; def_vars[80]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_size_t tlv64 ; def_vars[81]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : void * tlv67 ; def_vars[82]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_size_t tlv66 ; def_vars[83]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[84]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; def_vars[85]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[86]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; def_vars[87]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; def_vars[88]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; def_vars[89]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[90]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; def_vars[91]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv72 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[92]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv72 ) ; def_vars[93]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; def_vars[94]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; def_vars[95]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; def_vars[96]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; def_vars[97]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; def_vars[98]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; def_vars[99]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : void * tlv77 ; def_vars[100]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_size_t tlv76 ; def_vars[101]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : void * tlv79 ; def_vars[102]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_size_t tlv78 ; def_vars[103]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv80 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; def_vars[104]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv80 ) ; def_vars[105]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : const char tlv81 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; def_vars[106]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : cgc_printf ( tlv81 ) ; def_vars[107]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char * tlv87 ; def_vars[108]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char * tlv88 ; def_vars[109]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char * tlv89 ; def_vars[110]: [cgc_extractOrbitSpeed] : : char * tlv90 ; sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=0/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] unique : ('pstring', 'str', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1.0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=1/111][k=1/8] | type: double ; var : speed ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1.0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1.0 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1.0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=4/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=4/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=4/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=5/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=5/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=5/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=6/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=7/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=8/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=9/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=10/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=11/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=12/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=13/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=14/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=15/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=18/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=18/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=18/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=20/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=24/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=24/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=24/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=25/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=25/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=25/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=28/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=29/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=30/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=30/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=30/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=31/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=31/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=31/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=33/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=33/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=33/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=35/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=35/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=35/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=38/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=38/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=40/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=40/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=40/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=42/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=42/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=42/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=44/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=47/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=47/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=47/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=48/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=48/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=48/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=51/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=52/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=53/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=53/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=53/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=54/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=54/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=54/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=56/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=56/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=56/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=58/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=58/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=58/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=60/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=60/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=60/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=61/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=61/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=61/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=63/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=63/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=63/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=64/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=64/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=64/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=65/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=65/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=65/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=66/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=66/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=66/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=67/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=67/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=67/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=68/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=68/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=68/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=69/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=69/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=69/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=74/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=74/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=74/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=75/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=75/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=75/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=76/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=76/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=76/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=77/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=77/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=77/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=86/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=86/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=86/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=87/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=87/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=87/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=88/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=88/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=88/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=89/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=89/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=89/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=92/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=92/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=92/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=93/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=93/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=93/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=94/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=94/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=94/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=95/111][k=0/8] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=95/111][k=4/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'str->index' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=0/71][dd=95/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ss ; varinfo : ; value_node : str -> index (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : str,->,index => is literal (False) | is operator (False) str [vtype=pstring] not unique: ('pstring', 'str', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) -> => is literal (False) | is operator (False) index [vtype=None] ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pstring','str','None','None'); ptr_t: pstring, base(ptr_t): string ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pstring','str','None','None'); ptr_t: pstring, base(ptr_t): string ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pstring','str','None','None'); ptr_t: pstring, base(ptr_t): string ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('pstring','str','None','None'); ptr_t: pstring, base(ptr_t): string ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_0(){ string str_ref; bzero(&str_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring str = &str_ref; {int ss; ss = (int)(NULL); } {int se; se = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(NULL); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_1(){ string str_ref; bzero(&str_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring str = &str_ref; {double speed; speed = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_4(){ string str_ref; bzero(&str_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring str = &str_ref; {int ss; ss = (int)(0); } {int se; se = (int)(0); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(0); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(0); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(0); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(0); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(0); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(0); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(0); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(0); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(0); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(0); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(0); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_6(){ string str_ref; bzero(&str_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring str = &str_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(str -> index); } {int ss; ss = (int)(str -> index); } {int se; se = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(str -> index); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(str -> index); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(str -> index); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(str -> index); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(str -> index); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(str -> index); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(str -> index); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(str -> index); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(str -> index); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(str -> index); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(str -> index); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(str -> index); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(str -> index); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_4(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pstring', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv23', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv25', '', ), ('char', 'tlv24', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=4/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=5/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=18/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=24/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=25/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=30/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=31/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=33/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=35/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=38/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=40/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=42/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=47/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=48/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=53/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=54/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=56/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=58/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=60/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=61/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=63/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=64/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=65/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=66/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=67/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=68/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=69/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=74/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=75/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=76/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=77/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=86/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=87/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=88/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=89/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=92/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=93/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=94/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=3/71][dd=95/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_3_1(){ {int ss; ss = (int)('{'); } {int se; se = (int)('{'); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)('{'); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_3_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv27', '', ), ('int', 'tlv26', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=4/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=5/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=18/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=20/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=24/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=25/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=30/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=31/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=33/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=35/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=40/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=42/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=47/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=48/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=53/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=54/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=56/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=58/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=60/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=61/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=63/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=64/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=65/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=66/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=67/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=68/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=69/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=74/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=75/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=76/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=77/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=86/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=87/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=88/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=89/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=92/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=93/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=94/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=6/71][dd=95/111][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv26 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_6_1(){ {int ss; ss = (int)(1); } {int se; se = (int)(1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_6(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_6_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=4/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv2', None) is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=4/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=5/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=5/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=18/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=18/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=20/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=24/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=24/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=25/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=25/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=30/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=30/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=31/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=31/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=33/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=33/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=35/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=35/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=38/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=40/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=40/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=42/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=42/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=47/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=47/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=48/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=48/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=53/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=53/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=54/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=54/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=56/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=56/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=58/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=58/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=60/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=60/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=61/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=61/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=63/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=63/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=64/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=64/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=65/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=65/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=66/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=66/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=67/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=67/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=68/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=68/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=69/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=69/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=74/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=74/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=75/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=75/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=76/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=76/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=77/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=77/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=86/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=86/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=87/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=87/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=88/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=88/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=89/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=89/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=92/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=92/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=93/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=93/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=94/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=94/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=95/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=7/71][dd=95/111][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv2','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv2','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_6(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(tlv2); } {int se; se = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(tlv2); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_7(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(- 1); } {int se; se = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(- 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv61 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv28', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv29', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('register int', '', '', ), ('register int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv62 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('register int', '', '', ), ('register int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv32', '', ), ('int', 'tlv31', '', ), ('int', 'tlv30', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=4/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] unique : ('register int', 'start', None) is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=4/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] unique : ('register int', 'end', None) is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=5/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=5/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=18/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=18/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=20/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=20/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=24/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=24/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=25/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=25/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=30/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=30/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=31/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=31/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=33/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=33/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=35/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=35/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=38/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=38/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=40/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=40/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=42/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=42/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=47/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=47/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=48/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=48/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=53/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=53/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=54/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=54/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=56/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=56/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=58/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=58/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=60/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=60/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=61/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=61/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=63/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=63/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=64/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=64/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=65/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=65/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=66/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=66/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=67/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=67/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=68/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=68/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=69/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=69/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=74/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=74/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=75/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=75/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=76/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=76/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=77/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=77/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=86/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=86/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=87/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=87/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=88/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=88/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=89/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=89/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=92/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=92/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=93/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=93/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=94/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=94/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=95/111][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv31 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=13/71][dd=95/111][k=2/9] | type: int ; var : tlv30 ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=register int] not unique: ('register int', 'end', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('register int','start','None','None'); UNIQ_INIT: ('register int','end','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('register int','start','None','None'); UNIQ_INIT: ('register int','end','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_1(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(start); } {int se; se = (int)(start); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(start); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(start); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(start); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(start); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(start); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(start); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(start); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(start); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(start); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(start); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(start); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(start); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(start); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(start); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_2(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(end); } {int se; se = (int)(end); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(end); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(end); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(end); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(end); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(end); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(end); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(end); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(end); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(end); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(end); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(end); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(end); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(end); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(end); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_2(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=4/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'temp', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=5/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=18/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=20/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=24/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=25/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=30/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=31/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=33/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=35/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=38/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=40/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=42/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=47/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=48/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=53/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=54/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=56/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=58/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=60/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=61/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=63/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=64/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=65/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=66/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=67/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=68/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=69/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=74/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=75/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=76/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=77/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=86/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=87/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=88/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=89/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=92/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=93/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=94/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=14/71][dd=95/111][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','temp','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_14_6(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int ss; ss = (int)(temp); } {int se; se = (int)(temp); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_14(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_14_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=4/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv3', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=5/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=18/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=24/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=25/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=30/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=31/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=33/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=35/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=38/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=40/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=42/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=47/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=48/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=53/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=54/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=56/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=58/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=60/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=61/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=63/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=64/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=65/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=66/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=67/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=68/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=69/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=74/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=75/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=76/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=77/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=86/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=87/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=88/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=89/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=92/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=93/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=94/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=16/71][dd=95/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv3','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_16_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(tlv3); } {int se; se = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_16(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_16_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv63 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv63 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv65': 'void *', 'tlv64': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv65', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=4/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'temp', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=5/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=18/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=20/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=24/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=25/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=30/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=31/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=33/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=35/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=38/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=40/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=42/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=47/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=48/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=53/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=54/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=56/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=58/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=60/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=61/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=63/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=64/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=65/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=66/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=67/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=68/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=69/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=74/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=75/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=76/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=77/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=86/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=87/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=88/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=89/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=92/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=93/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=94/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=18/71][dd=95/111][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv65 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','temp','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_18_0(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int ss; ss = (int)(temp); } {int se; se = (int)(temp); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_18_0(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv63 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv65': 'void *', 'tlv64': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv87': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv87', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv64', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv65', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=0/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv87', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=4/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=5/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=6/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=7/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=8/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=9/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=10/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=11/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=12/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=13/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=14/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=15/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=18/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=20/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=24/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=25/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=28/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=29/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=30/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=31/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=33/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=35/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=38/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=40/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=42/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=44/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=47/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=48/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=51/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=52/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=53/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=54/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=56/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=58/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=60/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=61/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=63/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=64/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=65/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=66/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=67/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=68/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=69/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=74/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=75/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=76/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=77/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=86/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=87/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=88/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=89/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=92/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=93/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=94/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv87)' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=19/71][dd=95/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv64 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv87 ) (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv87,) => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv87 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv87', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) not valid - char * tlv87; tlv87 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv87','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_19_1(){ char tlv87_ref; bzero(&tlv87_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv87 = &tlv87_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_19(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_19_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv63 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv65': 'void *', 'tlv64': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'void *', 'tlv66': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv67', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv63 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv65': 'void *', 'tlv64': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv67': 'void *', 'tlv66': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv88': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv88', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv66', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv67', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=0/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv88', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=4/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=5/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=6/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=7/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=8/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=9/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=10/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=11/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=12/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=13/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=14/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=15/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=18/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=20/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=24/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=25/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=28/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=29/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=30/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=31/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=33/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=35/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=38/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=40/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=42/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=44/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=47/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=48/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=51/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=52/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=53/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=54/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=56/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=58/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=60/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=61/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=63/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=64/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=65/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=66/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=67/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=68/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=69/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=74/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=75/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=76/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=77/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=86/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=87/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=88/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=89/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=92/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=93/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=94/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv88)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=21/71][dd=95/111][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv66 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv88,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv88 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv88', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv88; tlv88 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv88','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_21_1(){ char tlv88_ref; bzero(&tlv88_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv88 = &tlv88_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_21_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv12', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv82': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv82', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=0/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv82', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=4/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=5/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=6/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=7/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=8/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=9/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=10/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=11/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=12/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=13/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=14/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=15/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=18/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=20/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=24/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=25/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=28/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=29/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=30/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=31/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=33/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=35/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=38/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=40/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=42/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=44/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=47/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=48/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=51/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=52/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=53/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=54/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=56/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=58/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=60/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=61/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=63/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=64/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=65/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=66/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=67/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=68/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=69/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=74/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=75/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=76/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=77/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=86/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=87/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=88/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=89/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=92/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=93/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=94/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv82)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=23/71][dd=95/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv82,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv82 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv82', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv82; tlv82 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv82','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_23_1(){ char tlv82_ref; bzero(&tlv82_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv82 = &tlv82_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_23(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_23_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv14', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv83': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv83', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv13', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv14', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=0/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv83', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=4/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=5/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=6/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=7/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=8/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=9/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=10/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=11/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=12/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=13/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=14/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=15/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=18/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=20/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=24/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=25/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=28/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=29/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=30/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=31/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=33/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=35/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=38/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=40/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=42/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=44/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=47/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=48/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=51/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=52/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=53/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=54/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=56/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=58/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=60/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=61/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=63/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=64/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=65/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=66/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=67/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=68/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=69/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=74/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=75/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=76/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=77/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=86/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=87/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=88/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=89/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=92/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=93/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=94/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv83)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=25/71][dd=95/111][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv83,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv83 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv83', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv83; tlv83 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv83','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_25_1(){ char tlv83_ref; bzero(&tlv83_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv83 = &tlv83_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_25(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_25_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv36', '', ), ('char', 'tlv35', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=4/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=5/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=18/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=24/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=25/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=30/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=31/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=33/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=35/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=38/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=40/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=42/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=47/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=48/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=53/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=54/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=56/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=58/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=60/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=61/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=63/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=64/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=65/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=66/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=67/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=68/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=69/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=74/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=75/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=76/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=77/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=86/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=87/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=88/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=89/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=92/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=93/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=94/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=26/71][dd=95/111][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv35 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_26_1(){ {int ss; ss = (int)('}'); } {int se; se = (int)('}'); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)('}'); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_26(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_26_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv68 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv38', '', ), ('int', 'tlv37', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=4/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv5', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=5/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=18/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=24/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=25/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=30/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=31/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=33/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=35/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=38/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=40/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=42/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=47/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=48/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=53/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=54/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=56/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=58/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=60/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=61/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=63/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=64/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=65/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=66/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=67/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=68/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=69/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=74/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=75/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=76/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=77/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=86/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=87/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=88/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=89/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=92/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=93/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=94/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=30/71][dd=95/111][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv5','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_30_6(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(tlv5); } {int se; se = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_30(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_30_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv69 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv39', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=0/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'se', None) is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=4/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=5/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=6/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=7/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=8/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=9/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=10/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=11/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=12/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=13/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=14/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=15/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=18/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=20/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=24/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=25/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=28/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=29/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=30/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=31/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=33/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=35/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=38/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=40/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=42/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=44/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=47/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=48/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=51/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=52/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=53/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=54/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=56/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=58/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=60/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=61/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=63/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=64/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=65/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=66/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=67/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=68/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=69/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=74/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=75/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=76/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=77/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=86/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=87/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=88/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=89/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=92/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=93/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=94/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'se' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=33/71][dd=95/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : se (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : se => is literal (False) | is operator (False) se [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'se', None) ... continue! not valid - int se; se = ((int)se); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','se','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_33_7(){ int se; bzero(&se,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(se); } {int ss; ss = (int)(se); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(se); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(se); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(se); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(se); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(se); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(se); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(se); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(se); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(se); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(se); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(se); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(se); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(se); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(se); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(se); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(se); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(se); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(se); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(se); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(se); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(se); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(se); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(se); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(se); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(se); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(se); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(se); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(se); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_33(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_33_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv70': 'const char *', 'tlv70 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv41', '', ), ('char', 'tlv40', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv71': 'const char *', 'tlv71 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv43', '', ), ('int', 'tlv42', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=4/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv7', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=5/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=18/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=20/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=24/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=25/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=30/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=31/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=33/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=35/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=38/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=40/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=42/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=47/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=48/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=53/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=54/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=56/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=58/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=60/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=61/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=63/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=64/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=65/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=66/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=67/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=68/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=69/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=74/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=75/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=76/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=77/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=86/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=87/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=88/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=89/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=92/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=93/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=94/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=39/71][dd=95/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv7','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_39_7(){ int tlv7; bzero(&tlv7,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(tlv7); } {int se; se = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(tlv7); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(tlv7); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_39(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_39_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv72': 'const char *', 'tlv72 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv45', '', ), ('char', 'tlv44', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=4/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=5/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=18/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=24/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=25/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=30/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=31/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=33/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=35/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=38/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=40/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=42/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=47/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=48/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=53/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=54/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=56/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=58/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=60/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=61/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=63/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=64/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=65/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=66/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=67/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=68/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=69/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=74/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=75/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=76/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=77/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=86/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=87/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=88/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=89/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=92/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=93/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=94/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=41/71][dd=95/111][k=1/9] | type: char ; var : tlv44 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_41_1(){ {int ss; ss = (int)('#'); } {int se; se = (int)('#'); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)('#'); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_41(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_41_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv73 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv47', '', ), ('int', 'tlv46', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('register int', '', '', ), ('register int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv74': 'const char *', 'tlv74 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('register int', '', '', ), ('register int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv48', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('register int', '', '', ), ('register int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv75': 'const char *', 'tlv75 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('register int', '', '', ), ('register int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv51', '', ), ('int', 'tlv50', '', ), ('int', 'tlv49', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=4/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv9', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=5/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=18/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=20/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=24/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=25/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=30/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=31/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=33/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=35/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=38/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=40/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=42/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=47/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=48/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=53/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=54/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=56/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=58/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=60/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=61/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=63/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=64/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=65/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=66/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=67/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=68/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=69/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=74/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=75/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=76/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=77/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=86/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=87/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=88/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=89/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=92/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=93/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=94/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=52/71][dd=95/111][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv9','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_52_7(){ int tlv9; bzero(&tlv9,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(tlv9); } {int se; se = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(tlv9); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(tlv9); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_52(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_52_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv77': 'void *', 'tlv76': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv77', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv77': 'void *', 'tlv76': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv89': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv89', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv76', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv77', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=0/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv89', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=4/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=5/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=6/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=7/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=8/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=9/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=10/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=11/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=12/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=13/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=14/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=15/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=18/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=20/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=24/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=25/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=28/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=29/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=30/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=31/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=33/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=35/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=38/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=40/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=42/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=44/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=47/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=48/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=51/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=52/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=53/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=54/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=56/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=58/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=60/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=61/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=63/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=64/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=65/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=66/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=67/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=68/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=69/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=74/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=75/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=76/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=77/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=86/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=87/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=88/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=89/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=92/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=93/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=94/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv89)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=54/71][dd=95/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv76 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv89,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv89 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv89', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv89; tlv89 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv89','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_54_1(){ char tlv89_ref; bzero(&tlv89_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv89 = &tlv89_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_54(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_54_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv77': 'void *', 'tlv76': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv79': 'void *', 'tlv78': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv79', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv77': 'void *', 'tlv76': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv79': 'void *', 'tlv78': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv90': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv90', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv78', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv79', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=0/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv90', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=4/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=5/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=6/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=7/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=8/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=9/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=10/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=11/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=12/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=13/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=14/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=15/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=18/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=20/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=24/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=25/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=28/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=29/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=30/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=31/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=33/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=35/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=38/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=40/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=42/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=44/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=47/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=48/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=51/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=52/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=53/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=54/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=56/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=58/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=60/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=61/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=63/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=64/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=65/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=66/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=67/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=68/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=69/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=74/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=75/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=76/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=77/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=86/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=87/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=88/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=89/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=92/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=93/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=94/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv90)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=56/71][dd=95/111][k=1/12] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv78 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv90,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv90 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv90', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv90; tlv90 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv90','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_56_1(){ char tlv90_ref; bzero(&tlv90_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv90 = &tlv90_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_56(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_56_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv16', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv84': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv84', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=0/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv84', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=4/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=5/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=6/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=7/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=8/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=9/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=10/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=11/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=12/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=13/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=14/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=15/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=18/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=20/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=24/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=25/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=28/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=29/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=30/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=31/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=33/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=35/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=38/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=40/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=42/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=44/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=47/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=48/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=51/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=52/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=53/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=54/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=56/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=58/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=60/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=61/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=63/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=64/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=65/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=66/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=67/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=68/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=69/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=74/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=75/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=76/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=77/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=86/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=87/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=88/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=89/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=92/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=93/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=94/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv84)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=58/71][dd=95/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv84,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv84 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv84', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv84; tlv84 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv84','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_58_1(){ char tlv84_ref; bzero(&tlv84_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv84 = &tlv84_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_58(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_58_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv18', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv85': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv85', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv17', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv18', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=0/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv85', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=4/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=5/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=6/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=7/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=8/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=9/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=10/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=11/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=12/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=13/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=14/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=15/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=18/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=20/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=24/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=25/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=28/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=29/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=30/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=31/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=33/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=35/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=38/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=40/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=42/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=44/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=47/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=48/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=51/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=52/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=53/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=54/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=56/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=58/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=60/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=61/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=63/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=64/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=65/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=66/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=67/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=68/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=69/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=74/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=75/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=76/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=77/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=86/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=87/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=88/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=89/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=92/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=93/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=94/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv85)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=60/71][dd=95/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv85,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv85 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv85', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv85; tlv85 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv85','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_60_1(){ char tlv85_ref; bzero(&tlv85_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv85 = &tlv85_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_60(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_60_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv55', '', ), ('char', 'tlv54', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'char', 'tlv80': 'const char *', 'tlv80 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'char', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv19': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv20', '', ), ('int', 'tlv19', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'char', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv19': 'int', 'tlv58': 'pstring', 'tlv57': 'int', 'tlv56': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv58', '', ), ('int', 'tlv57', '', ), ('int', 'tlv56', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=0/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'ss', None) is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=4/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=5/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=6/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=7/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=8/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=9/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=10/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=11/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=12/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=13/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=14/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=15/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=18/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=20/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=24/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=25/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=28/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=29/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=30/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=31/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=33/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=35/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=38/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=40/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=42/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=44/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=47/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=48/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=51/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=52/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=53/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=54/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=56/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=58/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=60/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=61/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=63/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=64/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=65/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=66/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=67/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=68/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=69/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=74/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=75/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=76/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=77/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=86/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=87/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=88/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=89/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=92/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=93/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=94/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ss' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=65/71][dd=95/111][k=1/10] | type: int ; var : tlv57 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ss (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ss => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ss [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ss', None) ... continue! not valid - int ss; ss = ((int)ss); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','ss','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_65_1(){ int ss; bzero(&ss,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(ss); } {int se; se = (int)(ss); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(ss); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(ss); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(ss); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(ss); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(ss); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(ss); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(ss); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(ss); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(ss); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(ss); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(ss); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(ss); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(ss); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_65(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_65_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'char', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv19': 'int', 'tlv58': 'pstring', 'tlv57': 'int', 'tlv56': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'char', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv19': 'int', 'tlv58': 'pstring', 'tlv57': 'int', 'tlv56': 'int', 'tlv81': 'const char *', 'tlv81 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'char', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv19': 'int', 'tlv58': 'pstring', 'tlv57': 'int', 'tlv56': 'int', 'tlv59': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'char', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv19': 'int', 'tlv58': 'pstring', 'tlv57': 'int', 'tlv56': 'int', 'tlv59': 'const char *', 'tlv22': 'void *', 'tlv21': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv22', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'speed': 'double', 'start': 'register int', 'end': 'register int', 'ss': 'int', 'se': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'int', 'tlv28': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'pstring', 'tlv31': 'int', 'tlv30': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv34': 'const char *', 'tlv33': 'const char *', 'tlv33 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv14': 'void *', 'tlv13': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv37': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'char', 'tlv47': 'pstring', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'pstring', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv49': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv52': 'const char *', 'tlv52 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv18': 'void *', 'tlv17': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'char', 'tlv20': 'pstring', 'tlv19': 'int', 'tlv58': 'pstring', 'tlv57': 'int', 'tlv56': 'int', 'tlv59': 'const char *', 'tlv22': 'void *', 'tlv21': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv86': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv86', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv21', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'speed', '', ), ('register int', 'start', '', ), ('register int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('int', 'se', '', ), ('int', 'ss', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv22', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv72 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv72 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv80 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv80 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv81 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv81 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=0/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv86', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=4/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=5/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=6/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=7/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=8/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=9/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=10/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=11/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=12/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=13/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=14/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=15/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=18/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=20/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=24/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=25/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=28/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=29/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=30/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=31/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=33/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=35/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=38/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=40/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=42/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=44/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=47/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=48/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=51/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=52/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=53/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=54/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=56/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=58/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=60/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=61/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=63/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=64/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=65/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=66/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=67/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=68/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=69/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=74/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=75/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=76/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=77/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=86/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=87/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=88/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=89/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=92/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=93/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=94/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv86)+1' - False OR False [i=6/13][j=70/71][dd=95/111][k=1/10] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv21 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv86,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv86 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv86', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv86; tlv86 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv86','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_70_1(){ char tlv86_ref; bzero(&tlv86_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv86 = &tlv86_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_70(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_70_1(); } ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_0(){ string str_ref; bzero(&str_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring str = &str_ref; {int ss; ss = (int)(NULL); } {int se; se = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(NULL); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_1(){ string str_ref; bzero(&str_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring str = &str_ref; {double speed; speed = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_4(){ string str_ref; bzero(&str_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring str = &str_ref; {int ss; ss = (int)(0); } {int se; se = (int)(0); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(0); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(0); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(0); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(0); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(0); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(0); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(0); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(0); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(0); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(0); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(0); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_6(){ string str_ref; bzero(&str_ref,1*sizeof(string)); pstring str = &str_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(str -> index); } {int ss; ss = (int)(str -> index); } {int se; se = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(str -> index); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(str -> index); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(str -> index); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(str -> index); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(str -> index); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(str -> index); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(str -> index); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(str -> index); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(str -> index); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(str -> index); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(str -> index); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(str -> index); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(str -> index); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(str -> index); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(str -> index); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(str -> index); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(str -> index); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_4(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_3_1(){ {int ss; ss = (int)('{'); } {int se; se = (int)('{'); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)('{'); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_3_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_6_1(){ {int ss; ss = (int)(1); } {int se; se = (int)(1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_6(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_6_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_6(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(tlv2); } {int se; se = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(tlv2); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_7(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(- 1); } {int se; se = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(- 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_1(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(start); } {int se; se = (int)(start); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(start); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(start); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(start); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(start); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(start); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(start); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(start); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(start); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(start); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(start); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(start); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(start); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(start); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(start); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_2(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(end); } {int se; se = (int)(end); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(end); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(end); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(end); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(end); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(end); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(end); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(end); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(end); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(end); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(end); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(end); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(end); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(end); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(end); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_2(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_14_6(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int ss; ss = (int)(temp); } {int se; se = (int)(temp); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_14(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_14_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_16_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(tlv3); } {int se; se = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_16(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_16_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_18_0(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int ss; ss = (int)(temp); } {int se; se = (int)(temp); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_18_0(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_19_1(){ char tlv87_ref; bzero(&tlv87_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv87 = &tlv87_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv87 )); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_19(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_19_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_21_1(){ char tlv88_ref; bzero(&tlv88_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv88 = &tlv88_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv88 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_21_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_23_1(){ char tlv82_ref; bzero(&tlv82_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv82 = &tlv82_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv82 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_23(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_23_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_25_1(){ char tlv83_ref; bzero(&tlv83_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv83 = &tlv83_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv83 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_25(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_25_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_26_1(){ {int ss; ss = (int)('}'); } {int se; se = (int)('}'); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)('}'); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_26(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_26_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_30_6(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(tlv5); } {int se; se = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_30(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_30_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_33_7(){ int se; bzero(&se,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(se); } {int ss; ss = (int)(se); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(se); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(se); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(se); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(se); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(se); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(se); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(se); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(se); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(se); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(se); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(se); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(se); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(se); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(se); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(se); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(se); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(se); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(se); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(se); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(se); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(se); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(se); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(se); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(se); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(se); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(se); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(se); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(se); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(se); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(se); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(se); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_33(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_33_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_39_7(){ int tlv7; bzero(&tlv7,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(tlv7); } {int se; se = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(tlv7); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(tlv7); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_39(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_39_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_41_1(){ {int ss; ss = (int)('#'); } {int se; se = (int)('#'); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)('#'); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_41(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_41_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_52_7(){ int tlv9; bzero(&tlv9,sizeof(int)); {int ss; ss = (int)(tlv9); } {int se; se = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(tlv9); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(tlv9); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_52(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_52_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_54_1(){ char tlv89_ref; bzero(&tlv89_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv89 = &tlv89_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv89 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_54(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_54_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_56_1(){ char tlv90_ref; bzero(&tlv90_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv90 = &tlv90_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv90 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_56(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_56_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_58_1(){ char tlv84_ref; bzero(&tlv84_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv84 = &tlv84_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv84 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_58(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_58_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_60_1(){ char tlv85_ref; bzero(&tlv85_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv85 = &tlv85_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv85 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_60(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_60_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_65_1(){ int ss; bzero(&ss,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(ss); } {int se; se = (int)(ss); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(ss); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(ss); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(ss); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(ss); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(ss); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(ss); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(ss); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(ss); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(ss); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(ss); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(ss); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(ss); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv86; tlv86 = (char *)(ss); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(ss); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(ss); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(ss); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(ss); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_65(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_65_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_70_1(){ char tlv86_ref; bzero(&tlv86_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv86 = &tlv86_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int ss; ss = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int se; se = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char tlv24; tlv24 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv26; tlv26 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv31; tlv31 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv30; tlv30 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv14; tlv14 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv13; tlv13 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char tlv35; tlv35 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv37; tlv37 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char tlv40; tlv40 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv42; tlv42 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char tlv44; tlv44 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv49; tlv49 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv18; tlv18 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv17; tlv17 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char tlv54; tlv54 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv19; tlv19 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv57; tlv57 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {int tlv56; tlv56 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv22; tlv22 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv21; tlv21 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv82; tlv82 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv83; tlv83 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv84; tlv84 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv85; tlv85 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv65; tlv65 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv64; tlv64 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv67; tlv67 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv66; tlv66 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv77; tlv77 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv76; tlv76 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {void * tlv79; tlv79 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv78; tlv78 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv87; tlv87 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv88; tlv88 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv89; tlv89 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } {char * tlv90; tlv90 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv86 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_70(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_70_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_3(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_14(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_16(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_18(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_19(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_21(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_23(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_25(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_26(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_30(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_33(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_39(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_41(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_52(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_54(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_56(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_58(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_60(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_65(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_70(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_4(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_3_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_3(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_6_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_14_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_14(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_16_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_16(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_18_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_18(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_19_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_19(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_21_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_21(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_23_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_23(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_25_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_25(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_26_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_26(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_30_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_30(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_33_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_33(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_39_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_39(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_41_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_41(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_52_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_52(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_54_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_54(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_56_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_56(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_58_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_58(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_60_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_60(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_65_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_65(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_70_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_70(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_6(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : char * temp ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : double aphelion ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int start ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int end ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int ps ; def_vars[5]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int pe ; def_vars[6]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv1 ; def_vars[7]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv2 ; def_vars[8]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv3 ; def_vars[9]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; def_vars[10]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv4 ; def_vars[11]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv5 ; def_vars[12]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv6 ; def_vars[13]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv7 ; def_vars[14]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv8 ; def_vars[15]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv9 ; def_vars[16]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv10 ; def_vars[17]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv21 ; def_vars[18]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv23 ; def_vars[19]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : char tlv22 ; def_vars[20]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv25 ; def_vars[21]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv24 ; def_vars[22]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv26 ; def_vars[23]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv27 ; def_vars[24]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv30 ; def_vars[25]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv29 ; def_vars[26]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv28 ; def_vars[27]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char * tlv32 = temp ; def_vars[28]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv31 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; def_vars[29]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : void * tlv12 ; def_vars[30]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_size_t tlv11 ; def_vars[31]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv34 ; def_vars[32]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : char tlv33 ; def_vars[33]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv36 ; def_vars[34]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv35 ; def_vars[35]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv14 ; def_vars[36]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int * tlv13 ; def_vars[37]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv37 ; def_vars[38]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv39 ; def_vars[39]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : char tlv38 ; def_vars[40]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv41 ; def_vars[41]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv40 ; def_vars[42]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv43 ; def_vars[43]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : char tlv42 ; def_vars[44]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv45 ; def_vars[45]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv44 ; def_vars[46]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv46 ; def_vars[47]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv49 ; def_vars[48]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv48 ; def_vars[49]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv47 ; def_vars[50]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char * tlv51 = temp ; def_vars[51]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv50 [ ] = "Aphelion" ; def_vars[52]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : void * tlv16 ; def_vars[53]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_size_t tlv15 ; def_vars[54]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv53 ; def_vars[55]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : char tlv52 ; def_vars[56]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv18 ; def_vars[57]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv17 ; def_vars[58]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : pstring tlv56 ; def_vars[59]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv55 ; def_vars[60]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : int tlv54 ; def_vars[61]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char * tlv57 = temp ; def_vars[62]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : void * tlv20 ; def_vars[63]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_size_t tlv19 ; def_vars[64]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : char * tlv76 ; def_vars[65]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : char * tlv77 ; def_vars[66]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : char * tlv78 ; def_vars[67]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; def_vars[68]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; def_vars[69]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; def_vars[70]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; def_vars[71]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; def_vars[72]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; def_vars[73]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Aphelion\"\n" ; def_vars[74]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; def_vars[75]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : void * tlv63 ; def_vars[76]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_size_t tlv62 ; def_vars[77]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[78]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; def_vars[79]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[80]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; def_vars[81]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the period data\n" ; def_vars[82]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; def_vars[83]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[84]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; def_vars[85]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[86]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; def_vars[87]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; def_vars[88]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; def_vars[89]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; def_vars[90]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; def_vars[91]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; def_vars[92]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; def_vars[93]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : void * tlv73 ; def_vars[94]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_size_t tlv72 ; def_vars[95]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; def_vars[96]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; def_vars[97]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : const char tlv75 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy period data\n" ; def_vars[98]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv75 ) ; def_vars[99]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : char * tlv79 ; def_vars[100]: [cgc_extractAphelion] : : char * tlv80 ; sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1.0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=1/101][k=1/6] | type: double ; var : aphelion ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1.0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1.0 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1.0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=18/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=18/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=20/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=20/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=24/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=24/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=31/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=31/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=33/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=33/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=38/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=38/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=40/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=40/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=42/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=42/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=44/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=44/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=47/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=47/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=54/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=54/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=58/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=58/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=70/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=70/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=71/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=71/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=80/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=80/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=81/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=85/101][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=0/64][dd=85/101][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 ---- ---- ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_0(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_1(){ {double aphelion; aphelion = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_2(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(0); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(0); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(0); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(0); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(0); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(0); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(0); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(0); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(0); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(0); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(0); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(0); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_2(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pstring', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv21', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv23', '', ), ('char', 'tlv22', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=18/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=20/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=24/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=31/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=33/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=38/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=40/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=42/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=44/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=47/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=54/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=58/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=70/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=71/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=80/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=81/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=3/64][dd=85/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_3_1(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_3_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv58': 'const char *', 'tlv58 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv25', '', ), ('int', 'tlv24', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=18/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=20/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=24/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=31/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=33/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=38/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=40/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=42/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=44/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=47/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=54/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=58/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=70/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=71/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=80/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=6/64][dd=85/101][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_6_1(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_6(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_6_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=18/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv2', None) is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=18/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=20/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=20/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=24/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=24/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=31/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=31/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=33/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=33/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=38/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=38/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=40/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=40/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=42/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=42/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=44/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=44/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=47/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=47/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=54/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=54/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=58/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=58/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=70/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=70/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=71/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=71/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=80/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=80/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=81/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=85/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=7/64][dd=85/101][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv2','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv2','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_6(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_7(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv59': 'const char *', 'tlv59 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv26', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv27', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=18/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'end', None) is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=20/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=24/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=31/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=33/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=38/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=40/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=42/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=44/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=47/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=54/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=58/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=70/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=71/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=80/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=81/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=11/64][dd=85/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','end','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_11_6(){ int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(end); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(end); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(end); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(end); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(end); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(end); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(end); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(end); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(end); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(end); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(end); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(end); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_11(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_11_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv30', '', ), ('int', 'tlv29', '', ), ('int', 'tlv28', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=18/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'start', None) is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=20/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=24/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=31/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=33/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=38/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=40/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=42/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=44/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=47/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=54/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=58/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=70/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=71/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=80/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=81/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=13/64][dd=85/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','start','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_13_1(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(start); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(start); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(start); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(start); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(start); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(start); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(start); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(start); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(start); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(start); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(start); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(start); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_13(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_13_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=18/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'temp', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=20/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=24/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=31/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=33/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=38/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=40/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=42/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=44/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=47/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=54/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=58/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=70/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=71/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=80/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=81/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=14/64][dd=85/101][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','temp','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_14_6(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_14(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_14_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=18/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv3', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=20/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=24/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=31/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=33/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=38/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=40/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=42/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=44/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=47/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=54/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=58/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=70/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=71/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=80/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=81/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=16/64][dd=85/101][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv3','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_16_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_16(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_16_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv61 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv61 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv63': 'void *', 'tlv62': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv63', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=18/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'temp', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=20/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=24/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=31/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=33/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=38/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=40/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=42/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=44/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=47/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=54/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=58/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=70/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=71/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=80/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=81/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=18/64][dd=85/101][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv63 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','temp','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_18_0(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_18_0(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv61 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv63': 'void *', 'tlv62': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv79': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv79', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv62', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv63', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=18/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv79', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=20/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=24/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=31/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=33/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=38/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=40/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=42/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=44/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=47/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=54/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=58/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=70/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=71/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=80/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=81/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=19/64][dd=85/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv79','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_19_1(){ char tlv79_ref; bzero(&tlv79_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv79 = &tlv79_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_19(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_19_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv12', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv76': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv76', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=18/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv76', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=20/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=24/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=31/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=33/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=38/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=40/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=42/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=44/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=47/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=54/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=58/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=70/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=71/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=80/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=81/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=21/64][dd=85/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv76','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_21_1(){ char tlv76_ref; bzero(&tlv76_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv76 = &tlv76_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_21_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv34', '', ), ('char', 'tlv33', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=18/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=20/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=24/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=31/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=33/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=38/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=40/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=42/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=44/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=47/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=54/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=58/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=70/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=71/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=80/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=81/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=22/64][dd=85/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_22_1(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_22(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_22_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv64 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv36', '', ), ('int', 'tlv35', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=18/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv5', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=20/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=24/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=31/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=33/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=38/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=40/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=42/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=44/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=47/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=54/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=58/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=70/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=71/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=80/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=81/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=26/64][dd=85/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv5','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_26_6(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_26(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_26_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv65 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv14', '', ), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=18/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'ps', None) is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=20/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=24/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=31/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=33/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=38/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=40/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=42/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=44/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=47/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=54/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=58/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=70/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=71/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=80/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=81/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=28/64][dd=85/101][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','ps','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_28_1(){ int ps; bzero(&ps,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(& ps); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(& ps); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_28(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_28_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv37', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=18/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'pe', None) is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=20/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=24/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=31/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=33/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=38/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=40/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=42/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=44/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=47/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=54/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=58/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=70/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=71/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=80/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=81/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'pe' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=30/64][dd=85/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : pe (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : pe => is literal (False) | is operator (False) pe [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'pe', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','pe','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_30_6(){ int pe; bzero(&pe,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(pe); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(pe); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_30(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_30_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv66 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv39', '', ), ('char', 'tlv38', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv67 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv41', '', ), ('int', 'tlv40', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=18/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv7', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=20/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=24/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=31/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=33/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=38/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=40/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=42/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=44/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=47/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=54/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=58/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=70/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=71/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=80/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=81/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=36/64][dd=85/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv7','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_36_6(){ int tlv7; bzero(&tlv7,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(tlv7); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_36(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_36_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv68 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv43', '', ), ('char', 'tlv42', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=18/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=20/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=24/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=31/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=33/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=38/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=40/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=42/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=44/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=47/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=54/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=58/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=70/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=71/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=80/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=81/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=38/64][dd=85/101][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv42 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_38_1(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_38(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_38_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv69 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv45', '', ), ('int', 'tlv44', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv70': 'const char *', 'tlv70 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv46', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv71': 'const char *', 'tlv71 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv49', '', ), ('int', 'tlv48', '', ), ('int', 'tlv47', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=18/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv9', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=20/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=24/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=31/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=33/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=38/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=40/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=42/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=44/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=47/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=54/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=58/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=70/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=71/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=80/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=81/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=49/64][dd=85/101][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv9','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_49_6(){ int tlv9; bzero(&tlv9,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(tlv9); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_49(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_49_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv73': 'void *', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv73', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv73': 'void *', 'tlv72': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv80': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv80', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv72', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv73', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=0/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv80', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=2/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=3/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=4/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=5/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=6/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=7/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=8/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=9/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=10/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=11/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=12/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=13/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=14/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=15/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=18/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=20/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=24/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=25/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=28/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=29/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=31/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=33/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=35/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=38/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=40/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=42/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=44/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=47/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=48/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=51/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=52/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=54/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=56/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=58/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=59/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=61/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=62/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=63/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=64/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=65/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=70/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=71/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=80/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=81/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=84/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv80)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=51/64][dd=85/101][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv72 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv80,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv80 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv80', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv80; tlv80 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv80','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_51_1(){ char tlv80_ref; bzero(&tlv80_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv80 = &tlv80_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_51(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_51_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv16', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv77': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv77', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=18/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv77', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=20/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=24/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=31/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=33/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=38/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=40/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=42/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=44/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=47/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=54/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=58/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=70/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=71/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=80/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=81/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=53/64][dd=85/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv77','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_53_1(){ char tlv77_ref; bzero(&tlv77_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv77 = &tlv77_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_53(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_53_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv53': 'pstring', 'tlv52': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv53', '', ), ('char', 'tlv52', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv53': 'pstring', 'tlv52': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv53': 'pstring', 'tlv52': 'char', 'tlv74': 'const char *', 'tlv74 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv53': 'pstring', 'tlv52': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv18', '', ), ('int', 'tlv17', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv53': 'pstring', 'tlv52': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv56': 'pstring', 'tlv55': 'int', 'tlv54': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv56', '', ), ('int', 'tlv55', '', ), ('int', 'tlv54', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=18/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'ps', None) is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=20/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=24/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=31/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=33/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=38/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=40/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=42/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=44/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=47/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=54/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=58/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=70/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=71/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=80/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=81/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! is_func_ [p] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ps' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=58/64][dd=85/101][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv55 ; varinfo : ; value_node : ps (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ps => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ps [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ps', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','ps','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_58_1(){ int ps; bzero(&ps,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(ps); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(ps); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_58(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_58_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv53': 'pstring', 'tlv52': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv56': 'pstring', 'tlv55': 'int', 'tlv54': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv53': 'pstring', 'tlv52': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv56': 'pstring', 'tlv55': 'int', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv75': 'const char *', 'tlv75 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv53': 'pstring', 'tlv52': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv56': 'pstring', 'tlv55': 'int', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv57': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv53': 'pstring', 'tlv52': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv56': 'pstring', 'tlv55': 'int', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv20', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'aphelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv40': 'int', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv43': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'char', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv46': 'pstring', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'int', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv51': 'const char *', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv50 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv53': 'pstring', 'tlv52': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv56': 'pstring', 'tlv55': 'int', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv78': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv78', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'aphelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv75 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv75 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=18/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv78', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=20/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=24/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=31/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=33/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=38/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=40/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=42/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=44/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=47/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=54/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=58/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=70/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=71/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=80/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=81/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=7/13][j=63/64][dd=85/101][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv78','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_63_1(){ char tlv78_ref; bzero(&tlv78_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv78 = &tlv78_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_63(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_63_1(); } ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_0(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(NULL); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(NULL); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_1(){ {double aphelion; aphelion = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_2(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(0); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(0); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(0); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(0); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(0); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(0); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(0); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(0); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(0); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(0); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(0); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(0); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(0); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_2(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_3_1(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)('{'); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)('{'); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)('{'); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_3_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_6_1(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_6(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_6_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_6(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(tlv2); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(tlv2); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_7(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(- 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(- 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_11_6(){ int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(end); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(end); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(end); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(end); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(end); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(end); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(end); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(end); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(end); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(end); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(end); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(end); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(end); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_11(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_11_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_13_1(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(start); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(start); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(start); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(start); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(start); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(start); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(start); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(start); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(start); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(start); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(start); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(start); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(start); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_13(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_13_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_14_6(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_14(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_14_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_16_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(tlv3); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(tlv3); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_16(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_16_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_18_0(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(temp); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(temp); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(temp); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_18_0(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_19_1(){ char tlv79_ref; bzero(&tlv79_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv79 = &tlv79_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_19(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_19_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_21_1(){ char tlv76_ref; bzero(&tlv76_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv76 = &tlv76_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_21_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_22_1(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)('}'); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)('}'); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)('}'); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_22(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_22_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_26_6(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(tlv5); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(tlv5); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_26(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_26_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_28_1(){ int ps; bzero(&ps,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(& ps); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(& ps); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(& ps); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(& ps); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(& ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(& ps); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(& ps); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_28(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_28_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_30_6(){ int pe; bzero(&pe,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(pe); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(pe); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(pe); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(pe); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(pe); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(pe); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(pe); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_30(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_30_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_36_6(){ int tlv7; bzero(&tlv7,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(tlv7); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(tlv7); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(tlv7); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_36(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_36_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_38_1(){ {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)('#'); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)('#'); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)('#'); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_38(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_38_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_49_6(){ int tlv9; bzero(&tlv9,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(tlv9); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(tlv9); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(tlv9); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_49(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_49_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_51_1(){ char tlv80_ref; bzero(&tlv80_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv80 = &tlv80_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int ps; ps = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int pe; pe = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv80 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_51(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_51_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_53_1(){ char tlv77_ref; bzero(&tlv77_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv77 = &tlv77_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_53(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_53_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_58_1(){ int ps; bzero(&ps,sizeof(int)); {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(ps); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(ps); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(ps); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(ps); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(ps); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(ps); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(ps); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_58(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_58_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_63_1(){ char tlv78_ref; bzero(&tlv78_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv78 = &tlv78_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv40; tlv40 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv42; tlv42 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv48; tlv48 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char tlv52; tlv52 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int tlv55; tlv55 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv63; tlv63 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv62; tlv62 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {void * tlv73; tlv73 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv72; tlv72 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {char * tlv80; tlv80 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_63(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_63_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_3(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_11(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_13(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_14(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_16(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_18(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_19(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_21(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_22(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_26(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_28(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_30(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_36(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_38(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_49(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_51(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_53(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_58(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_63(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_3_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_3(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_6_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_11_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_11(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_13_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_13(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_14_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_14(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_16_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_16(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_18_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_18(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_19_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_19(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_21_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_21(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_22_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_22(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_26_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_26(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_28_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_28(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_30_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_30(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_36_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_36(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_38_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_38(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_49_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_49(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_51_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_51(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_53_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_53(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_58_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_58(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_63_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_63(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_7(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : char * temp ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : double perihelion ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int start ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int end ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int ps ; def_vars[5]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int pe ; def_vars[6]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv1 ; def_vars[7]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv2 ; def_vars[8]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv3 ; def_vars[9]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; def_vars[10]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv4 ; def_vars[11]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv5 ; def_vars[12]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv6 ; def_vars[13]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv7 ; def_vars[14]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv8 ; def_vars[15]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv9 ; def_vars[16]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv10 ; def_vars[17]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv21 ; def_vars[18]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv23 ; def_vars[19]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : char tlv22 ; def_vars[20]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv25 ; def_vars[21]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv24 ; def_vars[22]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv26 ; def_vars[23]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv27 ; def_vars[24]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv30 ; def_vars[25]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv29 ; def_vars[26]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv28 ; def_vars[27]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char * tlv32 = temp ; def_vars[28]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv31 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; def_vars[29]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : void * tlv12 ; def_vars[30]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_size_t tlv11 ; def_vars[31]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv34 ; def_vars[32]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : char tlv33 ; def_vars[33]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv36 ; def_vars[34]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv35 ; def_vars[35]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv14 ; def_vars[36]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int * tlv13 ; def_vars[37]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv37 ; def_vars[38]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv39 ; def_vars[39]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : char tlv38 ; def_vars[40]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv40 ; def_vars[41]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv42 ; def_vars[42]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : char tlv41 ; def_vars[43]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv44 ; def_vars[44]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv43 ; def_vars[45]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv45 ; def_vars[46]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv48 ; def_vars[47]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv47 ; def_vars[48]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv46 ; def_vars[49]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char * tlv50 = temp ; def_vars[50]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv49 [ ] = "Perihelion" ; def_vars[51]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : void * tlv16 ; def_vars[52]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_size_t tlv15 ; def_vars[53]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv52 ; def_vars[54]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : char tlv51 ; def_vars[55]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv18 ; def_vars[56]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv17 ; def_vars[57]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : pstring tlv55 ; def_vars[58]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv54 ; def_vars[59]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : int tlv53 ; def_vars[60]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char * tlv56 = temp ; def_vars[61]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : void * tlv20 ; def_vars[62]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_size_t tlv19 ; def_vars[63]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : char * tlv75 ; def_vars[64]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : char * tlv76 ; def_vars[65]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : char * tlv77 ; def_vars[66]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; def_vars[67]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; def_vars[68]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; def_vars[69]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; def_vars[70]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; def_vars[71]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; def_vars[72]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Perihelion\"\n" ; def_vars[73]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; def_vars[74]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : void * tlv62 ; def_vars[75]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_size_t tlv61 ; def_vars[76]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[77]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; def_vars[78]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[79]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; def_vars[80]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the perihelion data\n" ; def_vars[81]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; def_vars[82]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[83]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; def_vars[84]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[85]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; def_vars[86]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; def_vars[87]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; def_vars[88]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; def_vars[89]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; def_vars[90]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; def_vars[91]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; def_vars[92]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : void * tlv72 ; def_vars[93]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_size_t tlv71 ; def_vars[94]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; def_vars[95]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; def_vars[96]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy perihelion data\n" ; def_vars[97]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; def_vars[98]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : char * tlv78 ; def_vars[99]: [cgc_extractPerihelion] : : char * tlv79 ; sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1.0' - False OR False [i=8/13][j=0/64][dd=1/100][k=1/6] | type: double ; var : perihelion ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1.0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1.0 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1.0 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_0_1(){ {double perihelion; perihelion = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_0_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pstring', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv21', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv23', '', ), ('char', 'tlv22', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv25', '', ), ('int', 'tlv24', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv58': 'const char *', 'tlv58 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv26', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv27', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv59': 'const char *', 'tlv59 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv30', '', ), ('int', 'tlv29', '', ), ('int', 'tlv28', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv62': 'void *', 'tlv61': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv62', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv62': 'void *', 'tlv61': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv78': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv78', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv62', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv12', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv75': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv75', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=8/13][j=21/64][dd=18/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv75', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=8/13][j=21/64][dd=20/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=8/13][j=21/64][dd=24/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=8/13][j=21/64][dd=31/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=8/13][j=21/64][dd=33/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=8/13][j=21/64][dd=38/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv75','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_21_1(){ char tlv75_ref; bzero(&tlv75_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv75 = &tlv75_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_21_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv34', '', ), ('char', 'tlv33', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv63 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv36', '', ), ('int', 'tlv35', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv64 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv14', '', ), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv37', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv65 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv39', '', ), ('char', 'tlv38', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv66 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv40', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv67 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv42', '', ), ('char', 'tlv41', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv68 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv44', '', ), ('int', 'tlv43', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv69 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv45', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv70': 'const char *', 'tlv70 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv48', '', ), ('int', 'tlv47', '', ), ('int', 'tlv46', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv72': 'void *', 'tlv71': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv72', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv72': 'void *', 'tlv71': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv79': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv79', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv72', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv16', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv76': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv76', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv52', '', ), ('char', 'tlv51', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv73 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv18', '', ), ('int', 'tlv17', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv55', '', ), ('int', 'tlv54', '', ), ('int', 'tlv53', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv74': 'const char *', 'tlv74 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv20', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'perihelion': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'ps': 'int', 'pe': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv77': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv77', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'perihelion', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'ps', '', ), ('int', 'pe', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_0_1(){ {double perihelion; perihelion = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_0_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_21_1(){ char tlv75_ref; bzero(&tlv75_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv75 = &tlv75_ref; {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_21_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_21(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_0_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_21_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8_21(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_8(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : char * temp ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : double radius ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int start ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int end ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int rs ; def_vars[5]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int re ; def_vars[6]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv1 ; def_vars[7]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv2 ; def_vars[8]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv3 ; def_vars[9]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; def_vars[10]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv4 ; def_vars[11]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv5 ; def_vars[12]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv6 ; def_vars[13]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv7 ; def_vars[14]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv8 ; def_vars[15]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv9 ; def_vars[16]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv10 ; def_vars[17]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv21 ; def_vars[18]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv23 ; def_vars[19]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : char tlv22 ; def_vars[20]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv24 ; def_vars[21]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv25 ; def_vars[22]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv26 ; def_vars[23]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv29 ; def_vars[24]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv28 ; def_vars[25]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv27 ; def_vars[26]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char * tlv31 = temp ; def_vars[27]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv30 [ ] = "Radius" ; def_vars[28]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : void * tlv12 ; def_vars[29]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_size_t tlv11 ; def_vars[30]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv33 ; def_vars[31]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : char tlv32 ; def_vars[32]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv34 ; def_vars[33]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv14 ; def_vars[34]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int * tlv13 ; def_vars[35]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv35 ; def_vars[36]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv37 ; def_vars[37]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : char tlv36 ; def_vars[38]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv38 ; def_vars[39]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv40 ; def_vars[40]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : char tlv39 ; def_vars[41]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv41 ; def_vars[42]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv42 ; def_vars[43]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv45 ; def_vars[44]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv44 ; def_vars[45]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv43 ; def_vars[46]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char * tlv47 = temp ; def_vars[47]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv46 [ ] = "Radius" ; def_vars[48]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : void * tlv16 ; def_vars[49]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_size_t tlv15 ; def_vars[50]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv49 ; def_vars[51]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : char tlv48 ; def_vars[52]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv18 ; def_vars[53]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv17 ; def_vars[54]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : pstring tlv52 ; def_vars[55]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv51 ; def_vars[56]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : int tlv50 ; def_vars[57]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char * tlv53 = temp ; def_vars[58]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : void * tlv20 ; def_vars[59]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_size_t tlv19 ; def_vars[60]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : char * tlv72 ; def_vars[61]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : char * tlv73 ; def_vars[62]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : char * tlv74 ; def_vars[63]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv54 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; def_vars[64]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv54 ) ; def_vars[65]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv55 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; def_vars[66]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv55 ) ; def_vars[67]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv56 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; def_vars[68]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv56 ) ; def_vars[69]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Radius\"\n" ; def_vars[70]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; def_vars[71]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : void * tlv59 ; def_vars[72]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_size_t tlv58 ; def_vars[73]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[74]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; def_vars[75]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv61 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[76]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv61 ) ; def_vars[77]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv62 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the radius data\n" ; def_vars[78]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv62 ) ; def_vars[79]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[80]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; def_vars[81]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[82]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; def_vars[83]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; def_vars[84]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; def_vars[85]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; def_vars[86]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; def_vars[87]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; def_vars[88]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; def_vars[89]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : void * tlv69 ; def_vars[90]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_size_t tlv68 ; def_vars[91]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; def_vars[92]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; def_vars[93]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : const char tlv71 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy radius data\n" ; def_vars[94]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv71 ) ; def_vars[95]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : char * tlv75 ; def_vars[96]: [cgc_extractRadius] : : char * tlv76 ; sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1.0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=1/97][k=1/6] | type: double ; var : radius ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1.0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1.0 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1.0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=4/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=4/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=5/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=5/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=36/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=36/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=39/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=39/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=50/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=50/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=54/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=54/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=59/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=59/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=60/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=60/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=61/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=61/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=66/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=66/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=67/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=76/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=76/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=77/97][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=0/64][dd=77/97][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 ---- ---- ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_0(){ {int rs; rs = (int)(NULL); } {int re; re = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(NULL); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(NULL); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(NULL); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(NULL); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_1(){ {double radius; radius = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_2(){ {int rs; rs = (int)(0); } {int re; re = (int)(0); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(0); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(0); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(0); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(0); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(0); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(0); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_2(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pstring', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv21', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv23', '', ), ('char', 'tlv22', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=4/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=5/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=36/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=39/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=50/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=54/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=59/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=60/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=61/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=66/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=67/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=76/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=3/64][dd=77/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_3_1(){ {int rs; rs = (int)('{'); } {int re; re = (int)('{'); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)('{'); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)('{'); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)('{'); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)('{'); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_3_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv54': 'const char *', 'tlv54 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv24', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=4/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv2', None) is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=4/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=5/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=5/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=36/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=36/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=39/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=39/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=50/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=50/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=54/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=54/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=59/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=59/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=60/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=60/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=61/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=61/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=66/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=66/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=67/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=76/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=76/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=77/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=7/64][dd=77/97][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv2','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv2','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7_6(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(tlv2); } {int re; re = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(tlv2); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(tlv2); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(tlv2); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(tlv2); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(tlv2); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7_7(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(- 1); } {int re; re = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(- 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(- 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(- 1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(- 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv55': 'const char *', 'tlv55 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv25', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv26', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=4/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'end', None) is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=5/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=36/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=39/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=50/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=54/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=59/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=60/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=61/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=66/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=67/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=76/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=11/64][dd=77/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','end','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_11_6(){ int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(end); } {int re; re = (int)(end); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(end); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(end); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(end); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(end); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(end); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_11(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_11_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv56': 'const char *', 'tlv56 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv29', '', ), ('int', 'tlv28', '', ), ('int', 'tlv27', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=4/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'start', None) is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=5/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=36/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=39/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=50/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=54/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=59/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=60/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=61/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=66/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=67/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=76/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=13/64][dd=77/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv28 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','start','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_13_1(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(start); } {int re; re = (int)(start); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(start); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(start); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(start); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(start); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(start); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_13(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_13_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=4/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'temp', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=5/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=36/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=39/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=50/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=54/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=59/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=60/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=61/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=66/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=67/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=76/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=14/64][dd=77/97][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','temp','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_14_6(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int rs; rs = (int)(temp); } {int re; re = (int)(temp); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(temp); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(temp); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(temp); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_14(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_14_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=4/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv3', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=5/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=36/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=39/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=50/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=54/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=59/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=60/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=61/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=66/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=67/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=76/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=16/64][dd=77/97][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv3','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_16_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(tlv3); } {int re; re = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(tlv3); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(tlv3); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(tlv3); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_16(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_16_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv59': 'void *', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv59', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=4/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'temp', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=5/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=36/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=39/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=50/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=54/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=59/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=60/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=61/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=66/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=67/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=76/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=18/64][dd=77/97][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv59 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','temp','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_18_0(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int rs; rs = (int)(temp); } {int re; re = (int)(temp); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(temp); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(temp); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(temp); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_18_0(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv59': 'void *', 'tlv58': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv75': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv75', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv58', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv59', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=4/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv75', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=5/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=36/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=39/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=43/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=50/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=54/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=55/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=59/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=60/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=61/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=66/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=67/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=76/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=19/64][dd=77/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv58 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv75','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_19_1(){ char tlv75_ref; bzero(&tlv75_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv75 = &tlv75_ref; {int rs; rs = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int re; re = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_19(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_19_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv12', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv72': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv72', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=0/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv72', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=2/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=3/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=4/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=5/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=6/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=7/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=8/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=9/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=10/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=11/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=12/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=13/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=14/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=15/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=18/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=23/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=24/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=27/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=28/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=30/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=33/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=36/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=39/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=43/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=44/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=47/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=48/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=50/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=52/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=54/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=55/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=57/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=58/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=59/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=60/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=61/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=66/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=67/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=76/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=77/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=80/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv72)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=21/64][dd=81/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv72,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv72 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv72', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv72; tlv72 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv72','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_21_1(){ char tlv72_ref; bzero(&tlv72_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv72 = &tlv72_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int rs; rs = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int re; re = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_21_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv33', '', ), ('char', 'tlv32', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=4/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=5/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=36/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=39/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=50/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=54/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=59/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=60/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=61/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=66/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=67/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=76/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=22/64][dd=77/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv32 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_22_1(){ {int rs; rs = (int)('}'); } {int re; re = (int)('}'); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)('}'); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)('}'); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)('}'); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)('}'); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_22(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_22_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv34', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=4/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv5', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=5/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=36/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=39/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=50/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=54/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=59/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=60/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=61/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=66/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=67/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=76/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=26/64][dd=77/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv5','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_26_6(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(tlv5); } {int re; re = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(tlv5); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(tlv5); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(tlv5); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_26(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_26_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv61': 'const char *', 'tlv61 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv14', '', ), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=0/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'rs', None) is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=2/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=3/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=4/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=5/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=6/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=7/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=8/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=9/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=10/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=11/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=12/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=13/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=14/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=15/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=18/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=23/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=24/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=27/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=28/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=30/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=33/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=36/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=39/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=43/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=44/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=47/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=48/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=50/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=52/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=54/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=55/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=57/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=58/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=59/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=60/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=61/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=66/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=67/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=76/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=77/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=80/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=28/64][dd=81/97][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! not valid - int rs; rs = ((int)& rs); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','rs','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_28_1(){ int rs; bzero(&rs,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(& rs); } {int start; start = (int)(& rs); } {int end; end = (int)(& rs); } {int re; re = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(& rs); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(& rs); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(& rs); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(& rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(& rs); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(& rs); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(& rs); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(& rs); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(& rs); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(& rs); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(& rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(& rs); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(& rs); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(& rs); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(& rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(& rs); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(& rs); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(& rs); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(& rs); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(& rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(& rs); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(& rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(& rs); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(& rs); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(& rs); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_28(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_28_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv35', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=0/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 're', None) is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=2/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=3/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=4/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=5/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=6/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=7/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=8/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=9/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=10/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=11/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=12/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=13/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=14/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=15/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=18/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=23/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=24/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=27/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=28/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=30/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=33/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=36/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=39/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=43/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=44/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=47/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=48/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=50/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=52/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=54/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=55/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=57/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=58/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=59/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=60/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=61/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=66/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=67/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=76/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=77/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=80/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 're' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=30/64][dd=81/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : re (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : re => is literal (False) | is operator (False) re [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 're', None) ... continue! not valid - int re; re = ((int)re); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','re','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_30_6(){ int re; bzero(&re,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(re); } {int start; start = (int)(re); } {int end; end = (int)(re); } {int rs; rs = (int)(re); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(re); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(re); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(re); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(re); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(re); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(re); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(re); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(re); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(re); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(re); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(re); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(re); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(re); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(re); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(re); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(re); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(re); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(re); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(re); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(re); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(re); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(re); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(re); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(re); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(re); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(re); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(re); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(re); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(re); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(re); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(re); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(re); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(re); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(re); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(re); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(re); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(re); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(re); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_30(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_30_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv62': 'const char *', 'tlv62 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv37', '', ), ('char', 'tlv36', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv63 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv38', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=4/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv7', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=5/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=36/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=39/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=50/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=54/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=59/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=60/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=61/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=66/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=67/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=76/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=36/64][dd=77/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv7','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_36_6(){ int tlv7; bzero(&tlv7,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(tlv7); } {int re; re = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(tlv7); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(tlv7); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(tlv7); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(tlv7); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_36(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_36_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv64 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv40', '', ), ('char', 'tlv39', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=4/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=5/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=36/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=39/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=50/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=54/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=59/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=60/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=61/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=66/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=67/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=76/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=38/64][dd=77/97][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv39 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_38_1(){ {int rs; rs = (int)('#'); } {int re; re = (int)('#'); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)('#'); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)('#'); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)('#'); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)('#'); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_38(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_38_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv65 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv41', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv66 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv42', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv67 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv45', '', ), ('int', 'tlv44', '', ), ('int', 'tlv43', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=4/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv9', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=5/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=36/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=39/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=50/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=54/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=59/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=60/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=61/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=66/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=67/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=76/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=49/64][dd=77/97][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv9','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_49_6(){ int tlv9; bzero(&tlv9,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(tlv9); } {int re; re = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(tlv9); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(tlv9); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(tlv9); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(tlv9); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_49(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_49_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv69': 'void *', 'tlv68': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv69', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv69': 'void *', 'tlv68': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv76': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv76', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv68', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv69', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=4/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv76', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=5/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=36/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=39/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=50/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=54/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=55/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=59/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=60/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=61/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=66/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=67/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=76/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=51/64][dd=77/97][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv68 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv76','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_51_1(){ char tlv76_ref; bzero(&tlv76_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv76 = &tlv76_ref; {int rs; rs = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int re; re = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_51(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_51_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv16', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv73': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv73', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=0/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv73', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=2/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=3/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=4/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=5/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=6/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=7/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=8/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=9/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=10/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=11/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=12/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=13/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=14/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=15/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=18/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=23/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=24/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=27/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=28/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=30/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=33/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=36/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=39/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=43/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=44/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=47/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=48/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=50/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=52/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=54/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=55/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=57/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=58/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=59/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=60/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=61/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=66/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=67/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=76/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=77/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=80/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv73)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=53/64][dd=81/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv73,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv73 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv73', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv73; tlv73 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv73','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_53_1(){ char tlv73_ref; bzero(&tlv73_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv73 = &tlv73_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int rs; rs = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int re; re = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_53(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_53_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv49', '', ), ('char', 'tlv48', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'char', 'tlv70': 'const char *', 'tlv70 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv18', '', ), ('int', 'tlv17', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=4/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=5/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=36/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=39/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=50/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=54/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=59/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=60/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=61/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=66/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=76/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=57/64][dd=77/97][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv17 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_57_1(){ {int rs; rs = (int)(1); } {int re; re = (int)(1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_57(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_57_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'int', 'tlv50': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv52', '', ), ('int', 'tlv51', '', ), ('int', 'tlv50', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=0/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'rs', None) is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=2/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=3/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=4/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=5/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=6/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=7/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=8/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=9/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=10/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=11/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=12/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=13/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=14/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=15/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=18/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=23/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=24/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=27/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=28/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=30/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=33/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=36/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=39/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=43/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=44/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=47/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=48/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=50/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=52/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=54/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=55/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=57/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=58/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=59/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=60/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=61/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=66/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=67/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=76/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=77/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=80/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! is_func_ [r] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'rs' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=58/64][dd=81/97][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv51 ; varinfo : ; value_node : rs (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : rs => is literal (False) | is operator (False) rs [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'rs', None) ... continue! not valid - int rs; rs = ((int)rs); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','rs','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_58_1(){ int rs; bzero(&rs,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(rs); } {int start; start = (int)(rs); } {int end; end = (int)(rs); } {int re; re = (int)(rs); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(rs); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(rs); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(rs); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(rs); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(rs); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(rs); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(rs); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(rs); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(rs); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(rs); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(rs); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(rs); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(rs); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(rs); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(rs); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(rs); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(rs); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(rs); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(rs); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(rs); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_58(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_58_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'int', 'tlv50': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'int', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv71': 'const char *', 'tlv71 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'int', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'int', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv20', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'radius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'rs': 'int', 're': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv24': 'pstring', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'pstring', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv27': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv30': 'const char *', 'tlv30 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv33': 'pstring', 'tlv32': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv35': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv36': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv38': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv39': 'char', 'tlv41': 'pstring', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv44': 'int', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv47': 'const char *', 'tlv46': 'const char *', 'tlv46 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv49': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'int', 'tlv50': 'int', 'tlv53': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv74': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv74', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'radius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'rs', '', ), ('int', 're', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv54 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv54 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv55 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv55 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv56 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv56 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv61 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv61 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv62 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv62 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv71 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv71 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=0/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv74', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=2/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=3/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=4/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=5/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=6/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=7/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=8/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=9/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=10/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=11/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=12/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=13/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=14/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=15/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=18/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=23/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=24/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=27/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=28/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=30/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=33/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=36/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=39/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=43/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=44/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=47/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=48/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=50/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=52/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=54/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=55/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=57/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=58/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=59/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=60/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=61/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=66/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=67/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=76/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=77/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=80/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv74)+1' - False OR False [i=9/13][j=63/64][dd=81/97][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv74,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv74 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv74', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 not valid - char * tlv74; tlv74 = ((char *)cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv74','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_63_1(){ char tlv74_ref; bzero(&tlv74_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv74 = &tlv74_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int rs; rs = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int re; re = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_63(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_63_1(); } ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_0(){ {int rs; rs = (int)(NULL); } {int re; re = (int)(NULL); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(NULL); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(NULL); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(NULL); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(NULL); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(NULL); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(NULL); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(NULL); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_1(){ {double radius; radius = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_2(){ {int rs; rs = (int)(0); } {int re; re = (int)(0); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(0); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(0); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(0); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(0); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(0); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(0); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(0); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(0); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_2(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_3_1(){ {int rs; rs = (int)('{'); } {int re; re = (int)('{'); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)('{'); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)('{'); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)('{'); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)('{'); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)('{'); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)('{'); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)('{'); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_3_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7_6(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(tlv2); } {int re; re = (int)(tlv2); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(tlv2); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(tlv2); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(tlv2); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(tlv2); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(tlv2); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(tlv2); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(tlv2); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(tlv2); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7_7(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(- 1); } {int re; re = (int)(- 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(- 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(- 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(- 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(- 1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(- 1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(- 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(- 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_11_6(){ int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(end); } {int re; re = (int)(end); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(end); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(end); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(end); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(end); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(end); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(end); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(end); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(end); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_11(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_11_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_13_1(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(start); } {int re; re = (int)(start); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(start); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(start); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(start); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(start); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(start); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(start); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(start); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(start); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_13(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_13_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_14_6(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int rs; rs = (int)(temp); } {int re; re = (int)(temp); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(temp); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(temp); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(temp); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_14(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_14_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_16_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(tlv3); } {int re; re = (int)(tlv3); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(tlv3); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(tlv3); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(tlv3); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(tlv3); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(tlv3); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(tlv3); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(tlv3); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_16(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_16_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_18_0(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int rs; rs = (int)(temp); } {int re; re = (int)(temp); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(temp); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(temp); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(temp); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(temp); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(temp); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(temp); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(temp); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_18_0(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_19_1(){ char tlv75_ref; bzero(&tlv75_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv75 = &tlv75_ref; {int rs; rs = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int re; re = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_19(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_19_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_21_1(){ char tlv72_ref; bzero(&tlv72_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv72 = &tlv72_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int rs; rs = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int re; re = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv72 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_21_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_22_1(){ {int rs; rs = (int)('}'); } {int re; re = (int)('}'); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)('}'); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)('}'); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)('}'); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)('}'); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)('}'); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)('}'); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)('}'); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_22(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_22_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_26_6(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(tlv5); } {int re; re = (int)(tlv5); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(tlv5); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(tlv5); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(tlv5); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(tlv5); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(tlv5); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(tlv5); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(tlv5); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_26(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_26_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_28_1(){ int rs; bzero(&rs,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(& rs); } {int start; start = (int)(& rs); } {int end; end = (int)(& rs); } {int re; re = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(& rs); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(& rs); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(& rs); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(& rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(& rs); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(& rs); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(& rs); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(& rs); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(& rs); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(& rs); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(& rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(& rs); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(& rs); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(& rs); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(& rs); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(& rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(& rs); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(& rs); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(& rs); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(& rs); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(& rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(& rs); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(& rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(& rs); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(& rs); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(& rs); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_28(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_28_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_30_6(){ int re; bzero(&re,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(re); } {int start; start = (int)(re); } {int end; end = (int)(re); } {int rs; rs = (int)(re); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(re); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(re); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(re); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(re); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(re); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(re); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(re); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(re); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(re); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(re); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(re); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(re); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(re); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(re); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(re); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(re); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(re); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(re); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(re); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(re); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(re); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(re); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(re); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(re); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(re); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(re); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(re); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(re); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(re); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(re); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(re); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(re); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(re); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(re); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(re); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(re); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(re); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(re); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_30(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_30_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_36_6(){ int tlv7; bzero(&tlv7,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(tlv7); } {int re; re = (int)(tlv7); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(tlv7); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(tlv7); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(tlv7); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(tlv7); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(tlv7); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(tlv7); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(tlv7); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv7); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_36(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_36_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_38_1(){ {int rs; rs = (int)('#'); } {int re; re = (int)('#'); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)('#'); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)('#'); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)('#'); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)('#'); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)('#'); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)('#'); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)('#'); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_38(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_38_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_49_6(){ int tlv9; bzero(&tlv9,sizeof(int)); {int rs; rs = (int)(tlv9); } {int re; re = (int)(tlv9); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(tlv9); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(tlv9); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(tlv9); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(tlv9); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(tlv9); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(tlv9); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(tlv9); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(tlv9); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_49(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_49_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_51_1(){ char tlv76_ref; bzero(&tlv76_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv76 = &tlv76_ref; {int rs; rs = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int re; re = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_51(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_51_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_53_1(){ char tlv73_ref; bzero(&tlv73_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv73 = &tlv73_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int rs; rs = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int re; re = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv73 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_53(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_53_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_57_1(){ {int rs; rs = (int)(1); } {int re; re = (int)(1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(1); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_57(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_57_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_58_1(){ int rs; bzero(&rs,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(rs); } {int start; start = (int)(rs); } {int end; end = (int)(rs); } {int re; re = (int)(rs); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(rs); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(rs); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(rs); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(rs); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(rs); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(rs); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(rs); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(rs); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(rs); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(rs); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(rs); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(rs); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(rs); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(rs); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(rs); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(rs); } {char * tlv74; tlv74 = (char *)(rs); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(rs); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(rs); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(rs); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(rs); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(rs); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_58(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_58_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_63_1(){ char tlv74_ref; bzero(&tlv74_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv74 = &tlv74_ref; {char * temp; temp = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int start; start = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int end; end = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int rs; rs = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int re; re = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv27; tlv27 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char tlv32; tlv32 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char tlv36; tlv36 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char tlv39; tlv39 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv44; tlv44 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char tlv48; tlv48 = (char)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv51; tlv51 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {int tlv50; tlv50 = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char * tlv72; tlv72 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char * tlv73; tlv73 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {void * tlv59; tlv59 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv58; tlv58 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {void * tlv69; tlv69 = (void *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {cgc_size_t tlv68; tlv68 = (cgc_size_t)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(cgc_strlen ( tlv74 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_63(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_63_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_3(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_11(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_13(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_14(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_16(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_18(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_19(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_21(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_22(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_26(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_28(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_30(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_36(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_38(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_49(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_51(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_53(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_57(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_58(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_63(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_3_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_3(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_11_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_11(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_13_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_13(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_14_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_14(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_16_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_16(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_18_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_18(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_19_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_19(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_21_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_21(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_22_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_22(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_26_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_26(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_28_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_28(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_30_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_30(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_36_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_36(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_38_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_38(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_49_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_49(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_51_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_51(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_53_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_53(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_57_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_57(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_58_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_58(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_63_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9_63(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_9(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : char * temp ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : double eradius ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int start ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int end ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int es ; def_vars[5]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int ee ; def_vars[6]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv1 ; def_vars[7]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv2 ; def_vars[8]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv3 ; def_vars[9]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; def_vars[10]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv4 ; def_vars[11]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv5 ; def_vars[12]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv6 ; def_vars[13]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv7 ; def_vars[14]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv8 ; def_vars[15]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv9 ; def_vars[16]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv10 ; def_vars[17]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv21 ; def_vars[18]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv23 ; def_vars[19]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : char tlv22 ; def_vars[20]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv25 ; def_vars[21]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv24 ; def_vars[22]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv26 ; def_vars[23]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv27 ; def_vars[24]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv30 ; def_vars[25]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv29 ; def_vars[26]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv28 ; def_vars[27]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char * tlv32 = temp ; def_vars[28]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv31 [ ] = "ERadius" ; def_vars[29]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : void * tlv12 ; def_vars[30]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_size_t tlv11 ; def_vars[31]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv34 ; def_vars[32]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : char tlv33 ; def_vars[33]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv36 ; def_vars[34]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv35 ; def_vars[35]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv14 ; def_vars[36]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int * tlv13 ; def_vars[37]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv37 ; def_vars[38]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv39 ; def_vars[39]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : char tlv38 ; def_vars[40]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv40 ; def_vars[41]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv42 ; def_vars[42]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : char tlv41 ; def_vars[43]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv44 ; def_vars[44]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv43 ; def_vars[45]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv45 ; def_vars[46]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv48 ; def_vars[47]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv47 ; def_vars[48]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv46 ; def_vars[49]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char * tlv50 = temp ; def_vars[50]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv49 [ ] = "ERadius" ; def_vars[51]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : void * tlv16 ; def_vars[52]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_size_t tlv15 ; def_vars[53]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv52 ; def_vars[54]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : char tlv51 ; def_vars[55]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv18 ; def_vars[56]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv17 ; def_vars[57]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : pstring tlv55 ; def_vars[58]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv54 ; def_vars[59]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : int tlv53 ; def_vars[60]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char * tlv56 = temp ; def_vars[61]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : void * tlv20 ; def_vars[62]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_size_t tlv19 ; def_vars[63]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : char * tlv75 ; def_vars[64]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : char * tlv76 ; def_vars[65]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : char * tlv77 ; def_vars[66]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; def_vars[67]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; def_vars[68]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; def_vars[69]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; def_vars[70]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; def_vars[71]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; def_vars[72]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"ERadius\"\n" ; def_vars[73]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; def_vars[74]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : void * tlv62 ; def_vars[75]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_size_t tlv61 ; def_vars[76]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[77]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; def_vars[78]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[79]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; def_vars[80]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the eradius data\n" ; def_vars[81]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; def_vars[82]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[83]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; def_vars[84]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[85]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; def_vars[86]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; def_vars[87]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; def_vars[88]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; def_vars[89]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; def_vars[90]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; def_vars[91]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; def_vars[92]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : void * tlv72 ; def_vars[93]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_size_t tlv71 ; def_vars[94]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; def_vars[95]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; def_vars[96]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy eradius data\n" ; def_vars[97]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; def_vars[98]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : char * tlv78 ; def_vars[99]: [cgc_extractERadius] : : char * tlv79 ; sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1.0' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=0/64][dd=1/100][k=1/6] | type: double ; var : eradius ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1.0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1.0 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1.0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=0/64][dd=4/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=0/64][dd=4/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 is_func_ [N] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'NULL' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=0/64][dd=5/100][k=0/6] | type: char * ; var : temp ; varinfo : ; value_node : NULL (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : NULL => is literal (False) | is operator (False) NULL [vtype=None] is_func_ [0] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '0' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=0/64][dd=5/100][k=2/6] | type: int ; var : start ; varinfo : ; value_node : 0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 0 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 0 ---- ---- ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_0(){ {int es; es = (int)(NULL); } {int ee; ee = (int)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_1(){ {double eradius; eradius = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_2(){ {int es; es = (int)(0); } {int ee; ee = (int)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_2(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pstring', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv21', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv23', '', ), ('char', 'tlv22', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=3/64][dd=4/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''{'' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=3/64][dd=5/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv22 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '{' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '{' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '{' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_3_1(){ {int es; es = (int)('{'); } {int ee; ee = (int)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_3_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv25', '', ), ('int', 'tlv24', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=6/64][dd=4/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [1] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=6/64][dd=5/100][k=1/8] | type: int ; var : tlv24 ; varinfo : ; value_node : 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : 1 => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_6_1(){ {int es; es = (int)(1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_6(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_6_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=7/64][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv2', None) is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=7/64][dd=4/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv2' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=7/64][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv2 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv2 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv2 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv2', None) ... continue! is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=7/64][dd=5/100][k=7/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv2','None','None'); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv2','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7_6(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(tlv2); } {int ee; ee = (int)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7_7(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(- 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv58': 'const char *', 'tlv58 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv26', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv27', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=11/64][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'end', None) is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'end' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=11/64][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : end (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : end => is literal (False) | is operator (False) end [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'end', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','end','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_11_6(){ int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(end); } {int ee; ee = (int)(end); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_11(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_11_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv59': 'const char *', 'tlv59 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv30', '', ), ('int', 'tlv29', '', ), ('int', 'tlv28', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=13/64][dd=4/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'start', None) is_func_ [s] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'start' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=13/64][dd=5/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv29 ; varinfo : ; value_node : start (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : start => is literal (False) | is operator (False) start [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'start', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','start','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_13_1(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(start); } {int ee; ee = (int)(start); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_13(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_13_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=14/64][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'temp', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=14/64][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: char * ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','temp','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_14_6(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int es; es = (int)(temp); } {int ee; ee = (int)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_14(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_14_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=16/64][dd=4/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv3', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv3' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=16/64][dd=5/100][k=7/9] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv3 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv3 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv3 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv3', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv3','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_16_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(tlv3); } {int ee; ee = (int)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_16(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_16_7(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv62': 'void *', 'tlv61': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv62', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=18/64][dd=4/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'temp', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'temp' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=18/64][dd=5/100][k=0/9] | type: void * ; var : tlv62 ; varinfo : ; value_node : temp (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : temp => is literal (False) | is operator (False) temp [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'temp', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','temp','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_18_0(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int es; es = (int)(temp); } {int ee; ee = (int)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_18_0(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv62': 'void *', 'tlv61': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv78': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv78', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv62', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=19/64][dd=4/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv78', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv78)+1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=19/64][dd=5/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv61 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv78,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv78 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv78', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv78','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_19_1(){ char tlv78_ref; bzero(&tlv78_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv78 = &tlv78_ref; {int es; es = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_19(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_19_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv12', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv75': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv75', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=21/64][dd=4/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv75', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv75)+1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=21/64][dd=5/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv11 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv75,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv75 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv75', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv75','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_21_1(){ char tlv75_ref; bzero(&tlv75_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv75 = &tlv75_ref; {int es; es = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_21_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv34', '', ), ('char', 'tlv33', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=22/64][dd=4/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''}'' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=22/64][dd=5/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv33 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '}' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '}' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '}' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_22_1(){ {int es; es = (int)('}'); } {int ee; ee = (int)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_22(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_22_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv63 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv36', '', ), ('int', 'tlv35', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=26/64][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv5', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv5' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=26/64][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv5 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv5 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv5 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv5', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv5','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_26_6(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(tlv5); } {int ee; ee = (int)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_26(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_26_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv64 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv14', '', ), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=0/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'es', None) is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=2/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=3/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=4/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=5/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=6/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=7/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=8/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=9/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=10/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=11/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=12/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=13/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=14/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=15/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=18/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=20/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=24/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=25/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=28/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=29/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=31/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=33/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=35/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=38/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=41/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=43/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=46/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=47/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=50/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=51/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=53/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=55/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=57/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=58/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=60/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=61/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=62/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=63/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=64/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=69/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=70/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=79/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=80/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=83/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [&] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '&es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=28/64][dd=84/100][k=1/8] | type: int * ; var : tlv13 ; varinfo : ; value_node : & es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : &,es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) & [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! not valid - int es; es = ((int)& es); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','es','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_28_1(){ int es; bzero(&es,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(& es); } {int start; start = (int)(& es); } {int end; end = (int)(& es); } {int ee; ee = (int)(& es); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(& es); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(& es); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(& es); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(& es); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(& es); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(& es); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(& es); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(& es); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(& es); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(& es); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(& es); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(& es); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(& es); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(& es); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(& es); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(& es); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(& es); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(& es); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(& es); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(& es); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(& es); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(& es); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(& es); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(& es); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(& es); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(& es); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_28(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_28_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv37', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=0/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'ee', None) is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=2/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=3/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=6/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=7/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=8/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=9/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=10/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=11/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=12/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=13/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=14/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=15/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=18/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=20/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=24/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=25/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=28/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=29/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=31/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=33/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=35/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=38/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=41/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=43/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=46/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=47/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=50/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=51/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=53/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=55/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=57/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=58/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=60/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=61/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=62/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=63/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=64/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=69/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=70/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=79/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=80/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=83/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'ee' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=30/64][dd=84/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : ee (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : ee => is literal (False) | is operator (False) ee [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'ee', None) ... continue! not valid - int ee; ee = ((int)ee); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','ee','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_30_6(){ int ee; bzero(&ee,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(ee); } {int start; start = (int)(ee); } {int end; end = (int)(ee); } {int es; es = (int)(ee); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(ee); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(ee); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(ee); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(ee); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(ee); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(ee); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(ee); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(ee); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(ee); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(ee); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(ee); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(ee); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(ee); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(ee); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(ee); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(ee); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(ee); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(ee); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(ee); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(ee); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(ee); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(ee); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(ee); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(ee); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(ee); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(ee); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_30(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_30_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv65 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv39', '', ), ('char', 'tlv38', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv66 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv40', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=36/64][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv7', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv7' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=36/64][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv7 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv7 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv7 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv7', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv7','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_36_6(){ int tlv7; bzero(&tlv7,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(tlv7); } {int ee; ee = (int)(tlv7); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_36(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_36_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv67 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv42', '', ), ('char', 'tlv41', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=38/64][dd=4/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] is_func_ ['] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs ''#'' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=38/64][dd=5/100][k=1/8] | type: char ; var : tlv41 ; varinfo : ; value_node : '#' (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : '#' => is literal (False) | is operator (False) '#' [vtype=None] ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_38_1(){ {int es; es = (int)('#'); } {int ee; ee = (int)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_38(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_38_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv68 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv44', '', ), ('int', 'tlv43', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv69 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv45', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv70': 'const char *', 'tlv70 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv48', '', ), ('int', 'tlv47', '', ), ('int', 'tlv46', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=49/64][dd=4/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'tlv9', None) is_func_ [t] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'tlv9' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=49/64][dd=5/100][k=6/8] | type: int ; var : ; varinfo : ; value_node : tlv9 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : tlv9 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv9 [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'tlv9', None) ... continue! ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','tlv9','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_49_6(){ int tlv9; bzero(&tlv9,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(tlv9); } {int ee; ee = (int)(tlv9); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_49(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_49_6(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv72': 'void *', 'tlv71': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv72', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv72': 'void *', 'tlv71': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv79': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv79', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv72', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=51/64][dd=4/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv79', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv79)+1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=51/64][dd=5/100][k=1/11] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv71 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv79,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv79 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv79', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv79','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_51_1(){ char tlv79_ref; bzero(&tlv79_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv79 = &tlv79_ref; {int es; es = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_51(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_51_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv16', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv76': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv76', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=53/64][dd=4/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv76', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv76)+1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=53/64][dd=5/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv15 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv76,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv76 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv76', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv76','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_53_1(){ char tlv76_ref; bzero(&tlv76_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv76 = &tlv76_ref; {int es; es = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_53(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_53_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv52', '', ), ('char', 'tlv51', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv73 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv18', '', ), ('int', 'tlv17', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv55', '', ), ('int', 'tlv54', '', ), ('int', 'tlv53', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=0/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] unique : ('int', 'es', None) is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=2/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=3/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=4/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=5/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=6/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=7/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=8/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=9/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=10/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=11/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=12/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=13/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=14/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=15/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=18/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=20/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=24/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=25/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=28/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=29/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=31/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=33/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=35/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=38/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=41/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=43/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=46/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=47/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=50/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=51/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=53/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=55/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=57/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=58/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=60/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=61/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=62/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=63/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=64/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=69/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=70/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=79/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=80/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=83/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! is_func_ [e] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs 'es' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=58/64][dd=84/100][k=1/9] | type: int ; var : tlv54 ; varinfo : ; value_node : es (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : es => is literal (False) | is operator (False) es [vtype=int] not unique: ('int', 'es', None) ... continue! not valid - int es; es = ((int)es); ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('int','es','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_58_1(){ int es; bzero(&es,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(es); } {int start; start = (int)(es); } {int end; end = (int)(es); } {int ee; ee = (int)(es); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(es); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(es); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(es); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(es); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(es); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(es); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(es); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(es); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(es); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(es); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(es); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(es); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(es); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(es); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(es); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(es); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(es); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(es); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(es); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(es); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(es); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(es); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(es); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(es); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(es); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(es); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(es); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(es); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(es); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(es); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(es); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(es); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(es); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(es); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(es); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(es); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(es); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(es); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(es); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(es); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(es); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_58(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_58_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv74': 'const char *', 'tlv74 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv20', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'eradius': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv77': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv77', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'eradius', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=63/64][dd=4/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] unique : ('char *', 'tlv77', None) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 is_func_ [c] => '[True, False, True]' has_multiptr_refs 'cgc_strlen(tlv77)+1' - False OR False [i=10/13][j=63/64][dd=5/100][k=1/9] | type: cgc_size_t ; var : tlv19 ; varinfo : ; value_node : cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (True) || True )] Subterms : cgc_strlen,(,tlv77,),+,1 => is literal (False) | is operator (False) cgc_strlen [vtype=None] => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ( => is literal (False) | is operator (False) tlv77 [vtype=char *] not unique: ('char *', 'tlv77', None) ... continue! => is literal (False) | is operator (True) ) => is literal (False) | is operator (True) + => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1 ---- UNIQ_INIT: ('char *','tlv77','None','None'); ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_63_1(){ char tlv77_ref; bzero(&tlv77_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv77 = &tlv77_ref; {int es; es = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_63(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_63_1(); } ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_0(){ {int es; es = (int)(NULL); } {int ee; ee = (int)(NULL); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_1(){ {double eradius; eradius = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_2(){ {int es; es = (int)(0); } {int ee; ee = (int)(0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_1(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_2(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_3_1(){ {int es; es = (int)('{'); } {int ee; ee = (int)('{'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_3(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_3_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_6_1(){ {int es; es = (int)(1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_6(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_6_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7_6(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(tlv2); } {int ee; ee = (int)(tlv2); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7_7(){ int tlv2; bzero(&tlv2,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(- 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(- 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_11_6(){ int end; bzero(&end,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(end); } {int ee; ee = (int)(end); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_11(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_11_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_13_1(){ int start; bzero(&start,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(start); } {int ee; ee = (int)(start); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_13(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_13_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_14_6(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int es; es = (int)(temp); } {int ee; ee = (int)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_14(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_14_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_16_7(){ int tlv3; bzero(&tlv3,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(tlv3); } {int ee; ee = (int)(tlv3); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_16(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_16_7(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_18_0(){ char temp_ref; bzero(&temp_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * temp = &temp_ref; {int es; es = (int)(temp); } {int ee; ee = (int)(temp); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_18(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_18_0(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_19_1(){ char tlv78_ref; bzero(&tlv78_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv78 = &tlv78_ref; {int es; es = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv78 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_19(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_19_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_21_1(){ char tlv75_ref; bzero(&tlv75_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv75 = &tlv75_ref; {int es; es = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv75 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_21(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_21_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_22_1(){ {int es; es = (int)('}'); } {int ee; ee = (int)('}'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_22(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_22_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_26_6(){ int tlv5; bzero(&tlv5,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(tlv5); } {int ee; ee = (int)(tlv5); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_26(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_26_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_28_1(){ int es; bzero(&es,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(& es); } {int start; start = (int)(& es); } {int end; end = (int)(& es); } {int ee; ee = (int)(& es); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(& es); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(& es); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(& es); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(& es); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(& es); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(& es); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(& es); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(& es); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(& es); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(& es); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(& es); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(& es); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(& es); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(& es); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(& es); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(& es); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(& es); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(& es); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(& es); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(& es); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(& es); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(& es); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(& es); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(& es); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(& es); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(& es); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(& es); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_28(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_28_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_30_6(){ int ee; bzero(&ee,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(ee); } {int start; start = (int)(ee); } {int end; end = (int)(ee); } {int es; es = (int)(ee); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(ee); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(ee); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(ee); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(ee); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(ee); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(ee); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(ee); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(ee); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(ee); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(ee); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(ee); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(ee); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(ee); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(ee); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(ee); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(ee); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(ee); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(ee); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(ee); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(ee); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(ee); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(ee); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(ee); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(ee); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(ee); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(ee); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(ee); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_30(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_30_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_36_6(){ int tlv7; bzero(&tlv7,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(tlv7); } {int ee; ee = (int)(tlv7); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_36(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_36_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_38_1(){ {int es; es = (int)('#'); } {int ee; ee = (int)('#'); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_38(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_38_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_49_6(){ int tlv9; bzero(&tlv9,sizeof(int)); {int es; es = (int)(tlv9); } {int ee; ee = (int)(tlv9); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_49(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_49_6(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_51_1(){ char tlv79_ref; bzero(&tlv79_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv79 = &tlv79_ref; {int es; es = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv79 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_51(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_51_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_53_1(){ char tlv76_ref; bzero(&tlv76_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv76 = &tlv76_ref; {int es; es = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv76 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_53(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_53_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_58_1(){ int es; bzero(&es,sizeof(int)); {char * temp; temp = (char *)(es); } {int start; start = (int)(es); } {int end; end = (int)(es); } {int ee; ee = (int)(es); } {int tlv1; tlv1 = (int)(es); } {int tlv2; tlv2 = (int)(es); } {int tlv3; tlv3 = (int)(es); } {int tlv4; tlv4 = (int)(es); } {int tlv5; tlv5 = (int)(es); } {int tlv6; tlv6 = (int)(es); } {int tlv7; tlv7 = (int)(es); } {int tlv8; tlv8 = (int)(es); } {int tlv9; tlv9 = (int)(es); } {int tlv10; tlv10 = (int)(es); } {char tlv22; tlv22 = (char)(es); } {int tlv24; tlv24 = (int)(es); } {int tlv29; tlv29 = (int)(es); } {int tlv28; tlv28 = (int)(es); } {void * tlv12; tlv12 = (void *)(es); } {cgc_size_t tlv11; tlv11 = (cgc_size_t)(es); } {char tlv33; tlv33 = (char)(es); } {int tlv35; tlv35 = (int)(es); } {int * tlv13; tlv13 = (int *)(es); } {char tlv38; tlv38 = (char)(es); } {char tlv41; tlv41 = (char)(es); } {int tlv43; tlv43 = (int)(es); } {int tlv47; tlv47 = (int)(es); } {int tlv46; tlv46 = (int)(es); } {void * tlv16; tlv16 = (void *)(es); } {cgc_size_t tlv15; tlv15 = (cgc_size_t)(es); } {char tlv51; tlv51 = (char)(es); } {int tlv17; tlv17 = (int)(es); } {int tlv54; tlv54 = (int)(es); } {int tlv53; tlv53 = (int)(es); } {void * tlv20; tlv20 = (void *)(es); } {cgc_size_t tlv19; tlv19 = (cgc_size_t)(es); } {char * tlv75; tlv75 = (char *)(es); } {char * tlv76; tlv76 = (char *)(es); } {char * tlv77; tlv77 = (char *)(es); } {void * tlv62; tlv62 = (void *)(es); } {cgc_size_t tlv61; tlv61 = (cgc_size_t)(es); } {void * tlv72; tlv72 = (void *)(es); } {cgc_size_t tlv71; tlv71 = (cgc_size_t)(es); } {char * tlv78; tlv78 = (char *)(es); } {char * tlv79; tlv79 = (char *)(es); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_58(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_58_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_63_1(){ char tlv77_ref; bzero(&tlv77_ref,1*sizeof(char)); char * tlv77 = &tlv77_ref; {int es; es = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } {int ee; ee = (int)(cgc_strlen ( tlv77 ) + 1); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_63(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_63_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_3(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_6(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_11(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_13(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_14(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_16(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_18(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_19(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_21(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_22(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_26(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_28(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_30(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_36(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_38(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_49(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_51(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_53(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_58(); fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_63(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0_2(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_3_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_3(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_6_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_11_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_11(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_13_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_13(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_14_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_14(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_16_7(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_16(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_18_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_18(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_19_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_19(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_21_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_21(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_22_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_22(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_26_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_26(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_28_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_28(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_30_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_30(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_36_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_36(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_38_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_38(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_49_6(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_49(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_51_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_51(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_53_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_53(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_58_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_58(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_63_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10_63(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_10(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_extractMass] : : char * temp ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_extractMass] : : double mass ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int start ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int end ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int es ; def_vars[5]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int ee ; def_vars[6]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv1 ; def_vars[7]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv2 ; def_vars[8]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv3 ; def_vars[9]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; def_vars[10]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv4 ; def_vars[11]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv5 ; def_vars[12]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv6 ; def_vars[13]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv7 ; def_vars[14]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv8 ; def_vars[15]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv9 ; def_vars[16]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv10 ; def_vars[17]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv21 ; def_vars[18]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv23 ; def_vars[19]: [cgc_extractMass] : : char tlv22 ; def_vars[20]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv25 ; def_vars[21]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv24 ; def_vars[22]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv26 ; def_vars[23]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv27 ; def_vars[24]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv30 ; def_vars[25]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv29 ; def_vars[26]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv28 ; def_vars[27]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char * tlv32 = temp ; def_vars[28]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv31 [ ] = "Mass" ; def_vars[29]: [cgc_extractMass] : : void * tlv12 ; def_vars[30]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_size_t tlv11 ; def_vars[31]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv34 ; def_vars[32]: [cgc_extractMass] : : char tlv33 ; def_vars[33]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv36 ; def_vars[34]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv35 ; def_vars[35]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv14 ; def_vars[36]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int * tlv13 ; def_vars[37]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv37 ; def_vars[38]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv39 ; def_vars[39]: [cgc_extractMass] : : char tlv38 ; def_vars[40]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv40 ; def_vars[41]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv42 ; def_vars[42]: [cgc_extractMass] : : char tlv41 ; def_vars[43]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv44 ; def_vars[44]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv43 ; def_vars[45]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv45 ; def_vars[46]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv48 ; def_vars[47]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv47 ; def_vars[48]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv46 ; def_vars[49]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char * tlv50 = temp ; def_vars[50]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv49 [ ] = "Mass" ; def_vars[51]: [cgc_extractMass] : : void * tlv16 ; def_vars[52]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_size_t tlv15 ; def_vars[53]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv52 ; def_vars[54]: [cgc_extractMass] : : char tlv51 ; def_vars[55]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv18 ; def_vars[56]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv17 ; def_vars[57]: [cgc_extractMass] : : pstring tlv55 ; def_vars[58]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv54 ; def_vars[59]: [cgc_extractMass] : : int tlv53 ; def_vars[60]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char * tlv56 = temp ; def_vars[61]: [cgc_extractMass] : : void * tlv20 ; def_vars[62]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_size_t tlv19 ; def_vars[63]: [cgc_extractMass] : : char * tlv75 ; def_vars[64]: [cgc_extractMass] : : char * tlv76 ; def_vars[65]: [cgc_extractMass] : : char * tlv77 ; def_vars[66]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; def_vars[67]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; def_vars[68]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; def_vars[69]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; def_vars[70]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; def_vars[71]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; def_vars[72]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Mass\"\n" ; def_vars[73]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; def_vars[74]: [cgc_extractMass] : : void * tlv62 ; def_vars[75]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_size_t tlv61 ; def_vars[76]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[77]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; def_vars[78]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[79]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; def_vars[80]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the mass data\n" ; def_vars[81]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; def_vars[82]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[83]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; def_vars[84]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[85]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; def_vars[86]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; def_vars[87]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; def_vars[88]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; def_vars[89]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; def_vars[90]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; def_vars[91]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; def_vars[92]: [cgc_extractMass] : : void * tlv72 ; def_vars[93]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_size_t tlv71 ; def_vars[94]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; def_vars[95]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; def_vars[96]: [cgc_extractMass] : : const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy mass data\n" ; def_vars[97]: [cgc_extractMass] : : cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; def_vars[98]: [cgc_extractMass] : : char * tlv78 ; def_vars[99]: [cgc_extractMass] : : char * tlv79 ; sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1.0' - False OR False [i=11/13][j=0/64][dd=1/100][k=1/6] | type: double ; var : mass ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1.0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1.0 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1.0 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_11_0_1(){ {double mass; mass = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_11_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_11_0_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pstring', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv21', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv23', '', ), ('char', 'tlv22', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv25', '', ), ('int', 'tlv24', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv58': 'const char *', 'tlv58 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv26', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv27', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv59': 'const char *', 'tlv59 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv30', '', ), ('int', 'tlv29', '', ), ('int', 'tlv28', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv62': 'void *', 'tlv61': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv62', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv62': 'void *', 'tlv61': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv78': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv78', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv62', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv12', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv75': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv75', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv34', '', ), ('char', 'tlv33', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv63 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv36', '', ), ('int', 'tlv35', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv64 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv14', '', ), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv37', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv65 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv39', '', ), ('char', 'tlv38', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv66 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv40', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv67 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv42', '', ), ('char', 'tlv41', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv68 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv44', '', ), ('int', 'tlv43', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv69 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv45', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv70': 'const char *', 'tlv70 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv48', '', ), ('int', 'tlv47', '', ), ('int', 'tlv46', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv72': 'void *', 'tlv71': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv72', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv72': 'void *', 'tlv71': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv79': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv79', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv72', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv16', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv76': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv76', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv52', '', ), ('char', 'tlv51', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv73 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv18', '', ), ('int', 'tlv17', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv55', '', ), ('int', 'tlv54', '', ), ('int', 'tlv53', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv74': 'const char *', 'tlv74 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv20', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'mass': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv77': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv77', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'mass', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_11_0_1(){ {double mass; mass = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_11_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_11_0_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_11(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_11_0(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_11_0_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_11_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_11(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- def_vars[0]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : char * temp ; def_vars[1]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : double gravity ; def_vars[2]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int start ; def_vars[3]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int end ; def_vars[4]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int es ; def_vars[5]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int ee ; def_vars[6]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv1 ; def_vars[7]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv2 ; def_vars[8]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv3 ; def_vars[9]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_skipWhiteSpace ( str ) ; def_vars[10]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv4 ; def_vars[11]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv5 ; def_vars[12]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv6 ; def_vars[13]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv7 ; def_vars[14]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv8 ; def_vars[15]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv9 ; def_vars[16]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv10 ; def_vars[17]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv21 ; def_vars[18]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv23 ; def_vars[19]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : char tlv22 ; def_vars[20]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv25 ; def_vars[21]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv24 ; def_vars[22]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv26 ; def_vars[23]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv27 ; def_vars[24]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv30 ; def_vars[25]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv29 ; def_vars[26]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv28 ; def_vars[27]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char * tlv32 = temp ; def_vars[28]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv31 [ ] = "Gravity" ; def_vars[29]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : void * tlv12 ; def_vars[30]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_size_t tlv11 ; def_vars[31]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv34 ; def_vars[32]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : char tlv33 ; def_vars[33]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv36 ; def_vars[34]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv35 ; def_vars[35]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv14 ; def_vars[36]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int * tlv13 ; def_vars[37]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv37 ; def_vars[38]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv39 ; def_vars[39]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : char tlv38 ; def_vars[40]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv40 ; def_vars[41]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv42 ; def_vars[42]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : char tlv41 ; def_vars[43]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv44 ; def_vars[44]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv43 ; def_vars[45]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv45 ; def_vars[46]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv48 ; def_vars[47]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv47 ; def_vars[48]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv46 ; def_vars[49]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char * tlv50 = temp ; def_vars[50]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv49 [ ] = "Gravity" ; def_vars[51]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : void * tlv16 ; def_vars[52]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_size_t tlv15 ; def_vars[53]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv52 ; def_vars[54]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : char tlv51 ; def_vars[55]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv18 ; def_vars[56]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv17 ; def_vars[57]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : pstring tlv55 ; def_vars[58]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv54 ; def_vars[59]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : int tlv53 ; def_vars[60]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char * tlv56 = temp ; def_vars[61]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : void * tlv20 ; def_vars[62]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_size_t tlv19 ; def_vars[63]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : char * tlv75 ; def_vars[64]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : char * tlv76 ; def_vars[65]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : char * tlv77 ; def_vars[66]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv57 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate opening brace\n" ; def_vars[67]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv57 ) ; def_vars[68]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv58 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip opening brace\n" ; def_vars[69]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv58 ) ; def_vars[70]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv59 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n" ; def_vars[71]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv59 ) ; def_vars[72]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv60 [ ] = "!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n" ; def_vars[73]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv60 ) ; def_vars[74]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : void * tlv62 ; def_vars[75]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_size_t tlv61 ; def_vars[76]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv63 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[77]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv63 ) ; def_vars[78]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv64 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n" ; def_vars[79]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv64 ) ; def_vars[80]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv65 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n" ; def_vars[81]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv65 ) ; def_vars[82]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv66 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[83]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv66 ) ; def_vars[84]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv67 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n" ; def_vars[85]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv67 ) ; def_vars[86]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv68 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n" ; def_vars[87]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv68 ) ; def_vars[88]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv69 [ ] = "!!Failed to skip closing mark\n" ; def_vars[89]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv69 ) ; def_vars[90]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv70 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n" ; def_vars[91]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv70 ) ; def_vars[92]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : void * tlv72 ; def_vars[93]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_size_t tlv71 ; def_vars[94]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv73 [ ] = "!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n" ; def_vars[95]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv73 ) ; def_vars[96]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : const char tlv74 [ ] = "!!Failed to copy gravity data\n" ; def_vars[97]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : cgc_printf ( tlv74 ) ; def_vars[98]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : char * tlv78 ; def_vars[99]: [cgc_extractGravity] : : char * tlv79 ; sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. is_func_ [-] => '[False, False, False]' has_multiptr_refs '-1.0' - False OR False [i=12/13][j=0/64][dd=1/100][k=1/6] | type: double ; var : gravity ; varinfo : ; value_node : - 1.0 (); proceed : True [not(False) && ( not (False) || False )] Subterms : -,1.0 => is literal (False) | is operator (True) - => is literal (True) | is operator (False) 1.0 ---- ==== Scope 1 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_12_0_1(){ {double gravity; gravity = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_12_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_12_0_1(); } sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('pstring', '', '', ), ('pstring', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv21', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv23', '', ), ('char', 'tlv22', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv57': 'const char *', 'tlv57 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv25', '', ), ('int', 'tlv24', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv58': 'const char *', 'tlv58 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv26', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv27', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv59': 'const char *', 'tlv59 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv30', '', ), ('int', 'tlv29', '', ), ('int', 'tlv28', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv62': 'void *', 'tlv61': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv62', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv60': 'const char *', 'tlv60 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv62': 'void *', 'tlv61': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv78': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv78', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv61', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv62', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv12', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv75': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv75', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv11', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv12', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv34', '', ), ('char', 'tlv33', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv63': 'const char *', 'tlv63 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv36', '', ), ('int', 'tlv35', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv64': 'const char *', 'tlv64 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv14', '', ), ('int *', 'tlv13', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv37', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv65': 'const char *', 'tlv65 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv39', '', ), ('char', 'tlv38', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv66': 'const char *', 'tlv66 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv40', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv67': 'const char *', 'tlv67 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv42', '', ), ('char', 'tlv41', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv68': 'const char *', 'tlv68 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv44', '', ), ('int', 'tlv43', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv69': 'const char *', 'tlv69 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv45', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv70': 'const char *', 'tlv70 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv48', '', ), ('int', 'tlv47', '', ), ('int', 'tlv46', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv72': 'void *', 'tlv71': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv72', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv72': 'void *', 'tlv71': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv79': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv79', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv71', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv72', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('int', '', '', ), ('int', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv16', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv76': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv76', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv15', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv16', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv52', '', ), ('char', 'tlv51', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv73': 'const char *', 'tlv73 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv18', '', ), ('int', 'tlv17', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('pstring', 'tlv55', '', ), ('int', 'tlv54', '', ), ('int', 'tlv53', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv74': 'const char *', 'tlv74 [ ]': 'const char'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[('char *', '', '', ), ('char *', '', '', )]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t'}' val_s=>'[('void *', 'tlv20', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. sym_lut=>'{'str': 'pstring', 'temp': 'char *', 'gravity': 'double', 'start': 'int', 'end': 'int', 'es': 'int', 'ee': 'int', 'tlv21': 'pstring', 'tlv1': 'int', 'tlv23': 'pstring', 'tlv22': 'char', 'tlv2': 'int', 'tlv25': 'pstring', 'tlv24': 'int', 'tlv26': 'pstring', 'tlv27': 'pstring', 'tlv30': 'pstring', 'tlv29': 'int', 'tlv28': 'int', 'tlv3': 'int', 'tlv32': 'const char *', 'tlv31': 'const char *', 'tlv31 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv12': 'void *', 'tlv11': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv4': 'int', 'tlv34': 'pstring', 'tlv33': 'char', 'tlv5': 'int', 'tlv36': 'pstring', 'tlv35': 'int', 'tlv14': 'pstring', 'tlv13': 'int *', 'tlv37': 'pstring', 'tlv6': 'int', 'tlv39': 'pstring', 'tlv38': 'char', 'tlv7': 'int', 'tlv40': 'pstring', 'tlv8': 'int', 'tlv42': 'pstring', 'tlv41': 'char', 'tlv44': 'pstring', 'tlv43': 'int', 'tlv45': 'pstring', 'tlv48': 'pstring', 'tlv47': 'int', 'tlv46': 'int', 'tlv9': 'int', 'tlv50': 'const char *', 'tlv49': 'const char *', 'tlv49 [ ]': 'const char', 'tlv16': 'void *', 'tlv15': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv10': 'int', 'tlv52': 'pstring', 'tlv51': 'char', 'tlv18': 'pstring', 'tlv17': 'int', 'tlv55': 'pstring', 'tlv54': 'int', 'tlv53': 'int', 'tlv56': 'const char *', 'tlv20': 'void *', 'tlv19': 'cgc_size_t', 'tlv77': 'char *'}' val_s=>'[('char *', 'tlv77', '', ), ('cgc_size_t', 'tlv19', '', ), ('char *', 'temp', '', ), ('double', 'gravity', '', ), ('int', 'start', '', ), ('int', 'end', '', ), ('int', 'es', '', ), ('int', 'ee', '', ), ('void *', 'tlv20', '', )]' cval_s=>'[]' Checking 'cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_skipWhiteSpace( str ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv57 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv57 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv58 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv58 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv59 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv59 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv60 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv60 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv63 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv63 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv64 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv64 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv65 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv65 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv66 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv66 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv67 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv67 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv68 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv68 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv69 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv69 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv70 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv70 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv73 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv73 ) is a function. Skipping. Checking 'cgc_printf( tlv74 )' - is_func=True, is_func_ptr=False cgc_printf( tlv74 ) is a function. Skipping. ==== Scope 2 ==== void fix_ingred_planetParsers_12_0_1(){ {double gravity; gravity = (double)(- 1.0); } } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_12_0(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_12_0_1(); } void fix_ingred_planetParsers_12(){ fix_ingred_planetParsers_12_0(); } [Fix Ingredient functions] -- START -- void fix_ingred_planetParsers_12_0_1(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_12_0(); void fix_ingred_planetParsers_12(); [Fix Ingredient functions] -- END -- Fix Ingredient functions - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_3 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_19 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_25_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_25 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_63_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_63 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_4 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64_5 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_64 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_68_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_68 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_69_4 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_69 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_74_9 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_74 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_80_8 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_80 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_86_8 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0_86 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_0_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_1_5 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_3_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_3 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_3 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0_5 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_3 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_5_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_5 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_6_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_8_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_8 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_9_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_9 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_11_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_11 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_12_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_12 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_17 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_18 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_20_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_20 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_55_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_55 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_59_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_59 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_60_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_60 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64_8 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_64 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_65_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_65 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_67_8 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_67 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_68_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_68 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_72_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_72 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_74_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_74 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_76_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4_76 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_4 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_2_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_5_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_5 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_10_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_10 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_12_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_12 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_13_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_13 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_15_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_15 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_17_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_17 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_18_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_18 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_20_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_20 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_21_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_21 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_25_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_25 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_27_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_27 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_29_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_29 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_35_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_35 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_37_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_37 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_48_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_48 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_50_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_50 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_52_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_52 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_57_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_57 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_62_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5_62 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_5 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_4 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_3_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_3 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_6_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_13 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_14_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_14 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_16_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_16 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_18_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_18 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_19_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_19 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_21_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_21 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_23_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_23 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_25_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_25 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_26_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_26 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_30_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_30 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_33_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_33 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_39_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_39 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_41_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_41 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_52_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_52 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_54_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_54 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_56_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_56 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_58_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_58 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_60_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_60 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_65_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_65 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_70_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6_70 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0_2 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_3_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_3 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_6_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_11_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_11 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_13_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_13 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_14_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_14 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_16_7 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_16 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_18_0 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_18 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_19_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_19 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_21_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_21 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_22_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_22 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_26_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_26 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_28_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_28 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_30_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_30 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_36_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_36 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_38_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_38 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_49_6 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_49 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_51_1 - fix_ingred_planetParsers_7_51 - 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